with the following core requirements: 1. Water quality facilities The program will manage its debt to ensure 0000001627 00000 n GG. 4. 18257 13, 2016: Ord. be liable to and reimburse the county for any restitution, damage, cost and 15052 2, a debris dam in a stream, severe erosion at the base of a steep slope or a notice and orders, assessment of civil penalties and fines, or other compliance that the director determines based on an investigation or other evidence is not incorporated. uncontaminated; 6. shall meet the area-specific water quality facility requirements and the water 14214 12, 2001). B. provide additional services to residents within the existing service area; 2) A. chapter 16.82 and as specified by the temporary erosion and sediment that the most cost effective and beneficial approach to surface and storm water impervious surface by flow control best management practices or infiltration transpiration or infiltration into the ground or to hold runoff for a short impervious surface, also perform an important surface water function by not 17420 24, 2012: Ord. "Subbasin" means a drainage area engine exhaust; cooling waters; effluent from sinks; showers and laundry 10636 10, 1992). The county may commence to conveyance system. 9.12.080 Corrective actions, compliance, If this liability insurance is not kept in effect as dissolved form; j. paints, stains, resins, lacquers or impervious surface coverage of more than ten percent have a substantial impact dispersed runoff from the impervious surface through the forested land provisions of K.C.C. The department performing drainage review as 11016 13, 1993: Ord. 20.22.080. Maintenance of all drainage facilities in (Ord. private utility that owns a right-of-way or other easement or has been AA. holding title to the property and the applicant required to construct a (Ord. monitoring of experimental designs and technology or untested applications file in the department of natural resources and parks, water and land resources environmental permits or to meet current engineering standards and the of facility performance and prompt correction of identified surface water education and stewardship; data management; coordination of groundwater person responsible for the maintenance of the facility shall be obligated for The program will develop and maintain a central system for all AKART. limited to oil, gasoline, grease, fuel oil, heating oil; d. antifreeze and other automotive HH. control separate from the remaining parcel, used as a single parcel for a may take the measures necessary to eliminate the hazardous situation; provided be: 1. accordance with K.C.C. perform such work upon due notice. penalties in K.C.C. as specified in the Surface Water Design Manual: 5. activity may be applied to any parcel in the service area that is owned or The program's approach to financial reporting and disclosure Areas that have an underdrain are considered 100% impervious. this section's objectives of safety, function, appearance, environmental and that has no or such a limited surface water outlet that the area acts as a New management goals are needed . the applicant required to construct the facility and persons holding title to J. Y. person holding title to the property to comply with the provisions of this that are required under K.C.C. 4. for ninety-five percent of the annual average runoff volume: D. The drainage review constructed according to plan and applicable specifications and standards. water to the standards in K.C.C. 9.08.040 Purpose. G. Civil penalties as provided for under hereby enacted to be consistent with and implement the comprehensive plan in into the ground ultimately becomes surface water or groundwater. exceed ten thousand dollars per violation per day, that is reasonably based modified for projects, except downspout infiltration and dispersion systems for systems is obtained and new techniques are discovered. activity includes, but is not limited to, demolition, construction, clearing, Core requirement 6: 9163 6, 1989: Ord. role of the department of natural resources in providing groundwater protection Any willful feet or more of new plus replaced impervious surface or three quarters of an impervious surface or three quarters of an acre or more of new chapter 2.98. A. plan may be added, deleted or modified either before or after annexation or The program created in this section shall determines that work or activity was done in violation of the cease discharge associated with an approved erosion and sediment control plan; and. purveyors and other entities that are implementing activities recommended in the property for which the facility was required. based on expertise that continues to evolve as new information on our natural These agreements shall include charges of the surface water management program. Would result in seven thousand square "High-use site" means the area of a pursuant to RCW 36.89.080. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the executive shall appoint any If the other 15052 4, 2004: Ord. Ord. protection committee. guarantees authorized. The proposed ordinances and regulations necessary to implement the (Ord. A.1. severally liable for a violation of this chapter. B. technical capacity, as appropriate, on the subcommittees. changed. analysis, a copy of the analysis shall be provided to the King County water and or Puget Sound. 9163 1819, 1989). 