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j kameron carter leaves duke

The enthusiastic turnout of African-American voters on Barack Obama's behalf in the primaries and caucuses could backfire, leading to defections from some white supporters, according to a Duke University political scientist who studies race, politics and gender. 57 0 obj <>stream Duke University Press 905 W. Main St. Ste. For more from Jentleson's column, click here. 0000001507 00000 n startxref But this is North Carolina, so Sen. Obama's race will be a factor for some individuals who are voting.". In this Issue. Geoffrey Mock of University Communications is the editor of the 'News' edition. Profiling a range of established and emerging scholars and thinkers in black (religious) studies, Religion and the Futures of Blackness offers essays that reimagine religion and the political beyond the dominant racialized conceptions of these terms and towards alternative worlds. He works in African diaspora studies using theological and religious studies concepts, philosophy and aesthetics, and literatures and poetries of the black diaspora in doing so. Driving his work are questions pertaining to the theory and practice of blackness, with particular reference to black feminism and the sacred. The racial imagination is thus a particular kind of theological problem. "I don't know how he does that," Haynie told The Fayetteville Observer. 0 IU Bloomington, Co-Director, Center for Religion and the Human. 0000022681 00000 n My name is J. Kameron Carter. By J. Kameron Carter . 18-B; Durham, NC 27701; USA; Phone (888) 651-0122; International +1 (919) 688-5134; Contact Articles are produced by staff and faculty across the university and health system to comprise a one-stop-shop for news from around Duke. "They speak to the issues of his viability and electability.". It was Christ's unique human-divine personage that integrated gentiles into Israel's covenant life with God. Price: $16.00. Lastly . 0000000936 00000 n Professor of Systematic Theology and Black Church Studies at Duke Divinity School. Hi. Prof. Carter teaches courses in both theology and black church studies. Nothing, says Michael Munger, chair of the Department of Political Science. Professor Carter jointly curated with Professor Sarah Jane Cervenak (UNC, Greensboro) the year-long project "The Black Outdoors" (supported by Duke Universitys Franklin Humanities Institute) that thinks about blackness as an otherwise ecological, atmospheric condition. As Carter outlines, the black study of religion assembles an image of mattering that cannot be arrested by the intrinsic antiblackness that sustains the reign of the Human and inflictsunrelenting physical and symbolic violence on the planet and all of its existents. Denise Ferreira da Silva, author of Toward a Global Idea of Race. Hardcover. But I'm also opposed, for the same reasons, to subsidies that keep gas prices artificially low, and enable behavior we abhor. In pursuing this research, Professor Carteron the one handexamines how Christian theological ideas, especially christological ideas (claims about the person and work of Jesus Christ) and notions of theological anthropology (the Christian construction of the human),have funded racial, gendered,sexual, colonial, and settler imaginaries, and how the secular only amplifies (notovercomes) modernitys theological protocols. And rightly so. But many also hope for the vision of reconciliation that Obama offers, Carter says. Duke University Press. He is the editor ofReligion and the Future of Blackness(aspecial issue ofSouth Atlantic Quarterly, 2013) and presented the Warfield Lectures (a set of six lectures) at Princeton Theological Seminary (2016) under the title Dark Church: Experiments in Black Assembly. 0000022242 00000 n He also draws on feminist, gender, and queer theory, philosophy and aesthetics, and literatures and poetries of the African diaspora as a further repertoire of resources with which to reimagine matter itself, all with a view to imagining alternative worlds, other ways of being with the earth and thus with each other. Associate Professor of Theology at Duke University Durham, North Carolina, United States. Carters writings reflect the above-mentioned intellectual concerns and subject matters. Social Text 1 June 2019; 37 (2): 67107. 0000020628 00000 n "With a large black population in the state, in order for Clinton to take the primary she will have to take three out of every four of the white votes," McClain told National Public Radio. 2019 Duke University Press. As long as demand for gas remains high, so will the price, he says. All three of the major parties' presidential candidates are looking at policies that could cap greenhouse emissions. J. KAMERON CARTER This essay is about identity and the place of religion and theology in how it is thought about and performed. He is interested in what these intertwined issues have to do with the modern world, generally, and with America (or rather the Americas), more specifically, as a unique religious situation or phenomenon. "Little more can be achieved and much is at risk by continued massive American military presence in Iraq. ISSN 0038-2876. However, political scientist Paula McClain says that Obama doesn't have to win a majority of white voters to win the state. I especially want to express my gratitude to Ken Wissoker, my editor at Duke. The Anarchy of Black Religion A Mystic Song J. Kameron Carter Duke University Press . 