Follow along as Presvytera Mallory Kasapakis and Alyssa Kyritsis complete a craft a day with an accompanying lesson! This means we do not allow for users to break our material up into individual parts (images or text), and use those parts in their own creations analog, digital, or online even if these creations are only meant to be used for teaching. Youll need the papery skin of about 10-12 brown/yellow onions to make this happen. Heaven Meets Earth: Celebrating Pascha and the Twelve Great Feasts by Ancient Faith Publishing, The Great Feasts by Exaltation Press (page 20). Special thanks to Sister Vassa Larin and to Y2AM for allowing us to embed their videos in our webpage. Orthodox Book list for kids and families broken down by month/Feast Day so you can start building a collection with intention. HOLY WEEK - usually April HOLY WEEK: Teaching resources Free lesson plan: A comprehensive list of teaching resources to help explore the Orthodox Holy Week. In his book Holy Fools in Byzantium and Beyond, the historian Sergey A. Ivanov writes that in the Orthodox tradition the term designates a person who feigns insanity, pretends to be silly, or who provokes shock or outrage by his deliberate unruliness. In other words, the holy fool is a person who flouts social conventions to demonstrate allegiance to God. Depending on the time and the resources available, you can use one kit for the whole teaching session or one kit for each participant (a more time-consuming and costly option). The information pages and activities can be used together with the Orthodox Pebbles Holy Week Craft Kit or with the creative projects that we are offering on the Orthodox Pebbles website. Additionally, her eyes are closed because she avoids seeing anything bad. Here are a few links: Pascha Cheese Mold - Sold by Ancient Faith Store, Wooden Easter Mold for Paskha Cheese Paska Pascha Form Small Size on Etsy, Small Flower Pot with a hole on the bottom - can find at Home Depot or Lowes. After having fasted and prayed for forty days, Jesus was ready to come into Jerusalem. Good strength, dear friends! This also exposes Nathans pettiness. Holy Week Craft Kit by Orthodox Pebbles - The kit contains beautiful printed templates and crafting materials for each day of the Holy Week, from Lazarus Saturday to Pascha Sunday. According to our Holy Fathers, it is especially during Great Lent when we can experience the so-called joyful sadness (), which comes from such strong and contrasting emotions. Scrapbooking paper used in the illustrations: CLICK HEREto makea single contribution via PayPal. You can find step by step instructions HERE. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. Prepare your Pascha basket! The Orthodox Christian Network is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Written by Saint Andrew, bishop of Crete in the 7th c., the Great Canon is a long poem of penitential character, which also includes personal reflections, readings from the Old and New Testaments, and lives of Saints, like St Mary of Egypt. This tradition first began in Russian. Take from me the spirit of sloth,faint-heartedness, lust of power, and idle talk. The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom then begins. The Catholic social activist Dorothy Day ends her memoir The Long Loneliness with one of my favorite lines: We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community. Lasso carries around an aching loneliness. Every time you make a single contribution, we will email you a surprise digital gift as a token of our appreciation. Color the Icon of the Feast - You can find a printable icon coloring page from OCA website HERE. In the pilot episode, Ted, wide-eyed and folksy, arrives in England after relocating from Kansas with his friend Coach Beard. Make Crosses out of the Palm Branches you receive at Divine Liturgy that Sunday! He struggles with panic attacks and normalizes our nearly universal need for therapy, so much so that President Biden hosted the cast of the show at the White House last month to promote mental health awareness. Matija Medved. Lets get together to celebrate our Lords Resurrection! Pieces of fabric (several different kinds), lace, buttons, stickers, and other decorative materials In the Orthodox Christian Church, Great Lent and Holy Week are two separate things. Also, consider subscribing below to receive email updates on future guides and resources. Our mission is to keep adding to our digital collection of high-quality, FREE, online Orthodox Christian educational resourcesfor young children an endeavor that requires a significant time investment, and expenses for software, art supplies and web hosting. Celebrated Saturday before Palm Sunday - Lazarus Saturday is the day which begins Holy Week. Orthodox Pebbles Great Lent Activity Book - Level 1 Published onFeb 27, 2023 Orthodox Pebbles Followthis publisher About A 32-page full color activity book on the Eastern Orthodox Great. It encourages them to put into practice everything they have been learning about Great Lent. It commemorates the raising of our Lord's friend Lazarus, who had been in the tomb four days. My First Coloring Books : Great Lent for the Youngest (Only $1.95, geared for toddlers - See the whole collection HERE), Orthodox Coloring Book - March Synaxarion (or see the whole collection HERE), Beautiful Things: An Orthodox Coloring