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The Scale consists of 35 items organized into 6 subscales: ERS and Environment Rating Scale are registered trademarks of Teachers College, Columbia University.. There are some items and subscales that are not scored and these are: Copies of all of the rating scales are available at your local Resource & Referral and/or Partnership agencies. @)cC'LLB5Vo4SkY`5}7Q:,w#?_le3UvZit-W:,+>vaibR{GEt$7]m0 .oSfI>$jW*2>Of0)(z@+taZFs6!d!8:Moa6yUeVPzb#?U>UU?,I*Vxq56)E^,kOrSSl;!FEY98zs`(D2k]$ QB4R, What are the requirements for language and reasoning activity subscale and items that can be used by coaches and trainers to support quality improvement and higher future ratings? &zWG`Y^ . A handout is provided to illustrate the unique requirements for each rating. 0 When 1/3 of that age group has been represented, additional assessment(s) will be added for the next largest age/scale group, as needed, until the total number needed is reached. hbbd``b`^$ @Dx0]$ (be Hp:@ HH(X@6H`%2f`bd*%3|0 ` Likewise, if the program has been previously assessed, review of the earlier assessment report(s) can be helpful. W^8ayXep>`o0w+Lz+oZkK<8nvh~xNq@[L` ,J;SFiKiKtT Occasionally, child care providers raise objections or disagree with some aspect of the report. Interview with Staff endstream endobj 1206 0 obj <>/Metadata 76 0 R/OCProperties<>/OCGs[1231 0 R]>>/Outlines 102 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 1200 0 R/StructTreeRoot 139 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 1207 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 1208 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj startxref Following the 3 Star requirements are additional High-Quality Practices that programs must demonstrate to . s5j#Ng5S`"V|c1Xpr>9E@&aFjRpKt=.8Ai+ga!;bZxZQ'.QBtXLb"@msaAo Meal Guidelines: Ages 1 - 12 and/or Infant Meal Guidelines: Ages 0 to 11 months. hbbd```b`` q+dL6`DDe4X X Situations in which Children tend to react more-so to changes in their teacher's actions or expectations, than they do to the presence of a new adult, because teachers are the adults they know and trust. The tool is also used by the California Quality Rating and Improvement System (CA-QRIS) as one of the elements rated for quality. 0 r It is common for child care providers to have questions about their assessment report(s). Or if 9 children are enrolled, then 5 must be present for more than half of the observation time. H4$4jF $ 1IwhI5DTD`DGxM @A=G2=\^$aLT|# X&u. If the previous rating scale score was less than 4.0, on one or more assessments, the program may be eligible for onefree re-assessment per applicable scale. If there is only one classroom that fits into the age guideline of a rating scale, then that classroom will be assessed. 'DP{,R%#9 *C@ usut+c^+ HuD'\Oobty*_'OWdYpvFcAl'@N}vKq:6H^REN?_Msg={-*OcY8j!g~Iguh3@GJ3Tb'^{fs@&X,jK^q8:z_J[vz This means that 3 assessments are needed in total. <> If a program that scored at least 4.0 on each rating scale assessment wants to reapply for a higher star rating, the facility will be responsible for the cost of the re-assessment(s). These include the Classroom Information Form, the Teacher Information Form and copies of each classroom's daily schedule. x]o9=@|008+wuAVDb{%eg3'-vw1H~E~|UX|u8>7?^:_._?N_qa}=>\}?Gj/.o(_`X"Yp%\U. o-?{X0bf9~{;UL>85c`*,y@E c`R;N2b i 1547 0 obj <>stream 15 0 obj <> endobj If additional assessments are needed to reach 1/3 of the total classrooms, additional assessment(s) will be needed starting with the age/scale group that has the most classrooms. >WK %%EOF 741 0 obj <> endobj If less than half of the children are present, the assessor will ask the teacher and/or director whether more children are expected to arrive. h %%EOF For example, if a facility has 1-4 preschool classrooms then 1 ECERS-R assessment is needed. Some of the requirements for items under this subscale Scoring Refinements. Information about the grievance process can be found on our "Resources" list. )5-.hEymJkA7i?57J]0 4eS:$txlRpB:$@JLZ&*Iz#=H i.\FBqLZ}~R[R`3UF\GY6;UL{5P}6o(W;: Typically, most programs that choose to complete the assessment process for the Star Rated License will be assessed every 3 years, unless otherwise specified by their DCDEE Child Care Consultant. Some of the requirements foritems under this subscale Scoring Refinements. Depending on the facility type, the interview process may involve the child care provider, the lead classroom teacher, and /or other program staff that take care of children at various times of the day. TJCDc?A}Q(3ZihW(vfZ0k |#v30>N"K0$J@3KX@u1W_:`k?4v7ZO& Also, new items have been added on Interaction (staff-child, child-child and discipline), Curriculum (nature/science and math/number) Health & Safety and Parents & Staff. However, it is important to remember that as two-year-olds mature, these additional materials are developmentally