How is the access point connected? /dev/sdc1 1.9T 1.7T 157G 92% /media/2tb-001 I have four UAP-AC-IW deployed in our office and setup with the Unifi Controller. Rebuilding the server on a weekend soon as it just has to be up and running and the sooner the better. To disable the wifi on your router, you need to log in the admin interface of your router (most of the time you will find it on or, find the Wireless settings, and turn it off. Example. used a mongodb tool to flush and wipe all collections/tables, verify db server health status is OK. Also, I will give you some tips on choosing the right Unifi Access Point, where you should place your AP and how to get the most performance out of your Unifi access points. Just to add clarity. UAP-AC-LR on the wall just above the USG My current settings are: 160MHz, channel 100. I guess you already tried resetting the access point? It will automatically switch to another access point if the signal is stronger. While we are diving into how to set up WireGuard on UniFi devices in this tutorial, please be aware that this is a newer implementation and while everything has worked for me, you might run into some problems. sudo apt purge mongodb mongodb-server openjdk-8-jre-headless jsvc, checked the /var/cache and others caches for unifi video, also /data/db for mongod and cleaned that up, and 3.10.13. rebooted server, ps aux, du commands, find - you name it trying to find stuff. Jan 15 was EOL for unifi-video so its either now, start a new server up (not desirable and a waste of more hours) OR CloudKey Gen2 plus (my country its $400 NZD) or find another a camera for $200 or so and use opensource NVR if something is found. If you are using a UniFi router and would like to set up a VPN on it, Id really suggest looking into WireGuard. what if you want to run these through a Netgear switch? In step 4 we leave Automatically optimize my network and auto backup on. Bandwidth steering helps dual-band clients, like laptops, mobile phones, tablets, etc to use to less-congested and higher capacity, 5 GHz band. So in this video I show you very quickly. Your articles gave me confidence to move forward, but still want to keep it simple to startwith. I have a question about the Uplink Connectivity Monitor. Hi Ruud, thanks for the interesting article. Ive been told I can just connect them thru the POE switch and they should mesh together automatically, allowing someone to walk from one level to another, and the device will automatically switch to the stronger APs? I want to extend the network with an additional UAP. I noticed the Unifi Controller does not see the router. Did you install the unifi controller to setup the access points? Prerequisites: Latest release of WinSCP. Hi Im having some problems with my unifi setup, I have an 4 port poe switch but 5 APs and an cloud key, so i got an poe Injector (adapter) for the 5th AP, but the 5th AP always comes up as isolated could that be fixed by setting up the 5th AP without the cloud key? something is still there causing issues, disk space is reclaimed to 80% now. Many thanks and keep up the great work especially in support of us less computer savvy minions!! The technical specs to me seem better than the three you compared here, but I read some reviews on new chipsets / not yet mature firmware? Check this guide to reset the Unifis. Many thanks. Speedwise it would be better to have them connected wired I guess. sudo apt-get remove mongodb mongodb-server openjdk-8-jre-headless jsvc They should be in the same range as your router. All wireless devices can see one another. So we now know what to buy, where to place it, but how do we install and manage it? Edit the file (C:\ProgramData\unifi-video\data\ and add the following to the bottom: recording.recovery=true; Restart the UniFi Video service via service unifi-video restart. UniFi Video - How to Use an External Hard Drive with the NVR Appliance or a Linux Install. All reviews and suggestions are solely the authors opinion and not of any other entity. I found the backup in the backup folder you noted. The unifi acpro can get your wireless devices to your wired network I read somewhere? So I bought an Unifi AP-AC Pro. Problem is, in the data folder I don't have any sites folder. They are about 50 m apart at opposite ends of the house. thanks, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Computer Hardware & Server Infrastructure Builds, Unifi video server not starting anymore on Ubuntu 20.04, help needed please, Check your IP addresses. Enable the AutoBackup onto UDM-Pro. The following Unifi SSh Commands can really help you with finding network-related issues with your Unifi Device. UAP Lite are connected to the router via POE modules. ifconfig. If you left everything on default then the transmit power is set on auto for each access point. As an Amazon associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. I have a small network around 50 users and 125 devices. I would just need one access point. try these settings for the channels: 2.4GHz: Now its 866 Mbps (best case). Set the Port as 51820. The rebar and concrete weaken the signal too much for good coverage. UAP-BeaconHD We both lose our Internet connections, but not that often at the same time. config.gateway.json location : r/Ubiquiti by Dentifrice config.gateway.json location Hi, I want to save some custom configurations in a config.gateway.json file but I can't seem to find the path. The problem is that the Unifi Controller doesnt have a valid certificate. Now you can access your unifi-video installation at port :7080 in your webbrowser (http).After the initial configuration, all subsequent traffic should be used using https and port :7443, with the self-signed certificate from UniFi-Video.. Ubiquiti offers a wide range of Access Points, but in this article, I will focus on the most used access points for home networks and small-medium-sized businesses. This allows it to cover a bigger area, but even