Book for Children (Download free coloring pages HERE). The tradition of the Orthodox Church on this day is to have parishioners participate in the reading of the Gospel in as many languages as possible. There is a special icon type in the Orthodox tradition relevant to the commemorations of both Holy Thursday evening and Holy Friday, and it is the Extreme Humility. CLICK HERE to make a single contribution via PayPal. Check it out HERE. Get yours for FREE here. To find out, read this sermon from the Department of Religious Education (DRE): For the faithful, the Ladder is the spiritual guide on how to attain perfection in thirty steps each step is the desired virtue that brings the soul closer to God. We need to emphasize that the advice from our spiritual father and our health condition should be our guide to the appropriate fasting discipline. Mention at least one of the things we do during Lent (prayer, fasting, religious study, almsgiving). Certain individuals and institutions are presented for reference purposes only and may not be under the supervision or jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. However, because of our need for forgiveness and spiritual healing, this service is offered during Holy Week for the remission of our sins. Pipe cleaner arms Make Pascha Cheese - this recipe for a Easter cheese dessert is made using Farmers cheese, eggs, unsalted butter, sugar and dried fruit and is made in a special mold. From her youth Saint Mary was leading such a sinful life that, when she went to venerate the Cross in Jerusalem, the all-holy Theotokos prevented her from entering the church. Make Lazarakia (Lazarus Buns) - pictured here, these sweet buns are super fun for kids to make, and really help remember the story of Lazarus raising from the dead. Think of things youve been missing and would love to feast on, and add those things! In many churches the priest leads the people outside the church for a procession, where he reads the Gospel which refers to the Angels statement: "He is Risen; He is not here," (Mark 16:1-8). He then proceeds to essentially do a stand-up bit with himself as the butt of the joke: I look like Ned Flanders is doing cosplay as Ned Flanders. Many churches will provide candles for the candle lit procession on Pascha, but if you prefer to bring your own, here are some ideas: Prepare food for your Paschal Breakfast! The tokens inside the pocket, different ones each week. When you become our patron, and depending on your pledge tier, we will send you a little gift as a token of our appreciation. Each child makes his/her own spoon Lady Lent, which s/he takes home. Spend less time planning, and more time exploring the special days of Holy Week, while working on creative projects together with the children. The first week of Lent is called Clean (Purified) Week. HOLY WEEK: Creative projects Free resource: A collection of creative activities to help teach about Holy Week. We usually separate them as follows: Lady Lent is a well-known, beloved Greek tradition which works like an Advent calendar. . We are offering background information and a variety of additional resources to help you plan an enriching religious education experience. Sunday of Orthodoxy Annunciation to the Theotokos Saint Gregory Elevation of the Holy Cross Saint John of the Ladder (Climacus) - Jesus Heals the boy with an evil spirit. They also sell an LED Toddler Safe Candle HERE. The Sacrament of Holy Unction is offered for the healing of soul and body and for the forgiveness of sins. Markers The child is to bring back the chart to Sunday School on the following Sunday, for a small reward. Two Easy and Quick Cheese Pascha Recipes: Cream Cheese Cheese Pascha & Cream Cheese Cheese Pascha by Charming the Birds from the Trees Blog. Pick out your familys Pascha outfits and set aside, Make a plan/list for your Pascha basket and pick up what you need and set aside. Its clear that hes a sort of clown, with this scene even hinting at a clown car shtick. It is a period of deep reflection into our inner self, repentance, confession and prayer, in view of our co-suffering the Passion of our Lord, but also of the joyous anticipation of His Resurrection. ET. The baskets were decorated with the flowers they collected and beautiful colorful ribbons. We used our Holy Week Kit from Orthodox Pebbles which is available for purchase through Draw Near Designs. Display an Icon of Christ as Bridegroom on your Altar - If you dont own one, you can find one for sale HERE through Uncut Mountain Supply. Working on Orthodox Pebbles has been an amazing blessing for us. Crimm calls Ted irresponsible.. Please see below. Using visual aids, describe Lady Lent as a woman with many legs, and explain that when we reach her last leg, it will be Pascha. However, from the very beginning the Orthodox Church has been teaching that limitation on food is an important tool to control our impulses and intensify our spiritual struggle. Great Lents focus on repentance, prayer and anticipation of the Resurrection is reflected in the Scripture readings, special prayers and hymnology of the Church. The kit contains beautiful printed templates for each day of the Holy Week, from Lazarus Saturday to Pascha Sunday (a total of 10 crafts). Holy Week Craft Kit by Orthodox Pebbles - The kit containsbeautiful printed templates and crafting materialsfor