appropriate, and necessary to maintain and stimulate children's interest. Often teachers are concerned that children act differently when there are visitors in the classroom. [YTG@ihJ^ q+|+Y?lLZ^\2f+:e^T;1ezvv`M5PDUVhB$JbyIT4pC. However, 7:35 Classroom meeting/circle time 7:53 Wash hands, travel to cafeteria 8:00 Breakfast hbbd```b`` endstream endobj startxref endstream endobj 742 0 obj <>/Metadata 55 0 R/OCProperties<>/OCGs[767 0 R]>>/Outlines 82 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 737 0 R/StructTreeRoot 107 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 743 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 744 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 16 0 obj <> endobj 17 0 obj <> endobj 18 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSets[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 19 0 obj <>stream The assessment report includes a section called "Summary of Indicators Not Receiving Credit" that identifies every indicator where requirements were not met. Highly trained assessors record the daily activities and interactions observed in a child care setting using the items found in one of the following four rating scales: The ERS are reliable and valid instruments with many uses, including program enhancement, regulation, and research. For after school assessments, assessors may conduct an interview before children arrive as well as a post-assessment interview. %PDF-1.5 % Staff-child interactions Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ECERS-R) 202 (two hours): Prerequisite: 101-Foundations or attendance at an ITERS-R, ECERS-R, or SACERS prior to July 2007. hbbd```b``Q)fO Ld6"yWH!zhi"#@$3VyD2Mprm$9ylkzyG3X&00R3@ r the ECERS as they are not a part of the environment that affects the child. To determine how many assessments are needed, first consider the age ranges of the different classrooms and which rating scale they fit into (e.g., infant and toddler rooms use the ITERS-R, older two-year old rooms and preschool rooms use the ECERS-R). hb```\ cc`aX )r008Fb9wK 213 0 obj <>stream More than half of the children enrolled must be present for more than half of the observation time, for an assessment to be considered valid. ECERS-R Webinar Series . Therefore, when a classroom includes materials, activities, and a schedule that is developmentally appropriate, the requirements for the many, specific materials found in the ECERS-R should not be surprising for a group of children that includes older two-year-olds. Assessors may also take photographs of the indoor/outdoor spaces and materials as part of their documentation. U:cvkyY-z u"@`QC[*f)`{k}#\6q.HNp9C2wEu+:! zAG9b Nl 60(n/_elp6_G^W8QN36G@X`@-BaOi*/~PWmW ]B} -1B0f8uj!`ej@@O^P7]cP^YLp Title. There should not be a sudden need to overhaul a classroom because one or even a few children are now 31 months old. 2015 - 2016 ECERS- R Results [1] For more information about the ECERS-R scale and ECERS-R item requirements, please see the QUEENS POINTE TALENT, INC. q`UUtxUC~TG4_etv$t2>V=W8\K95^o3o0n-=A"6AF_8Y kvg0BG`r yFHT= 0S//J'!xA_"r>GZ ,4D1daj;B6{{XQV&)z`6`F5`VfGG}HH}#z/F^hhyh 0 @Bd^1` RbY$dW1012{10A Z Schedule (All About ECERS- R p.353) At least one-third of the day is set aside for center time (2 hours, 7 . Group time. 4. Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale, Revised - For children birth through 30 months, Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, Revised - For children 31 months (e.g., over 2 1/2 years) through 5 years, Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale, Revised - Multi-age care for children birth through 12 years old, located in a home environment, School-Age Care Environment Rating Scale, Updated edition - For children age 5 year through 12 years, 5 = Good (developmentally appropriate care), ECERS-R Parents and Staff subscale, items 38-43, ITERS-R Parents and Staff subscale, items 33-39, FCCERS-R Parents and Provider subscale, items 35-38. What Does the ECERS-3 Measure? The completed report is forwarded to the DCDEE Child Care Consultant who will contact the owner/provider to review and discuss the summary report. ?IQ@IAYGl~w'R,Ia@"NGKEd,1Te$:KVh5<1Hps2nZAj 4F|el*n65o6u!>C5)kyFe^YGn~auhOe. The ECERS-R is a tool that is used by the ELCD to assess the classroom environment of center-based programs as part of the requirements for quality elements of CDE subsidized child care contracts. This may include brainstorming with staff, training and technical assistance from local or regional resources, purchasing equipment, rearranging rooms, or reviewing and revising policies, procedures, and daily practices. A classroom and curriculum geared toward developmentally appropriate practice will lead to generally good behavior that is the product of self-motivation rather than the result of punishment and control. For NC's assessment process, items that directly reflect children's daily experiences are scored. "0{* ,A$9x2`2,fx@@u5 20#@ ?N ]|:|/>_/~Yi%Vb>mW]x/n4i$uYt)WbyJ~;rXDy+7db)H4tI'$UXZiYg$b_X^,.of7XqF,]E9\7'if)D|X]$_w\=r\rVwUfSW2DNBDerhRPRE1E-/N[kHfU_-7,RE?jD :ysu![vcv}uY\IW 70Wt40Wt0C m@f# C4ZK6%MV8*mp`uz%~&.V7.c` 2 U& Programs may be concerned that a classroom will suddenly change from an ITERS-R classroom into an ECERS-R classroom because of one childs birth date. N~z8b^u7"w@I!