The Winton Players cast of Charleys Aunt in performance this week, Hell man shop owners clean up after a mystery mayonnaise attack, The world of removals & storage a local award winning family owned business. Als dies die beiden Einbrecher bemerkten, flchteten sie ber ein Fenster in Richtung Hopfauer Weg. Latest news about crime in Riverside, Hemet, Temecula, Corono and the rest of Riverside County, CA from the crime and courts reporters of The Press-Enterprise. Die Frauen gingen gegen 22.15 Uhr die Burgenlandstrae entlang, als ihnen auf Hhe der Hausnummer 46 ein 29-jhriger Mann entgegentrat und sichtbar sexuelle Handlungen an sich vornahm. Oliver N. verlie gegen 15:00 Uhr ein Wohnheim in der Aischer Strae und kehrte seitdem nicht mehr zurck. Nrnberg (ots) - Am Donnerstagnachmittag (20.04.2023) entwendete ein Unbekannter einer Frau im Nrnberger Stadtteil Rennweg die Handtasche. A force spokesman said: "Police were called at midday on Friday 21 May by workers at Petersfield Cemetery who had discovered suspected human remains in unexpected circumstances. Kommt es trotz Sicherungsmanahmen zur Entwendung, helfen eine Registrierung und der Eintrag in die Fahrradhalterdatei den Diebstahl bei entsprechenden Kontrollen nachzuweisen und das Fahrrad dem ric 27.04.2023 12:00 - Polizeiprsidium Mittelfranken. Follow BBC South on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. . Police are investigating after a teenage woman was assaulted in a Hampshire town centre. At around 5.30pm on April 29 a man walking past the bar was approached from behind by an unknown woman who reportedly sexually assaulted him . Mit unserem kostenlosen Newsletter zum Wochenstart erfhrst du, was in Peiting los ist. Burgbernheim (ots) - zum Streit mit einem Read about our approach to external linking. A 14-year-old schoolgirl has been charged with attempted murder after allegedly stabbing a classmate in the chest. Dabei strzte er und blieb im Gleisbereich liegen. Now police believe that this incident is linked to a case of flashing in Havant town centre in broad daylight just days two prior. Da der 35-Jhrige keinen gltigen Fahrschein vorzeigen und sich nicht ausweisen konnte, riefen sie an der Haltestelle Berliner Platz die Polizei. Ersten Ermittlungen zufolge sollen die beiden Mnner gegen 02.45 Uhr eine Gaststtte an der Steinstrae betreten haben, wo mutmalich der 25-Jhrige einen Papierspender beschdigte. Southampton axe throwing venue now open at the Marlands Shopping Centre, The best axe throwers could go on to compete for the title of UK champion, Southampton's Armel Bella-Kotchap makes honest Newcastle admission amid Jan Bednarek point, Southampton's winless run in the Premier League stretched to nine games after Newcastle United came back from a goal down to claim a 3-1 win at St James' Park on Sunday, Every word Ruben Selles said on Newcastle, Che Adams decision, Paul Onuachu and Romain Perraud, Newcastle United came from behind on Sunday to beat Southampton 3-1 at St James' Park and push Ruben Selles' side closer towards relegation to the Championship, Hampshire walks perfect for the whole family this bank holiday weekend, Ruben Selles confirms major Southampton blow amid Romain Perraud injury update, Romain Perraud limped off in the first-half of Southampton's 1-0 defeat against Bournemouth in midweek and was not included in the matchday squad for Sunday's 3-1 loss at Newcastle United, Ruben Selles explains Che Adams starting omission amid Southampton defeat at Newcastle United, Che Adams was named among the substitutes for the second game running, coming off the bench late on as Southampton lost 3-1 away at Newcastle United in Sunday's Premier League clash, Southampton player ratings vs Bournemouth as McCarthy returns and Ward-Prowse subbed in defeat, Southampton fell to yet another Premier League defeat on Thursday night as Marcus Tavernier's second-half goal was enough for Bournemouth to win 1-0 at St Mary's, Man arrested after chasing another man with a knife in Southampton, Officers are keen to identify the man who was being chased, 12 of Airbnbs quirkiest places to stay in Hampshire, There are a number of quirky options across Hampshire, Data reveals 30,000 broken streetlights in Hampshire as Lib Dems blame 'chronic underfunding', Data revealed by the Lib Dems shows more than 200,000 were reported broken across the country, Where in Hampshire people are most likely to be burgled - interactive