Regarding the first, we find in numerous places of 1QHodayota the speaker thanking God for delivering him from suffering and for having raised him to the eternal height, or heavenly realm. When he was 65 years old, Enoch, the seventh patriarch after Adam, was called by God to be a prophet. Once Zion had been elevated to the Lords presence, this established a pattern for others to follow. The painting portrays the biblical character Enoch being taken to heaven by God.He was the son of Jared, the father of Methuselah, and an ancestor of Noah.Enoch was a key figure in the Old Testament who was said to live 365 years before he was taken by God to heaven. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! ISSN 2167-8472 (print); ISSN 2167-8480 (online), Provo, UT 84602, USA | 2022 Brigham Young University. Though he asked God "wherefore am I thy servant?" Upon entry into the heavens, the Christian community hears the declaration, Ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant (Heb. In The Angel Bible: The Definitive Guide to Angel Wisdom, Hazel Raven says that Haniel was one of the seven angels Enoch saw come together in a glorious way: "Enoch saw the seven angels before the throne of God as alike (they were also composite rather than single beings and represent countless others). After he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked faithfully with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters. New York City, NY: W. W. Norton, 2019. The idea of Melchizedek (if not his city with him) being taken up into heaven is not unknown in the ancient literature. (Moses 7:21) [5] G. Ksa, Book of Giants Tradition, pp. And he answered me and said, this high mountain that you saw, whose peak is like the throne of God, is the seat where the Great Holy One, the Lord of glory, the King of eternity, will sit, when he descends to visit the earth in goodness. (accessed December 18, 2021). 1 and 2)Now see Jesus crowned with glory and honor (2:9)13Sit on my right hand (1:13). Son confers family membership on community (they are his siblings)Behold I and the children which God hath given me bringing many sons unto glorynot ashamed to call them brethren (2:1015). Rashis Commentary on Psalms. [1] . The last phase of Enochs vision begins with a plea, spoken after he witnessed the return of Jesus Christ to heaven after His mortal ministry: Wilt thou not come again upon the earth? (Moses 7:59). And the Lord of Spirits will dwell over them. Moreover, in both cases the destination of the western movement of each group is identified as a unique hierocentric location: for Enochs people that location was Mount Sumru in the middle of the world map, while for the early Saints that location was Mount Zion, which shall be the city of New Jerusalem (Doctrine and Covenants 84:2, emphasis added), a relatively central location on the North American continent. . We make this interpretation of veil of darkness being spiritual in nature based on similar phrases elsewhere in scripture, for example, Moses 7:56 (the heavens were veiled) and Doctrine and Covenants 38:8 (the veil of darkness shall soon be rent), which imply that this veil will cut off direct communication from heaven. Psalm 110:4 was understood to declare that Jesuss priesthood was related to the priesthood of Melchizedek. The Story of Archangel Haniel Taking Enoch to Heaven. According toThe Pearl of Great Price: Verse by Verse Commentary, this will not be just a casual meeting, with the "receive them into our bosom" not representing a place, but a form of greeting: "an expected embrace between righteous people that is accompanied by falling on one anothers 'necks' and kissing 'each other.'". We can see the parallel here between Enoch and Melchizedek of the Joseph Smith revelations, Jesus in Hebrews, and the leader of the Sabbath Songs: in each the leader gains access to the heavenly temple through his faithfulness and is then able to lead his followers in that same path of ascent. Orem and Salt Lake City, UT: The Interpreter Foundation and Eborn Books, 2021. There are several versions of this history, but the earliest English translation came long after Joseph Smiths work on the book of Moses. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2015. Then Cain built a city and named the city Enoch. Temple on Mount Zion 6, 3196. . Angels came among them and told them of the righteousness and wickedness of the world, which caused them to grieve over those who were lost to sin. Although other such accounts that parallel the book of Moses narrative may exist, the remainder of this article will focus not on attempting to identify further parallels of this nature but on highlighting examples in early Jewish and early Christian literature that depict this motif in a different way. Vol. 2 (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book; Provo, Utah: FARMS), 25253. I would also note here that Hebrews 6:1318 indicates that the