I will ignore you so hard you will start doubting your existence. Geeeee!I mean, we knew it was inevitable we'd hit this milestone but Instagram/Meta has been super tight lipped about, If youre tired of seeing weird videos or photos in your Explore page, content from people you dont really want in. It's super easy to review and reply to all your comments that way. This comeback is witty because it takes the negative rude energy of smd and sends it right back to them by implying youre having a relationship with their mother. }, The 23 Best Ways to Respond to Whats good. Sure, as soon as you get it out of your a*s. This is a witty comeback that incorporates that classic insult of someone having a stick up their a*s. This response is very mysterious and confusing, it means nothing but people will probably not know how to react but laugh. "You are so smart/generous/thoughtful" usually comes from someone you have interacted with a fair amount. The people we always work with and clients and customers wont get offended by this response in the real world. 8. Follow me back" or "You look great!" Their comments typically offer some variation of a compliment on the content. Is it safe to publish research papers in cooperation with Russian academics? This is another witty comeback that works great because it is attacking the size of the d you were just offered to suck. i loved reading this post because I am still new to IG, and its fun to have some guidelines to follow. Hi sorry babeee I'm going to bed! If you'd been listening, you would know. If someone goes through and likes a whole bunch of your posts, it could be genuine and a thank you is warranted. mainly depends on the overall context of the conversation. A: Its nice to see you, Ara. It's easy, just give credit where credit is due. We can use this response in both spoken and written conversational contexts, such as when communicating with either familiar or slightly distant people. However, rudeness takes its toll, both on the person being rude and the person they are being rude too. B: It wasnt bad. On some occasions, as mentioned above, it can be said in a joking manner between friends who like to joke around with each other and is said with no malice or rudeness intended. Reply with "LOL" if you're amused. The owner of it will not be notified. The one learning a language! There is a continuum of compliments from superficial to personal: "I like that shirt" is something you can say to a stranger. Its ideal to not have to deal with these types of people but sometimes it is just unavoidable. Photo by Josh Rocklage on unsplash 02 "Not you, unfortunately." It is one of the best ways to respond to a remark. If you aren't sure, a simple "Thanks" is always appropriate. Interestingly, our response mainly depends on how we feel about the person asking how our day was or is, rather than ourselves. To answer when someone asks how you are, say "Fine, thanks" or "I'm good, thanks" if you're responding casually. Either way, this is a simple response that can be passive aggressive or genuine. Meanwhile, we use relatively neutral to casual responses to those we are somewhat or very familiar with like colleagues, friends, and family members. Compared to Great! With this responses relatively polite tone, we can even use this in email exchanges with those we usually communicate with. Sharing negative personal experiences, especially to strangers, is something we naturally do to avoid getting why-questions in return. The go-to's for replies are usually: In these cases, you have a ready-made response. BEAT THEIR ASS OMG LET ME REPLY GIVE IT TO ME HAND IT OVER NOW. And which do you pre Are these two sentences correct? But secondly, it shows your other followers that you do respond and take these issues seriously. How’s yours?”" If someone is not being kind, simply respond to Who asked? by saying, Thats very rude.. If someone compliments you, there is no need to be shy about it. If you post a question after sending a gift to someone, your question will be displayed in a special section on that persons feed. 2) Annoyed? He said his girl friend is very beautiful Saying, Are you still here? conveys that they are irritating you and are not, as far as youre concerned, an important part of the social context you find yourself in. Handle it how you feel comfortable! Sometimes it's just their Instagram username, other times it's their name and a question or comment. Whether something sounds bitchy or appreciative is much more due to tone of voice. This was a really interesting read. People may appreciate the beauty of the image, the artistic composition of the photo, the value of the quote, or some other aspect. And do you go to each feed and heart back some of their posted images? } For example, "@soandso what do you think of this?" On some occasions, when someone rudely interjects in the middle of something you are saying to say, Who asked? there will actually be someone else there who has asked you a question that you are now answering. Mirrors can't talk. I've spent too much time with you. First of all, this allows you to respect their privacy and address the issue. Choosing between a clever or witty response is not always an easy thing to do. Thank you. How can we respond to Hows your day? from a guy? A: Hello, Annie. "Thank you for thinking of me!" Every so often people say nice things about me to me and I am generally confused and flummoxed about how to respond in a way that isn't either boastful or self-effacing but also isn't awkward and weird for both of us. Ive wondered if thats a lazy way to say awesome (like texting u r gr8 thx) or if an emoji is genuine. My friend is never part of the argument, the comments just take on a life of their own. While I can't give you targeted ways to respond to this, since