map shows crime hotspots, Homes in Southampton are 'more likely to be targeted' by burglars than any other area in the county, B&M to open Camberley store near Hampshire border in former BHS unit, The store will open in Princess Way, Camberley on June 24, Three men handed life sentences for murder of Southampton teenager Dawid Such, Dawid's mother said in court that her days "begin and end with crying" following her son's death, Over 50 firefighters battle Newbury school fire on the Hampshire border, Due to the amount of smoke in the area, local residents were asked to keep windows and doors closed, Two men died from carbon monoxide poisoning onboard boat in marina, An investigation found that no carbon monoxide alarm was fitted to the boat, Hit and run car mounted kerb on Totton High Street leaving pedestrian with serious head injuries, Joshua James Wallace sold the car on the same day and police found it in a scrapyard. The A3 southbound is closed from the # Petersfield # Buriton slip road following a fatal single-vehicle collision.. Diversions are in place. News. Hampshire Constabulary has provided some further information on the crash that has closed the A325. Petersfield Post - local news at the heart of the community partners With your permission we and our partners may use precise geolocation data and identification through device scanning. Die Auseinandersetzung verlagerte sich im Laufe des Abends vor die Bar. We were called at 7.57am today, September 8, to reports of a two vehicle collision on the A325 Petersfield Road, Bordon, at the junction with Blackmoor Road. A325 Petersfield Road in both directions partially blocked, queuing traffic due to accident, two vehicles involved at Blackmoor Road. Its easy to make a quick donation or you may agree to support the team on a monthly basis. Die Polizisten verstndigten ihre Kollegen, welche die Frau wenig spter einer Kontro 28.04.2023 09:59 - Polizeiprsidium Mittelfranken. 'It was always my dream to work on the railway' Video, 00:01:13, 'It was always my dream to work on the railway', Mum will miss 'kind, gentle' son after uni death. Beim Erblicken der Polizisten 27.04.2023 11:50 - Polizeiprsidium Stuttgart. Company number 11705881, the P pod Petersfield personalities 24 April 2023: B-Earth Day in Buriton, Petersfield Mens Shed revisited crafts made & skills shared. Nrnberg (ots) - Das Auffinden eines verdchtigen Gegenstandes in der Nrnberger Sdstadt fhrte am Donnerstagnachmittag (27.04.2023) zu einem Polizeieinsatz. Published: Apr. Einsatzkrften und den ebenfalls anwesenden Rettungssanittern klagte Der 35-Jhrige kam hinzu, beleidigte den Mitarbeiter und zeigte ihm den Mittelfinger. Police have confirmed that the vehicles have been recovered from the scene on the A325 Petersfield Road. In der Gaststtte kam es vorerst zu einer verbalen Streitigkeit mit einer anderen anwesenden Personengruppe. Police have not yet been more specific on the circumstances of the discovery, which was made by staff at the site. Police Incident Reports A Selection of Noteworthy Incident Reports. The family of the woman who died have been informed and are being supported by officers. Find out how you can get more HampshireLive news straight to your inbox HERE . Ein Passant stellte am Nachmittag einen verdchtigen Gegenstand in der Landgrabenstrae fest. On Friday, March 4, an altercation took place in Petersfield Town Square leaving three men, two in their 40s and one in his 20s, with serious but non-life threatening injuries. Stuttgart-Mitte (ots) - The driver, a woman from Liss, was arrested and later released under investigation. Als die drei Mnner im Alter von 22, 29 und 30 Jahren gegen 02.30 Uhr durch die Unterfhrung in Richtung Esslinger Strae gingen, bedrohte sie ein bislang unbekannter Mann, der in Begleitung einer Frau war, mit einem Messer und forderte die Herausgabe von Bargeld. The Petersphere sets the scene for a challenging DofE expedition, Spring a time for new beginnings & a new shop has sprung up in town. Anyone who witnessed the incident involving the 18-year-old woman is asked to call 101 or report what they saw online quoting 44220100264. Der 17-Jhrige befand sich gegen 19.15 Uhr auf dem Stuttgarter Frhlingsfest im Almhttendorf als er pltzlich von einem Mann umarmt wurde. Polizeibeamte haben am Mittwoch (26.04.2023) einen 35 Jahre alten Mann festgenommen, der im Verdacht steht, ohne Fahrschein in der Stadtbahn gefahren und mit Rauschgift gehandelt zu haben. Als dies misslang, schlugen ihm mehrere Angreifer gegen den Oberkrper und den Kopf. Police were called to reports of an assault in Petersfield Avenue shortly after 11.30pm last night (Monday, April 29). Nrnberg (ots) - Ein 27-jhriger Mann steht im Verdacht, am Donnerstagmittag (27.04.2023) im Nrnberger Stadtteil Hasenbuck einen Rucksack gestohlen zu haben. Alternatively, you can go online and submit information via One of the males from the group then assaulted the 18-year-old victim, causing her to fall to the ground. 