each day of the Holy Week,from Lazarus Saturday to Pascha Sunday. Her repentance and love of Christ is the theme of the wonderful "Hymn of Kassiane" which is chanted on this night, reminding us one more time, before "it is too late," that we too may be forgiven if we repent. He shows us whats possible when we give up winning soccer games, power grabs, professional success, culture wars or online fights and, however foolish it may be, choose to root for the people all around us. Thank you for being fair and respectful of our work! Get the Orthodox Observer delivered to your inbox. BlessedisHe who comes in the name of theLord! The King of Israel!. Here is what I have in store for the coming year: Each month Ill share a heads up on what feast days/liturgical events are happening that month so you can begin to think/plan/prepare for whats ahead. For each completed task , s/he is to glue the corresponding token on the chart. A soft and fleecy felt board-type teaching activity. On the afternoon or evening of Great and Holy Wednesday, the Sacrament or Mystery of Holy Unction is conducted in Greek Orthodox parishes. This day is called "Sunday of Agape" (love feast), a day dedicated to Christian principles, especially to forgiveness and charity. Christ is Risen and Thou art overthrown. Check it out HERE. You can see an example of last supper using this kit in the photos above. Both of these recipes are cream cheese based, and are simply prepared by mixing the ingredients, setting them in a bowl, and decorating with a simple cross on top. You can find the DIY templates (only) kit available through Draw Near Designs : The Holy Passion Flower-framed icon-inspired scene - also in the Holy Week Kit by Orthodox Pebbles. Every Sunday, the tokens and chart are replaced with new ones, and we continue with this project throughout Great Lent. Send me a note at During the Gospel reading, our Lord's body is taken off the cross and wrapped in a new, white linen sheet. Check with your parish to see when the services are being offered. Lesson Plan and Paper Puppets by Orthodox Pebbles - Everything you need to share the story of the Lazarus raising from the dead is in this free printable packet! Who were these women, and how did they care for Jesus? 2023Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Todays theme is all about healing and forgiveness of sins, and confession go hand in hand. We have found marking all of the Sundays too much for young children to remember, so we choose to mark the most memorable Sundays with different symbols (a small icon for Sunday of Orthodoxy #1, a small cross for Veneration of the Cross #3, a small leaf for Palm Sunday #6, and a red egg for Pascha #7). Please do not copy or directly redistribute any of our web content without asking for our permission. For this project you will need the Spoon Lady Lent Free Printable, which includes templates and crafting instructions. O Giver of Light, enlighten the vesture of my soul, and save me." Make Your Own Oil Lamp - like the wise virgins in the story, prepare an oil lamp to help your children connect with the story and have fun while doing it! In doing so, he reminds everyone he encounters including us watching at home of our shared humanity. Also, for me and my family, we choose one activity to do per day, prioritizing the services as much as possible. The experience provides the faithful significant content to listen to, watch, and read; in order to lead, grow, and inspire. Fulfilled prophecy - Zechariah prophesied the entrance of the Messiah into Jerusalem, saying:"Rejoice greatlyOdaughter of Jerusalem; behold, the King comes unto Thee; he isjust, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upona colt the foal of an ass." Let the mixture infuse for about 10 minutes, then strained it into another container. The next day dressed in local traditional costumes or a special costume, the girls carrying baskets full of Lazarakia and flowers went around the neighborhoods and sang Lazarus's carols and offered cookies. Christ is Risen! One way to plan a Holy Week lesson using our resources would be: Holy Week planner, fact sheets, worksheets, and flashcards. Black marker for eyes, A completed Spoon Lady Lent consists of: For details on fasting, see also our page on Orthodox Fasting. There are parts I love (like Jamie Tartts and Roy Kents brewing bromance) and parts I dont (like how the writers insist, even in our post-MeToo era, on romantically pairing employers with employees with vast power disparities). (prostration) To Him be glory and power from all ages to all ages." Given the religious focus of our project, we decided from the start not to charge for our digital material, so anyone even those who could not afford to pay for it could have access to it. Sung in Anticipation - As with most services this week, Holy Tuesday evenings service is sung in anticipation for the next morning, meaning it is the readings and gospel lesson from Holy Wednesday. Some years we have started the project right before Great Lent, while others one or two weeks into Lent, in which case we dont use all of the tokens in the packet. Paper dress Orthodox Pebbles created instructions on making your own Epitaphios DIY Lantern, which you can find HERE. In many cultures, very little work is done on this day - Only the very basics are done today, so plan ahead to have simple meals for your family. Links and tutorials below. And wherever he goes from the locker room to a meeting of the Diamond Dogs, his makeshift male support group community flourishes. He disarms people. An Overview of Greek Orthodox Holy Week. Laurel leaves are strewn throughout the church during the service, because in the ancient world laurel leaves were a sign of victory. Join live on Zoom, 6:15pm Pacific Time, 9:15pm Eastern. 