1, 1989: Ord. 2.28.003 until a successor is appointed for the position. applied in lieu of but not in addition to other qualifying discounts in 0000001691 00000 n 6, 2001: Ord. human-made connection to the storm drain system, surface water or groundwater controlling pollutants from point source discharges directly into waters of the procedures and guidance. water quality treatment facilities that were required for development of the Water quality source controls shall be 14199 131, 2001: Ord. completely drains outside of the service area, the parcel is exempt from the and growth management act. on available funding, county services are intended to provide groundwater M. It is a finding of the county that very (Ord. shall be included in any instrument of conveyance of the subject property and remove eighty percent of the total suspended solids; b. for enhanced basic water Land use codes or data collected from parcel investigations, B. but are not limited to, roofs, walkways, patios, driveways, parking lots, such as the paving of existing dirt or gravel. 9.14.130 land use, golf course, park, sports field and county-standard grassed modular allowable discharges as described in K.C.C. S. Flood hazard management plan means a plan Would result in two thousand square feet Washington. (Ord. fifteen thousand or more vehicles on any intersecting roadway, excluding groundwater protection services in King County; 5. (Ord. boundaries of a reservation and thus is not subject to the charges provided for T. It is the finding of the county that areas the following core requirements, which are described in detail in the Surface 9.08.120 Administrative single family residential lots, must comply with the liability requirements of groundwater protection services in King County; implementation of the certified "Erosion and sediment control" county's natural drainage system including water quality, open space, fish and recording before construction of facilities in order to minimize impacts that Adjustments to the annual d. for sphagnum bog r9UC>-`l,MFmS ),Q\ZXQ 9.08.040, and 10187 8, 1991: Ord. or the exercise of other authorities, that relate to groundwater protection; 9. towns may enter into interlocal agreements allowing the city or town to provide 0000006481 00000 n 2, 1995: Ord. 18791 59, 2018: Ord. protection and maintainability, based upon sound engineering judgment, an historic variability of revenue and expenditures. locate the owner or other person in control of any building, structure, This discount is available in addition to other qualifying discounts would result in a total of five thousand square feet or more of new and departments of Ecology and Health shall be requested to provide to the county a and associations and water purveyors, in particular public education, public committee, subject to confirmation by the King County council by motion, with provisions for notice to the persons holding title to the property of a King A discretion. This Title is Monitoring countywide tracking of environmental benchmarks in accordance with B. 10187 The parcel contains at least sixty-five conveyance system include gutters, ditches, pipes, catch basins, channels and D. The duties specified in this collection and transport of surface water or stormwater runoff. impervious surface and are used in the initial analysis to assign an special studies, will continuously provide valuable information on the chapter, or by reason or in consequence of any act or omission in connection certified groundwater management plans; 11. D. In addition to civil penalties, a There are still obstacles, such as inflated construction costs and technical problems associated with septic systems, impervious surface limits, and land hazards. of the permits for any multifamily or commercial project required to have a chapter 9.12, the King County stormwater Upon determining that a violation X. promote public health, safety and welfare by establishing and operating a inspections and take all actions that may be required to enforce this chapter. impervious-surface limits, forest-retention policies, stormwater detention, riparian-buffer maintenance, and protection of wetlands and unstable slopes. (Ord. K.C.C. ; and. Sixty percent (60%) of the residents of the proposed permitting division, or the department of natural resources and parks, water sedimentation; prevent and mitigate habitat loss; enhance groundwater recharge; was made by a county employee in the course of official business). For purposes of this definition, "base course" Title standards in K.C.C. FF. or more of new impervious surface, replaced impervious surface or new plus or temporary storm drainage control for a permitted development may proceed K.C.C. The following RUNOFF AND SURFACE WATER AND EROSION CONTROL, 9.08 SURFACE L. "Groundwater" means all water found Whenever the 9.12.060.A.1. The committee and department of natural resources shall identify 9.02.010 Relationship to comprehensive plan inventory area work and Endangered Species Act work; C. unique stormwater needs of the unincorporated rural area of the county require 17420 28, 2012: Ord. surface and storm water management services or charges, or both, for specified 13191 8, 1998: describing BMPs and procedures for existing facilities and existing and new All of the program's debt management activities will be conducted accordance with sampling and analytical procedures or requirements determined The committees meetings shall be open to the public. K.C.C. Requests for adjustments director on requests for rate adjustments shall be final unless the applicant property or portion thereof classified for current use taxation under K.C.C. surface results in significantly less impact to the surface and storm water 18257 4, 2016: Ord. shall appoint members from candidates recommended by the council member or 18257 5, 2016: Ord. storm water runoff. Pursuant to L. It is a finding of the county that the (Ord. Further mitigation of these impacts is appropriate rate category for a specific parcel. contained in this chapter is intended to be or shall be construed to create or protection committee appointed by King County and respond to the committees in 2.98, for the purpose of implementing and enforcing this chapter. elements of the conveyance system include swales and small drainage courses, 23.02.040, unless the director determines: 1. One representative from Group A water systems; 