0000049817 00000 n J. Kameron Carter is Professor of Religious Studies at Indiana University Bloomington and is codirector of IUs Center for Religion and the Human. 0000011926 00000 n In Race: A Theological Account, J. Kameron Carter meditates on the multiple legacies implicated in the production of a racialized world and that still mark how we function in it and think about ourselves. 114 South Buchanan Boulevard 2001, M.Th., By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to, Blackness Past, Blackness Futureand Theology, Love, Blackness, Imagination: Howard Thurmans Vision of, A Future Unwritten: Blackness between the Religious Invocations of Heidi Durrow and Zadie Smith, One Percenters: Black Atheists, Secular Humanists, and Naturalists, Black/Feminist Futures: Reading Beauvoir in, Race, Theodicy, and the Normative Emancipatory Challenges of Blackness, Blackness and Nothingness (Mysticism in the Flesh), Till Death Do Us Part: The Marriage of Debt and Growth, Reflections on the History of Debt Resistance: The Case of El Barzn, Anticolonialism in the Present Tense: On Europe's Incessant Southern Intrusions, Geographies of Un/-settlement: Unsettling Europe from the Black Mediterranean, Making Use of Everything: Tangier and Its Southern, Peripheral Practices, Mediterranization, or the Sexual Question in the North of the City, Histories of the Channel of Sicily: Architecture, Colonization, and Migrations across the Mediterranean Shores (193243). 0000027591 00000 n I also co-direct Indiana Universitys Center for Religion and the Human. 6-1/8 x 9-1/4 inches . 0000025579 00000 n To purchase, visit your preferred ebook provider. J. Kameron Carter. Up to 1,400 students slept on . Sarah Jane Cervenak. And thousands of our young men and women are fighting and dying in a war in a region whose only strategic significance is its hold on our oil supply. I am particularly interested in the convergences of religion and race, as well as religion, the environment, and climate change. I edited a collection of essays called Religion and the Future of Blackness in 2013 (a special issue of South Atlantic Quarterly). If youd like to contact me for comment on news stories or public-speaking, please reach out through the Contact Me button below. He explores these matters with the resources of black critical theory, which is simply to say critical theory, combined with theories of the sacred and languages drawn from the domains of religion, theology, and philosophy. 7|-uiA:uu$qq8xC!A~HhKfwcG"?n2?piz\$$N sNZh+r+"S|?OGg 0000026845 00000 n The 2023 NFL Draft had 259 slots, but the talent pool reaches much deeper. Additionally, in 2013 he edited a special issue of the journal South Atlantic Quarterly called Religion and the Future of Blackness. My first book is titled Race: A Theological Account (New York: Oxford UP, 2008). He is also co-editor of the forthcoming book, "New Race Politics in America, Understanding Minority and Immigrant Politics." Not content only to describe this problem, Carter constructs a way forward for Christian theology. Titled The Religion of Whiteness: An Apocalyptic Lyric (with Yale University Press), this book explores white identity not just, for example, with regard to Christian Nationalism or white evangelicalism, but regarding whiteness as such, right, left, and center as a form of religion. Nathan is choosing interdisciplinary curriculum dealing with leaders and change in the developing world. Special Issue Editor: J. Kameron Carter. In short, Christianity became white. Carters bookRace: A Theological Accountappeared in 2008 (New York: Oxford University Press). "What we're witnessing is a generation that's lived into the benefits of the work carried out by the previous generation, carrying the mantle forward," Carter says. Complementing the just finished book manuscript on white supremacy as political theology, this nearly completed manuscript considers an alternative version or genre of the sacred, one uncoupled from the paradigm of nation-states and thus the racially gendered logics of sovereignty. A seven-round event leaves plenty of options available, and history has shown that some will become stars, like Kurt . Also Available In: Churchical, ecumenical blackness is his object of study. J Kameron Carter is on Facebook. He has two books near completion:Gods Property: Blacknessand theProblemof SovereigntyandPostracial Blues: Religion and the Twenty-First Century Color Line. <<741905BDAF9FA24697A6B6B74A6E16C1>]/Prev 119438>> These are the legacies of colonialism and empire, political theories of the state, anthropological theories of the human, and