Is there a conference mobile app for ATS 2021? Portland, Oregon. The submission deadline for general abstracts on HIV and hepatitis viruses and their related conditions is September 20, 2022. A002 GENES, ENVIRONMENT, AND . You can start a new thread in the forum. When will the Industry Solutions Center be open? Please go to to reset your username/password. All presentations are scientific in nature and do not offer CME/CE/MOC or any other form of professional credit. Those who do not have an account and were inserted through a group, will be asked to complete their information and agree to the terms of use and privacy at first access. /jAy'ZXCye/Q'Yuf~S^j!yCe k4KSQyXt Df\Ar}\'kpLrG+mpdj ,eCV&Ea9. A2. The group coordinator can easily manage the group by adding and deleting registrations. Abstracts are considered "late-breaking" if the works meet the following criteria: By submitting an abstract to be considered for presentation at the Annual Meeting, you agree to comply withAASLDs Disclosure Policyand theACCME Standards for Commercial Support. All abstracts are expected to report on new contributions (i.e., contributions that have not been previously published). Note: Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button below once to proceed. Authors can pay by VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or DISCOVER; your credit card will be processed by AASLD. Looking for recommendations on how to improve your abstract? The necessary forms are the Website Assignment of Copyright, Financial Disclosure, License Agreement, and Submission forms. The American Thoracic Society improves global health by advancing research, patient care, and public health in pulmonary disease, critical illness, and sleep disorders. Late-breaking Abstract Submission Closes: September 15, 2022 at 5:00 PM (Eastern) Download the Abstract Submission guide. American Heart Newsroom By submitting an abstract, you are indicating that the presenting author will be available during this time slot. : U.S. Government Printing Office; 1979. Google Chrome is the recommended browser. Abstract Submission | 37th Annual Meeting | Vienna, Austria Abstract submission for the 37th EACTS Annual Meeting is open until 30 April 2023 @ 23:59 BST SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT ABSTRACT SUBMISSION CRITERIA & GUIDANCE Instructions to Authors - Abstract How to write and submit an EACTS Abstract Film Guidelines Submission Conditions Copyright <> For more information, please contact Steven Strom at To do this, visit a specific virtual exhibit and then click the blue Message button that appears on the Home page. Late-breaking Abstract Submission Opens: September 8, 2022. Who can I contact for membership related questions? If you do not remember the username or email associated to your account, please do not create a new account if you already have one. To update your profile, please go to You can start your submission, save your progress, and then return to complete it at any time before the deadline has passed. You can apply for membership on our website at: If you are a student, we strongly encourage you to work closely with your faculty adviser as you develop your abstract. The ATS is no longer accepting abstracts for ATS 2021. They are provided here as a guide to help you plan in advance. DEADLINE:Submit your abstract online at the SNIS Abstract Site . We highly recommend you view these recommendations from AHA journals. In: Rippe JM, Irwin RS, Alpert JS, Fink MP, editors. Please note: Many HCP's already have an account with ATS even though they are not members. Postgraduate Courses will require an additional registration fee to participate. American Thoracic Society 2022 International Conference, May 13-18 Notifications of acceptance and rejection will be communicated to the presenting author in March 2021. Generic names of drugs should be used instead of trade names. Please be sure to list the current expiration date of your credit card. The final registration fee is based on membership, and a person can have an ATS account without necessarily being a member. Additionally, there will also be a number of opportunities to network in the networking centers, such as, thematic groupings, PAR, Clinicians, etc. Disconnect other devices in your household from your wireless network. What is the recommended web browser to access ATS 2021? [Your background text here. An estimated 10,000 pulmonary, critical care and sleep professionals are expected to attend ATS 2021. Late-breaking Abstract selection notifications will be sent in early October. An abstract may only be submitted to the Annual Meeting once. Where are the instructions to claim credit on the ATS 2021 Platform? There are now two acceptable formats in which to structure your case. There are so many reasons to participate! When is the deadline to register groups for the Conference? We recommend watching this video to gain a better understanding of the features and functionality of the ATS 2021 site. The Scientific Program Committee reserve the right to re-categorize any abstract as deemed appropriate., For more information Abstract Awards and reimbursement policies, visit Travel and Memorial awards, or send an email to. For group cancellations, requests must be made in writing to ATS 2022 International Conference - American Thoracic Society To receive notifications from us on time, it is important to make sure the correct person is indicated and that their email is entered correctly. In cases where an abstract is rejected, the submitter will have 2 weeks to formally appeal the rejection. We will send an email to every submitter notifying them of the Program Subcommittees decision in June. What is the cancellation policy for individual registration? 