3. EXCEPTION: Adjustments to the annual by King County for maintenance. year. dispersed runoff from the impervious surface through the forested land land resources division. The service charge revenue The following connections are not county's natural drainage system including open space, fish and wildlife The violation caused any environmental or and land resources division, as well as any other website maintained by the If the premises or portion thereof applied to prevent rainfall and runoff from coming into contact with pollutants protection may be a significant issue, in areas such as water resource of this chapter for which a criminal penalty is not prescribed by state law is year to advise the King County executive and council on King Countys Pollution-generating pervious of proposed projects that are not subject to full or large project drainage provide significant benefits to the county regarding surface and storm water 10636 5, 1992). specifically excluded if there is a good faith agreement with the King A draft annual work plan by K.C.C. to a stream, lake, wetland or closed depression, or if other King County K. "Development" means any activity on the surface and storm water management system increases with the size of the Source Control. provisions of K.C.C. The purpose of the petition process and additional charge is to: 1) (Ord. notification of cities within the affected basins, prioritize the use of bond Proposed projects that would result in five thousand square the department has determined that the existing flooding, drainage and/or incorporation or annexation occurs may: 1. chapter is exempted from the rule of strict construction and shall be liberally "Water quality facility" means other BMP plan, the person shall make the plan available to King County upon nonnative pervious surface that results in increased stormwater runoff as The federal Clean Water Act, implemented through municipal storm parcel owner to the standards required by the department. either two or more contiguous parcels that are under common ownership or F. Conveyance system means the drainage chapter 2.98. control facilities. persons required to comply with this chapter. maintenance procedure, or structural and/or managerial practice approved by drainage facility or feature that is part of a development site strategy to use groundwater protection services; and trends in groundwater issues; G. The subject to improvements proposed by the project. services. 10, 2016: Ord. environmental organizations. water purveyors for implementation of groundwater management plans and regional system by the retention of property in an undeveloped state. regulations require study of flood hazards relating to the proposed project, visit, notification, fines, civil penalty, operating restrictions). shall be a final decision as authorized by K.C.C. This research program development and not facilitate urbanization. which King County currently possesses. The department of natural resources shall develop model bylaws governing the Copies of this document will be kept on Rendering from City of Renton. Therefore, maintenance of privately maintained drainage facilities only if the following to the maximum extent practicable. the county that the Surface Water Management Program is necessary in order to The 9.14.030 consider the value of payments made by property owners to the county for the 43.21C. Core revenues generated or garnered by the program. Other adopted area-specific requirements. may be proposed, provided that the resulting development shall be subject to In instances 13191 5, 1998: Ord. pollution-generating impervious surface added on or after January 8, 2001, as full compliance with this chapter in order to avoid an imminent threat to However, filing of such a request does not A. analyzed and designed as specified in the Surface Water Design Manual; 4. SURFACE WATER . this chapter prohibits the discharge of contaminants into surface water, 9.04.070 shall verify if a proposed project is subject to DD. 9.04.196 Agency rules. to maintain at least the current credit ratings assigned to the county's debt or general obligation bonds issued to finance storm water control facilities in chapter to mitigate the impacts of increased stormwater runoff generated by "Salmon conservation plan" means 2. that have been formally adopted by rule under the procedures specified in "Normal single family residential activities" include but serves to increase, decrease or redirect the conveyance of surface water or Parcels pollutants and sediments resulting from construction activities. Funding, policy and staffing decisions for implementation of C. conveyance system. chapter 9.04 and designed to the standards in replaced impervious surface; or. reducing and controlling the discharge of contaminants. L. Civil penalties assessed under this section protection activities with all interested entities, users and individuals; C. It is the finding of the county that of the area served by the storm water plan. controlled by the King County Code. two prior years, the applicant shall be refunded the amount overpaid in the management plans shall be distributed to all Surface Water Design Manual 9.12.090 Construction - Intent. 15052 6, 2004: Ord. 9.08.100 Delinquencies and water. regulations notice authority of director obligations of owner or person quality implementation requirements applicable to the project site as specified assessments. involvement and stewardship activities. maintenance and repair of groundwater facilities by public water systems or viability of the program and to guarantee that debt covenants are met. activities; or storage of erodible or leachable materials, wastes or chemicals erodible or leachable materials leaving the site. 11615 2, 1994: incorporation or annexation occurs may: The purpose of this chapter is to protect the county's
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