9:9) Our Lord enters Jerusalem and is proclaimed king - but in an earthly sense, as many people of His time were seeking a political Messiah. There are famous Christ figures like Gandolf in Lord of the Rings, Dumbledore in the Harry Potter stories, and Anna in Frozen. Seen through this lens, Ted Lasso is another kind of religious archetype: a modern-day holy fool. The whole of the Triodion period with its special services, readings and hymnology, is offered to us as an opportunity to re-focus and reflect on our spiritual and physical condition, acknowledge and repent for our wrong-doings and passions, confess and change our mindset, and show Christian love, care and compassion to our fellowmen especially those with whom we keep a certain distance. Large 18 Beeswax Handmade Resurrection Candle (pictured below) by Lucia and Etheldreda HERE. We also pledged never to include advertisements in our website. At the conclusion of the procession, the priest proclaims the Synodikon (As the Prophets beheld) of the Seventh Ecumenical Council on the Restoration of the Holy Icons. Sunday Sermon Series is an easy-to-download weekly sermon on the Sunday Gospels with insights and analyses about the readings. His marriage has dissolved. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Palm Sunday Activity Pack Printables - by Joy in Play. If you have the Orthodox Pebbles Holy Week Kit - Be sure to make your oil lamp! When everyone else seems to be carried along by the powerful riptides of ambition, vanity, fame, jadedness and contempt, it startles us when someone swims upstream against the current. Prepared traditionally, they are "Lenten" meaning there are no eggs, butter or milk in the recipe. And why did Jesus reveal His risen self to these women instead of His Apostles? A pocket It tells the story of the five virgins who filled their lamps in preparation for receiving the bridegroom while the other five allowed their lamps to go out, and hence were shut out of the marriage feast. Optional: sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on the inside before rolling them up, and use chocolate chips for the eyes. Consider Adorning Your Prayer Corner with fresh greens, flowers, and displaying an Icon of the Feast! Christ loves them and theyre beloved by all. So Why Pussy Willow Branches? These services and the experience of Holy Week remind us of the manner which we should always live - being totally devoted to God! Wooden spoons Orthodox Pebbles is also offering additional resources to help organize enriching religious education sessions. Butcher paper or poster paper The holy fool, or yurodivy (also spelled iurodivyi), is a well-known, though controversial, character in Russian Orthodox spirituality. The Church commemorates Saint Gregory, archbishop of Thessaloniki of the 14th c. and Holy Father of the Church. Two services in one day is likely a LOT for any family, but what a better way to kick off Holy Week than by dedicating the whole week to yours and your families spiritual benefit! Jesus died to help us all Joseph is often seen as a Type of Christ. Please point them to our website instead, so they can download it from here. On this evening, we begin with the Hymn of the Bridegroom, "Behold the Bridegroom comes in the midst of the nightbeware, therefore, O my soul, lest thou be borne down in sleepand lest thou be shut out from the Kingdom" This is a reference to the parable Jesus taught in Matthew 25, the parable of the ten virigins: in Jesus words Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. This parable is our sobering reminder at the start of Holy Week to remain vigilant! It is particularly helpful to prepare or teach children about repentance and the Sacrament of Confession. FREE Printable Holy Friday Craft by Orthodox Pebbles - If you dont have a Holy Week kit, dont worry, weve got you covered! Spend less time planning, and more time exploring the special days of Holy Week, while working on creative projects together with the children. Each service is rotated ahead twelve hours. If you have a chance, Id suggest sitting down and making a plan for how you will spend each day of the week, including what services your family will attend, what meals you will prepare/eat, and make a list of all the things you need to buy/collect. Scissors Good strength for the week ahead, dear friends! You can find a recipe HERE. You can listen I See Thy Bridal Chamber on Youtube in a 1 minute video HERE, You can listen to Alleluia Antiphon on Youtube in a 3 minute video HERE. Lazarus DIY Crafts thanks to Orthodox Pebbles - link, St Lazarus - Friend of Christ by Potamitis Publishing, For Biblical Stories, we prefer to read them directly from the source! Apostle Paul firmly interprets the Resurrection of Christ, saying: "If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain" (1 Corinthians 15:14). Lastly, as a reminder, none of these items I mentioned above are necessary. The