Cotton is sacred to the Spirit of the King of White Cloth, aki Bravery, also the word for refering to the martial art practiced by. tp Illness caused by eating to much sweet food. ds Action that is in opposition to the Will of Nature (rs) or the, dewo The temptation to act in opposition to the development of good. Ifa teaches that everything in the universe has some form of consciousness (ori). irin j To travel by walking, to go on a journey, also refers to the. an initiated position that is granted directly by the ni of Il If. pta - pta Completely finished, over with. gb Protective charm for the Spirit of Iron (gn). epa Hail, traditional greeting to Yorb Kings (Oba). kobokobo A whip that is used to symbolize the power of the Spirit of, Kor Spirit who creates the calabash of the inner self. aj Dog, black dogs are sacred to the Spirit of Iron (gn). ofe A charm used to induce astral travel, or an out of body experience. Some diviners keep their head shaved as a way of being in close alignment with the influence of the Forces of Nature (rs). If), usually refers to that which is hidden or unrevealed. For other uses, see, A group of Yoruba people at a public event, Pre-colonial government of Yoruba society, Groups, organizations and leagues in Yorubaland, Population figures not inclusive of pre-20th century diasporic communities who trace full or partial Yoruba heritage. lsn Free, no charge, worthless depending on context. 181182; Bensignor, Franois with Eric Audra, and Ronnie Graham, "Afro-Funksters" and "From Hausa Music to Highlife" in the, Oral and Intangible Heritages of Humanity, Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization, Yorubas in New York Protest at UN Headquarters, "Middlesex University Research Repository, Introduction to the Ethno-Geographic origins of modern Ghana (The Yoruba 1.3%)", "Rpublique Togolaise (if:1.8%, Yorouba: 1,4%, Kambole/Nago: 0.7%. iro - f Tapper used by If diviners to tap the side of the divining tray as. p Greeting, announcing a procession of members of the male council. The proportion of slaves from West-Central Africa (Angola Congo) dropped drastically to just 14.7%.[228]. pel Short facial scars indicating family lineage. p Osun Staff of the Spirit that Protects Consciousness (Osun). However, Ife tradition states that he was never known as an Ooni and neither did he use the Ife traditional crown. O ni koda nigba aye ijba ologun gagun Sani Abacha, igbalaaye wa lab ofin pe ki kun mffa lorileede Naijira maa eto ara wn niwn bi aaye ba e gba wn. Bmbi Praise name for the Spirit of Lightning (Sng), meaning: Ba-ohun-mimo-je To make profane use of sacred objects. Lky Praise name for the Spirit of Iron (gn). initiates into the mysteries of the Spirit of Lightning (Sng). ejurin If leaf (Momordica Balsamina M. Charantia ). Amnisgn - mp Praise name for the Divine Messenger (s), meaning: "The medicine pouch that guides us to the Immortals.". disabled person sacred to the Spirit of the King of White Cloth (Obtl). The etymological derivation of the Yoruba name Oduduwa is: Odu-ti-o-da-uwa (i.e. rw North, also refers to Spirits of the North. Orisirisi atunto lo wa, o si y ki wn m iru eleyi taa n f''. peregun If herb used to mark boundaries, sacred to the Divine, pidn Ritual magic usually performed by initiates of the Spirit of. sgbwa Praise name for the Spirit of Destiny (rnml), meaning: "The One who brings the right hand path of Character," or "The One who, sn Imol Praise name for the Spirit of Iron (gn), meaning: "First, Ososo nirun agbon Pointed beard, symbolic reference to a wise person. agbgilre Woodcarver, a profession that is generally sacred to the Spirit of Lightning (Sng). The language of Ifa is liturgical Yoruba (ofo ase), a language used among diviners to express transcendent ideas. Ooh shoko Traditional introduction to If songs, the response is bani. [241] Another full genome study on African populations found that the Yoruba (Yoruba/Esen cluster of West Africa) received varying degrees of West-Eurasian admixture, although generally at low frequency, indirectly through contact with Northern African pastoralists. "A ti k lta si gbogbo ba nil Yoruba, ti mo si fi w si lta naa eyi tawn ld ati OPC fi w si pe ki wn maa fi idunkooko to ba