229. 153.381 FENCES. Purchase of land for stated purposes, 340.1 1991 c35 s5; 1995 cP-31.1 s53; 1997 c13 s6. as incorporated by this Act, and reference to the city includes reference to the "Town of St. John's Where the actual cost of the improvements because of difficult or extraordinary conditions attaching to the work is in excess of the usual cost of improvements, the council may prescribe and make charges or assessments based on average cost rates, per running foot or per square foot, for different classes or types of works or improvements and the city engineer shall certify that in his or her opinion the rates so fixed do not exceed the actual cost rates of the works. to borrow money for the purpose of that building, to the amount that the Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs may authorize; (c) 312. 387. (2) prescribing standards for the maintenance and occupancy of residential property within the city and prohibiting use of the residential property that does not conform to the prescribed standards; (b) shall have power by by-law to prohibit the use of land or the erection or use of buildings within a defined area or abutting a street or part of a street except for the purposes that may be set out in the by-law; and. (e) a house or part of a house so overcrowded as to be dangerous or injurious to the health of the residents; (vi) (3) Park Exemption All bearings are referred to the True Meridian. Where the sums paid in a year do not amount to 6%, the deficiency, with interest, may be made up in a subsequent year. to divert, store and use all or any of the waters within the watershed of Mobile River, to divert the waters into adjoining drainage basins, to develop water power and flood lands in the Mobile River drainage basin and to raise the level of the waters in a lake, pond or stream within the watershed of Mobile River to any extent that may be required; (d) In this section, section 402.2 and 402.3, (i) (ii) as to the proportion of the expense to be paid by the parties respectively. (3) 294. and Plymouth Road (4) providing for the opening of shops for the serving of customers under exceptional circumstances; and. 203. (i) the house or premises are in a condition that is a nuisance, within the meaning of this Act, or are in a state of defective sanitation, or are not in reasonably good repair; or. prescribing the form of licences for the purposes of paragraph (b) and the fees to be paid for those licences and stipulating the conditions and circumstances under which the licences may be issued, suspended or cancelled; or. to define and create zones or areas to be known as "fire districts" and, for the better protection of the city from fire, to apply in the fire districts special regulations, restrictions, and prohibitions relating to the erection, alteration, repair, equipment, occupancy, or change of use, removal, or demolition of buildings; (e) (b) (8) (1)Notwithstanding another Act, the Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation or a body designated by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may, with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council and without the consent of the council, develop, service and lay out as building lots and permit building in an area of land which is outside the city limits but within 4.8 kilometres of those limits and may, with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, make regulations providing for. Where it is necessary for the purposes of subsection (1), the employees or agents of the council may enter upon real property, whether publicly or privately owned, and at reasonable times enter into the buildings or structures on the real property. (2) The council may provide the company with money to be applied in the redemption or getting in of shares under the terms of the by-law referred to in section 14, and the company shall apply the money accordingly. Improvements affect rent Deputy mayor 213. The St. John's (Where an oath is taken, add "So help me God."). (3) The council shall have power to apply the rules and regulations within 1.6 kilometres outside the limits of the city as well as within the limits of the city and existing rules or regulations of the council so applied shall be considered to have been validly made and applied. (b) No nomination for mayor or deputy mayor, 34. judge under section 395 shall be considered to be a judgment of the Provincial Court The Public Utilities Act bargain with a bargaining committee of members of the fire department; and, (b) Agreements A private drain connecting with a public sewer shall be constructed and maintained at the expense of the owner of the property, but subject to the supervision and control of the city engineer. 340.10 it shall be sufficient to name as defendants only those owners whose names appear on the books of appraisement, whether the owners are within or out of the jurisdiction and no objection shall be taken on account of the non-joinder of the others of them; (b) Notwithstanding subsection (6) before making the entry he or she shall give security to the satisfaction of the council in the amount that the council considers just for the expense of making good damage which may accrue to the adjoining property in the course of carrying out the proposed work. (1)The council may by rules, regulations, or by-laws regulate, prohibit and control the construction, alteration, repair, use, operation, location, maintenance, occupancy, change of use, removal or demolition of a trailer. regulate and prescribe the width of tires on the wheels of vehicles used in the city, and the maximum weight of a load to be drawn over streets, and to direct upon what streets laden vehicles may be drawn and from what streets the vehicles shall be excluded; (d) (b) (c) 263. 