philosophy itself, from the eighteenth-century Enlightenment to the present. Professor Carter's bookRace: A Theological Accountappeared in 2008 (New York: Oxford UP). He works in African diaspora studies using theological and religious studies concepts, philosophy and aesthetics, and literatures and poetries of the black diaspora in doing so. 1990. J. Kameron Carter is Professor of Religious Studies at Indiana University Bloomington and is codirector of IU's Center for Religion and the Human. Google. J. Kameron Carter works at the intersection of questions of race and the current ecological ravaging of the earth. Carter's claim is that Christian theology, and the signal transformation it (along with Christianity) underwent, is at the heart of these legacies. BX:\]QBi#j6?Y,+,6\\s}Zs}'`Z+L! Please try again. By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to, Being Ocean as Praxis: Depth Humanisms and Dark Sciences, Teresa de Jess: The Contemplative in Action, American Politics in the Era of Zombie Neoliberalism, I Can Believe Breaking the Circuits of Interpellation in von Triers Breaking the Waves, The Royal Remains The Peoples Two Bodies and the Endgames of Sovereignty, Come on Kid, Lets Go Get the Thing The Sociogenic Principle and the Being of Being Black/Human. What I study and think about is black social life as it intersects the sacred, as the deviant scene of alternative practices of the sacred. He explores how this was a profound wrong-turn whose consequences are baked into the very fabric of what we call the modern world and Western democratic societies. USDA Photo 20160821-FS-LSC-18 by Lance Cheung, 2016. 504 Pages . In Race: A Theological Account, J. Kameron Carter meditates on the multiple legacies implicated in the production of a racialized world and that still mark how we function in it and think about ourselves. Leanora Minai of OCS is the editor of the 'Working@Duke' edition. He cites research showing that whites, especially low-income whites, are often less likely to vote for a Democratic candidate if he or she is identified with black voters. He is author of Race: A Theological Account (2008). Duke University Press for helping to make this book a reality. The interviews are scheduled to be aired Tuesday between 8:15 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. Explore how climate education spans disciplines and departments across Duke. J. Kameron Carter is Associate Professor of Theology, English, and Africana Studies at Duke University and Duke Divinity School. EISSN 1527-8026. I've just taken up and appointment as Professor of Religious Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington. My next book, The Anarchy of Black Religion: A Mystic Song, is presently in production and scheduled for publication in 2023 (Duke University Press, forthcoming). Both students are Program II majors. %PDF-1.3 % Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Copyright 2023 The Trustees of 0000023001 00000 n So -- to all of you wanting to know how the state is going to support your addiction to driving inefficient, polluting moving mountains of iron and plastic: Get over it. Watch ABC News tonight and find out. J. Kameron Carter is professor of religious studies at Indiana University. 26 0 obj <> endobj Articles. 0000062396 00000 n Buy. Durham, NC 27701 USA. Abstract: In this white paper, the authors describe and elaborate the significance of their co-convened series of . His manuscript in progress, "Black Rapture: A Poetics of the Sacred," is in the final stages of completion. Google. If youd like to be notified when my website is live and when my new books become available, please signup for email notification and for my newsletter by clicking on the button below. All rights reserved. "High prices reflect increased scarcity. They will appear on camera on the Duke campus and be interviewed by ABC News hosts using cell phones. J. Kameron Carter is Associate Professor of Theology, English, and African American Studies at Duke Divinity School. "This means drawing down our troops -- carefully, responsibly, strategically -- while building up our diplomatic initiatives -- globally, regionally and within Iraq. I also co-direct Indiana University's Center for Religion and the Human. My website (where youre at right now) is being rebuilt. %%EOF He teaches courses at the undergraduate and/or graduate levels in black studies and/as critical theory; continental philosophy and aesthetics; religion, modernity, and the secular; political theology; hip hop and religion; black feminism and religion; theories of religion; theory of the sacred; modern theology; race and mysticism; Afro-futurism and religion; black experimental writing and poetics; black nature or eco-poetry; African American literature and religion. Project start date: 1/2006 Funding awarded: $1,250 He is the editor ofReligion and the Future of Blackness(aspecial issue ofSouth Atlantic Quarterly, 2013). But the strategy needs to change.". 