10:00 Uhr mit der Verringerung auf einen Fahrstreifen, mglicherweise auch mit einer Vollsperrung der kompletten Fahrspur in stadtauswrtiger R 28.04.2023 09:01 - Bundespolizeidirektion Mnchen. Die Polizei sucht Zeugen zu einem Verkehrsunfall am Samstagmorgen (29.04.2023) im Einmndungsbereich Mhlhuserstrae / Seeblickweg. Nach Beendigung der Kontrolle bettigte der deutsche Staatsangehrige dann schlielich den Nothalt der Rolltreppe 27.04.2023 11:53 - Polizeiprsidium Stuttgart. Gegen 19:15 Uhr beobachtete ein Zeuge einen 38-Jhrigen, der in einem Warenhaus in der Knigstrae mehrere Parfms im Wert von ber 400 Euro an sich nahm und den Laden verlie, ohne diese zu bezahlen. Stuttgart (ots) - 30.04.2023 11:30 - Polizeiprsidium Stuttgart. The student, who is also said to be in grade 10, has been treated and released from the hospital. Community radio doesnt just provide a trusted source of local information. Nhere Einze 27.04.2023 06:55 - Bundespolizeidirektion Mnchen. Bei einem Verkehrsunfall am Freitagnachmittag (28.04.2023) auf der Bundesstrae 14 im Bereich des Schattenrings haben sich zwei Personen im Alter von jeweils 31 Jahren leichte Verletzungen zugezogen. Seit Mittwochabend (26.04.2023) wurde die 79-jhrige Luzie Ursula Marie S. aus Burgbernheim vermisst. We were called at 7.57am today, September 8, to reports of a two vehicle collision on the A325 Petersfield Road, Bordon, at the junction with Blackmoor Road. Mnchen (ots) - 35-jhrige Mann. We know anti-social behaviour and associated crime has a negative impact on the local community and our message remains clear; anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated in Petersfield. Stuttgart-Wangen (ots) - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt (ots) - Kiefersfelden (A93) / Rosenheim (ots) - So gab es im Jahr 2022 allein in Nrnberg 1.854 angezeigte Diebsthle mit einem Gesamtschaden in Hhe von rund 1,68 Millionen Euro. Seit Dienstagnachmittag (25.04.2023) wird der 60-jhrige Oliver N. aus Adelsdorf (Lkrs. Stuttgart-Nord (ots) - Bei einem Verkehrsunfall am Sonntagabend (30.04.2023) im Bereich der Neckar-/Villastrae entstand ein Sachschaden von mehreren zehntausend Euro, verletzt wurde glcklicherweise niemand. Weitere Geschdigte oder Zeugen kn 29.04.2023 10:22 - Polizeiprsidium Stuttgart. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. Traffic incidents The following traffic incidents and congestion for A3 have been reported by Highways England, Traffic Scotland, Traffic Wales or Transport for London (TfL) in the last two hours: BROKEN DOWN VEHICLE Location: The A3 southbound between the junctions with the A272 Petersfield South and the A3M . A 26-year-old man from Petersfield, a 46-year-old man and a 23-year-old man from Horndean, and a 27-year-old man from Bordon, were all subsequently arrested on suspicion of wounding/inflicting grievous bodily harm without intent and were released under investigation. Police have not yet been more specific on the circumstances of the discovery. Read a recap of our blog below for a summary of traffic and travel updates on this incident. Erlangen-Hchstadt) vermisst. Police investigating the apparent discovery of human remains in "unexpected circumstances" at a cemetery in Petersfield have told ITV News Meridian that they "have accounted for the presence of . Our aim was to offer reassurance and support to our communities, and take enforcement action against those causing trouble in the town centre. More Local Journalism to Love - Start today for 50% off - Expires 4/30/23. The crash happened at about 13:30 BST on Monday on Ramshill, in Petersfield, and involved a blue Skoda Yeti. Incidents listed are selected by the Officer In Charge of each shift that may have significant public interest. and last updated 3:55 PM, Apr 28, 2023. After the incident, officers from the Petersfield Neighbourhood Policing team set up a dispersal order to tackle anti-social behaviour in the town centre. One person was trapped in a vehicle. 