288. (1)The council shall appoint those officers, firefighters and other employees that are necessary for the proper functioning of the fire department. to submit to the council at each weekly or monthly meeting a summary of all the amounts received since the last period of accounting, showing the source from which the amounts have been received and a comparison with a similar period in the previous year; (g) (1)The council or the Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation with the assent of the council shall have power to construct, repair and maintain a tunnel under, across or through the lands extending from Temperance Street to Quidi Vidi Lake in the city, not necessarily following a straight line but following the direction that may be considered expedient, and may lay, repair and maintain water and sewer pipes and mains, and for that purpose shall have power to enter upon, dig, break, excavate and trench the lands and shall upon entry acquire an easement for the tunnels, water and sewer pipes and mains under, across or through the lands. "dwelling" is a house or building, or portion of a house or building, which is occupied in whole or in part, as the home, residence, or sleeping place of 1 or more persons; (i.1) (6) to regulate and adjust the levels of all streets of the city and the width and levels of all sidewalks; (e) the date when the dwelling house was inspected. (a) 336. an extension to an existing private family dwelling where an extension is necessary to provide adequate living quarters for members of the household living in that dwelling but the extension or the total of all extensions shall not exceed in cubic content 1/2 the cubic content of the existing private family dwelling and the sanitary facilities for use in connection with the extension shall be approved by the city engineer; (d) To submit a development application, you must also complete this form. 324. All rights reserved. Rules and regulations It shall be the duty of the medical officer. (1)A copy of the National Fire Code of Canada or other code, and supplements and amendments thereto, signed by the Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs shall be kept on record in the Office of the Fire Commissioner. 403.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Small Claims Act The copy of the National Fire Code of Canada or other code referred to in subsection (1) as signed by the minister is the code adopted or varied by the council under section 353.3, notwithstanding that a revised code has been made. navigation. (5) (4) (6) 387. (3) City planning officer Where a water tax or instalment of water tax, imposed upon and payable by the occupier of the premises, is not paid to the council by the occupier within 1 month after the tax or instalment is payable by the occupier, the tax or instalment shall become payable immediately to the council by the owner of the premises and shall attach to and be a charge upon the premises in the same manner as other taxes and assessments under this Act and may be recovered by the council from the owner by any of the remedies provided by this Act for the recovery of taxes and assessments; and, upon payment of the tax or instalment to the council in accordance with this subsection, the owner shall be entitled to recover from the occupier by action in a court, the amount so paid by the owner. (in your city, county, or town) that has rules on boundary fences. to adopt by reference and to apply in whole or in part codes or standards adopted by recognized engineering, building, electrical, or trades associations in Great Britain, Canada, or the United States of America, and relating or capable of application to the erection, repair, maintenance, or removal or demolition of a building or equipment or installations in a building; (f) The definition includes: Excavation, land clearing, grubbing and subdividing parcels of land are all considered development. 340.4 shall be paid by the owner of the land forming the development or subdivision, and the owner shall deposit with the council, before a permit for the development or subdivision is granted, security to the satisfaction of the city in an amount, to cover engineering fees and charges of the city for designs, plans and specifications, construction layout and engineering supervision of the works and the cost of all curbs, gutters, sidewalks, catch basins and streets, including payment, required to be constructed and installed under the subdivision plans and specification. 199. (3) (2) Menu, Toggle Section (2) 194. (d) Youth representative The auditor general, upon the order of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, has power to examine and audit the books of account of the council, and for that purpose the council, their clerks and employees, shall produce before him or her all the books, accounts, vouchers, correspondence and other documents, and provide the information that he or she requires for the purpose of the audit. (a) Search 37. appointed River A person who, unless that person is authorized to do so by the council, draws water from, opens, closes, breaks, or interferes with a fire hydrant, water main or water pipe or meter shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $100 or to imprisonment not exceeding 30 days. 325. Private drains 80. (1)At the hearing of an application under section 400, the person appearing on behalf of the council and the occupier referred to in that subsection may call witnesses and given evidence, as if the proceeding were a civil action triable under the Small Claims Act. Where both parties to bargaining that has resulted in an agreement, decision or award agree in writing, either party to that bargaining may at any time during the period referred to in section 340.18 or 340.22 proceed under section 340.17 or 340.19 for a new agreement, decision or award, to take effect before the end of that period, but not with retroactive effect. All actions, 322. (3) - Charts. Public Utilities Act provide for the holding of a referendum on a question of expenditure, work, improvement, town planning, taxation or a matter affecting the improvement or advancement of the city or on which the council considers it desirable to obtain the views of the electors. (5) a regional recreational facility, and. (2) . 