more important, picking up the weaker signal from a smartphone or tablet. But the cloud key is recommended. I also agree with the final statement of disabling the wifi on the main router very poignant which i have not seen or heard before. USG isnt needed for the Unifi access points. so if i have 3 wifi access points (linksys mesh system) how do i set it up so that my phone switches to the nearest access point if the wifi network name is the same for the whole house i have found that there is no way to know if it is switching to the nearest one and the connectivity lags or drops when i move from room to room but the phone says it is connected to the wifi network i am not sure i understand how to configure it so that the devices change automatically to connect to the strongest signal hope that makes sense. The Dream Router is most likely placed on a side table or in a closet. Set the Network Name you'd like to use. Function. This section will determine how the traffic is routed over the VPN tunnel. Thanks for clear and precise instructions. Set it to Prefer 5G. Auto is pretty much the same as high. However I was about to before the unifi drama, get an upgrade from the UCK dongle to UCK Plus 2 (so unifi network controller + unifi protect), that is NOT happening anymore. Recording the RTSP feed seems pretty good for me, its not the same as actual backup but I fell more comfortable with this setup now. With this configuration, your external IP address when navigating to websites will be the network that youre currently on. Heb jij nog advies om verder door het configuratie menu te komen, Je kan de laatste firmware cachen op de Unifi controller (onder system settings) of de firmware handmatig updaten op de access point, I have a U6-LR AP and it doesnt connect to my MAC faster than 866 Mbps. i have squid, lighttpd, pihole, dnsmasq, media server services running fine though and made me think it might be a red herring? Channel: 36/44 Ruud, thank you for this tutorial. Also, try to place the Access Point in the room where the wifi is used the most and at least 3 feet away from other appliances that send wireless signals in the same frequency (cordless phones and microwaves for example). The 3 aps show up in the unify controller wireless list. WiFi 6 still operates in the same 2.4 and 5Ghz band, but it can now transmit to multiple devices at the same time. UPDATE: So the mistake was mine. Thanks for the tutorial. I configured the first Unifi AP AC PRO with the name SSID: home and i was successfully, i turned off the device and disconnected. I have an Edgerouter X and 4 Ubiquity AC-Pros, one on each floor of my house in Rotterdam. (plug a cable in your router, check your Ip, connect to your wifi and check again) However upon searching I came across an application called Blue Iris which is perfect for RTSP cameras and $70/Perpetuity license and can record up to 64 cameras and runs on windows. So if the DR can replace the LR really depends on the placement. However, we must create a VPN client for each device that will be connecting. thank you for a great guide! You can enable and configure bandwidth steering per device in the Unifi Controller. By setting the transmit power to low you will improve the roaming of the clients. If you want to use another brand, then just enter the same SSID and WPA key on both devices. I have been following them closely. PITA!!! I recommend combining the 2Ghz en 5Ghz networks. Well, lets say Ive spent considerable hours on this one now. Yes, that is correct. This will require the client to have a minimum signal strength when connecting. That why you need a big and sensitive antenna to pick the weak signal up. This is a pretty common issue and easy to fix. When you have concrete floors, you will need to install an Access Point on every floor for decent coverage. If you use an Unifi access point, then you can easily configure one SSID of all the access points. Yes, you can. I continually get a certificate error message in both IE and Chrome when I try to load the controller. You will see the dashboard with the connected devices. But with the ER-4 comes a Power over Ethernet (PoE) adapter. Out of the box, the Unifi Access Points are doing a great job. Tired 3.10 and 3.10.13 unifi-video installs also, same issue. Open the UniFi Controller and select Settings. Select the devices that you want to configure. To controller will take care of it. Isolated mode occurs when the access point cant reach the controller. Any thoughts? and our Yeah my country isnt as cheap like CA/US for stuff which is made outside China and sweat factory phone home like. This site does not assume liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to damage caused directly or indirectly from its content or associated media. Go to Site and enable Advanced features under the services section. The config file is located at "/tmp/system.cfg". From what I read, I need to put the file in : < unifi_base>/data/sites/site_ID In my case, the base is /usr/lib/unifi/. Thank you for these great articles you have written. Should I turn off Uplink Connectivity Monitor or leave it on? De configuratie lukt echter niet. How do I set them up to where if someone walks to the back with there laptop or tablet they still maintain wifi access or switch automatically between the front and back AP? What I am really looking for is a way to have us both have a failover to each other in the event one of our networks fails using one pair of radios. When you get a warning just click Advanced " and Continue to Sign in with you Ubiquiti Account You can create a Ubiquiti Account at What I am seeing now is instead of repeater B connecting to the main bridge which has a better signal, it is connecting to repeater A. Change your channel width to 40 for 5Ghz en 20 to 2.4 Ghz. But if they have enough clear line of sight it maybe possible. thanks for your tutorial. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. /dev/sdb2 3.7T 2.4T 1.4T 64% /media/4tb-backup-001. Do you know if there is an instruction how to configure multiple APs? I have seldom come across such a well written article. If it does not work the file may need to be decrypted. Sorry in advance for any miscategorization in this forum, feel free to move this post accordingly to the correct place. This article is very important especially to the first time users. On the UI forums it is often stated that this does not work, and will cause problems. A few tips: 4. When done click finish and login in for the first time into the controller. Lesson learned to near air gap this server if there is a next time (stop java/other update). Question regarding the BANDWIDTH STEERING prefer 5g. 1. Walls, floors, and other obstacles will lower the signal strength. we installed a mesh antenna unifi for outside and a ac pro of unifi. On any operating system, the storage location will be found by logging into UniFi Video and following these steps: Click Settings in the lower left-hand corner. 1 x UAP-AC-LR and 1 x UAP-AC-PRO. If you want to know more about it, you should check this article. I have connected 3 nano hds to 3 netgear switches. Tried apt-get remove unifi-video and mongodb and so forth, clean up and zilch result. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Execute the PowerShell script. There is a way to create one, I will write a tutorial for it later. In the unifi-os shell mode download the latest udm-boot_1.x.x_all.deb release and install it: Depending on the layout of your home or office you can better buy two smaller access points than one large one. This is a new implementation (though there technically were ways to do it in the past), and is an extremely easy setup compared to other WireGuard setups Ive done (like pfSense). All of my equipment is UniFi except the AT&T router. This can happen due to a multiple of reasons, like incorrect DNS or Gateway settings or even a faulty cable. Great article. The problems are related to devices that keep switching back or you are left with a weaker 5ghz signal because its almost out of range for example. Choose one of these channels, an RF scan will help you choose the cleanest one. If you have any questions on how to set up WireGuard on UniFi devices, please leave them in the comments! For in-house placements, the UniFi 6 Lite and the Long Range models are most of the time the best fit. When connected you can manage your network remotely. Unifi Acces Points are based placed on the ceiling, instead of mounted to a wall. Privacy Policy. We have no intention of accessing the UAP remotely, only locally. I am simplifying the process as much as I can. The Aps have being reset to factory values, but the system doesnt recongnize them. ", Thank you but I need the "how to get it off Allow SSH access onto UDM-Pro. Save the certificate's Private key to the /data/keystore file in the default UniFi keystore after you generate the CSR code. We have an existing SonicWall router that we need to continue using. The dream router has a pretty high antenna gain (higher than the LR), so it should be able to cover the same area. Tired 3.10 and 3.10.13 unifi-video installs also, same issue. Adding the VLAN IP address to the field Unifi Controller in the DHCP settings in ERX also did not help. UniFi - Create and Restore Backup Configuration to New Controller 4GonSolutions 5.56K subscribers Subscribe 7.5K views 7 years ago A brief video tutorial describing backup configuration. Do the wireless clients get the same Ip range as the wired clients? Step 3 - Install Unifi Controller After you installed the software, start the controller and hit Launch a Browser to Manage a Network or go to https://localhost:8443 in your browser. Go to Devices and click on Upgrade on the right side when hovering over the devices. Recently i thought i understood it well enough to update my home network. General: The information on this blog has been self-taught through years of technical tinkering. When you get a warning just click Advanced and Continue to. Additional action: That initial setup wizard should prompt you to load from a backup. How to setup the same SSID for the two access points (in two floors) so that the connection is maintained when moving from one floor to other floor. For more information, please see our What you also will discover is that they are super easy to setup and manage. How to restore a backup on the unifi controller? In this series, we call out current holidays and give you the chance to earn the monthly SpiceQuest badge! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. So Ive had unifi-video running on my ubuntu box for sometime, like 2-3 years or more. UniFi Video - How to Add a Network Volume to the NVR Appliance. Opens a new window. My LAN is at 192.168.1.X. I am just a home user though, in a pro env I would not recommend this. I can reach the camera by IP directly, the server seems to have no other known issues - i could be wrong, but so far not. No vLans used? I know on Windows java is used for unifi controller and video, but suspect something java on linux has been updated or another package which has broken it, finding which one - is another issue. Rudy, I have been searching for a long while for a site that makes setting up an area network for home use and yours has proved to be the best for simple easy to follow instructions. In the controller you can check how devices (clients) are connected. I have two vlans configured in the Edgerouter (2001 and 2002). One labelled LAN that goes to your router and another labelled POE that goes to your AP. Streaming Netflix is okay. a single Unify AP? Firmware files are bundled with the UniFi Video controller software, and firmware upgrades should succeed through the controller web interface. doesnt really make a big difference though. is there a config file maybe where storage of recording can be edited or something?
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