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the doctor painting worth

Scheermuni'. Question: I have an original signed photo by Wallace R MacAskill. They offer free appraisals based on past auction results. [4], It has also been pointed out that it was unlikely that a Victorian physician would make an overnight home visit to a poor family, such services being available only to the middle class and the wealthy. It sounds as though you have done some research on Ensor yourself, but realistically, without a signature, it may be difficult to prove the link. This painting however has never been seen by the public as far as I know. If you think your painting is of sufficient quality try seeking advice from an art sales professional in your local area. Thanks for a nice article with magnificent photos. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on February 13, 2013: To the reader who recently e-mailed me via hubpages regarding a recently acquired horse picture, I do not offer a valuation or appraisal service, and most of my best advice regarding research is included in this article or in it's companion article 'Who is the Artist of this Picture?'. Hardcover Art Book ICONART game poster Given that players will need to fork out over $60 extra for this edition, it's worth going into whether these rewards are worth it for the average consumer. [4] In 1911 it featured in a Punch cartoon commenting satirically on the effect of the National Insurance Act 1911 on doctors. I hope you found it useful. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on August 21, 2014: Hi Brenda, you're absolutely right in your idea that people are always on the look-out for interesting pieces that don't necessarily have high values. Do you have a similar item and want to know how much it's worth? If, however, you require a written appraisal for insurance purposes, you will need to have this done by a professional appraiser. A partially empty bottle of medicine sits on the table. There are no bids at present, but you might want to see how that auction goes to get a feeling for any possible interest in similar works. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on August 31, 2011: Thanks for stopping by and commenting Wilrhoades. A metal plate is first given an acid-resistant coating. [4] The ' dawn' light through the window, represents recovery and hope as the child survived the night. There were several pictures created around this time which depict the baptism of Christ, and they may be similar to your description. Returning to the Victorian era, I am now going to ask you to look and reflect on a real picture. Question: I have an old oil on canvas painting of a river scene by a William Miller, or Meller. I have been able to find out very little about this artist. To do this you need to check the artist's signature, and this is usually (though not always) in either one of the bottom corners. Good quality painted copies are often worth more than prints. How wonderful to discover something of great value amongst your household knickknacks! Image released under Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND (3.0 Unported), In 1890 Sir Henry Tate (1819-98) commissioned a painting from Luke Fildes, the subject of which was left to his own discretion. carriethomson from United Kingdom on September 16, 2011: WOW Amanda what a brilliant hub!! Thanks for including Mearto in your article. That's all I have to work with. I am trying to learn a bit. On the web, I've found a lot of variations on the theme, but not the exact picture; mine is darker, with wind and waves crashing on the beach. Etchings are a very particular field of expertise, and you need to show your item to someone with the relevant experience. Engravings are worth more because they were harder to make and of course older. Global support groups of thousands for rare diseases means patients are more knowledgeable about their own health than most doctors. I believe that there is a market for interesting pieces that are not necessarily very valuable but that are unique. Good luck with your search. Fildes described the shaft of daylight as signifying the imminent recovery of the child. Email in the first instance, then find out if you want to investigate further dependant on the suggestions they make. A well executed oil painting will usually have a feeling of depth and often a softness about it that is the result of the paint being built up in layers known as "glazes." Thank you. - Project management. Early prints and etchings are an extremely specialised field, and only an expert can give you the right advice. [6] Fildes does include a pestle and mortar, and a cup and a spoon, equipment used before the scientific era of medicine. A genuine Poussin may well attract a lot of interest, and some of his paintings have sold for considerable sums, as you will discover if you look at the auction price listings on the findartinfo.com website. He is perhaps best remembered for being a pioneer of neurology and helping found the National Society for Epilepsy. 