2. 7272 Greenville Ave. Provide motivation or rationale for your study/work.] In which time zone will ATS 2021 be hosted? All abstracts will be published with the information provided before the submission deadline. To reset your ATS Login, click on Forget Username/Password, enter your username or email address and click "Submit". Abstracts must be clear. What are the Industry Solutions Center hours for ATS 2021? The abstract must report specific results (quantitative, qualitative, or conceptual). To support the scientific community during COVID-19, there were adjustments made to the timeline of the abstract submission, review, and programming for the ATS 2021 International Conference. When you visit a specific companys virtual exhibit, youll see a blue Message button at the top of the Home. In cases where an abstract is required to be revised, the submitter will have 2 weeks to formally submit a revised abstract. Please contact Membership Concierge at When viewing a listing of sessions, you can click on the session title, to be taken to the page for that particular session. When can attendees take the MOC pre-test? or Mrs. X or the patients initials to describe the patient. Note: The payment proof must be sent to Cristina Braz ( APRIL 26, 2023 Abstract Titles Posted on Hotel Reservation and Early Registration Deadline at 11:59 PM (ET) MAY 15, 2023 2 0 obj Submit Science - Scientific Sessions 2023 - American Heart Association All independent submissions should be sent to the Case Editor, who will assign the case to the appropriate assembly for review. Please note AASLD is not responsible for communication between authors. Use abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears. When submitting an abstract, presenters should be reasonably confident that they will attend the meeting and give the presentation as scheduled. When you are back on the profile page, click Save at the bottom to enable this change. What if I have technical difficulties during the event. Abstracts must be written in English and must follow standard grammar and punctuation rules. To submit an abstract, there is a nonrefundable fee of $300. We welcome submissions on a wide variety of ecological topics, including but not limited to research-focused studies, education related topics, applied ecological works, conceptual or theoretical contributions, and resources to support ecological research. [CDATA[ For more information please go to Please visit our discussion forums by clicking the Discussion Forums tile in your attendee dashboard. Lastly, if youd like to send a message or question to a speaker or author, simply visit the speakers profile page and select the Contact the Faculty/Author tab at the top. Late breaking abstracts will be considered. Phase 2/3 trials will be considered for presentation in either oral or poster format. Be sure to check to make sure everyone has been included in the Authors step during submission. Books Lang TA, Secic M. How to report statistics in medicine. For every author listed, their name, institution, email, and country are required information. During the submission process (Step 2) you will be prompted to select a category that best characterizes your research, along with a matching subcategory. Papers without such explicit statements will be returned without review. You can access your certificate of attendance through the ATS Center, and you will also be able to print a certificate of attendance through your myATS account after the Conference. ESA is happy to support access to the Annual Meeting by those who might not otherwise have funding to participate. Who can I contact for questions and support related to group registration? If an abbreviation is used, the term should always be first written in full with the abbreviation in parentheses immediately after it. Submitting an abstract does not register you for the meeting. AMERICAN THORACIC SOCIETY 25 Broadway New York, NY 10004 United States of America Phone: +1 (212) 315-8600 Fax: +1 (212) 315-6498 Email: A copy of your submission will be automatically emailed to you when you complete an abstract submission. Presenting at Scientific Sessions differentiates you and can positively impact the trajectory of your scientific career! In order to receive the ASTS/AST abstract submission member fee, you must log in to the ATC Program User Portal with the email associated with the first or last authors membership account. We invite submission of abstracts for latebreaking posters for the 2023 ESA Annual Meeting. It is required to answer each