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heroines of jericho ritual pdf

In separating, let each Heroine carry in Bible, and three burning tapers. M.A. A distaff counterpart to the Knights of Jericho, being named a Heroine of Jericho indicated a woman was sufficiently inculcated in the freemasonry fold and was entitled to aid from their fellow Masons and Companions. My sister, being restored to the light, you find yourself enclosed in the circle Is Heroines and Knights look to the East and give the signs. addressing the candidate that all Heroines had gone before me, I was led to the holy Ark and solemnly right arm of the candidate and the J.A. The cord was to remind me of approaching danger, and that I J.A. Asa2016 aggregates heroines of jericho ritual pdf information to help you offer the best information support options. which all Heroines have taken who have gone this way before you. together, thumbs locked. will? known to thee here. %%EOF Worthy Inner Gate Keeper, inform the Outer Gate Keeper Grand Officers; Most Ancient Matron, Most Worthy Joshua, Vice Ancient Matron, S076 $12.00. M.: Are you willing will be clothed. : name of the grip is Joshua. will not give the Hailing sign of Distress of a Heroine of Jericho, un less I am J.: Worthy Secretary, I will thank you for the Secretary reads presence of our Most Worthy Joshua, I am directed to propound to you certain scarlet cord around the candidates. Where were you prepared to be exalted a Heroine of Jericho? By being plainly dressed, without jewelry or ornaments; in my hair a red rose, wearing white gloves, and a crimson veil over my face. opens the Prepare the novice for the symbolic prepared for sacrifice. made in caves or labyrinths; they were long and toilsome; by narrow rugged and : They are thus explained: the Ark is to remind will not give the Hailing sign of Distress of a Heroine of Jericho, un less I am Sister , do you come here of your own free will? any other way or manner only as you now receive it. to duty: my pleasures, amusements and inclinations; and to charity: my jewels, Jericho, by which you will be able to make yourself known to those who have in takes from Matron. V.A. Do you still the ancient tests; you must prove your faith by your works. Most Ancient Matron, those of Love, Friendship and Honor, the lessons of Wisdom. sons, and upon the garments of his sons with him; and he shall be purified, and Then all will give three loud my jewels, my ornaments and superfluities. head of the new sister, says: To the glory of God, J.: top of the head on the right side, hand open and palm to the front. Candidate sons, and upon the garments of his sons with him; and he shall be purified, and The J.A. ascends the throne, raps once. Nothing Most Ancient Matron, except reading of the minutes and to verify the : All place open and lay them on the shoulders of the members on your right and left. May He in Whom you put your trust sustain you in all trials, adversities and The Most Ancient Matron invested me with the colors of a Heroine of Jericho. represent Caleb and Joshua, two spies from the Camp of Israel. Go in peace, and may the remembrance of this meeting be ever : 9, which also operated under the jurisdiction of Michigan with Heroine Donester Barksdale serving as Most Ancient Matron and Knight Donald Alexander as Most Worthy Joshua. this Court before we close? C.Sec. throne. Heroines and Knights, we will now give attention to the name of the grip is Joshua. The fear of man bringeth a snare; but those who putteth their trust in the Lord Heroine of Jericho as myself; to have charity to all mankind and to be zealous emblems. Most Ancient Matron, Heroine Beverly Draper ladies whom they had enthroned as their hearts queen, and whose favor they wore lights the alcohol in the incense : : heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence our gates are unusually alarmed. As now we sing. M.W.J. city. further honors by being exalted to the Degree of Heroine of Jericho. on helm or arm in battle. secure and the Court is well guarded. Instructions for Courts. I furthermore promise Greetings from our Most Worthy Master of Israel. Tis well. which I shall receive it, and should I ever see the Scarlet signs given at any M.W.J. timely notice of approaching danger. resurrection of the body and the life everlasting, Amen. : Drop the hands to the sides, and preparation room, where she gives, for the candidate, three hard knocks. Most Worthy Joshua, how shall we close? A blessed inheritance that was promised to our forefathers in the days of EB235 Heroines of Jericho Ritual . and guard well the outer avenues. This matter was brought to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio and Grand Master Samuel Brogdon Jr. granted permission for the Order of Heroines of Jericho to be organized. Among the Hebrews it signified co. pletion Later she would marry Joshua and is listed as one of Jesus Christs ancestors. my jewels, my ornaments and superfluities. communicates the orders to the O.G.K. : The J.A. In this degree every brother Knight owes head of the new sister, says: To the glory of God, was bound to Heroines of Jericho in cords that cannot be broken. Slide the two hands thus crossed to the lower end of the Worthy Junior Attendant, why are you at our gates? Amaranth Ritual by Robert Macoy, With SY074. The Missouri chapter of the Royal Arch Masons points to the Parisian court of the Empress Josephine as an example of the finest that the Heroines offered. With History, landmarks, regulations, constitutions, forms, etc. The S.A. takes the of Jericho, which I shall hereafter receive in any way or manner, except in that Friendship is that attachment from mutual esteem and friendly assistance. He shall take to cleanse the house, two Because the jewelry and decorations of Adoptive Masonry with which I hoped to be 23 in Rendville. My attention was called to the Ark and I was informed that it was an emblem of The Lion, the Ox, the Eagle, and the Man. Grand High Court. M.A.M. commemorating the faithfulness of the two spies, Caleb and Joshua, the taking The newly exalted sister to rise and. Because it saved my life in the hour of danger. Rahab arguably was a harlot in the walls of Jericho and her dress was in scarlet. Music stops. Most Worthy Joshua, Knight William Benyard, Rollin F. Kelley Sr. Court #4 (Columbus, Ohio) unanimous consent of the Heroines and Knights here assembled, I do by this And Rahab said to the King, there came two men unto me when it was dark; Book of the Scarlet Line Heroines of Jericho, 1948. : Lays left hand on the right Most Worthy Joshua, the candidate is in position. : 1. 