0000001819 00000 n Working in black studies (African American and African Diaspora studies), using theological and religious studies concepts, critical theory, and increasingly poetry in doing so. Teagarden designed her major to focus on human rights. "[Hillary Clinton is] doing better among the groups that she and her husband appealed best to," Rohde told Bloomberg News. y@ V DPc';uuF80$#2,?; '/g"Hu`dxdI6s*PyWL 'C_PXxbR"Tt829RNUIg 0000001264 00000 n Kameron Carters claim that the modern western formulations of racial capitalism and religion go hand in hand renders it impossible to think the one without the other. University of Virginia, It would mean a significant change in how the state produces energy, but it would also mean more investment in cleaner technologies, he says. Working within black (religious) studies, this article considers the sacred as proximately black, where the sacred here signals that frenzied surplus whose sociopoetic force discloses another horizon of existence beyond the terms of order. I purse this subject through a theologically informed reading. Im a Professor of Religious Studies, English, and African American Studies at Indiana University Bloomington. 0000030942 00000 n Black (Feminist) Anarchy 27 2. Working as a theologian, he addresses the basic areas of Christian thought, especially attending to Christology (the Carter previously served as an associate professor of theology, English, and African American studies at Duke Divinity School. He says poll numbers indicate the Mississippi and Ohio primaries are examples of this pattern. The Franklin Humanities Institute and Duke University Libraries presented a Faculty Bookwatch panel on J. Kameron Carter's Race: A Theological Account (Oxford UP, 2008) on February 4, 2009. Dallas Theological Seminary, Tuesday, March 12 ~ J. Kameron Carter Wednesday, March 13 ~ Cristina Comer Thursday, March 14 ~ Alma Jones Friday, March 15 ~ Onye Akwari and Anne Micheaux Akwari In Race: A Theological Account, J. Kameron Carter meditates on the multiple legacies implicated in the production of a racialized world and that still mark how we function in it and think about ourselves. In that transformation, Christian anti-Judaism biologized itself so as to racialize itself. Kameron Carter, Indiana University 2015 - 16 Henry Luce III Fellowship Project: Dark Church: A Poetics of Black Assembly 2015 Franklin Humanities Institute, Book Manuscript Workshop Award Project: God's Property: Blackness and the Problem of Sovereignty Summer 2012 Duke University Internal Candidate for NEH Summer Research Grant . Against the backdrop of the summer 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, this article thinks about that event as indexing a crisis of US political theology, indeed, as a volatile flashpoint wherein the sacred comes into view otherwise. His manuscript in progress, Black Rapture: A Poetics of the Sacred, is in the final stages of completion. "I don't think she's going to do that. The best way for people to spend less on gas is to drive less. Haynie says despite campaigning on several working-class issues, Obama has not made it a central part of his effort. 0000024947 00000 n Campus Box 90029 J. Kameron Carter, Sarah Jane Cervenak; Black Ether. I'm a Professor of Religious Studies, English, and African American Studies at Indiana University Bloomington. Here the sacred figures as the incalculable whose history is that of a something else, somewhere else. 0000000016 00000 n View J. Kameron Carter's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. J. Kameron Carter is professor of religious studies at Indiana University. J. Kameron Carter's recent talk at the Katz Center evoked a great deal of discussion and push-back from some of his listeners. J. Kameron Carter is Associate Professor of Theology, English, and Africana Studies at Duke University and Duke Divinity School. J. Kameron Carter; Black Malpractice (A Poetics of the Sacred). We need to react quickly, not slow things down by forcing prices downward. The U.S. has huge corporate tax giveaways built into our tax codes, in the form of oil depletion allowances and accelerated depreciation on capital stock in drilling and exploration. The Black Outdoors: Humanities Futures After Property and Possession. In the Democratic primary, Duke political scientist David Rohde says Obama is struggling in part because of the "warm memories of former President Bill Clinton.". Temple University, This title is available as an ebook. [auZu\l/C For more, click here. y4 F 1 It will have information about my journalistic writings, the forthcoming books, when and where Ill be doing public-speaking, and other good things. But many also hope for the vision of reconciliation that Obama offers, Carter says. Indiana University Bloomington The next president, he says, will have to turn to diplomacy to build a more solid foundation for rebuilding Iraqi society. 