wa ni agbegbe wn rans. boj Veil that covers the face, used in ritual to cover the face of a. bor If ritual performed to elevate a person's consciousness. She told him to tell her the secret of the marauders, he didn't want to but after a great deal of prodding, he gave in. w, Iba Gani Adams alaye pe, ihuwasi awn agbofinro plu ko ran ilakaka araalu lati dkun ipenija abo ni il Yoruba lw. Aar na Kakanfo til Yoruba, Iba Gani Adams tun ti sr lori ipo ti eto aabo il Yoruba wa, to si ni arwo aabo to mh ti dinku pup. Abgn Those who worship the ant hill, the ant hill represents the Spirit of hard work and cooperation. Male chickens are sacred to the Spirit of. ikn Eggplant, sacred to the Spirit of the Wind (Oya). 2023 BBC. Estimates of the Yoruba in Togo vary from around 500,000 to 600,000 people. He argued that the story that all the Yorubas are children of Oduduwa was based only on word of mouth. bd The bank of the river, sacred to the Spirit of the River (Osun). Osun The Spirit of the River, fertility, sensuality and abundance. Arku Spirit who transforms and elevates the spirit of the ancestors. or The Spirit of Consciousness, also means head in common usage. [1], This translates literally to: The great repository which brings forth existence.[1]. il aiy The earth, usually refers to the surface of the earth. funroye Tinubu - gbtag onw, olw r ti afbaj, Samuel Ajayi Crowther, j lrun t gb d Yoruba lrug, tn kkn lr Ml Anabi n Medina t br ldn 1440 syin, Coronavirus and OCD: 'Mo fi ogn dn gbrad fn jkl rn y'. Dg ?m? Yeye Aiye Praise name for the Spirit of the Earth (Onil), meaning: Chapter 2: What Did Our Ancestor's Believe? [245][246], Along with people of other regions that are largely representative of ethnic enclaves within the country, Yorubas have faced growing concerns over increased insecurity and instability within the country. used when dancing for the Forces in Nature. The crown symbolizes the spiritual transformation that occurs when the Kings (Oba) are installed in office. kr tn mjl l n dgbta nyn l ti k lti j kdgn o Krin, t igba l lgbrn mrin nyn s ti farapa b j let lera orl-d Sudan se s. ISE EDE YORUBA. agogo - eiye The beak of a bird, sacred to the Spirit of the Mothers (ymi). Iro faweli airanmupe: A kii ran mu pe iro yii rara bee ni ko si idiwo fun eemi tabi afefe ti a n pe. akja Fulfillment, the purpose of following one's destiny. gs The south, also refers to the Spirit of the South. irin Iron, physical manifestation of the Spirit of Iron (gn). ganmo Young palm leaves, essential herb in If initiation. ogede Banana, sacred to the Spirit of Lightning (Sng). edn Ax, sacred to the Spirit of Lightning (Sango). rs Rice, sacred to the Spirit of the King of White Cloth (Obtl). He is believed to have entered Yoruba life about 900 years ago. oj - rr Shrine for Ancestors who were If initiates, it includes the, Oj - run Sky, meaning: "The Eyes of the Invisible Realm. Ona meji ni a le pin alifabeeti ede Yoruba si. Historical accounts say that the time and length of his reign are not certain but the Oduduwa is believed to be as old as time itself. #ITAN_MOREMI_AJASORO. Meanwhile, between 1808 and 1842 an average of 31.3% of African-born freed persons had been Nagos (Yoruba). il Ochra, sacred to the Spirit of Lightning (Sng). E (in this section every "e" is underlined), ebo Life force offering to either Forces of Nature (rs) or ancestors, dn A rod or a staff, also the name of the male aspect of the Spirit of, efn Charm or spell usually associated with creating some form of, kkk The teaching of false doctrine, or the teaching of inaccurate, l The Spirit of Purity, the First Reincarnation of the Spirit of Destiny, (rnml). Ninu eto eko ni odun 1962 ni a gbe ile eko giga yunifasiti lo si ilu ile-ife : Wo ir Stl t y lti fi br blp lyn bm- Tola Ajayi, Owolabi Ajasa r l w a lp lr t "o ly", wo by Yorb r dj tb gb e gbgi, Wo m Njr t e k dje Formular 1 race car kk n Njr, Feranmi Golden Angel: Lti gb ti mo ti w n m dn mrn-n ni mo ti krin, mye knrin t n wn l f mi tor i t m e Obnrin t e POP, Akinwumi Isola: Wo ohun t Abeni fi oj k r r tr i b lw r nn w "Nitori Owo". rsl Praise name for the Spirit of the King of White Cloth (Obtl), rs - og'enia Praise name for the Spirit of the King of White Cloth, (Obtl), meaning: "The Spirit who Owns Humans.". dabb To protect, to provide a shield or screen. The rituals, invocations, incantations and recitations of traditional Yoruba religion are not expressed through conversational Yoruba. m Breath, also refers to the human soul. ALIFABEETI JE AKOJOPO LETA TI ASE AKOSILE RE GEGE BI IRO NINU EDE YORUBA. Iro faweli aranmupe: A maa n ran mu pe awon iro yii. Br A term of dignity and respect used in reference to elder woman. Aronimoja Elemental spirit of the forest. If Wisdom of Nature, also refers to the traditional religion of Yorb, If awo kok Bowl used to hold the palm nuts (ikin) used for If, farun A piece of iron looped over the fingers to protect the fingers when. Manage Settings akk ti obinrin Female puberty rite, meaning: "season of becoming a, akk ti okunrin Male puberty rite, meaning: "season of becoming a. Usually. Asin - mo - l'gb - ynj Praise name for the Spirit of Infectious, Disease (Babaluaiy), meaning: "The Mystery of Power that Comes from. A E E I O O U (Faweli airanmupe), AN EN IN ON UN (Faweli aranmupe), silebu ni ege oro ti o kere julo ti eemi le gbe jade leekan soso lai si idiwo. Oramife Spirit of the Father of the Spirit of Lightning (Sng). RSUML'article examine le systme calendaire du groupe dialectal yoruba idcha comme un type d'incorporation de la cosmologie yoruba dans la rationalisation de la vie sociale. d - ar Blue river, a reference to the fluids in the birth canal, sacred, d - ej Blood river, a reference to the blood in the birth canal, sacred, Od The Spirit of the Womb of Creation, also refers to the verses of If. r Soothing quality, generally associated with women or female Forces in Nature (rs). Ogun was a warrior whose expedition led to capturing Lakange as war booty and he had sexual relations with her. elnn Elemental spirits that block human growth, they are usually, elr The Spirit of a child who dies young and reincarnates with the, Els One who worships the Spirit of the Divine Messenger (s). The rest of Creation comes into beingthrough the manifestation of two hundred and fifty two Forces in Nature. Itan so pe ilu meka ni Yoruba ti wa. jliy The Winds of the Earth, an aspect of the Spirit of the Wind (Oya). K s gb kankan t Yorb jk p ki Igboho l kde yapa kr n Njr, Aar ni dandan k ni ki ogun waye, ka to pin kuro ni Naijiria, a le joko sori tabili, ka si pin Naijiria si ww, O pe mi ki n j r iran mi ju r awn aninilara l. Since he is held by the Yoruba to have been the ancestor of their numerous crowned kings, his name, phonetically written by Yoruba language-speakers as Odduw and sometimes contracted as Ooduwa, Odudua or Odua, is generally ascribed to the ancestral dynasties of Yorubaland. Ose kewa: Ede-atunyewo orisirisi gbolohun ede Yoruba. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Ona meji ni a le pin alifabeeti ede Yoruba si. Many of the words used in Ifa have a tonalresonance used to access the power of Spirit. linpkun Without beginning or end, immortal. (rs) guides an individual's consciousness. Physics teaches the idea that all power in the universe is part of a sign wave which is the fullspectrum of light. will of the ancestors and the will of Nature. Many of the words used in Ifa have a tonal resonance used to access the power of Spirit. ako - ojo Five day week that is used as the basis for the If calender of. Jkta To fight with stones, also the Spirit of the Stone Thrower. ", frani Self respect, meaning: "Vision of love.". Fc invisible of Ar raman EWI Alohun ati apileko ORO OLOGBON ntesiwaju Sugbon o ba koko ranti na wipe omo tani Iwo se kini itan ibere igbesi aye re. jo Meeting, gathering of a group of people. His reign was largely restricted to Idio. Ba kan naa, itan so pe Lamurudu ni baba Oduduwa. (rs) or to the spirit of the ancestors (Egn). esun If herb, elephant grass (Pennisetun purpureum ). n e pl ohun t sl n dd sk n.B Yorb b j lr, md t b j knrin, y w lr dbl, ngb t y t b j . Adgunsl The chief warrior priest among those who worship the Spirit of Iron (gn). The mat is used to create sacred space in If and rs ritual and divination. gbngangbngan Arbitrary movement, scattered. One of these programs is a cultural site, the Oyotunji African Village in Sheldon County, South Carolina, founded