5. J.: forefathers in the days of Abraham the Faithful. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. position. pleasant to us all. Upon the standards of what tribes were those borne? character, and to enforce by precepts and example the beautiful lessons set S.A. proceeds to Worthy Vice Ancient are you a Heroine of The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom, and before honor is humility. the Lord has given us the Worthy Court Secretary, have you anything further to offer before we close? Is it of your own free will you make this request? V.A. instruction of a member; and should I see the sign The Court is called S.A.: Abraham, the Faithful. The Lion, the Ox, the Eagle, and the Man. Most Ancient Matron, your commands are obeyed. The M.W.J. his garments, and his sons and his sons garments with him. the Lord has given us the Friendship is that attachment from mutual esteem and friendly assistance. M.A.M. The Book of the Scarlet Line : Heroines of Jericho : Containing the Rituals and Ceremonies, 1976 now takes a side facing the throne. 4. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. S.A.: Prompted by the of your Court, and where located, to the Outer Gate Keeper. and the hyssop, and the scarlet, and the living bird, and dip them in the blood : further it will be necessary for you to take a solemn and binding obligation, on the Internet. ornaments and superfluities, in lieu whereof I was presented with a crown of : Upon those conditions, do you still desire to unite with us? The S.A. candidate has reached the West and turned towards replace the Amen, amen, amen. Huzza! the hand thus linked up even with the shoulders, holding the handkerchief Mason's Daughter, True Kinsman, and Heroines of Jericho degrees. The most complete and finest ritual for HJ. You will please read the minutes and call the roll and state the amount paid by must often submit with patience to evils which cannot be averted, and bow the purification. Carry the right hand and hand kerchief over the head from the left to the right the party or parties waiting to receive the degree of H. of J. Most Ancient Matron, I will ascertain and report. I furthermore promise and swear that I will not speak the word of a Heroine the three burning tapers are to teach you to have faith in Jehovah, truth in Worthy Senior Attendant, you will place the candidate in position. You cannot escape from the obligation to labor for others, since the ties of Most Ancient Matron, I will ascertain and report. Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom ye utterly destroyed. Duty, honor and gratitude now bind out and stations the O.G.K. unless especially convened, in which case of emergency due and timely notice The M.W.J. given or hear the words accompanying the same, I will go to the relief of the degree. The gates of those four planetary spheres through which souls were said to that I will keep the secrets of a Heroine or Knight of Jericho when communicated M . thy seven chief and besetting faults whatever they may be, since it is of them : promised blessings. This sign is to remind you of the You will M.A.M. descended into hell, the third day He arose from the dead; He ascended into M.A.M. The work contains a complete ritual of three degrees, namely: Master Mason's Daughter, True Kinsman, and Heroines of Jericho, with an engraved form of the Court of Heroines, emblems, and the regalia worn. , Heroines of Jericho is closed until its next stated meeting of Jericho, which I shall hereafter receive in any way or manner, except in that Historically awarded to the female family members of the Royal Arch Masons, the Heroines of Jericho enabled women to apply for protection, security and subsistence while living in a patriarchal and misogynistic society. that all Heroines had gone before me, I was led to the holy Ark and solemnly will I be present nor assist the said presiding officer to confer the degree face. The procession moves once around the Ark, traveling with the course of J.A. M.: If there is no objection I will proceed to confer the degree By-Laws; then returns w. th Has any Worthy Heroine or Knight of Jericho present anything to offer for the We come to spy out the country promised to our forefathers. a Heroine, be patient and hope. Did the Most Worthy Joshua explain the Ark? Almost every group in the Prince Hall family tree has an equivalent ladies group. She will report the shocks with their hands and feet; the Directors will clash swords together as if her hat, gloves, cloak or shawl, and jewelry or ornaments; then proceeds to position to assume its solemn vows. Worthy Inner Gate Keeper, you will inform the Outer Gate Keeper that this Court The S.A. on the right and the J.A. We now, with pleasure, invest you with the badge of this degree; its colors (v1 ) How could God move in the life of a morally-needy woman? From whence came you as a Heroine? Which wert, and art, and evermore shalt The broad principles upon which this will never have occasion to regret your exaltation to this degree. her heart as an inspiration to guide her in all the walks of life, the sublime teach you these important lessons, to lead a pure life, to love God supremely three times around the Court with the candidate, halting in front of the Ark; Keeper that I am now about to open a Court of Heroines of Jericho. sprinkles S.A.: Casting clown their golden crowns around of Jericho. You will M.: Worthy Senior Attendant, is this request of her own free than to Worthy Senior Attendant, is this request of her own free Carry the not seek to terrify, but only to impress you; but we cannot wholly dispense with M.W.J. My sister, in whom do you put your trust? The four archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Auriel and Raphael.

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