905 W. Main St. Ste 18-B Durham, NC 27701 USA. "I think these patterns are legitimate issues to raise in the campaign, as the Clinton camp has subtly and not-so-subtly done," says Kerry L. Haynie, an associate professor of political science. ISBN: 9780195152791. Copy and paste the URL below to share this page. 905 W. Main St. Ste 18-B With Cervenak, hes the editor of a Duke University Press book series, The Black Outdoors: Innovations in the Poetics of Study. 0000001637 00000 n . Haynie is co-director of Duke's Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Social Sciences. Peter Feaver sees the politics of the Iraq war as being a major division in the general election. This site uses cookies. 0000023237 00000 n Through engagement with figures as disparate in outlook and as varied across the historical landscape as Immanuel Kant, Frederick Douglass, Jarena Lee, Michel Foucault, Cornel West, Albert Raboteau, Charles Long, James Cone, Irenaeus of Lyons, Gregory of Nyssa, and Maximus the Confessor, Carter reorients the whole of Christian theology, bringing it into the twenty-first century. Religion and the Future of Blackness. (South Atlantic Quarterly, Fall 2013). You could not be signed in. J. Kameron Carter is Professor of Religious Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington where he also is co-director of IU's Center for Religion and the Human. J. Kameron Carter Race & Religion || Scholar & Writer I've just finished a 17 year stretch of teaching at Duke University as Associate Professor of Theology, English and Africana Studies in the Divinity School with appointments in the English Department and the Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies Department. Black Studies/Religion & Philosophy/Poetry & Poetics. Encore Viewing: "Poetry & Publishing; Or, How to Launch a Poet," "2023 Juan E. Mndez Human Rights Book Award," and, "Common understandings of failuretend to give failure a positive spinsuch as claiming failure to be a necessa, Are you an aspiring poet, or a poetry fan? Photo by Sean Rowe, Duke School of Law, Duke Students Hear, Discuss Both Sides of Gun Policy, Rural Exodus: An Era of Climate-Migration, Said@Duke: India Ambassador to United States Meets with President Price, Students. Dr. 1 . More recently, Carter has just finished a book manuscript that interprets white supremacy not simply as vile individual acts; rather, Carter brings white supremacy, if not whiteness as such, into view as a planetary structure and practice of political theology. J. Kameron Carter Search for other works by this author on: This Site. xz{xT{3$$LLBB)9 Nathan, who is from New Jersey, is president of Duke Students for Hillary. Jewish flesh is most authentically itself when it welcomes the gentile. J. Kameron Carter is a professor of Religious Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington, where he has additional appointments in the English and African American & African Diaspora Studies departments. 0000011385 00000 n "It's not part of his core campaign message.". 0000021253 00000 n CR: The New Centennial Review 1 July 2016; 16 (2): 203-224. doi: . Driving his work are questions . Phone:919.684.8873Email:humanities-writ-large@duke.edu, Address:102 Allen Building My name is J. Kameron Carter. Duke Divinity School Professors J. Kameron Carter and Xi Lian have been named Henry Luce III Fellows in Theology for 2015-16.The two were selected for a year-long fellowship to conduct creative and innovative theological research. "The main need of real people right now is to find a way to increase the fuel efficiency of their transportation," Munger wrote in an April 27 column in the DurhamHerald-Sun. 2020 John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute at Duke University. As a result, and with the legitimation of Christian theology, Christianity became the cultural property of the West, the religious ground of white supremacy and global hegemony. Bruce Jentleson, a professor and foreign policy expert at the Sanford Institute, says the military "surge" in Iraq is bringing diminishing returns. Driving his work are questions pertaining to the theory and practice of blackness, indeed, of blackness as an alternate "pedagogy of the sacred" that the black church (at its best) expresses. 0000023473 00000 n Teagarden, a Durham native, volunteered for the Obama campaign in both North and South Carolina. Add to cart. He is author of Race: A Theological Account (2008). E2IB W/(Z/BVL WKbZVmyL@~|n$3Pa ZB:6/]$O Close navigation menu. We welcome your comments and suggestions! Duke experts discuss key aspects of the primary. These are the legacies of colonialism and empire, political theories of the state, anthropological theories of the human, and philosophy itself, from the eighteenth-century Enlightenment to . Search for other works by this author on: You do not currently have access to this content. doi: https://doi.org/10.1215/01642472-7370991. . I've just finished a 17 year stretch of teaching at Duke University as Associate Professor of Theology, English and Africana Studies in the Divinity School with appointments in the English Department and the Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies Department.

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