1. Unsigned paintings can still be valuable if they are of high quality and are in good condition in a good frame. If, however you are determined to find the artist of the other paiinting you could try Mearto.com or valuemystuff.com. Reproductions of this painting exist in large numbers and are consequently of limited value. Alexandre-Franois Bonnardel (1867-1942) is a listed artist, noted for his still-lifes. Although the painting was done much earlier, circa 1900, the print found a market in later years because it became a popular decorative item for medical offices. Question: I have a signed painting by D.A. Communicate directly with a qualified specialist and get a fair market valuation of your item, typically in 48 hours or less. Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luke_Fildes#/media/File:Luke_Fildes02.jpg. The stamp is 84/100 by 1 44/100 inches in dimension, arranged horizontally, printed by the rotary process in a maroon color, electric-eye perforated, and issued in sheets of 50 subjects. ET on EWTN: Holy Mass and Rosary on Saturday, April 22, 2023 Tell us where you're. Do not remove an old picture from its frame, as this can devalue the item. [4], The painting was first exhibited in 1891. And his painting of the Holy Family, which hangs in the Louvre, is thought to . I also contacted a professional appraiser but the fees where of $175/hr with a minimum of 2 hrs and it could take longer than 2 hours. [2] Two Victorian doctors, Dr Thomas Buzzard (neurologist) and Dr Gustavus Murray (obstetrician), have been particularly associated with the painting, as has the genre of the period in which it was painted. Essie, Ruby and Ferdinand, Children of Asher Wertheimer, Applicants for Admission to a Casual Ward, Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND (3.0 Unported). Part 3: the trouble with telemetry UNEXAMINED MEDICINE, The Sick Child: Edvard, empathy and expertise UNEXAMINED MEDICINE. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. [4] A couple of scrunched up papers lie on the floor, "most probably a filled prescription" which has been frustratingly discarded. Find out from your insurance company exactly what information they need. If you are hoping to sell, find a good quality auction house with an art expert on the team who can give you an estimate of likely sales value. Bryan Vartabedian is an attending physician at Texas Childrens Hospital in Houston. Also the size of the painting is Hugh in comparison to the ones that were sold by the artist. He wrote: At the cottage window the dawn begins to steal in the dawn that is the critical time of all deadly illnesses and with it the parents again take hope into their hearts, the mother hiding her face to escape giving vent to her emotion, the father laying his hand on the shoulder of his wife in encouragement of the first glimmerings of the joy which is to follow (Simon Wilson, Tate Gallery: An Illustrated Companion, London 1997, p.90). 3. Question: I have an oil painting, but cannot distinguish the signature. Main activities: - Legal issues. Realistically, its almost impossible to value a painting without seeing it, and if you are in a big city, there is likely to be a number of auction houses and art dealers locally who will be prepared to give an opinion. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on October 28, 2017: Hi Sari Mati, Thank you for your kind comments. Answer: There are a limited number of artists' signatures available to browse for free on findartinfo.com website. Question: I want to sell three signed pen-and-ink Paule Stetson Loring sketches. One is signed by Stanford Its i believe oil on board. The coating resists the acid except where the image has been scored through. I didnt find it remarkable or telling. Answer: There is no one size fits all answer to this question. The pigments used to produce pastels are exactly the same as those used in any coloured art media, from watercolours to oil paints, and consequently pastels often produce very intense, vibrant colours. Answer: Unfortunately, as I am based in the UK, I'm not familiar with the auction scene in your area. Many thanks. It doesn't, however, sell for vast sums. If it is saleable they should be able to advise you of your options and provide you with a rough valuation. The most detailed part of this sketch is the grave expression on the doctors face which is the focal point in the final version. The Paint Doctor sanded, primed, and re . [1] Fildes was paid 3,000 for the work, a sum he felt was too small for such a painting and less than he expected for painting portraits. Numerous key galleries and museums such as Liss Gallery have featured Dr. Seuss's work in the past. Oriental woodcuts were extremely popular during the 19th century, when they were imported into Europe in great numbers. How do I know my painting is by Munkacsy? Question: I have a painting signed by a local artist Dovard Taunton. . (try video-taping and reviewing a few consultations after gaining patient consent). Johnson entitled 'Early Morning Walk.' I acquired a large antique oil painting from an estate sale depicting Jesus holding a cross with a disciple. In times gone by, aspiring artists would make copies of famous works, and if you have one of these of a sufficiently high standard in a good quality frame, it may well fetch a reasonable price at auction. As you'll appreciate, there are quite a number of artists with the sir-name Lavelle. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on July 23, 2017: It is possible that your etchings are by Baron Ernst von Maydell (1888-1960). Fildes son and biographer wrote: The character and bearing of their doctor throughout the time of their anxiety, made a deep impression on my parents. His father was a mariner and shipping agent. This article offers some practical advice on researching and marketing an old work of art. It is in very good condition. Please be aware, however, that there are many prints of this artist's work in circulation, and a print usually has only a fraction of the value of an original. its a picture of a boy/girl and a cat. Just old. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on April 08, 2017: Hi Melissa, use the tips given in the article to discover whether the paintings might be of value. On Thursday . Good luck with your research! [4], Subsequently, the painting received comments including this by surgeon W. Mitchell Banks: "What do we not owe to Mr. Fildes for showing to the world the typical doctor as we would all like him to be shown an honest man and a gentle man, doing his best to relieve suffering?" Voted up and useful. One of the painting got the signature of the artist but i couldn't read it (it isn't clear) and it is a colored painting, while the other is Black and White but with no signature. Thanks so much! Older frames are often extremely heavy, especially when they are ornately carved, or have gilding over plaster moulding for decoration. Lets look at a few details: Immediately the light draws the observer to focal point of the painting, the detailed face of the Doctor who is leaning forward observing the ill child. Similarly, an art or antique dealer will make a fixed offer if they are interested in your item. The gravely concerned looking father in the background rests his hand on his wifes shoulder. However, a close examination will soon sort the prints from the originals. What does your body language during a consultation say about your thoughts? If the surface is made up of tiny regular dots of colour then it's definitely a print. Throughout Norman Rockwell's life he created over 4,000 original pieces of artwork, learn how to determine its worth Answer: It is impossible to give proper advice without seeing the picture in person. However, powerful images are necessarily positive. 8/29 Denver, CO Ball Arena. The morning light shining through the window is contrasted with the light of the lamp. You never know. The two most commonly found forms of pastel drawing are made using either soft pastels, which have often have a chalky, dusty appearance, and oil pastels which are shinier, smudgier, and often bolder in colour. [12] Fildes built a model cottage to copy after visiting numerous cottages in north-east Scotland, ensuring that the picture included authentic detail of roof rafters, tablecloth, lampshade, and lighting. To inspire the circulation and exchange of new artistic initiatives; 4. Alternatively, you might be curious about something you have inherited or found in a thrift store, charity shop, car boot sale, or junk shop. The relationship between medicine and faith has always been fascinating, particularly so at the end of life. auction results and we are soon launching some statistical tools. This doctor was all in. I would personally prefer to go via an auction house if I were the owner of a Sadee, but that must be your decision. There are many lost masterpieces around waiting to be re-discovered. [4] It may be that these instruments were omitted in order to show the doctors' "professional and personal commitment". They were a part of my father-in-law's collection as he was a graphic artist in Providence, RI, and he knew Mr. Loring. If you love art, as I do, paintings on the wall will always bring pleasure. Christ among the Doctors is an oil painting by Albrecht Drer, dating to 1506, now in the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, Spain. My guess is they don't have an expert to appraise such thematic artwork and tough to decipher the signature. A father gives support to his wife by extending his arm and resting his hand on her shoulder. Question: I have an oil painting on canvas autographed by Lavelle 1976. Let me know how you get on x. diogenes from UK and Mexico on April 01, 2019: Very useful article, I have a couple of oldish oils and will try to do as you advise. Required fields are marked *. It came from art masters gallery It is a still life with two vases and it's painted as a frame, yet has no frame. If you use the free listings on findartinfo.com to research the sold at auction prices, you will see that many oil paintings by Bricher achieve thousands of dollars at auction, sometimes in the high thousands. It is possible that your lithograph found its way to market in the late-1800's, but the newspaper fill in the back is not assurance of a certain dating. Good luck with your search. There are a number of well-known artists with this surname and you may be able to narrow it down by searching on 'Gobbi painting images'. Again, this is a tricky area. Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustavus_Murray#/media/File:Gustavus_Murray_M.D.jpg. Art research can be a lengthy and time-consuming process which is why you are unlikely to get someone to do it without making a charge. Question: I believe I have an oil on canvas painting by B Giovanni. Dr. Murray became a symbol of professional devotion which would day inspire the painting of The Doctor. If it is a print, it may still be worth something. I suspect that your item may be some kind of print or other reproduction, but the only way to be certain is if you show the item to an auction house or art and antiques dealer in your local area. If you have a print of a well-known painting, you should quickly find it online, and this will confirm that you have a reproduction rather than an original. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on January 10, 2017: Your painting sounds lovely. I can only assume this was the artists point. Follow the link to his Wikipedia Page : https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&//de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_von_Maydell&prev=search. Good luck! Amanda Severn (author) from UK on September 23, 2013: Hi DRG, Thank you for the excellent suggestion. Do not remove the frame from an old piece of art. ROCHESTER, N.Y. The Memorial Art Gallery is taking a proactive approach to promoting diversity in art. [9] Debate on the role and status of doctors has led to the inclusion of medical humanities in medical schools, where this painting has been used as a teaching aid for medical students. To an inexperienced eye, a good quality print is often very difficult to tell from a watercolour painting, but there are some easy clues. Hi Amanda, thanks for this great wealth of information. I don't think you need to send your painting to Europe for authentication. There are collectors who look out for pictures of all sorts of niche subjects, including bridges, cricket, golf, horses, local scenes, botanical drawings, football, etc. You can try comparing the signatures to those listed on artist signature websites, but if that fails, you could approach an art dealer or auction house in your local area and seek their advice. Dr. Seuss's work has been offered at auction multiple times, with realized prices ranging from 131 USD to 60,000 USD, depending on the size and medium of the artwork. Some very old prints and etchings are extremely valuable. Answer: If your painting proves to be a genuine painting by the American artist Alfred Thompson Bricher (1837-1908) then it will indeed be a valuable item. Only an expert on this particular artist will be able to give you a valid opinion on the item, and it will be worth approaching a high end auction house with a dedicated art expert on board for further advice. Is this worth anything? His painting of the Last Judgement, which hangs in the Sistine Chapel, is also estimated to be worth around $150 million. Where can I get an appraisal for free online? However, a good quality hand painted oil copy in a nice frame may do somewhat better. The child had experienced a 'crisis', the critical stage of a potentially life-threatening illness. The image was printed on 65,000 posters and brochures with the slogan, "Keep Politics Out of this Picture". Question: What would the value be of a painting by Frederick Remington? Help with sales, you do not tell me the price of the original painting by Jolene Judith with the head of Hollowness 1478-1510. A genuine work of art from the period you suggest is likely to be fairly valuable and would need to be examined by a professional appraiser. You should also mention the full details of its provenance, and any proof of ownership. Research of this nature is time-consuming, and requires a lot of patience and perseverence. Communicate directly with a qualified specialist and get a fair market valuation of your item, typically in 48 hours or less. Glad you found the information useful. thanks for the hub. Old Vintage Antique Framed Medical Advertising Print titled: "The DOCTOR" Compliments of The Arlington Chemical Company (Chem Co) Manufacturers of Liquid Peptonoids The original oil painting was painted by Sir Samuel Luke Fildes, an English painter & Illustrator from Liverpool, and is currently being reproduced by oil painters in China with New copies selling on eBay for $139.00 Given the . September 2003. It is likely a composite of several Victorian era physicians: Gustavus Murray, an obstetrician who knew Fildes and delivered his children. Moktar Msi from Djibouti, Djibouti on September 28, 2014: thank you for u telling interesting historic. The Doctor is one of those paintings that reflect not just the era but like other masterpieces still resonates with many physicians today. He was a prolific artist and his work regular appears on the live auction sites including eBay. Answer: If you look at the auction listings for this artist on findartinfo.com, you'll get an idea of the spread of prices achieved for works by this artist. Fildes wrote to Tate later in 1890 to re-assure him about the subject of the painting and, he added, all other questions as [to] pictorial excellence, conduct of treatment must be left unprejudiced by this sketch which has been done vaguely purposely to leave me as free handed as possible in the artists arrangement and treatment of the very large picture but there is no vagueness whatsoever about the subject, that you can see clearly enough and that I understand, is what you first desire to be satisfied about (TGA 7811.2.25). It is at least a good starting point for determining the value of an original masterpiece: Amanda gives great advice, some of which is in my new book The Art Hunters Handbook. It is framed and the back label says Victoria & Albert Museum London 1820. Advancements like the electronic health record have come to define the interaction between those providing care and those receiving it. Labels from framers or