Number of CEUs Required. However, that individual would need to be trained as a pesticide handler to comply with the EPA Worker Protection Standard (WPS). Massachusetts pesticide law requires that all persons who apply pesticides in public areas and private places used for human occupation and habitation must be in possession of a valid license or certification issued by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources. Certification License with a Category in Greenhouse (#26). Course topics include exclusion, identification, sanitation, pest biology, treatment, and videos. Public park operations that produce their own plants. If you have more than one license, the same CEUs can be used to renew both licenses, provided the CEUs were earned during the license period for each license or within one year after expiration. color: rgb(0,0,0); #text-4225306258 { Reference: US EPA How to Comply with the WPS Manual, How to obtain a MA pesticide license or certification:Pesticide License Information Details on MDAR website. } text-align: center; . Topics include ornamentals, care, fertilizing, pruning, videos, and planting. Notifications will NOT be sent via U.S. Mail, as the Department continues its efforts to be more environmentally minded and minimize the volume of records printed, mailed, returned, and stored in hardcopy format. Additional information may be obtained from the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Pesticide Bureau; (617) 626-1720 or The UMass Extension Pesticide Education Program; (413) 545-1044. All you need to do is complete the course, enter your license number and well handle the rest. This course is approved by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources for 1 hour of CE recertification for all categories, L (Core) and D (Dealer). Pesticide Board Subcommittee. Course topics include improper calibration, drop and rotary spreaders, boom sprayers, nozzles, videos, agitation, amount of product and solution. text-align: left; 2023 University of Massachusetts Amherst Site Policies, Center for Agriculture, Food,andtheEnvironment, UMassExtension GreenhouseCrops and Floriculture Program, Greenhouse Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual, New England Greenhouse Floriculture Guide, Pesticide Information (Labels, MSDS, WPS), Pesticide Licensing (Certification, Exams, Workshops), Soil and Plant Nutrient Testing and Diagnostics, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Pesticide Bureau, The UMass Extension Pesticide Education Program, CenterforAgriculture, Food, and theEnvironment, Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment. Any handlers using highly toxic pesticides must be monitored. When you receive your new license each year, your cycle is listed on the card the license come in. Topics include description, history, type of mosquitoes, symptoms, signs, prevention, geographic distribution, virology, and videos. #text-2471462909 { Topics include history, life cycle, control, prevention, detection, videos, and description. text-align: left; Nurseries, garden centers or other similar operations. line-height: 1.3; As outlined in the Massachusetts Pesticide regulations, individuals who do not obtain the required number of contact hours for recertification will be required to recertify by reexamination. } State agencies generally have primary jurisdiction for enforcing WPS misuse violations. To apply for an Energy and Environmental Affairs (DEP, MDAR or DCR) permit or license, please click here. Integrating research and outreach education fromUMassAmherst. BMPs for Pesticide Applicators (English, PDF 85.08 KB) BMPs for Homeowners (English, PDF 655.14 KB) EPA Keep Safe. In order to supervise an RUP application, the individual making the application would need to have the Commercial Applicators License (commonly referred as the Core license). } A practice exam is part of each workshop. Thank you for your website feedback! Course topics include webs, biology, feeding, videos, body structure, circulation and respiratory, feeding, digestion & excretion, CNS, locomotion, ecology, prey, family tree, and humans. When do I need to get a MassachusettsPesticide License? #text-1207754965 { The individual making the Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) spplication would need to obtain a Private Certification License. #text-986745218 > * { Handlers must be trained at least once every 5 years, counting from the end of the month in which the previous training was completed. } Each of these workshops has been approved for pesticide license recertification credits by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, This page, Pesticide License and Recertification Program, is, Pesticide Applicator Continuing Education (PACE) Approved Programs, the University of Massachusetts Extension or, the applicable trade or professional organizations e.g. NOTE: Please select courses for your category and add to cart. Please note that the