Most people, when they think of Osun, think of Her as a river Goddess, a fertility Goddess, or [Venus]. She loves to work with children and adults to help them see their power by healing individual and collective lineage trauma. In an attempt to highlight Earth peace practices and the aspects of the human spirit that inspire us all to peaceful actions, Yeye Omileye and her husband Chief Olu founded the internationally recognized Humanity4Water Awards. Olodumare ni danidani loun, oun e e dani leemeji The owner of the indigo pigeon Yeye o, a fi ide re omo Do not bury my money in the sand There is no task my Mother cannot do Yeye mi abimo ma yanku Yeye . All rights reserved. These are former Arugba Osun Osogbo. "A Yoruba Festival Tradition Continues: 50 Incredible Photos Celebrating The River Goddess Oshun", Osogbo and the Art of Heritage: Monuments, Deities, and Money,, De La Torre, Miguel A., "Dancing with Ochn: Imagining How a Black Goddess Became White," in, This page was last edited on 24 April 2023, at 21:10. #orisha #osun #osogbo Meet Yeye Osun from Osun Osogbo Grove \u0026 Former Arugba in an Interview with Her about Orisha Osun. He lives in the river and assists pregnant women and women in labor. Okikiosun Osunfunmilayo. She is currently an Asheville City School Foundation Artist in Residence. Oyeye ni mo eni ide kii sun Although Osun receives the Eerindinlogun system from Orunmila and he created it, another verse of Odu OseTura tells how this system of divination received its own ase from Olodumare, thus making it independently Osuns. A piece of Oriki illustrates her masculinity, bravery and prowess, and her dual nature as both benevolent Mother(Osun is a cool Orisa like Obatala, Osanyin etc. Susanne Wenger then formed a cooperative society for the benefit of the community and to raise her many kids. Many species are brilliant yellow, reflecting Osun's association with gold and wealth. He (Obatala is androgynous) pointed his ado asure at her womb and commanded that the fetus change into a male. She is the primordial element of water, which is necessary for all life to exist. The one who unexpectedly comes into the world Another version, and this one more consistent with the beginning of the story, claims that the male spirits attempted to make the world without female influence, and this exclusion is what caused the world to fail. 100% (3) 100% found this document useful (3 votes) 693 views. Chief Alj is an initiated priest in several systems including Ifa, Osun,Ayan and Aa. In Cuba, she is the patron saint, La Caridad Del Cobre. It is said that she appeared and led the fight for independence. She is a symbol of sensitivity and is identified by weeping.[6]. Before the diviner starts the divination process, she pays homage to Onile, the Earth diety, pointing to the ground, and to Iyami (eleiye) pointing to the sky. These mythistories create community-ship, which is at least as strong as the larger sense of citizenship. Orogun, Orogungunnda, Do not reveal good instead of evil Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Culture / Suzanne Wenger: Nigerias Mystical Priestess (38213 Views), Watch How A White Woman Embraced The Yoruba Culture And Became A Priestess / One Yr After The Exit Of The Osun Priestess / The White Priestess Of 'black Magic' (2) (3) (4). Invisible Powers of the Metaphysical World: A Peep into the world of Witches. Oshun is represented as a beautiful, charming and coquettish young woman. Osun is the orisha of the river. Four Elemental Mother Ceremony and Healing teachings have helped me weave together the many pieces of my healing work with others. For this reason, visited the Osun/Osogbo grove, where the dreaded Osun goddess, known as Yeye Osun resides and where the annual Osun/Osogbo festival takes . The Osun goddess is also known to be a mother of many children as the "Osun Olomoyoyo" image inside the shrine depicts. Why is this in the CUlture section? (chant to be sung to Osun, inviting her to come). Osun shared her knowledge with other Orisa, starting with Obatala. We are entitled to wear the crown that awakens all pleasure She is the patron saint of the Osun River in Nigeria, which bears her name. Osun carving He verified her vision to be true and directed her to tell as many people to start honoring the Four Elemental Mothers who were out of balance. Long-suffering, cheated, overlooked, and overworked, but always committed to the survival of humanity. She waited a very long time, but he didnt show up. Agberegede, ajuba The Beloved one from the town of Efon Ekiti The maker of brass does not pollute the water Yeye Omileye, is from a long African-Caribbean dream lineage. She assured them that if it was a male child, their matters from then on would be straight, but if it was a female child, war would begin in earnest. (Art by Omileye), We traveled across the globe with our songs and stories of peace We are all on our knees You are the custodians of mysteries Through her sacrifice, Olodumare - the Supreme God - granted her the powers of an Oria.[9]. With the shining brass as a lantern at night Which Tribe In Nigeria Has The Largest Population. Chief was inducted into Egbe Iyami Osoronga (Society of The Mothers) immediately. Kowo si Since that day, Shango has been married to Oba, Oya, and Osun, though the last mentioned is said to be his favourite. Oh sacred water! Osun teaches us to be cool like the water. Iyami Osoronga Yeye Omi is a graduate of London University (SOAS) African Studies and International Politics, Counseling Masters Graduate of Winthrop University, Doctoral Candidate of Chinese Medicine She is known for her work to help heal our hearts and environments. She uses her powerful waters to cleanse, heal, and protect her children. that bring harmony, loVE and peace to our Earth. Ase. She ordered her servants to dig a deep pit (along the river bank), and put Ojiyaomeguns gifts there. Eegun gbadagba ti i gbe ti i ji fon bi erin Oshun is an important river deity among the Yorb people. It is my prayer that all of you who read this text will be truly blessed, as well as inspired! 4 pages. 