it will depend on what you originally asked of them, your response should include gratitude (thank you) for their comment and input. Needless to say, these kinds of questions and responses are key in building relationships and keeping them afloat in society. "acceptedAnswer": { Thanks for sharing your insights on that. "text": "If the intent is to be nice and funny, a possible response to “How’s your day?” when a girl, particularly a girlfriend prospect, asks is “Waiting for you to ask me out” or “You’re being nosy. And how about you? is something we could use as a. Needless to say, these kinds of questions and responses are key in building relationships and keeping them afloat in society. They may email you to let you know how your advice panned out and thank you for the help. Actually, I think any of the phrases could sound sarcastic or "bitchy" in a scenario as described above. - no problem! I've tried to get better at this. , responding to petty comments can be tiring. If you feel that someone interrupting you by saying Who asked? is just so stupid as to be ridiculous, you can choose not to engage with it. You are a pizza burn on the roof of the world's mouth. Show your appreciation in a way that likes and stamps can't. But first, why do people even say or write that? If the question or issue is something that requires a more personalized approach that you don't want to publicly address on your post, respond to their comment and let them know that you want to help them but that you will send them a private DM to resolve the issue privately. What makes for a great comeback to someone telling you smd? The short answer is, yes. How to respond politely when someone tells you something useful? }, The meaning of this response is essentially, Are you seriously being that rude right now? or, Are you seriously speaking to me like that right now?, It is really just another way of saying, Whats good? or Whats your problem?, If the point you most want to call attention to is the immaturity of saying, Who asked?, you can snap back to the rude interjection with How old are you?. Did you ask your audience a question? (That coat looks great on you! Additionally, I should point out that you can obviously respond to comments directly in Instagram, on your profile. I'm such a big fan. Saying "thanks" in a modest, appreciative way is very important to people. For example: A third way the phrase can be used is in a joking and taunting manner between friends, with no real disrespect intended. Meanwhile, another polite and grateful response to Hows your day? is It went really well. You like me already, don’t you?” Otherwise, we can use “Great. So instead of trying to craft the perfect sentence in advance, just keep in mind these 4 words: "Thank you I'm glad". This happens quite commonly where someone who follows you @ mentions a friend on your post. So the next time someone dubs you a If you want to sound a little more formal, you could use something like. When it makes sense, give a little detail, ask a question, or compliment them in return. } That said, a response like Its going great. It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general. Thank you, I think you'd look great in pink actually! If total energies differ across different software, how do I decide which software to use? Fine. "You wouldn't be able to live with what you'd hear." - Another response that could either be funny or a little scary, pick the person carefully. This is a slightly sarcastic quip that plays on the unspoken answer to the rude interjection Who asked?. And how about you? 17. The first part It wasnt bad is simply a more complete version of Not bad, which still generally implies the same meaning as Good.. This way it becomes a positive message and supportive stance rather than looking like shes just deleting anything she doesnt agree with. How do I respond politely when someone tells me something useful? Glad to see you too! Hows your day? Saying "thanks" in a modest, appreciative way is very important to people. This reality helps frame a response to a compliment in a way that isn't primarily about the receiver, but the giver as well. Yours must have rubbed off on me." In other words, you are saying that you got the stupidity from the person and that it is contagious like a cold. "@context": "https://schema.org", If they thank you for accepting their apology: "No worries, we all make mistakes.". If you want to convey that you are the definition of at wits end with the person youre speaking to, this is a great way to respond to Who asked?, Another great response to Who asked? that allows you to clearly assert your boundaries while remaining appropriately mature and respectful, is Excuse me?. Technically, no, because they wouldn't be reminding you. 11. "@type": "FAQPage", Thats just a fact. I mean, I kiss your mother with this mouth. 8. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. If you did, you really should respond to them and thank them for their input! Their comments typically offer some variation of a compliment on the content. 