Department does not maintain your contact hour certificates for you or receive them from any party other than you. This course is approved by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources for 1 hour of CE recertification for categories: 47, L (Core) and D (Dealer). It is important to remember that the licensing requirements for Agriculture are different from the requirements for the commercial industry such as Structural Pest Control and/or Landscapers. Topics include description, growth regulators, fungicidal, anti-microbial, chemical, insecticides, agriculture, benefits and risks, advantages and disadvantages, IPM, protection, purpose, videos, neonicotinoids, and plant health. Topics include history, signs, symptoms, virology, epidemiology, monitoring, control, treatment, risk, prevention, and videos. dispersing agent. Study Materials and How to Obtain Them #text-2618470382 > * { If you have met your recertification requirements, then you should be in possession of the needed training certificates; which, document the required number of contact hours earned. Topics include color coding, donning, doffing, types, safety precautions, and videos. Topics include PPE, calibration, safety, checklist, videos, environment, pilots, growers, and ground crew. MDAR presents the new Online Data System known as the ePLACE Portal. Optional 2-day workshops by the UMass Extension Pesticide Education program are designed to help individuals prepare for the pesticide applicator license exam. A Massachusetts Pesticide License is required in Agriculture when an individual is going to use a Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP). color: rgb(0,0,0); Restricted use pesticides are chemicals that can be purchased and used only by certified and licensed pesticide applicators. Yes, many of our courses are approved by the American Society of Agronomy Board. Licensing Requirements. Im am not a classroom learning person, but you make it interesting. color: rgb(0,0,0); Login Cart (0) . The Pesticide Program conducts the examination, licensing, and certification of pesticide applicators. Essentially, WPS applies to any entity that grows, maintains or produces agricultural plants. % Private Certification - if you are a grower or farmer or work in agriculture and plan to use restricted use pesticides (RUPs) on land that is owned or rented by you or your employer for the purpose of raising agricultural commodities. color: rgb(0,0,0); How do I know when my three year cycle resets? } ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. Course Details. As a state-approved Massachusetts CE provider, Pest Control professionals know they can count on us to offer the most up-to-date courses meeting all the latest requirements. #text-3513146552 > * { Topics include description, life cycle, biology, ecology, control, management, larvae, mouth parts, and videos. Massachusetts Pesticide Applicator Core Exam Coaching Program. This course is approved by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources for 1 hour of CE recertification for categories: 37, 39, L (Core) and D (Dealer). Follow us on social media! An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, This page, Pesticide Examination and Licensing, is, Look up and Confirm a Massachusetts Pesticide License, Pesticide Applicator Licensing and Certification Fees, Pesticide Examination and License Information Bulletin, Pesticide License and Recertification Program, Pesticide Applicator Continuing Education (PACE). EPA Agricultural Worker Protection Standard website, Commercial Applicator License (core) $100, Commercial Applicator Certification - $150, Applicator License (Core): 6 contact hours, Commercial Certification: 12 contact hours per category, Commercial Applicator License (core) due by December 31 each calendar year, Commercial Applicator Certification - due by December 31 each calendar year, Private Certification - due by December 31 each calendar year, Dealer License - due by February 28 each calendar year, $159 will train your whole staff for a year (up to 25 employees). I probably wouldnt have passed without it. Copyright , Certified Training Institute. Thank you for your website feedback! This may include, but is not limited to: Most establishments covered by the WPS are crop producing such as farms, forest operations or nurseries. stream color: rgb(255,255,255); Any course that is approved for Certified Crop Adviser Credit can also be used for state pesticide applicator continuing education credits. font-size: 1.1rem; #text-568032231 > * { text-align: left; <> While the core review session doesnt include category specific discussion, individuals who have held licenses for years, having taken the core exam well in the past may find the core review session helpful in preparing for their category exam. Topic include Rodents, Rats, exclusion, sanitation, trapping, bait stations, glue-stations, safety, labels, videos, control, management, rodenticides, and