galleries are also good clues to age and provenance. Thomas Buzzard I am writing to you to get infotmation abaut painting picture has signed by Gobbi. Question: I have inherited a painting by Ferris. - Volunteering. Please be aware that some form of provenance will be extremely helpful if you are to prove the authenticity of your etching. In a type of reprioritization, health professionals will move closer to understanding where technology sits between us and our patients. I do have quite old paintings such an oil painting on board signed and dated 1817 or Victorian paintings on ivory with old Victorian frames such as tortoise shell, etc. If the surface is made up of tiny regular dots of colour then it's definitely a print. The mother is inconsolable with her head buried in her arms, unable to look with hands clasped in despair or perhaps even prayer. The chances are that you may never identify the artist of your unsigned painting. The site is free to sign up to and there is no charge for looking at auction results. I don't reply to personal e-mails as this in turn reveals my private e-mail address, so I hope that you return to this article. Examine the piece with a magnifying glass to determine whether it was painted or printed. Etching and aquatint. Because they tend to be more durable and less delicate than watercolours, they are not often behind glass. The title is "Summer Antigonish NS 1932". I am trying to find out its value. Question: How do I determine the value of an oil painting by M.Guerrero? NBC 5's Noelle Walker has a sneak peek. This alternative account also originates in the story about her physician being sent to Balmoral to care for the sick child of a servant. Debra Stroud has some work listed on Findartinfo.com. Alternatively, you could approach one or more art dealers to see what you might be offered. But aside from these big boys of the auction world, there are numerous small, local salerooms who will be happy to dispose of your treasures. Co. Chicago, Illinois', and there is a handwritten note in the corner saying 'Dec.25,1944 Gretch'. Modern, reproduction frames are usually lighter in weight and are usually put together using modern techniques such as staple guns. Freely accessible detailed information about the processes of the human body are now available to anyone with a smartphone in their pocket. Do you have a similar item and want to know how much it's worth? Alternatively, you might try posting an image of your painting on a web-site such as WebAnswers where there are people waiting to give advice for free. The story behind the painting was where ever it's hanging right now it was contracted for him to do it for them and I guess a picture was taken of the original. Good luck! Sir James Clark the Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria between 1837 and 1860. You could try searching online for auctioneers, then contact them via email to see if they would be able to assist you. Has he been attending this one patient throughout the night or is this the last call after a succession of home visits? Most works of art are best examined in the flesh, and research work can be extremely time-consuming, and not always productive. Guerrero is a fairly common Spanish sir-name, and there are a number of listed artists by this name. To bring contemporary artists closer; 3. 1. It is based on Fildes own experience of losing his young son Philip to typhoid fever at home on Christmas day 1877. A. Ah, I didn't know you were in the UK. If you are still unsure whether you have a painting or a print, look carefully to see if you can identify small dots on the surface. The painting of Dr. Paul Gachet by Vincent van Gogh (1890) is regarded as one of the most expensive works in the history of art. It dates back to at least the late 1800s, but I can't seem to find anything about this artist. It is 1ft 7in heigh and 1ft 4in wide and depicts a boat on a river. I can't find out anything about it and the only John Cameron I can find is the one who lived in 1828-1876. Answer: Any item is only worth what someone else is prepared to pay for it. Answer: I recommend you research your painting on the findartinfo.com website. How to Research and Appraise Antique Art. Driven by the clinical complexity that only one human can explain to another, the future work of medical professionals will center on intensive presence. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on July 02, 2011: Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Early prints come in many different guises. Theodor Seuss Geisel a.k.a Dr.Seuss, requires little introduction. If you dont have any particular feelings about it, thats fine but instead think about why you dont have any emotional response to the picture. I live in Austin TX. However, auction houses will often offer you advice for free, based on the premise that you will very possibly then allow them to sell your items. Discover the valuation of The doctor painting and find its true value. There is no heart monitor, saturation probe or any automatic electronic machine giving a visual or audible characterisation of the vital observations. To establish a dialogue between two different, geographically distant cultures; 2. Question: I have an 'Age of Innocence' picture, but it is really hard to make out whether it is in the original frame.

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