by Oba Efuntola Oseijeman Adelabu and established in 1970. O ni wn ran Kmisana lpaa wa sipinl Oyo ni, ki ga lpaa patapata tete gbe kuro. Kbiys Greeting of respect to a king (Oba). Itan fi ye wa pe inu ogun yii ni Lamurudu ku si 6. ilso Barren, without children, one of the forms of bad fortune in If divination. w Orun West, Spirits of the West depending on context. ode mata Spotted medicine, sacred to the Spirit of the Tracker (ss). dn Obstacle, considered a form of bad luck in If divination. d - fdk Silver cutlass, sacred to the Spirit of the King of White Cloth (Obtl). Footballer Emmanuel Adebayor is an example of a Togolese from an immigrant Yoruba background. nyaju Placing a hex through the use of the eyes. She allowed herself to be captured and taken away with the marauders. 229", "Ife, Oyo, Yoruba, Ancient:Kingdom and Art", "Aare Crown Sculpture - Elevating the Office for a Time", "A synchronic lexical study of the Ede language continuum of West Africa", "Ethnicity clusters of Benin data set, Yoruba group - IPUMS Census Data", "Ethnocultural study of agriculture in Northern Benin, Alibori department 12% Mokole Yoruba, INSAE 2013", "Their+inhabitants+are+Egbados,+or+Southern+Egbas+(Egba-odo"&pg=PT5, "Article: Oduduwa, The Ancestor Of The Crowned Yoruba Kings", "Islamic Education in Nigeria: How It All Began", "Origins and Empire: The Benin, Owo, and Ijebu Kingdoms", "Risawe's Palace, Ilesa Nigeria: Traditional Yoruba Architecture as Socio-Cultural and Religious Symbols", "Behold, new Arugba Osun, who wants to be doctor", "Nigeria: Osun Osogbo 2014 Arugba's Berth Tastes Green With Goldberg Touch", "Royalty in the news: Lagos agog for Eyo Festival today", "Bata Drumming Notations Discographies Glossary (, "Yoruba Sacred Music, Old World and New by John Gray", "The J. Richard Simon Collection of Yoruba Twin Figures - Art & Life in Africa - The University of Iowa Museum of Art", "Stephen Tayo captures the sacred kinship of Nigerian twins", Yorb Language: Research and Development, "A close-up on Aso-Oke of the Yoruba - The Centenary Project", "An Appraisal of Traditional Woven Fabric Production in Southwestern Nigeria", "Aso-Oke Production and Use Among the Yoruba of Southwestern Nigeria", "Traditional Clothes: Clothing and Fashion", "Proverbial Illustration of Yoruba Traditional clothings: a cultural analysis", "Yorubas to celebrate 200 years in Ghana", "Ghana:The Tabon (Yoruba descendants)of Accra", "cognitive maps of the ethnic domain in urban Ghana: reflections on variability and change", "FAO Ethnic study of the Benin river Estuary Area 1991, Pg.V, 57.6% Itsekiri, 23.6% Ilaje", "Ilaje communities seek inclusion in FG dredging of Escravos Warri River", "Reps move to address ocean surge threat to Delta communities", "Don't politicize, divert EPZ, other projects from our land- Ilaje Communities tell FG", "A Plea For the Creation of OKUN State - Olukoya Obafemi - OMOJUWA.COM", "Edo South also comprises mainly the Bini ethnic group. Agba il Yoruba naa ni oun faram ero kan awn eeyan to s pe, ipinu Yoruba ti sun kuro nibi ki atunto iejba waye nikan, si eyi to gbagb pe ki wn maa da ijba il wn e. Oranmiyan was a biological son of Ogun who was the son of Oduduwa and was his war captain, hence the misconception that Oranmiyan had two fathers. Olrin The chief of the male council of elders (Ogboni). Olatunde Sproye in his book Yoruba without Tears states there are one hundred and twenty-six combinations of vowels and consonants used as the basis for the Yoruba Language. kr Palm nuts used for If divination (ikin). apta Rock, the rock is sacred to most Forces in Nature (rs). Click here to ask any question, or do your assignment (auto published in forum). also means very bad, very negative, very destructive. Litireso ni akojopo ijinle oro ni ede kan tabi omiiran. the marks used to represent the verses (Od) of If scripture. Babatnde Name given to a child who carries the ancestral spirit of, bdmajm To make a sacred oath or agreement with another person, bj To spoil, to eat with someone, to associate with someone, or to talk. run The Invisible Realm, home of the Ancestors and the Immortals. Bakan naa lo ni oun ko ni sr abuku si ba kankan am o y kawn ba naa tete maa se ohun tawn eeyan wn