1- Look up at our beautiful flag. If someone writes Who asked? to you in a text, you can respond with wtw.. You're a gift to anyone who meets you!" 5 Acknowledge anyone you collaborated with. Instagram now has over 2 BILLION monthly active users! Now, if the person is being spammy in their compliments, you can choose how you want to handle them. 1. The contrast between the other persons petty question and your grounded answer will tell anyone listening all they need to know about what kind of people you both are. How to Make a Black glass pass light through it? But sometimes it is an inevitable byproduct of a clever response to an unkind comment. The best response to someone being rude may often be the simplest and most straightforward. I wouldn't use them every day, but they're not uncommon. By saying that they cannot keep up with the conversation, you are suggesting that they are too slow to understand what is really being talked about. Thank you for checking on me.. "Aw, that's very nice of you to say, thank you." It is a shortened of either How was your day? or How is your day? which means it could either be in the simple past or present form. If they've answered a question or provided specifics, I again recommend you personalize your response. Fan: My God, I can't believe it's you. An open-ended question requires them to give a more fleshed out reply. A: Hello, Vicky. (when there's no person in the photo) or other variations on these. Fine. ), but where people will for some reason @ mention you in the post comments. Everyone gets texts from the wrong number sometimes (and they can sometimes be unintentionally hilarious). Busy and tiring” should be an inoffensive response to “How’s your day?”" You need an "of": thanks for reminding me of that. Em. Maintain your composure and stay focused on your goal. When receiving a compliment, don't get all flummoxed thinking about what to say- just smile and say "Thank you." Here are some good comebacks for when someone calls you a rat: I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong. Here are 11 ways how to respond to what are you doing when your crush/partner asks: 01 "I'm just here thinking about you." This is a cute response that will let your crush/partner feel special because you're letting him/her know that he/she is on your mind. After all, people who treat people badly often stand to learn the most by getting a taste of their own medicine. People like you are the reason God doesn't talk to us anymore. If you want to respond to "Hey Handsome" with something clever or witty, simply look below for some ideas. A compliment in exchange for one doesn't sound bad. mai dua karta hu ke tum hamesha kamyab or khush raho in English, You deserve & You deserved & You deserve it which one is right. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. This witty response takes the tactic of pretending the offer was genuine and kicks it up a notch by suggesting that you would be willing to do it if you got paid. It lets the person youre speaking to know that if they have something to say to you, its best to just come out and say it and not to beat around the bush and make passive aggressive comments. Im glad this helped answer your question too . 1. Okay, I'll really stop counting the years after this one. Do you usually use "You made my day"? Responding to the question How is it going? can be done by using expressions like Im doing well or Im doing good., Meanwhile, replying to Whats up? can be done by using more personalized or humorous phrases like Cant complain or even My rent!, If we translate the question Hows your day? into a statement form, it would more or less mean Hope your day is going well or Hope youve had a great day.. This is another response that makes a little dig at the intelligence of the person you are speaking to. I like you and you're awesome and I am so lucky Yeah, it's nice. Yup, today marks the anniversary of my successful escape from my mom's womb. "text": "If the intent is to be playful and witty, we can say something like “Not that good. } Hows your day? "To cut the long story short, when I ar Last week I did a university-entrance-exam model of test at school for the English subject. Hence, we should limit our use of Nothing special in situations where the other person would not get offended at all, like closest friends and family members. 3 Responding to the Wrong Number I think you may have the wrong number. No need for insults, your face is one all by itself. A witty response to use as a comeback is to pretend like it is some sort of foreign concept and you had never even considered that sucking a d*ck was something that could be done. ", "Thank you, that's very nice of you to say. Lucky for you, they can't laugh either. She has her following for being a nail artist and young girls often go on there to say very mean things and it turns into a large argument. or "Nah, I'm not!". English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. Winter says to only consider getting worried when you "already suspect something may be amiss in [your] relationship.". By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. I've remembered that all these years, and it's so true! Often, the best response to an immature comment is a measured and calm response. 10. Welcome to Grammarhow!We are on a mission to help you become better at English. Experts Translate What Her Texts Really Mean And It's Not Too Confusing. It only takes a minute to sign up. Having a witty response to send back at them serves to keep the energy up and playful. Learn more about us here. Related: Perfect Replies to "You're Welcome" 19. Again, rudeness is never the goal. When someone asks what you are thinking about say I hope no one ever finds the body. Can ask simple questions and can understand simple answers. Make sure you dont take the other persons rudeness to heart or let it ruin your day. One of the most common and lighthearted responses to Hows your day? is Great! A: Good morning, Mr. Willard. A simple "Thank you" or "thanks for sharing this with your friends" may be appropriate - you know your audience best. You like me already, dont you? Otherwise, we can use Great. As opposed to directly saying Good, Not bad is generally more conservative or formal even if both responses generally imply the same thing. Depends on the compliment, but "thank you" should suffice. Is my English natural? B: Awesome. You can do this to if you feel comfortable with it. Make them uncomfortable. Sometimes when you receive a thank you email, the gratitude is part of a longer message. Another neutral response that should be safer than Nothing special and Same as usual is It was a pretty normal day.. How does that work? } Whether you need consulting, a prolific speaker for your next event, webinar training, or online self-guided trainings, there are numerous options for working with Jenn. 5. Ask MetaFilter is where thousands of life's little questions are answered. Obviously some are trying for followers, but I dont want to be polite. 