monitoring. When you receive your new license each year, you cycle is listed on the card the license come in. DAR Pesticide Bureau. }, All Star Training gives you an easy way to get your continuing education so you can keep on working. Topics include transmission, history, treatment, prevention, virology, symptoms, signs, biology, and risks. color: rgb(0,0,0); DAR conducts written examinations to measure competency to use, sell, and apply pesticides in Massachusetts. Guides and Publications. It is also important to remember that an individual needs 12 credits for each category. If you are buying courses for multiple employees, please select your quantity, add to cart, and checkout with "I am buying courses for My Employees." There are also a lot of IPM questions.. This site is maintained by Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment in the College of Natural Sciences. It is also an awesome tool for pesticide applicators who would like to refresh their knowledge or need to complete CEUs*. Topics include videos, correct turns, gps, proper techniques, safety, pilots, FAA, and codes. color: rgb(0,0,0); All Categories: Pesticide Movement In The Environment: 2017-00058: 1 Contact Hour All Categories: Fire Ants: 2017-00062: . While our program cannot guarantee participants will pass the exam, it is intended to offer pointers and tips to help exam takers better position themselves to take the exam and successfully complete the testing process. Please do not include personal or contact information. Remember it is your responsibility to maintain the contact hour certificates for your recertification. © 2023 New England Pest Management Association. 8 (L-29) Tallahassee, FL 32399-1650 All Applications for examination or licensure must now be submitted online. Topics include species, habitat, biology, videos, food, diseases, and control. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. Topics include weed characteristics, control methods, types of control, herbicides and their characteristics, and Integrated Vegetation Management. color: rgb(255, 255, 255); CE Requirements:CORE Applicators - 6 credit hours (max 3 credits from on demand courses)Commercial Applicators - 12 credit hours (max 6 credits from on demand courses)Private Applicators - 12 credit hours (max 6 credits from on demand courses)Pesticide Dealers - 3 credit hours (max 1.5 credits from on demand courses), Phone: (617) 626-1784Website: Massachusetts Department of Agriculture. Thank you for your website feedback! #text-1525317601 > * { Dairy farms if they produce hay for cattle feed. Being certified adds credibility and shows that you are serious about what you do. NOTE: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires you to spend a MINIMUM OF 50 MINUTES on each course or module in order to receive one (1) contact hour or (1) credit. } #text-568032231 { Pesticide Environmental Stewardship - Pesticide Applicator BMPs. Snow Dates are scheduled only if the Pesticide Bureau reschedules an exam due to inclement weather. font-size: 1.5rem; Please let us know how we can improve this page. Pesticide Use on Marijuana and Hemp. Certified applicators, both commercial and private, are required to attend twelve (12) hours of recertification classes PER CATEGORY for each three year period in which the particular certification category is maintained. Licensing Information; Examination Study Materials; Pesticide Exam Prep Tips; Related Links : Commercial Certification Package. For example: if you became a CCA on any day between January 1st, 2018-December 31st, 2018--your expiration date would be December 31st, 2020. #text-3981308018 > * { 50% of credits can be taken online for any license/category. This will also include combining some categories that are closely related and eliminating some categories that are no longer relevant. Call the Bureau on the day before the exam to confirm your seat. These individuals CANNOT "fall-back" to a commercial license, but must take either the applicable Commercial Certification License Exam(s) or Applicator (core) License Exam again in order to be issued another valid Pesticide Applicator credential for the following calendar year. Certain license types and specific kinds of applicators will only need one stand-alone exam. font-size: 1rem; Do not send your contact hour certificates to the Department but maintain these records yourself and make electronic copies of these records. No. font-size: 1.1rem; This course will cover the most common pests of ornamental plants. In other words, an application of an RUP cannot be done by someone without a license (supervised or not). Full Training for Workers and Handlers is now required annually (Every year). This category is for the use of a restricted use pesticide for producing an agricultural commodity on land owned or rented by them or their employer. Licensed pesticide applicators are required to attend six (6) hours of recertification classes in a . About the Course: NEPMA offers an intensive coaching program designed to assist you as you prepare your pest control professionals to take the MA CORE Exam. The feedback will only be used for improving the website. The course will describe the computer based exam process and review key rules and regulations likely encountered on the exam. } Complete information about how to obtain a Massachusetts pesticide license or certification is detailed in the Pesticide Examination and License Information Bulletin, which is released annually by the Mass. This page is located more than 3 levels deep within a topic. } Please note that the Department is launching a new process for collecting training certificates. @5.