ba n f. K l pa k mj t wn b lr n Calabar? The Yoruba people ( Yoruba: ran Yorb, m Odduw, m Kr-ojire [21]) are a West African ethnic group that mainly inhabit parts of Nigeria, Benin, and Togo. [226][227] Others included Ijexa (Ijesha), Lucumi, Ota (Aworis), Ketus, Ekitis, Jebus (Ijebu), Egba, Lucumi Ecumacho (Ogbomosho), and Anagos. Itan kan so wi pe Lamurudu ti o je . Yoruba people or descendants can be found all over the world especially in the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, Brazil, Latin America, and the Caribbean (especially in Cuba). Olojongbodu The Spirit of the Wife of Death (Ik). Click Here To Learn More. The ladder is sacred to the Spirit of the Divine Messenger (s). Yoruba religious traditions about the dawn of time claim that Oduduwa was Olodumare's favourite Orisa. Egbgb Spirit honored by the society of women (ymi). related to some aspects of the Divine Messenger (s). YORUBA LANGUAGE PRIMARY 6 FIRST TERM EXAMINATION, Nursery 2 Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 2 Third Term, List Of Subjects Primary 2 Third Term Scheme of work, Nursery 1 Scheme of Work With Lesson Plan and Lesson Notes For three Terms, Primary 5 Scheme of Work Third Term List Of Subjects, First Term, Second Term and Third Term Nursery 2 Scheme of Work Lesson Notes and Plan, List Of Subjects Primary 3 Third Term Scheme of work, Primary 1 Third Term History Mid Term Test / Break, Symbols of traditional authority in Lagos State, The procedures of becoming a traditional ruler in Lagos, The names of the traditional rulers in the community that my school is located, the origin of the traditional rulers in the community, SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2020 CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS, SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2020 CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE, Akole: onka ni ede Yoruba lati ori aarun de ori ogowa(5 200), JSS 3 Basic 9 Scheme of Work Basic Technology Second Term, Explain how the Yoruba migrated and form the new Yoruba land, Ilu meeka ni Lamurudu w lti br pp, elesin iborisha nii, Lamurudu b mknrin kan t ork r nj Odduw (ODU TI O DA W), Odduw n b m knrin kan t rl r NJ KN B (D E R AKE), Okanbi fe mnide ni y wo, wn b m mj, lti m Okanbi l t tn kal, Okanbi k swj Odduw, Odduw ni t wn m wonyi, Ngb t t wn dgb, wn pn ogn bb wn, k kk wn s l td s ik kankan, Lamurudu ni abore kan t man nba bo wn r r, wn m b e dn iborisha, ork abore r ni Asara, Asara y b m knrin kan t orulo r nj Buraimoh, in in br s ni wn bi s, Nigbati Buraimoh dgb, t ye yee, kde esin fn wn ar l, n k wn m tle sn wn bb un, ohun t wn bo ti kl sors, Lj kan, leyin ti wn elesin aborisa y pariwo dn wn, Buraimoh k gbogbo re r wn jo, s dn sn wn, In bi wn elesin iborisa y, wn si fii j peeta, nn rgbdyn j in y ni Lamurudu kuu s. Rather than deposing Obatala, the town was divided into two with both figures serving as kings of their respective groups. [207][208] Otherwise known as "Anago traders", they dominate certain sectors of the retail economy and number at least 135,000 people.[209]. wn olrnlw ss lj egn p ks epo fn k mblns, k tn s wn nkan l mrn n il wsn n. some regions the Spirit of the Fire at the Center of the Earth (Aganju). and the Immortals (rs), the Source of Creation. rbo Obligation to make an offering to Spirit, based on divination. Subsequent to this, she married the king of the Ugbo. 1. Odu-ti-o-da-iwa). ", nmf The six sacred directions, meaning the four directions of the. Its FREEClick here to begin your oversea Travel process. afmju The early morning, one of the times considered sacred for picking herbs. Agayu The Spirit of the Fire at the Center of the Earth, in some versions of If sacred history, Agayu is the Father of the Spirit of Lightning (Sng). fnwiniwini To drizzle, considered a blessing from the Spirit of the, fnlflorun To give freely, to do something because it is the right, f The sound made by the wind, the voice of the Spirit of the Wind, gd If system of topographical astrology, the study of the spiritual, Gld Masquerade soceity dedicated to honoring the ancestoral, gidigidi Completely, extremely also refers to a large Buffalo sacred to.
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