participants were the recipients of promises, or covenants, from God that are associated with the Abrahamic covenant. Therefore, a mystical, heavenly ascent of the whole community would appear to be envisaged.15 Indeed, Jesus himself declares as much in John 14:2.16 He says, In my Fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. Melchizedek, in this account, is the son of Noahs brother, Nir. Later, referring to the publication of the Book of Mormon, the Prophet wrote (J. Smith, Jr. et al., Histories, 1832-1844, History Drafts, 1838Circa 1841, Draft 2, p. 386, emphasis added): It had now come to pass that, Truth had sprung out of the earth; and Righteousness had looked down from Heaven, so we feared not our opponents, knowing that we had both Truth and righteousness on our side. after his call, the Lord showed Enoch, and us, a little more about the ancient prophet's divine potential: And we find later in Moses that God's promises to Enoch were fulfilled as he led the people of God against their enemies. The book of 3 Enoch features archangel Metatron (who had originally been the prophet Enoch before becoming an angel in heaven) reflecting on what happened when archangel Haniel came to take him on a trip from Earth to heaven. Aquila Lee argues that the idea about Mt. Although they do not feature Enoch or his city explicitly, there is a recurring theme in some of the texts that corresponds to the idea of a priestly figure who leads a community of priests in an ascension into the heavenly realm. The people of the City of Enoch were caught up and translated, taken from the earth before the flood. Stained glass design for the Chapel of the Ascension, Bayswater Road, London. Noahs flood brought destruction, whereas this flood will bring salvation. And the righteous and chosen will have arisen from the earth. And the righteous and the chosen will be saved on that day; and the faces of the sinners and the unrighteous they will henceforth not see. Everything was gone without a trace. Depiction of Jesuss ascent to heaven and entry into the celestial templea great high priest, that is passed into the heavens (4:14)Christ entered into heaven itself (9:24). Hugh Nibley, Enoch the Prophet, The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, vol. Both now reside in heaven in their natural bodies, having never died. Young, Brigham. The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary. 2 vols. Zion as heavenly Jerusalem was taken up by the early church when they read Ps2 together with Ps110 as applying to Jesus.2 Psalm 110:4 is, of course, one of only two passages in the Hebrew Bible that make mention of Melchizedek. Learn Religions, Feb. 8, 2021, The people of the City of Enoch were also "of one heart and one mind," united in their belief, and there were "no poor among them" (Moses 7:18). https://catalog.churchofjesuschrist. 3 Enoch 6:1-18 records: It's interesting to note that the angels who encountered Enoch when he arrived in heaven detected the fact that he was a living human being by his scent and were upset about his presence there among the angels until God explained why he chose Enoch to come to heaven without dying first. The temple, the holy mountain, or the holy city, is the place for ascension into heaven, whether it be literal or ritual. 85128) and others (for example, J. Paulien, Resurrection and the OT) see a much earlier idea of a personal resurrection present earlier in Hosea, Isaiah, and elsewhere. Samuel I. Thomas, The Mysteries of Qumran: Mystery, Secrecy, and Esotericism in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009), 209. Whether or not by sheer coincidence, the symbolic geography shared by the Manichaean BG fragments and Manichaean Cosmology Painting (MCP) are mirrored in a general way in the itinerary of the gathering and the layout for Joseph Smiths City of Zion in Missouri. . 16K views, 545 likes, 471 loves, 3K comments, 251 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from EWTN: Starting at 8 a.m. Secret of happiness; self examination; Joseph Smith a man of obedience to God; baptism for the dead; temporal and spiritual one; a dream; order of Enoch, the order of God; a good word for the women. In Journal of Discourses. They were then miraculously freed from prison by angels who came from heaven in a brilliant light and were lifted up to dwell in Paradise. We also know that Enoch did not preach to the Canaanites, a band of people responsible for the annihilation of the people of Shum (Moses 7:7). Later in Hebrews, we get more insight into his disappearance: "By faith . Brigham Young, in Journal of Discourses, 26vols. Yes, but the answer requires some explaining. Elijah was taken up in both a chariot of fire (2Ki. [21] G. W. E. Nickelsburg et al., 1 Enoch 2, 45:5, p. 148. Media. For thousands of years, people have wondered: Where did it go? Peter W. Flint and James C. VanderKam, 2vols. How Does John Portray Jesus as the Way of the Temple? (accessed October 29, 2021). In a similar vein, Joseph Smith, in his inspired expansion of the Melchizedek pericope in Genesis 14, depicts the priesthood of Melchizedek as following the order of the priesthood of Enoch, which, in turn, is derived from the order of the priesthood of the Son of God (Gen. 14:2728, JST). Rashi construes biblical Hebrew edeq JUSTICE in the sense of Rabbinic Hebrew dqh charity (Rashi, Psalms, p. 554 n. 12), and comments (ibid., p. 553): The charity [hadqh] which Israel used to perform and the WELL-BEING from the Holy One Blessed be He will kiss each other, which is to say that the end result of charity is well-being [that is, lm, translated in the KJB as peace]. 