2. She very quickly moves around the house No one makes an enemy of water Eniyan do not want us to eat from a china plate Mother of Dance It is the symbol of coquetry, grace and female sexuality. Oore yeye Osun This is book that give great insight on the Awon Aje i.e. Ibaa yin o! E kore Yeye Osun o In the following itan fromOdu Osetura, we are introduced to the real power of Osun. It should be in the Religious Section! In some tales She is said to be a mermaid, with a fish's tail. She is the orish of the fresh water of rivers and waterfalls; of wealth and prosperity; of love; and of beauty. If someone is preparing oka without involving Osun in it, the oka will not come out fine. At the same time, she is also dyeing clothes by the sideway Always accompanies Yemaya. It has been fun collaborating with Valerie Booker of Center of Sacred Studies in holding 5 Four Elemental Mother Ceremonies for world balance and peace. She did, he turned out to be Nechung Kuten La. When Osun divined for Olodumare, she hit on all those things in his mind. Osun is the most powerful female Orisa. Chief Alaje uses his platform to unify communities in the United States, the Caribbean, South America and Africa. She was a painter and this great woman was from Austria. It must not wait until the following day. This is why the predictions of eerindinlogun come to pass quickly, even though the stories might not be impressive. They strongly hold the universe together. Her image appears brightly dressed on the riverbank She is renowned for accurate visions and predictions and her major one which foresaw global environmental catastrophe was confirmed my Nechung Kuten La, Tibetan State Medium. I have love sharing what I have learned about healing with Four Elemental Mothers. Osun the very knowledgeable one Spirits that cleans me inside out. Yeye jo He travels around the world with Omi sharing his love for all that is ancient balance. She believes these symbols are like pieces of DNA which show us the way to our collective commonality, love, joy and peace. The result was that everything they did was a total failure. The mighty water is rushing past She is a author, artist, priestess/Crown of Osun, healer, and trauma-focused psychotherapist, Mindfulness Teacher, Childrens Yoga Teacher, Ayurvedic Practitioner, and Social Justice/Equity Trainer, who has become known for her prophetic dreams, profound healing teachings, and powerful art. Osun also protects small children until they begin to speak; she is affectionately called "Mame" ("Mama") by her devotees. Hahahahlol! Ase. Oh sacred stones! When I saw the thread, I thought it was about Arsene Wengers mother or someone related to him. The mother who gives a bounteous gift In accordance with Olodumares instructions, they started to set up the world, but they didnt include Osun in any of their activities. This is an interview I had with an Orisha Osun follower from Osogbo Oroki in Osun State Nigeria. [5][6], According to the Ifa Literary Corpus, un was the only female Irunmole (primordial spirit) sent to assist Shango to create the world by Olodumare. Agegun soro So the sixteen male Orisa went and begged Osun for forgiveness, but she didnt yield until Orunmila made his personal appeal. Medicines that activate the Kings spiritual potency, his ase, are placed inside the crown. OSHUN The Goddess of Life. Omi labuwe Exist, exist always, Mother He added, From today on and forever, even if what eerindinlogun says may not be detailed, anybody who disbelieves it would see the consequences instantly. Osogbo lies on the railway line from Lagos to Kano. In 2016 she had a profound vision that spoke of catastrophic environmental disasters. They came upon the Osun river. And yet sends errands to the hinterland Osun Olokun Funmilayo. During our visit, a woman and her husband were seen with the chief priestess, going towards the river to appease the goddess of many children. Aje, also known as Iyami, are powerful. E gbenu imo fi ohun tore Ota were were ni ti Osun An example can be found in Odu Irete Obara. 216Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. It is known for the Oshogbo School of Art and the Oja Oba Market building, said to be the former Oba's palace, within yards of the Osogbo Grand Mosque. is her ownership ofEerindinlogun, sixteen cowrie divination, the seeing eyes of Orisa. A difa fun Osun Sengesi Ase, Osun Foods Osun transforms through water and through the blue canal, the mystery of birth. My mother the marvelous cook Is presented as a beautiful mulatto, nice, good dancer, partying and eternally . Osun teaches us to be cool like the water. Orisha greater, Owner of love, femininity and the river. In order to make an offline donation we ask that you please follow these instructions: THE OSUN INDIGENES ORGANIZATION She mentioned the gist, but she didnt tell the root of the matter, like Ifa. For this reason, visited the Osun/Osogbo grove, where the dreaded Osun goddess, known as Yeye Osunresides and where the annual Osun/Osogbo festival takes place. Who keeps her beard (warrior masculinity) because of war Each town or city has a founding narrative that includes the founding Orisa and intertwines facts, myths and metaphor. The hair plaiting style of Osun is similar to the pattern weaved into the making of Ile-Ori, house of Ori, a cowrie covered structure that serves as a shrine, or pot to ones Ori. She has been asked to speak and share ancient healing peace-making practices. Osun has plenty of brass ornaments on her shelf And beckons at the kolanut seller in the market to bring kolanut If you plan on leaving it unattended, blow it out, but . Spirit that cleans me inside out She is gifted at helping decode the ancient spiritual past, to recover artifacts which reveal a common shared history and practices of peace. #orisha #osun #osogbo Meet Yeye Osun from Osun Osogbo Grove & Former Arugba in an Interview with Her about Orisha OsunJoin this channel to get access to perk. Osuns traditional occupation is hair-plaiting, which is a mark of honor to Ori. The kings crown is topped by a bird, symbol of the eleiye, owners of birds, the Aje.
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