%IJO9RNTuoF>q!Y!. B^. vqB'I/(' m"y?=F4a:~8%20pMpK8H}EAyx0^#o[3lJoc^|i- VCtTKFT.KzD>fG4IoGcdXg`0Fc8Up0O2v=j|hBO5U2ANOw(~ZUC=t}\q3'mOD_~2O*#V Y0IhF|a-^@whO|,Q When school-age children are combined with preschool children in the afternoons, the ages of the majority of children enrolled will determine if a SACERS-U is needed. %PDF-1.5 % @$$J&~(M & 4 0 obj At the "5" level, 11 items involve substantial portion of the day (1/3 of session). {AR'&|Bt~8A]KUc7AWM;.xW{vuZ 1506 0 obj <> endobj %PDF-1.7 % x]j0E 1For more information about the ECERS-R scale and ECERS-R item requirements, please see the All About the ECERS-R book, and the ECERS-R spiral bound scale. The assessor will arrive when the center or home opens or when children are arriving. endstream endobj startxref Then consider the total number of classrooms in operation. On the morning of the assessment, the assessor will double check childrens birth dates to insure that the correct rating scale is used that day, based on childrens ages. ECERS Materials Requirement ECERS Minimum Materials Requirement *Material should consist of two contrasted items (e.g., sushi and a burrito or challah loaf and a croissant). n6oO^3y"iS[3~}qYnyY7!bwyY,tsH*&n1_S. the schedule for them to do that During Center Time, staff model language through initiating, joining and . <>>> n7 53 0 obj <>stream Provisions for children with disabilities; Since assessors do not interact with them, most children quickly lose interest. SACERS-U, Staff Development subscale, items 39-41. hb```f``J``e`icd@ A+ g[FMA9K4 V/oex{NT (10Jttt 50vt@lPGGd420] 5{V=|Go1`3y =lbIY=%XiyQWaH~ m?_Xu>V*` l.7>%{m4pS[ xp! 4 Then you and/or your child care consultant may decide to call our office with any questions; your call will be forwarded to the appropriate staff person who will address your questions. hb```w $ @6 3@{my2JNbIcg-cc`1F3dtkcoIJB 766 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7350763FFB908C42AF24DE1EFAEF2538><6C13A251553FAB4E8975F2BD8AB781F4>]/Index[741 40]/Info 740 0 R/Length 115/Prev 271419/Root 742 0 R/Size 781/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream HVMo6WQ[lA=8?wf(Y6nk&)73oH9={n The ECERS-3 observation can take place any day of the week; therefore, it is important for gross motor play to take place at the same time so everyday activities are predictable to children. Therefore, it is important for teachers to be aware of what the children enrolled in their classroom experience or would experience at these other times if they attended the extended day programming, even when another teacher is responsible for the children. 2. See chart below todetermine what substantial portion of the day is for your classroom.Length of Session Time Required Length of Session Time . -EM/N?,f hb```" eahh`*V0sDUYwBD ? Page 3 of 24. These will include 3 ECERS-R and 2 ITERS-R assessments. In our experience, children are often interested in new faces initially, but when their familiar adults are able to go about their day as typical, children settle down very quickly. NCRLAP's Requirements for Gross Motor Space and Equipment. Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, Third Edition (ECERS-3). How Do You Measure Quality? Description. Sample Schedule B (same schedule as above with more transitions specified) 7:30 Arrive in room, wash hands Comment: ECERS does not require this level of specificity. %%EOF 1230 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<0174C774DB214944AC656BFD73EFA6F9>]/Index[1205 40]/Info 1204 0 R/Length 115/Prev 488749/Root 1206 0 R/Size 1245/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Upon Arrival of the Assessor 2. Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, Revised (ECERS-R) The revised ECERS contains inclusive and culturally sensitive indicators for many items. 0 991 0 obj <>stream ?it*Cl[dDsD7&NV $K7%L6,v*Q$M PASnI@14j:PWaj\d .8E4@z uUD%Egb@kd6/h`.@:X@)H3Fl XI ,^! l` Q ,d1BM3h d@`dbe qFa8"$bob90.FF)|8539@sW1{BE@EH;2f`Uu )?Ue W If only one child is enrolled, an assessment will not occur. Some of the requirements for items under this subscale Scoring Refinements . 0 <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 0 endstream endobj startxref endobj The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale -- Revised (ECERS-R) is an assessment instrument designed to evaluate programs that provide group care for children in the preschool and kindergarten age range.
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