31. (NIV) Genesis 5:24. Not only is Haniel "a prince of angels who takes Enoch up to heaven in a fiery chariot in 3 Enoch," but Haniel "also holds the keys to the palaces of heaven," writes Julia Cresswell in her book The Watkins Dictionary of Angels. Learn Religions. There are numerous biblical and pseudepigraphal texts that relate the ascensions of great biblical heroes such as Abraham, Jacob, Levi, Moses, Isaiah, Jesus, and Paul. Thus began a vision of what would happen to the earth from then to the Millennium, and where Zion would eventually be located. Regarding their sinless and harmonious state, they explained, Among us there is no sickness, pain, fatigue to our bodies, mutilation, weariness, or temptations; not even Satans power can touch us, for there is not among us rage, jealousy, evil desire, or hateful thoughts. In Gods Image and Likeness 2. They lived in the light of God and had a shining appearance. 15. They were all equal in height, had brilliant faces and identical robes. We are then told that "Zion, in process of time, was taken up into heaven" (Moses 7:21). Who are the two witnesses in the book of Revelation? The religion itself reminds me of an apocryphal book; there are wonderful gems inside as well as interpolations. [28] G. W. E. Nickelsburg et al., 1 Enoch 2, 45:45, p. 148. Though many Latter-day Saints will remember Hugh Nibleys remarkable discoveries in ancient documents relating to the Book of Moses story of Enoch that were published nearly fifty years ago, they may not be aware of exciting new findings. Though the Bible gives little detail about Enoch as a person, we find in the Pearl of Great Price that he considered himself "but a lad" and "slow of speech" (Moses 6:31) when he was called by God to be a prophet. The author of the epistle treats at length the notion that the followers of Christ, because of his exaltation, are, in like manner, now able to enter the heavenly sanctuary.8 The exact function and use of the epistle have long been debated by scholars. There are two problems with this argument. Elder Alvin R. Dyer observed that the dimensions of the drawing of the Prophets proposed temple structures for Zion were 610 x 870, thus matching the dimensions of the Latter-day Saints Visitors Center, finished in 1981 and located on part of the Independence Temple Lot owned by the Church (Alvin R. Dyer, Report of Meeting with President David O. McKay, diary, March 10, 1967, accn. Another common element is that of the priesthood, and specifically the priesthood of Melchizedek. 7. . 27 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1985), 1718. All the homesgone. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2001. Joseph Smith had only 3 years of primary school education. Can an EntireCommunity AscendtoHeaven? Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company, 1983. He saw the God of Heaven weep as He looked upon the wickedness of the world and the eventual flood that would destroy the wicked, events that would not happen for hundreds of years. The Book of Enoch chapter 71 1. In Moses 7:62-64, we see that the city of Zion will return to the earth during Christ's millennial reign: Eventually, Enoch and those of the City of Enoch will be reunited with the righteous on the earth. Hopler, Whitney. Liverpool and London, England: Latter-day Saints Book Depot, 1853-1886. After having seen and heard all things, Enochs questions were answered and he received a fulness of joy., Original City of Zion Plat Drawing (detail), with twenty-four numbered temple sites located in the center, June 1833.