`Uq,t|z~\7.H\?7 '?6LzUFUo4klc]81K34{iG U)ya +vP4\16ZW B8?7|4QZsDF0/k?|00wq#-pgw^|,xcYmzJG [bxXJy+9o#9N+@,J^~4.v1mUh-.x;/x o&gh^%uVos=LMo).P;OdZqb+nqIk%2aEg3$Zn Your Requirements for Recertification and Audit Compliance. You must contact the Division of Pesticide Control to determine what study materials are needed for your category/commodity group. Please let us know how we can improve this page. }, Renewing your license and need continuing education credits? #text-1613235824 { Optional 2-day workshops by the UMass Extension Pesticide Education program are designed to help individuals prepare for the pesticide applicator license exam. text-align: left; If anyone has a question in regards to their license, please call the Department at (617) 626-1700 and ask for someone in the licensing division and someone will help you. Course topics include requirements, records, total amount, size, site, timing, name of applicator, civil penalties, benefits, WPS, and videos. Below are some commonly asked questions about the Agriculture license requirements. line-height: 1.5; For a complete list of Pesticide Education Program Workshops, contact Natalia Clifton, UMass Extension at 413-545-1044 or check the Pesticide Education Website. If you are interested in one of our events, e-mail, and well let you know when registration is available. If an individual is using a General Use Pesticide, then he/she does not need to have a pesticide license. 2 years: your certification will expire December 31st two years after your initial certification date. Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources, Online Continuing Education Units (CEU) Policy, List of Specific Individuals with Audits Due in 2022, Apply for Pesticide Exam, License and Renewal, contact the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources, Pesticide License and Recertification Program. color: rgb(0,0,0); Cannabis. Topics include proper usage, products, videos, selection, list, application, and safety. There are several categories associated with this type of license and the individual would need to pick the appropriate category depending on the type of Agriculture facility. Once development is complete, the system updates will move into production. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. color: rgb(0,0,0); The Pesticide Program also acts as support staff for the Pesticide Board and Pesticide Board Subcommittee. Growers are required to provide personal protective equipment (PPE); restrict entry to treated areas; provide notification of pesticide applications; post specific information regarding pesticide applications (what, where and when); assure that workers have received safety training; post safety information; provide decontamination supplies; and provide access to emergency assistance when needed. #text-2793603995 > * { $6.00: A2: Massachusetts Pesticide Regulations (1979, amended 2016)(333 CMR 1.00-14.00) We know how important it is for you as an employer to make sure that your employees are well-prepared to take the exam and earn their Core license. All exams are closed book and applicants must be at least 18 years of age as of the date of the examination. color: rgb(0,0,0); You will need the electronic copies to upload them into your EEA ePLACE Portal Account when filing your annual license renewal application. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. text-align: left; text-align: left; They regulate pesticide use and require that workers and pesticide handlers be given appropriate training, equipment and information. Yes, you need a Massachusetts pest control license. For example an individual who is applying an RUP in a greenhouse would get a Private Certification License with a Category in Greenhouse (#26). } Topics include description, biology, habitat, life cycle, beneficial nematodes, videos, anatomy, digestive system, types, bacteria, feeding, and modes of action. Exam study and preparation should be in process before our sessions. text-align: left; color: rgb(0,0,0); x[K\W8`7-;%+AAV>Fd $A|$yWtAq_?qQ5\^J~JU{5nV1p|rU}{ Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. IPM and reading & interpreting labels will be featured as lots of exam questions cover these two topics. Some page levels are currently hidden. You can