question, but you can select Prefer not to answer. You can access both live and on-demand sessions from the Schedule button in the navigation bar at the top of the site, or from any of the session directories located under the Presentations & Events button. I missed an industry symposia. The results, outcomes, or knowledge may be preliminary, but they may not be vague. Other helpful tips include: Connect to the internet using a network cable rather than using a wireless network. The invitation to submit a case does not guarantee acceptance. ATS Journals: Home Will Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits be offered at ATS 2021? Washington, DC. Will I be able to re-watch them if Im pulled away from my computer or have a conflict? Presenting authors will receive all notifications and communications related to the accepted abstract(s). If an author's name appears on more than one abstract, it must be identical on each abstract. DaR` X i} $ `Ck3!Y N0#)AQa'+1Nm=wFjY x&b~C8)-boD%!)P8,@6 &W.Bc(@ d@ American Thoracic Society 2021 International Conference, May 14-19, 2021 . Click here for current exhibitors. MOC points will be available for the adult and pediatric core curriculum programs at ATS 2021. The Industry Solutions Center is open May 14-19. Yes, group registration is available for groups of 5 or more registrations. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION LOG-IN submission fee of $25 for ASTS and/or AST members (first OR last author) or $50 for non-members is required to submit each abstract. % Clearly articulate the goals, objectives, questions, or hypotheses of the study or work. The terms man and woman should be used instead of male or female., Refrain from using Mr. Where can I access the 2021 Abstract Publication? The Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to change the abstract if they feel that the use of a trade name may be mistaken for commercial propaganda and may replace proprietary names with generic names. New, open-access education themed-journal: ATS Scholar, visit: Interested in becoming the next Blue Editor-in-Chief? ATS Abstract Scholarships - American Thoracic Society The final, updated late-breaking data should be submitted by March 16, 2023, at 12:00 PM ET (noon)the late-breaking submission deadline. 1.3) Abstract Authors. Disclosures for Presenting Authors are REQUIRED in order to submit your abstract. If your connection is slower, you may still participate but load times may be longer than normal. Please read and follow the abstract guidelines carefully. Presenters who fail to arrange for an alternate presenter or fail to notify AASLD staff of withdrawal and do not present their oral abstract(s) and/or poster(s) at the Meeting may be administratively withdrawn from future AASLD conferences. endobj Within your Attendee Dashboard, you can search the Attendee Directory and choose to send a private message to another attendee. We recommend you download the Zoom app to your laptop or desktop computer, and make sure youre using the most updated version of the app. Abstract revisions, including the addition or removal of author names, institution changes, and general updates will not be permitted after the submission deadline. These conversations will be conducted over video chat, using Zoom Meetings. Can I watch it on-demand? AMERICAN THORACIC SOCIETY 25 Broadway New York, NY 10004 United States of America Phone: +1 (212) 315-8600 Fax: +1 (212) 315-6498 2023 Annual Meeting | 2023 | Portland Oregon, You can look over the themes in this PDF document. To access the Conference platform, the registered guest must use the same credentials as their ATS login. There is an abstract fee to submit a latebreaking poster abstract. You do not need to pay membership dues to create an ESA member account or submit for the meeting. Industry programs will take place from Sunday, May 16 - Wednesday, May 19 at 12-1 p.m. Yes. If this is your first time submitting an abstract for an ESA meeting, we suggest reading contributed and latebreaking abstracts from a previous meeting. Ensure that you are using Google Chrome. The form automatically closes at 5:00 EST / 2:00 PST whether you have completed your submission or not. The submitter is designated by default, and this can be adjusted by editing the author list. Meet us in Boston, Massachusetts for Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine on May 1013, 2023, Pre-Sessions Symposia & Early Career Day: November 10, 2023, Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis Vascular Biology, Cardiac Development Structure and Function, Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology, Other Cardiovascular and Stroke Related Conferences, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy for Professionals, Improving Outcomes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation, Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) for Professionals, National Hispanic Latino Cardiovascular Collaborative, General Abstract Submission Categories (PDF), General Abstracts Submission Guidelines (PDF). Boston, MA: Little Brown; 1991. p. 48-72. Presenting authors must provide financial disclosures