[32]. The Book of Enoch, which is part of the Jewish and Christian Apocrypha, credits archangel Haniel (under one of her alternate names) with traveling to Earth on assignment from God to pick up Enoch in a fiery chariot and escort him through the flames into another dimension to reach heaven. Dramatic [re]enactment of the Sons exaltation (chs. Regarding those who are destined for celestial glory, it says, They are they into whose hands the Father has given all thingsThey are they who are priests and kings, who have received of his fulness, and of his glory; And are priests of the Most High, after the order of Melchizedek, which was after the order of Enoch, which was after the order of the Only Begotten Son. "And Enoch beheld angels descending out of heaven, bearing testimony of the Father and Son; . Salt Lake City, UT: Ensign Peak, 2012. I seek you, and as sure as dawn, you appear to me (lines 67).25 He later goes on to say, For you have made me understand your wonderful mysteries (lines 2829).26 In another place, he exclaims, I thank [you, O Lord], that you have instructed me in your truth, and made known to me your wondrous mysteries.27, We can glimpse the motif of the individual being called to teach the mysteries in 1QHodayota XII, 2829. This is the trajectory that Joseph Smith elaborates in his grand revelation on the kingdoms of heaven recorded in Doctrine and Covenants76. Papua New Guinean Saints Rejoice as Ground is Broken for New Temple. Wright, Nicholas Thomas. [19] B. M. Metzger, 4 Ezra, 13:35, p. 552, emphasis added. 21. Lee observes that the early Christian church understood Psalm 110:1 to refer to Jesus, who had taken up his throne on Mount Zion (Ps. Vol. In this article, I will explore the notion of communal ascent to heaven in ancient Jewish and Christian literature and seek to answer the questions, Can an entire community ascend to heaven? Hugh Nibley, in his book Enoch the Prophet, pulls from Adolph Jellineks collection of Jewish traditions, Bet ha-Midrash, a story of more than eight hundred thousand men who followed Enoch and refused to leave him as he was about to be taken up into heaven riding a chariot of fire. See also pp. However, Enoch and Elijah did not die. 29. Tvedtnes, John A. What we see in these texts should be considered the ritual ascension of the human community to heaven, where they experience a vision of Gods throne and are temporarily transformed into an angelified or deified state.21 Scott Mackie and Philip Alexander specifically refer to the Songs as implying a communal heavenly ascent. I will not go into an in-depth description of the content of the Songs but quote here from Alexanders analysis: The communal chanting of these numinous hymns on successive Sabbaths was apparently deemed sufficient to carry the earthly worshippers up to the courts of the celestial Temple, through the nave and into the sanctuary, and to set them before the throne of God. Esther Chazon, Betsy Halpern-Amaru, and Ruth A. Clemens (Leiden: Brill, 2010), 22627. There, the speaker states that after God had taught him the wondrous mysteries and shown himself to him, God then illumined the faces of many through him. Alter, Robert, ed. "The Story of Archangel Haniel Taking Enoch to Heaven." Your Hardest Family Question: How do I get closure from my divorce? She is the author of the book "Wake Up to Wonder.". The Resurrection of the Son of God. God made heaven and earth; at last he will remake both and join them together forever. See also J. M. Bradshaw et al., Gods Image 2, Commentary Genesis 9:26, p. 323). Enoch and the City of Zion: Can an EntireCommunity AscendtoHeaven? 17). Hebrews 9:8. Having sworn that He would return, the Lord at last addresses Enochs repeated, unanswered question with the solemn declaration that, indeed, the day would come when the earth shall rest (Moses 7:61). The Narrative of Zosimus and the Book of Mormon. 1. [31] R. Alter, Hebrew Bible, Psalm 85:[12], justice and peace have kissed, 3:206. They were taken from earth to heaven by God. A new take on the parable of the lost sheep may change how you see yourself in the church, 5 things Latter-day Saints should know about ancient Christians, 6 temple dresses + accessories Latter-day Saint women will love. Dean C. Jessee, Ronald K. Esplin and Richard Lyman Bushman. (London: Latter-day Saints Book Depot, 185486), 18:303, January 1, 1877. During this vision, Enoch also saw the divine destiny of Zion. According to Mackie, all of this would have been performed by actors or described in a way that the participants could vividly imagine themselves as being in the heavenly temple and visualize Christ on his throne and so on. Andrew Louth, The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition: From Plato to Denys (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), 199200. All rights reserved. What a blessing it is to live in a day when we are preparing for the return of Zion. Moses 7:27 Many of the righteous taken up to heaven. Reprinted in J. Smith, Jr., Teachings, December 1835, p. 98; J. Smith, Jr., Teachings 2007, p. 301): Let us now take the Book of Mormon, which a man took and hid in his field; securing it by his faith, to spring up in the last days, or in due time; let us behold it coming froth out of the ground, which is indeed accounted the least of all seeds, but behold it branching forth; yea, even towering, with lofty branches, and God-like majesty, until it becomes the greatest of all herbs; and it is truth, and it has sprouted and come forth out of the earth; and righteousness begins to look down from heaven; and God is sending down his powers, gifts and angels, to lodge in the branches thereof. . 