start and stop anytime. Topics include videos, prevention, eradication, history, background, control, symptoms, vaccinations, medicines, and parasites. font-size: 2.1rem; font-size: 1.2rem; If you would like to continue helping us improve, join our user panel to test new features for the site. State accredited and a smooth process that you can complete at your own pace, whenever. The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) recently announced that the Massachusetts Pesticide Board Subcommittee passed a ruling in March regarding the registration and use of neonicotinoids in the Commonwealth. #text-2471462909 > * { Boards. At the time of renewal, if your recertification date is a past date, the system will NOT allow you to submit your renewal, unless you upload the needed credits into the system. For information contact the UMass Extension Pesticide Education Program at, Obtain a temporary two week license immediately after passing the test. Our experts even report to the Massachusetts Department of Agriculture for you! This site is maintained by Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment in the College of Natural Sciences. E-Licensing will hopefully streamline and quicken the licensing process. Please limit your input to 500 characters. color: rgb(0,0,0); To maintain a Private Certification license, the license holder needs to obtain 12 Continuing Education Units (CEU) during their three year cycle. It was great and Ill probably use them every year!! . Topics include breeding, habitat, life cycle, saliva, videos, and prevention. Government-owned or managed agricultural operations. Current pest industry consultant & trainer. Each year, the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (DAR) receives numerous questions on the pesticide licensing requirements. Please do NOT mail your certificates to the Department but, maintain your copies and make an electronic copy of them. No grace period for training. Employers must also provide access to specific information including: applications on the establishment, safety data sheets for pesticides applied on establishment, and display a poster with pesticide safety and emergency information. Personal protective equipment must be provided and monitored by employers. Renewal Deadline:Applicators must renew their certification no later than June 30 every three years. At least 20 of the 40 total CEUs must be board approved. Golf courses that produce sod or ornamentals for their course, Public parks or privately-held ornamental garden operations that produce ornamental plants, Theme parks, hotels, or other entertainment operations that produce ornamentals for their locations, Prisons that have "prison farms" where plants are produced by employed prisoners, University extension agricultural research facilities that conduct research on agricultural plants, Educational classes or vocational agriculture programs where plant production is completed by students and students receive compensation or reduced tuition. Agricultural commodities can include, but are not limited to, products like cranberries, potatoes, tomatoes, greenhouse plants, sod, nursery stock, blueberries, apples, corn and other field crops, etc. 2023 University of Massachusetts Amherst Site Policies, Center for Agriculture, Food,andtheEnvironment, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response & Resources, Information About Accessing Research Funds, Crop and Animal Research and Education Farm, Equine and Livestock Research and Education Farm in Hadley, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Pesticide Bureau, UMass Extension Pesticide Education Program, Agricultural and Commercial Horticulture Organizations in Massachusetts, CenterforAgriculture, Food, and theEnvironment, Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment. Topics include scale, biological contamination, control, properties of water, effects on cooling systems, chemicals, hardness, pH, alkalinity, conductivity, and proper treatment and monitoring. In accordance with the Massachusetts Pesticide Control Act and the current pesticide regulations, the Mass. Workers DO NOT handle pesticides. #text-1525317601 { Division of Pesticide Control Licensing (Certification) Information. The feedback will only be used for improving the website. Establishments must keep records of training for 2 years and provide records to Workers and Handlers if requested. Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources. How Pesticides are Regulated in Massachusetts. font-size: 1.75rem; This page is located more than 3 levels deep within a topic. If an individual is using a General Use Pesticide, . An individual making a restricted use pesticide application for greenhouse crop production, would need to obtain a Private Certification License. Licensed pesticide applicators are required to attend six (6) hours of recertification classes in a three year period. line-height: 1.5; For example an individual who is applying an RUP in a greenhouse would get a Private Certification License with a Category in Greenhouse (#26). The Massachusetts Pesticide Program is required under Federal and State Laws to conduct Audits of your Pesticide Continuing Education. All Star Training can help you meet the CE requirements that are necessary to continue to work in Massachusetts. There are several categories associated with this type of license and the individual would need to pick the appropriate category depending on the type of Agriculture facility. A Massachusetts Pesticide License issued by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) is required in Agriculture when an individual is going to use a Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP). Pesticides and Pollinators. text-align: left; } What kind of license is needed? line-height: 1.5; At that point, the Department will provide an updated step-by-step renewal guide--including the processes for uploading credits into the system. The Pesticide Education Program of University of Massachusetts Extension offers a workshop designed to help individuals prepare for the pesticide applicator examination. Certified; Commercial/Private: 12 hours Per Category. Our state-approved Pest Control online courses are so simple and straightforward even people with no computer experience can complete them! An application of an RUP cannot be done by someone without a license (supervised or not). . The ruling will ultimately eliminate access to neonicotinoids for non-agricultural outdoor applications by people who are not licensed or certified. Consequently, all schools within Massachusetts are required to develop and submit their own IPM plans. @media (min-width:550px) { It has also been designed to assist extension professionals in educating the public throughout Massachusetts and the entire United States. Development is now underway to change the EEA ePLACE Portal; such that, your credits will be submitted and uploaded into your EEA ePLACE Portal Account when you renew your Pesticide License. Thanks again!, Your class prepared me very well, you were spot on with what to spend time studying. O1P!c|DY{+`*a%T 88e#0^_ _00sNh{#^]-(`. EPA Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Principles. }. Pesticide Regulations 333 CMR 1.00 - 14.00. For license renewals, the Massachusetts Department of Agriculture requires all licensed pesticide applicators to complete 6 recertification CE credits every 3 years. Employers at agricultural establishments and commercial pesticide handling establishments such as farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses. Active Ingredients Exempt from Food Tolerances for Use on Marijuana. A pesticide product is covered by the WPS if the following statement is in the Directions for Use section on the product labeling: Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR 170. Topics include aerial applications, equipment, types, videos, calibration, checklists, pilots, flagged, ground crew, nozzles, history, and aircraft. You have one year to submit an application with the appropriate fee to receive your license or certification credential. Category exams, whether 37 (turf), 36 (shade tree & ornamentals) 41 (general pest), 43 (termite), or 44 (vertebrate) or private certification (categories 24-31) include a significant amount of core exam material, approaching 50% and more of the certification category exams. Applicator licensees apply general use pesticides on a for-hire basis (such as landscapers and exterminators) or on a not-for-hire basis (such as property managers, custodians . font-size: 1.75rem; An agricultural worker is anyone who works in a field that has been sprayed with pesticides within the last 30 days or does high-contact agricultural tasks such as weeding, moving irrigation equipment, pruning, and harvesting. It is also important to remember that an individual needs 12 credits for each category. #text-3513146552 { #text-1645959898 { Yes! Yes, absolutely! } }, I just finished my CE classes. EPA Region 1 (New England) - 888-372-7341 in the New England States, or 617-918-1111EPA Region 2 - 887-251-4575EPA Region 3 (Mid-Atlantic) - 800-428-2474 in Region 3, or 215-814-5122EPA Region 4 (Southeast) - 800-241-1754 in Region 4, or 404-562-9900EPA Region 5 - 800-621-8431 in Region 5, or 312-353-2000EPA Region 6 (South Central) - 800-887-6063EPA Region 7 (Midwest) - 800-223-0425 in Region 7, or 913-551-7003EPA Region 8 (Mountains and Plains) - 800-227-8917 in Region 8, or 303-312-6312EPA Region 9 (Pacific Southwest) - 866-372-9378 in Region 9, or 415-947-8000EPA Region 10 (Pacific Northwest) - 800-424-4372 in Region 10, or 206-553-1200. UMass Extension Pesticide Education provides accurate information regarding the regulation and use of pesticides to farmers, landscapers, exterminators, and any other pesticide users in Massachusetts and throughout the country. This program is designed to supplement your in-house exam prep training.