4.1K views, 50 likes, 28 loves, 154 comments, 48 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from 7th District AME Church: Thursday Morning Opening Session They literally think you are TOO funny, at an almost dangerous level, and you should back down and cool off. The reason for that is, more often than not, we are naturally driven to make others feel good about ourselves this is a generally good relationship-maintaining tool. Copyright @ mindful-messages.com 2023 | Privacy Policy | Contact, can be done by using expressions like Im doing well or Im doing good., can be done by using more personalized or humorous phrases like Cant complain or even My rent!. How to Train the Instagram Algorithm to Show you the Content You Want, What Should You Say? If you are in the middle of telling a story or expressing an opinion, and someone interrupts to say, Who asked? you have every right to feel offended. It means exactly that. Some people are rude. This one is relatively better because of its grammatical completeness which meanwhile suggests formal language use. This is a fourth witty comeback that works great because it is attacking the size of the d you were just offered to suck. Sometimes, you might be in a goofy mood or just want to laugh, so when someone tells you smd, you decide to give them a witty response. If the person is genuinely complimenting your post, respond in a thankful manner. Adding that you'll take an opportunity to talk later will also avert any more commentary at that very moment. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. herself. What youre saying when you say, Excuse me? is that the persons response was so unnecessary and rude as to be shocking. Have a look on some blogs of Shri Prashant Tripathi. Please share: {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, 3 Ways To Get More Views On Instagram Reels, How to Add A Lead Form To Your Instagram Profile. As the word you is a single-word pronoun in its own right, it has to be said with a rising intonation to signal the message receiver that it is a question. "@type": "Question", These cute, silly comments are a great way to make him smile. "name": "How can we respond to “How’s your day?” from a guy? Practice that and it will get easier to reply to the others in a positive way that does not feel uncomfortable. You can use it anytime you want to thank someone for something they said. All posts copyright their original authors. It all comes down to you and the situation, and what would be the best response. It's like when you receive a compliment; with some people you say thank you, with others you laugh it off, with others you compliment them back. 4 [deleted] 4 yr. ago Bowing my head, and saying "Blessed be the name of the Lord!". Thanks!) Hi Caitlyn! You can also send the person who commented a Direct Message with a personalized thank you. However, especially on Instagram, where I get a lot of spamaholics leaving annoying comments, I do delete them. If youre so annoyed by the person who is being rude to you that you cant quite get it together to respond in the most mature way possible, you dont have to. It's best to hold off on replying until you've got something you want to share with them. I got his answers very helpful and to the point. Thanks. 1.why did you play hooky from class? And unfortunately, nothing can make us feel more uncomfortable or down than when we cant find an appropriate response to someone being rude to us. Also, if you do delete their comment, you can choose to do so while deleting and reporting as a spam/scam. Just remember that if you are going to address anyone in your comments, you need to @ mention them to ensure they see your response. This is something we can use when speaking to someone for the first time, such as during an initial meeting with a target business prospect. By responding with "You're sweet/kind", I acknowledge it, do not suggest I am stuck up, and turn it back to the giver. Because of its grammatical completeness, most speakers of English with different backgrounds will not misinterpret its meaning. - aww, thank you Thank you. then I would DEFINITELY respond to both the original person and the tagged person in a response. Those three words can signal that even if you don't take the comment personally, you didn't really appreciate it. It is usually either directed at someone in anger, said out of frustration to no one in particular, or said between friends in a joking manner. Counting and finding real solutions of an equation, Embedded hyperlinks in a thesis or research paper. B: Its going great, Trisha. The secret to a quick-witted comeback is that it has to play on the language and implications of the original statement, which this response definitely does. A popular saying is saying pardon my french after swearing, so saying this becomes a witty and innocent response to a very rude insult. Hows your day? What is the symbol (which looks similar to an equals sign) called? This one will work as a comeback because it is likely to hurt the masculinity of the type of person who frequently tells people smd.