999. Eleven people were killed after a gas leak incident in the Giaspura area in this Punjab district on Sunday, while some people were admitted to hospital for a treatment. Mnchen (ots) - Die Polizei bittet um Hinweise aus der Bevlkerung. 100 Meter von de 27.04.2023 19:55 - Polizeiprsidium Mittelfranken. Daher rt die Polizei das eigene Fahrrad registrieren zu lassen. Read about our approach to external linking. Stuttgart-Vaihingen (ots) - A force spokesman said: "Police were called at midday on Friday 21 May by workers at Petersfield Cemetery who had discovered suspected human remains in unexpected circumstances. Hell man - shop owners clean up after a mystery mayonnaise attack Apr 18, 2023 | Audio stories, Local news Petersfield Shop owners are still cleaning up after a shameless mayonnaise attack. ein Mann ber starke Kopfsch 27.04.2023 08:24 - Polizeiprsidium Mittelfranken. A woman was found so intoxicated in Avalanche forward Valeri Nichushkin's hotel room Saturday that a team doctor called for an ambulance to take her to a hospital, according to a Seattle Poli A police cordon was put in place. Ob der Tatverdchtige hierbei die Schere noch in der Hand hielt 30.04.2023 11:01 - Polizeiprsidium Stuttgart. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. A Brisbane father says a car carrying his partner and baby has been rammed by a Landcruiser - wanted over another road rage incident - in a bizarre possible case of mistaken identity. Video, 00:00:29, Northern Lights dazzle the south's star gazers. Sie wurde festgenommen. Unbekannte Tter haben am Mittwoch (26.04.2023) an der Gterstrae einen Anhnger aufgebrochen, der auf einem Grundstck steht und als Wohnraum genutzt wird. Nach derzeitigem Stand der Ermittlungen befuhr der 62-Jhrige gegen23:00 Uhr den Panoramaweg in Baiersbronn, als er offenbar aufgrund alkoholischer Beeinflussung einen am Fahrbahnrand geparkten BMW streifte und strzte. Roadworks ROAD WORKS Automobile Association Developments Ltd. 2018 . Nrnberg (ots) - News South Western Railway staff stopped and evacuated the ten-carriage train at Petersfield after passengers noticed smoke and a smell of burning in the fifth carriage. Follow Jamaican news online for free and stay informed on what's happening in the Caribbean, Jamaica Observer, 2022 All Rights Reserved, Abused 11-y-o girl hospitalised a third time, Children running to cops to escape domestic violence, Judge denies Pathways killer bail for his safety, Sons want answers after dad's hit and run death, Epworth residents help maintain repaired road, Waterhouse's Gordon wants more after edging by Cavalier, Press Conference too strong for rivals in top-rated race, Newcastle rout Tottenham 6-1, boost Champions League hopes, I Am Fred too classy for field in The Viceroy Trophy feature, Teenagers win Saint Fashion Face of the C'bean titles, Festival of the Performing Arts National Finals on at Little Theatre, Record Store Day celebrates vinyl sales up on CDs 1st since 1987, Relax & Rejuvinate w/ Kadii Pinks Designs, Disrespectful stepson ruining my marriage, Female student stabbed at Petersfield High. Police in Hampshire have launched an investigation after human remains were discovered at a cemetery in "unexpected circumstances". Digital station of the year gold prize, Community Radio Awards 2022, Digital station of the year silver prize, Community Radio Awards 2021, Arts & entertainment winner, Petersfield Awards 2020, Licensed by PRS for Music and PPL to stream music online, Accredited member of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations, 2023 Petersfield Community Radio Ltd. A not for profit company, limited by guarantee and run by volunteers for social benefit. Am Mittwochabend (26.04.2023) strte ein 35-Jhriger Geschwindigkeitsmessungen der Kommunalen Verkehrsberwachung, beleidigte einen Mitarbeiter und leistete Widerstand gegenber Polizeibeamten. Ein 25-jhriger Mann soll gegen 18.45 Uhr mit einer Schere in der Hand eine Passantin aufgefordert haben, die Straenseite zu wechseln. Der Geschdigte (22) befand sich gegen 23:45 Uhr mit Freunden in einer Burger- und Cocktailbar in der Brunnengasse. Fire crew members told us that nobody was hurt. Police investigating an alleged sexual assault at The White Horse pub in Alton High Street would like to speak to a woman in connection with the incident. Prsidialbro - Pressestelle News. Der Fahrer eines grauen Audi A4 Avant parkte sein Fahrzeug mit dem amtlichen Kennzeichen RH - GS 152 gegen 23:15 Uhr in der Paracelsusstrae. The train on which the fire was reported is one of the . Anlsslich des "Biker-Treffens" in der Mnchener Strae muss ab ca. Verkehrsteilnehmer mssen mit Verkehrsbehinderungen rechnen. Die Beamten kontrollierten zwischen 11.30 Uhr und 20.00 Uhr ber 100 Fahrzeuge sowie mehr als 200 Personen und stellten dabei ber 20 Verste fest. 16 Jan. It's shut at Rogate due to a three-vehicle crash that happened at 10am today and is not expected to re-open until 3pm at the earliest. Hampshire Constabulary has been contacted to see whether there is any further information now available on the crash. Stuttgart-Mitte (ots) - Die beiden Geschdigten und ein 28-jhriger Begleiter wurden gegen 18.45 Uhr vor einem Festzelt von acht bis zehn dunkel gekleideten Personen geschlagen und getreten, wobei ihnen auch zwei Fanschals und eine Fanmtze entrissen und entwendet wurden. Hampshire Police launch probe after human remains found at Petersfield cemetery in 'unexpected circumstances', Police in Hampshire have launched an investigation. Hampshire Constabulary is appealing for any witnesses or anyone with dash cam footage to come forward. A272 in both directions partially blocked, very slow traffic due to accident, a lorry and a horse box involved near Durleighmarsh Farm Shop. VideoThe secret mine that hid the Nazis' stolen treasure, LGBT troops take love for Eurovision to front line, Why an Indian comedian is challenging fake news rules. Suchmanahmen nach dem Vermissten fhrten bislang nicht zum Auffinden des Oliver N. Es ist nicht auszuschlieen, dass er sich in einer hilflosen Lage befindet. Nrnberg (ots) - Polizeibeamte haben am Donnerstag (27.04.2023) anlsslich des landesweiten Verkehrsfahndungstags an der Heinrich-Baumann-Strae Verkehrskontrollen durchgefhrt. Today, 22 December, Hanson was jailed for 21 years and Seymour was jailed for 22 years. Officers will continue to patrol the area over the coming weeks to ensure Petersfield remains a safe place for all to enjoy. Officers sealed off a small area of the cemetery and set up two forensics tents whilst making their enquiries. Die Polizei bittet um Hinweise aus der Bevlkerung. Stuttgart (ots) - Um der Bedrohungssituation zu entgehen, setzten die Geschdigten 30.04.2023 10:51 - Polizeiprsidium Stuttgart. Die Polizei bittet um Zeugenhinweise. Das zustndige Fachkommissariat der Kriminalpolizei 28.04.2023 10:50 - Polizeiprsidium Mittelfranken. Henry Rawlings bagged hundreds of piles of dog mess while trekking the 65-mile Serpent Trail in the South Downs National Park. Polizeimeldungen aus Petersberg Kr. Police officers were called to a house in Petersfield Close, Top Valley, shortly before 5pm on Tuesday (March 29) following a report that a woman had been attacked. However, our advertising department can be more than accommodating if emailed: If readers wish to report offensive comments, suggest a correction or share a story then please email. We spoke to these eyewitnesses and passengers affected by the incident. We welcome reader comments on the top stories of the day. The incident took place in a branch of Subway on Portswood Road in Southampton. We will, however, try to publish comments that are representative of all received. Eine vor Ort befindliche Streife der Bundespolizei kon 28.04.2023 11:12 - Polizeiprsidium Stuttgart. Read about our approach to external linking. Mitarbeiter des Prfpersonals kontrollierten den Tatverdchtigen gegen 15.00 Uhr in der Linie U2 Richtung Berliner Platz. Record Store Day what does it mean to our local, independent, music shop aficionado? Am kommenden Montag (01.05.2023) finden im Nrnberger Stadtgebiet mehrere Veranstaltungen/Versammlungen statt. This is unconfirmed by emergency services. 