Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Secondary protagonist of The Hateful Eight. . : Major Marquis Warren Major Warren said something similar to Chris Mannix and Joth Ruth when they were in the stagecoach earlier; however, this time, he addressed it to General Sandy Smithers. The cow puncher. Yeah. I'm very proud every time I hear news of you. [to OB who's sitting on the stagecoach] Jesus Christ, that's awful! John 'The Hangman' Ruth Sheriff Chris Mannix: Well, like I said friend, you got me at a bit of a disadvantage. At the dinner table, Chris Mannix asks Oswaldo if he does not feel bad about hanging women; Oswaldo replies, Well, till they invent a trigger a woman cant pull, if youre a hang man, youre going to hang woman!. Quentin Tarantino's eighth film might also be his most Tarantino film, the one that takes all his quirks as a filmmaker and compresses them into their purest form. [to Oswaldo, Bob and Joe Gage] : : in 2015, Till they invent a trigger a woman can't pull, if you're a hang man, you're going to hang woman.. Okay, maybe. Anybody moves a little. But I know hes a n*****. : Chris Mannix, equally surprised, repeats the line. Now I ain't had Minnie's stew in like six months, so I ain't no expert Major Marquis Warren : 2 . Here are some of his most notable quotes from the movie: After admitting his Lincoln letter story was a lie, Major Warren justifies his act to John Ruth by explaining how the letter was his insurance for him. Once everyone was inside Minnies haberdashery, John Ruth, concerned about his prisoner, says One of them fellas is not what he says he is to Warren, and argues one of them is actually a secret partner of Daisy here only to set her free. John 'The Hangman' Ruth But you'll never spend a cent of that bounty money. Also, read more of The Hateful Eight blogs and let me know if you have anything to add. Throughout the entire movie, we see John Ruth physically abusing his prisoner. She says she knows he had a huge bounty. So if ya'll wanna get paid, ya'll need to get me to Red Rock! Well, you better shit another pistol out your ass! [scoffs] Warren, can I kill him? [pointing Major Marquis Warren] There was a rookie regiment there spending the overnight in the camp! John 'The Hangman' Ruth [Warren and Mannix both glare at each other with hate]. Mannix sees this and sarcastically comments, Well, aint love grand? Major Marquis Warren O.B Jackson : ; Anti-Hero: They all count as either this or Anti-Villain. We still have a long way to go but hand in hand, I know we'll get there. General Sandy Smithers: According to the Yankees, it's a free country. I FUCKIN' KNEW IT! WHOO HAW! Explained. [smiles] But you didnt count on the blizzard, and you didnt count on the two of us.. For justice delivered without dispassion is always in danger of not being justice., The nigger in the stable has a letter from Abraham Lincoln?, When the handbill says "dead or alive", the rest of us just shoot you in the back from up on top a perch somewhere and bring you in dead over a saddle. So I burnt it down! In the opening scene of the movie, there is a long close up on a statue of Jesus Christ, dying on the cross. General Sandy Smithers Major Marquis Warren 'Cause if you don't throw one out here in the next two seconds, we gon' kill this bitch! Major Marquis Warren Sheriff Chris Mannix Mannix is the one who exposes Warren in front of everyone for lying about the Lincoln letter, however, at the end, knowing the letter is fake, he still asks Warren, Hey. Sheriff Chris Mannix Knowing fully well that Smithers was responsible for the massacre of Black Union soldiers during the Battle of Baton Rouge and already fed up with Smithers' racist remarks, Warren leaves a gun next to Smithers and provokes him into reaching for it by telling him how he tortured, humiliated and killed Smithers' son. Sheriff Chris Mannix Well, the man in Red Rock's supposed to pay you is me, the new sheriff! Now throw out your pistol! And with all them horses, in that snow, and you all by your lonesome you're gonna be a mite poky. ; Anyone Can Die: The only members who don't die on-screen are Mannix and Warren, who are dying from their wounds. : "The man who pulls the lever that breaks your neck will be a dispassionate man. 9. The way I see it, Senior Bob, is whoever is working with her Major Marquis Warren Ruth and O.B. Sheriff Chris Mannix When I elbow you real hard in the face, that means shut up!. Sheriff Chris Mannix : Like I said, friend, you got me at a bit of a disadvantage! How true was the Sammy Jankis story in Memento? Sheriff Chris Mannix Describing the titular ensemble as "hateful" as opposed to "magnificent" highlights the fact that the characters aren't noble heroes like the . For justice delivered without dispassion is always in danger of not being justice." Oswaldo Mobray , The Hateful Eight Tagged: Justice, dispassion, Vengeance - Sheriff Chris Mannix: Like I said, friend, you got me at a bit of a disadvantage! This may be Minnie's place, but this is damn sure Sweet Dave's chair. The Hateful Eight shows the story of eight distinctive characters trapped in a haberdashery due to a blizzard. : The prisoner. OHHH, YOU'RE GONNA DIE NOW, YOU MURDERING BASTARD! : Well, I'll be double-dog damned! View bestsellers, featured, top rated, classics, hidden gems, and new releases. : Sheriff Chris Mannix : [to Warren] And with that deep snow after a blizzard, you ain't gonna be able to get away with any more than say one body per horse. Continuity mistake: When they pick up Warren on the stagecoach, the second shot from inside has the wrong direction of landscape outside, so it seems that Warren changed from the front to the back row. Warren persuades Mannix to hang her from the rafters in honor of Ruth. As the storm approaches, Ruth's truck stops at Minnie's Haberdashery for shelter. In order for me to be scared of your threats, I have to believe in those fifteen extra gang members, waiting it out in Red Rock! General Smithers, he said he was also in Baton Rouge on the other side General Sandy Smithers : Sheriff Chris Mannix OB and sheriff Chris Mannix were not among the hateful eight because Mannix gave up his hate in the end, and apparently found somekind of redemption through accepting major Warren and the Lincoln letter. Filming & Production What did that Mexican fellow do, soak his old socks in the pot? As she reaches for Mannix's gun, he regains consciousness and wounds her. : - Sheriff Chris Mannix: May I sit down, sir? [to the table] General Sandy Smithers But I know he's a nigger. Inform this old cracker that I was in Baton Rouge also on the other side. : It is subjective what freedom is for you. When Chris Mannix wanted a lift, Chris explained what happened to his horse; he said, Like I said, friend, you got me at a bit of a disadvantage! John Ruth replies, Keeping you at a disadvantage is an advantage I intend to keep. John still welcomes Chris in his stagecoach but decides to team up with Warren to keep an eye on him. Warren and John Ruth in the stagecoach had a Coldplay moment; when Warren asks why dont you just shoot your bounties, Ruth replies, No one said this job was supposed to be easy. to which Warren responds, Nobody said its supposed to be that hard, neither!.