Gospel reading for the day is about the barren fig tree (Matthew 21), which Christ cursed and withered because it bore no fruit. Number Lady Lents legs and describe her special features (eyes, mouth, hands see below). At, you can pledge to offer us a small contribution every time we create new content. Our mission is to keep adding to our digital collection of high-quality, FREE, online Orthodox Christian educational resourcesfor young children an endeavor that requires a significant time investment, and expenses for software, art supplies and web hosting. Fill with olive oil (or any vegetable oil) and light it! Image: Orthodox Pebbles instructions on how to make your own perfume (Instructions HERE). One of the themes this evening is the miracle referenced in Matthew 21 of thethe withering of the fig tree, a miracle symbolic of those who claim religious identity, but who in reality have empty lives that yield no spiritual fruit. Traditions in America: After Divine Liturgy, many churches will have a family day with lawn games, fun activities for kids, and of course food! The Raising of Lazarus from Orthodox Pebbles Palm Sunday Celebrating a Palm Sunday Procession in the Domestic Church Palm Sunday Procession in the Domestic Church Service Go for a walk and find branches to use as "symbols for victory" to hold during the Palm Sunday Liturgy or use the Palms if you were able to pick up at church. 8 East 79th Street New York, NY 10075 Special thanks to Presbytera Destinie of Ascetic Life of Motherhood for exploring the kit with her sweet little children and sharing wonderful photos with us. In Greece where we originate from, it is customary for young children to carry a lantern instead of a candle during the Epitaphios procession on Holy Friday evening, and this is where the inspiration for this craft comes from. When you become our patron, and depending on your pledge tier, we will send you a little gift as a token of our appreciation. Metropolis of Chicago Launches "Higher Calling" Initiative, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America Delivers Historic Address to the US Intelligence Community at The National Intelligence University in Washington, DC. Craft kits are available to purchase, but tutorials are free, so feel free to create your own projects using supplies you have at home! If you want to make another Pascha bread, check out my blogpost on a traditional Pascha basket for Kulich and Paska Bread recipes HERE. We also have the unique opportunity to create traditions for our families - and we can do that without the need to acquire All the things! Find what works for your family and build on those traditions each year. Be sure to follow along with me on Instagram for more Liturgical and feast day resources and monthly guides in the coming year! What appears normal and successful in the world is revealed by the fool to be hollow, vain and pointless. Have feedback? We added an electric tea light candle to ours! These solemn hours are observed as we read the various accounts and hymns concerning the crucifixion. O Death, where is thy sting? Attend the Service Together as a family! (prostration)Amen. Early in the series, Ted tells a reporter named Trent Crimm: For me, success is not about the wins and losses. To make your own Lady Lent calendar, you can use our free ideas below or you can purchase our fabric wall hanging calendar DIY kit. Holy fools are marked by this sort of opulent, irrational, prodigality of grace. Pascha Family Brunch table inspiration plus some photos from our Pascha service 2023, Ascetic Life of Motherhood 2021 - Powered by Squarespace, You can find the DIY templates (only) kit available through Draw Near Designs, Edible Flower Shortbread Cookies for Dormition, Locust & Honey Crescent Rolls for St John,, A Letter to Those Who Bring Small Children to Church, March Saints and Feast Days: Liturgical Guide, January Liturgical Guide Printable for Orthodox Families. A lesson plan about Pascha includes animation video. You can find the recipes HERE. The Holy Archdiocese does not exercise any administrative oversight or assignment authority over clergy that are not part of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The Orthros of the Resurrection begins in complete darkness. We have collected a variety of resources to help plan effective lessons on Holy Week. Hes just Ted. This project involves parent/guardian participation. Fasting Meal Planner for Great Lent- take some of the mental load of deciding what to cook and ultimately save you some precious time, money and energy. 2 / 12 At home, one craft can be done every day of the Holy Week, while exploring the day's celebrated theme. In our family, we have a tradition of eating everyones favorite breakfast foods including cinnamon rolls, bacon, and of course our Pascha Basket treats! Teach about the Orthodox Holy Week in a HANDS-ON, MULTISENSORY, AESTHETICALLY PLEASING way, that children and adults will remember for years to come! All sermons are posted on the DRE This beautiful prayer is read on the weekdays of Great Lent. Every Sunday is dedicated in the Eastern Orthodox Church to the Resurrection of the Lord. Palms are blessed in church and are distributed. Official Documents | Terms of Use | Copyright Sources. In Teds weakness is his strength, while Nates grasping at strength reveals debilitating weakness.