29, 2023, 5:48 p.m. It follows the discovery which was made on Friday May 21, according to a spokesman for Hampshire police. A 76-year-old woman was pronounced dead at the scene. Hampshire Constabulary has provided some further information on the crash that has closed the A325. Unbekannte entwendeten in der Nacht von Donnerstag (27.04.2023) auf Freitag (28.04.2023) ein Auto im Schwabacher Gemeindeteil Unterreichenbach. #RoadClosure # A3. The victim, who has not been named, was. Video, 00:01:28, Mum will miss 'kind, gentle' son after uni death, Footage captures creation of mural on city buildings. Die vermummten Tter attackierten den Geschdigte gegen 14.30 Uhr auf dem Weg zum Stadion von hinten und versuchten, ihm seinen um den Hals gelegten Fanschal zu entreien. Information said: "A325 Petersfield Road in both directions partially blocked, queuing traffic due to accident, two vehicles involved at Blackmoor Road.". They are now appealing for witnesses, Drivers warned over bank holiday mistake responsible for many crashes, The AA says not following advice can be 'catastrophic', The Hampshire criminals jailed in April including 'callous' killer who murdered Southampton grandmother, Other offences included arson and manslaughter, Subway worker attacked after confronting thief about stolen sandwich. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. Is climate change killing Australian wine? Most populous nation: Should India rejoice or panic? Bei der grenzpolizeilichen Personalienberprfung nahe Kiefersfelden fanden 27.04.2023 13:34 - Polizeiprsidium Mittelfranken. Donnerstagmorgen (27. Coronation Street actress Barbara Young dies aged 92, MasterChef Australia judge Jock Zonfrillo found dead aged 46, Ryanair cancels 220 flights over May 1 bank holiday due to strikes, Hardcore coronation fans already camped outside Buckingham Palace, One dead and seven injured in Cornwall nightclub knife attack, Ferry runs aground with baby on board after smoke in engine room. Video, 00:00:16, Footage captures creation of mural on city buildings, Northern Lights dazzle the south's star gazers. 28.04.2023 13:18 - Polizeiprsidium Mittelfranken. Fulda | Unfall heute | Blaulichtreport aktuell. According . Suchmanahmen durch Beamtinnen und Beamte der Polizei Bad Windsheim sowie der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr fhrten bislang nicht zum Auffinden der Frau. Gegenber den Personenbeschreibung: dunkler Teint, dunkle Haare, dunkler Bart, dunkle Jeans, schwarzer Hoodie und weie Unterhose. About an hour later, two other . In der Nacht von Mittwoch (26.04.2023) auf Donnerstag (27.04.2023) stahlen Unbekannte ein Auto in Roth. Travel news service INRIX said that two vehicles were involved in the incident, which happened at around 8am on Tuesday (September 8). On Saturday (March 12) an 18-year-old woman was walking along Lavant Street in Petersfield at 10.20pm with a friend when a group of around six young males walked past and started shouting abuse.. One of the males from the group then assaulted the 18-year-old victim, causing her to fall to the ground. Als er den Gleisbereich betrat, fuhr die Regionalbahn bereits in den Bahnhof auf Gleis 3 ein und war ca. HSBC closing Lymington, Ringwood and Petersfield branches along with 66 more across the UK, altercation took place in Petersfield Town Square, Havant rail inspector with 'shy bladder syndrome' sacked over drugs test sues Network Rail, Hampshire hour-by-hour bank holiday Monday weather as Met Office forecasts thunderstorms, There will be a mixture of sunshine, cloud and rain, Urgent appeal for missing Eastleigh 14-year-old girl with links to Basingstoke and Southampton. Sergeant Kieran Mansell of Hampshire Constabulary said: A dispersal order was put in place over the weekend, following an incident in the Town Square on Friday, 4 March, in which three men were injured during an altercation with another group of people. It has now been confirmed that a woman has been taken to hospital after she was pulled from the river. The incident, which occured on Monday at Petersfield School, Petersfield . Today the #Waterlooville North Neighbourhoods team have been conducting shoplifting, assault & drug-related activity enquiries in the town centre. The incident took place in a branch of Subway on Portswood Road in Southampton. The A325 Petersfield Road was closed in both directions near Bordon due to a crash. A road closure has been put in place to allow emergency services to deal with this incident. Hampshire hour-by-hour bank holiday Monday weather as Met Office forecasts thunderstorms, There will be a mixture of sunshine, cloud and rain, Urgent appeal for missing Eastleigh 14-year-old girl with links to Basingstoke and Southampton. You may click to consent to our and our partners' processing as described above. Am Dienstag (25. A road closure has been put in place to allow . Stuttgart-Mitte (ots) - Die ffentlichkeitsfahndung wird deshalb widerrufen.
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