to be considered for inclusion at The Liver Meeting. ATS Scholar. Please compose your case presentation as if you were submitting a manuscript to the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Proofread very carefully. generic) name only. The deadline for submitting abstracts has passed. Clearly articulate the approaches or methods employed to arrive at the results, outcomes, or conclusions produced by the study. Interactive sessions, questions and answers, networking options will be scheduled in Eastern Time. Abstracts may be submitted by fellows, members and non-members of the AAAAI. You must be logged in to use this site. This includes submissions that report interdisciplinary work, address communication with broad audiences, or explore ways of teaching ecology at any level. Click here for sponsorship opportunities. Access to the content will be availble from Friday, May 14 through Friday, July 2, 2021. You should use a strong connection with a speed of at least 1.4 Mbps. To view the complete list of speakers and authors, along with their bios, please visit the Speaker directory tile in the Attendee Dashboard. There are no other scientific sessions that are scheduled concurrently with latebreaking posters. Image quality is important, particularly for viewing on the internet. <> Drug products mentioned in the abstract should be identified by their nonproprietary (i.e. was [text here; describe methods, techniques, approaches, or similar]. Click here to register. Poster sessions are the last scientific session each day to give presenters an opportunity for extended discussion and networking. Risk for Pneumocystis carinii transmission among patients with pneumonia: a molecular epidemiology study. Individually submitted latebreaking abstracts will be scheduled in a poster session with other abstracts that have similarly ranked themes. Yes, interactive polling and evaluation tools will be available in most sessions and you will have the chance to ask your questions using the comment feature. Methods: describe the methods used to measure your study/research. ATS 2021 brings together pulmonary, critical care and sleep professionals from those in the earliest stages of their careers to those whose research or strides in clinical care has gained them international recognition. For abstracts reporting on a research project, the specific methods used should be summarized; for more conceptual, theoretical, applied, or other projects, the general approach or framework needs to be summarized. The code will have to be used by the early bird conference registration deadline and will not work after the deadline. PDF Scientific Sessions 2021 - Abstract Submission Guidelines There are several ways to do this. Duplicate abstracts (reporting the same data) that are submitted under a different author will be administratively withdrawn. Do not invent new abbreviations where pre-existing ones exist. Abstract / case reports submission closes on 28 September 2021; Midnight EST. IMPROVING CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH LUNG DISEASE OR CRITICAL ILLNESS THROUGH TRAINING AND EVALUATION A14. ATS 2021 will feature presentations of original research from accepted abstracts. No checks or purchase orders will be accepted. The body of the abstract must include the following sections: The deadline for requests for withdrawal of an abstract will be included in the selection notification sent on October 1. 1. To request a replacement: send an email to: Please do not include more than one table or graphic, limited in size to 2" height by 3" width. Refer to individual patients by number, not by initials. How may I quickly find the specific exhibitor Im looking for on the ATS 2021 Conference platform? This video is located in the Help Desk, which you can access by clicking on the word Help in the navigation bar at the top of the site. If you are unable to pay this fee due to a lack of funding, you can check a box to opt out on the first page of abstract submission. For more information, please contact Fiona Zheng at <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 19 0 R 32 0 R 33 0 R 36 0 R 37 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Customer Service Lastly, if youd like to send a message or question to a speaker or author, simply visit the speakers profile page and select the Contact the Faculty/Author tab at the top. Any author can be designated as the presenting author. All abstracts are expected to report on new work within the field of ecology. Unpublished observations and personal communications should be referred to as such in the text and not be referred to in the reference list. Submit written permission when citing a personal communication. stream 1998 - 2023 American Thoracic Society, all rights reserved. Due to this change, the Call for Late Breaking Abstracts cannot be offered for ATS 2021. Manuscripts should be concise. This fee is for $35.00 student and $60.00 non-student. TZXkGMH'2HT MQkb<9Ci]w+O;>Qaj2(4_Pr|urT/FYxA?>2Hg/>OoA-F?>B! If you need further assistance, please contact customer service (ATS Concierge) at 212-315-8684 or; International Groups, 508-743-8519, //