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'grammarhow_com-leader-2','ezslot_19',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-grammarhow_com-leader-2-0'); This comeback works simply because you are throwing the same insult back at them. - my pleasure! She also suggests noting when there's "a break in the pattern. I am the proud owner of linguaholic.com. How can I answer when someone say "what's new?" could you please say that again? Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. That's nice too. Say a friend writes glowingly of your new haircut; you can accept the compliment with a simple "thanks," reject it by calling the complimenter's bluff ("you don't have to lie to me!"), deflect. They feel like if you get any more funny, you might begin to pose a danger to yourself and others, and as a friend, they are warning you to stop. That will certainly deprive the other person of his or her speaking time when in fact he or she is just trying to start a conversation. 16 Great Ways to Respond to wtw in Text, 11 Ways to Respond to an Apology from a Friend, Linguaholic 2023 |Iseli International Commerce | Privacy Policy | About Us | Careers. This is called being "social" . This response strikes the perfect balance between being assertive and protective of your own space and still saying on the safe side of mean. Notice that in the scenario, the information is "widely available". There are a lot of spam posts out there (not your content, I know! I figured this one out after observing a friend who was very tactful about it and hit the right notes when saying thanks. This was highlighted recently when a reader asked me how she should respond when someone @ mentions someone else on your posts (inviting them to check out the content or asking their opinion). Thanks. What is a good response to Hows your day? from a girl? I was just about to explain. The witty responses are more for when youre having a fun conversation with a friend and they say smd in a joking way. The go-to's for replies are usually: - aww, thank you Thanks for asking” or “Great. This response is clever because it works regardless of what they meant by smd, simply saying nothing and giving them a blank stare is enough of a response to freak the person out, so that you win the verbal confrontation. Its exhausting trying to keep up with everyone. Why are you behaving the way you are?. It's your one-stop-shop for staying on top of social media in today's changing landscape. My wallet will be in danger if everyone learns it's my birthday today. She's stuck up." We use formal responses to people we dont necessarily treat as equals like those we see as authority figures or strangers. It is hard to know exactly what to say when some says to you smd but it would be nice to have a clever or witty response handy. Wtw is the perfect response to any kind of rudeness, because it conveys disbelief without saying much at all. HQHumor "Heyyy (: I hope you're writing me an essay." 4) Playing the sarcastic text card usually never works. 12+ Things to Say When Someone Calls You a Rat When someone calls you a rat, they're not trying to be nice. How to Easily Measure All Your Social ROI with One Tool. Ive noticed that many people will do that and follow mesome stay, some leave after a few days. The implication is of course that Who asked? is the kind of thing a twelve-year-old would say, and that the person youre speaking to should be ashamed to behave so immaturely. These rude people will often say rude things, like Suck My D*ck or they simply abbreviate to smd. In many ways, responding to someone being rude is like responding to negative feedback. Hilarious Comebacks To Use On Friends Unsplash / NeONBRAND The best comebacks make you look mature. The meme says it all cheezburger "Hey. While you dont want to come out all guns blazing and take things too far by being overly unkind, if someone interrupts a story to essentially ask you to stop talking, youre allowed a bit of leeway to be snappy with your response. Again, if you want to find a way to seal the deal, throwing in a coupon code for them (DM or in a comment) will both show your appreciation, customer service, and be more likely to convert the sale. This . Mastering the art of communication entails knowing basic responses to the simplest questions like Hows your day? no matter how formulaic they are. Instead, consider what would be most fair to say in the situation, and then to do that. Even the most common question like Hows your day? can be a little tricky to deal with at times. That is, if it's good for people to genuinely show appreciation for good things, the emphasis in your response can be more on the "Thank so much, that's kind. In many ways, it generously gives the person youre speaking to the benefit of the doubt that they are actually a sound person and lets them know that you are willing to give them a second chance. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. "Thank you for your kind words" is a versatile creature. Hows yours been? Have a question a dictionary or translation machine can't answer? When someone likes your post, theres no required etiquette to thank them or reciprocate. These are often some of the most common comments you'll receive on your posts. You've probably heard someone say it. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Display based on Specified Commercial Transactions Law. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret now would it?" - This should be enough to stop them from pressing you further. This response generally conveys a dismissive tone, which means that using this in professional contexts could be seen as negative. If these rude offenders are posting inappropriate comments or spam, she can also block those users to prevent them from returning. My one question would be is it ever acceptable to delete comments that are hateful? Thanks." This response is both direct and neutral in tonality.
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