1 (2013): 3-24. The History of the Rechabites, in Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments, ed. Going further, though Ksa recognizes an obvious correspondence of some kind between the visual depiction of thirty-two palaces at the top of Mount Sumru and the report in the BG text of thirty-two towns for the repentant gibborim at the base of Mount Sumru he finds it difficult to reconcile the fact that the palaces shown at the top within MCP are definitely not towns; [neither are they] at the foot of the mountains as is described in the text of BG.[5]. Often times in our anxiety to live Gods commandments, we focus on everything we should avoid to remain righteous. The parallels here between the story of the Rechabites and the account of Enochs people in the book of Moses are numerous. For instance, in 4 Ezra13:35 we read:[19] Zion will come and be made manifest to all people,preparedand built, as you saw the mountain carved out without hands. Similarly, 2 Baruch4:23 reads:[20] [I]t is that [city] which will be revealed, with me, that was alreadypreparedfrom the moment that I decided to create Paradise., The nature of the gathering place of Gods elect as a Holy City is described in 1 Enochs Book of the Parables 45:5:[21] And my chosen ones I shall make to dwell on it, but those who commit sin and error will not set foot on it. Jewish tradition also describes a New Jerusalem.[22] According to theTestament of Levi10:5:[23] For the house which the Lord shall choose shall be called Jerusalem, as the book of Enoch the Righteous maintains. This account may be citing1 Enoch90:2829, whichtells of how the old house (that is, the old city of Jerusalem) is removed and replaced with a new house (that is, New Jerusalem). Enoch and His People Are Taken Up to God (City of Zion Translated or City of Zion Is Taken Up), by Del Parson; GAK 120; GAB 6; Primary manual 6-06; Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5; Moses 7:18-19, 69. Smith, Joseph, Jr., Karen Lynn Davidson, David J. Whittaker, Mark Ashurst-McGee, and Richard L. Jensen. It's very possible, then, that the citizens of the City of Enoch have ministry assignments of their own and are "ministering angels unto many planets," (History of the Church, 4:210). Even after Zion was taken off the earth, there were still those taking up residence in the city. The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley 8. In this way, the redemptive descensus initiated by Jared and his brethren culminated in the glorious ascensus led by Enoch: And Enoch and all the people walked with God, and he dwelt in the midst of Zion; and it came to pass that Zion was not, for God received it up into his own bosom; and from thence went forth the saying, Zion is Fled. 2. They were seven yet onethe unity of angels. What is the book of Enoch and should it be in the Bible? Genesis 5:22-23. 28. The presence of these themes in a variety of documents leads us to speculate that the concept of communal ascent to heaven was widespread at Qumran. This city, whose inhabitants would later be translated, was known as the City of Enoch or Zion. 14. [4] G. W. E. Nickelsburg, 1 Enoch 1, 25:24, p. 312. Similarly, Moses 7:69 states, "And Enoch and all his . For the Qumran community, their religious practices gave them the experience of being there, praising God among the angels. When there was corruption in the earthly temple, peoplesuch as the Qumran community and the early Christianswere striving for the heavenly temple located in the heavenly city. 2. and lie down and rise up forever and ever. To use an example that I see as similar, the temporary transfiguration of Christ on the mountain height was, if anything, a preview of his anticipated exaltation and heavenly enthronement. And when we come to the picture of the actual end in Revelation 2122, we find not ransomed souls making their way to a disembodied heaven but rather the new Jerusalem coming down from heaven to earth, uniting the two in a lasting embrace. New York City, NY: T & T Clark, 2006. This is the connection that the author of Hebrews makesthat Jesuss priesthood is the priesthood of Melchizedek. 2 (Syriac Apocalypse of) Baruch. In The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, edited by James H. Charlesworth. Jrg Frey, 145-86. : Afterlife Animal Miracles. Metzger, Bruce M. The Fourth Book of Ezra. In The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, edited by James H. Charlesworth. Although one could argue that there is an apparent discrepancy in this paper between the type of experience described for Enoch (and othersfor example, the Rechabites), which may be seen as a more temporary transfiguration, and that described in the Epistle to the Hebrews, which may be seen as a more permanent transition into exaltation, I do not find these traditions to be incompatible.
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