151. (3) Time limits for proceedings Mortgaged property A person resisting or attempting to resist the carrying out of work under a direction under this section is guilty of an offence under this Act. 408. (1)A member of the council who during the term of office, (a) (1)Notwithstanding subsection 247(4), a party who feels aggrieved by a decision of the court of revision with respect to an appraisement or assessment has, the right to appeal to the Trial Division or a judge of the Trial Division. The Public Utilities Board upon hearing an application of a municipal authority under subsection (1) may, (a) Business improvement areas (6) 25. 150. 320. (a) (3) The council is empowered to lease to the St. John's relating to civil actions. The vesting under subsection (2) shall not affect the liability of the owner of the subdivision to carry out all construction work on the streets and public areas and make all the installations that may be required by the terms and conditions of the subdivision approval and the laws, rules and regulations applicable to it. The persons appointed under subsection (1) shall be responsible for the organization, training and operation of the fire department and for inspections and fire prevention, fire protection and emergency services within the city or those areas over which the fire department has jurisdiction. (d) 231. 366. prohibit or regulate or prevent the blasting, use and storage of dynamite and other explosives. Where a person refuses or neglects to comply with the order of the medical health officer for abatement, he or she shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $10 and the Provincial Court Water rates in respect of water supplied through a meter shall be payable monthly and accounts shall be rendered accordingly. (f) 401. 403. (a) The council shall have power to acquire lands within or outside the city limits by gift, purchase or expropriation and to establish on the lands public parks, gardens, open spaces, playgrounds, swimming pools and recreation grounds and to equip and operate them. (3) 183. (c) for the collection of ashes and garbage, and. a written charge may allege more than 1 offence and shall contain. an extract from, an amendment to or a supplement or part of a supplement to the code or shorter form of the code. to regulate or prohibit the sale, or exposing for sale in the market places of articles or produce and to prohibit the sale of articles or produce elsewhere in the city than in the public market places; and. 340.21 329. Application of regulations 173. Trimming trees to lay water and sewer mains and sewer interceptors in an area outside the boundaries of the city and to extend the existing water and sewer mains and sewer interceptors of the city or into any such area. as to the manner in which the wall shall be built; and. 321. (1)Requisitions for the purchase of materials, or for contracts for work shall be made in writing and shall be signed by the official in charge of the department for which they are required. (1)The council may impose a tax to be known as the entertainment tax, upon all theatrical, musical, cinematograph, dancing, pantomime, athletic, circus or other kind of public performances, exhibitions or entertainments, including indoor skating and hockey, conducted within the city limits. 113. the contravention to which the notice applies; (b) 334. give reasonable particulars of the repairs required to be made, or that the land shall be cleared and left in a graded and levelled condition, and state the period of time within which the repairs are to be made or the clearing is to be done, which period of time will be the period of time that the building inspector considers appropriate. Where, by the alteration of a street, building sites have been eliminated or have been reduced in depth or in width, so that the value is depreciated, the council may expropriate any lands adjoining where they are available, and may award them to the owners of the building sites, and the value of the land so expropriated shall be ascertained by arbitration. 299. A legal survey of the property so we can see where the work is being done. Appraisement basis 37. (c) . (3) Fence construction shall be of good workmanship . Our development regulations set out standards and land-use zones for the City of St. John's. be responsible to the council in carrying out the powers, functions and duties conferred by this section; (b) 164. (8) Water meters (2) An employer in the city or within 1.6 kilometres of the city shall make an annual return to the city clerk before July 1 in each year of all persons employed by that person during the 12 month period ending December 31 together with the addresses of all those employees. Weatherproof The total amount of securities to be guaranteed shall not in the first instance exceed 75% of an amount to be fixed in the deed of trust as representing the value of the lands and housing accommodation and improvements to be built and made on the lands, and the deed may make provisions for the expenditure of additional money on the lands and housing accommodation and improvements and for the acquisition of additional lands to be made part of the mortgaged premises, and for expenditure on the lands, and for the issue of additional guaranteed securities under the deed, but so that the total amount outstanding shall not exceed 75% of the value of the mortgaged premises to be ascertained and fixed in the manner provided in the deed, and for the issue of the additional securities in advance of expenditure, and for the disposition of the money to be raised by sale, pledge or otherwise, pending the expenditure of it. (4) 145. The cost of paving a street under subsection (1) shall be assessed by the council against and paid by the owners of the land fronting on the street so paved in the proportions that the frontage of the land of an owner bears to the total length of the land fronting on both sides of the street, or where part only of a street is paved, the total length of the land fronting on both sides of the part so paved. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make regulations, (a) is convicted for an indictable offence. Where a vacancy occurs in the office of the deputy mayor, a councillor who wishes to run for election as the deputy mayor in a by-election shall first resign as a councillor. Minutes to be public 309. 240. Snow removal The objects of a board shall be to. 350. (1)Ratepayers may obtain a copy of minutes of the council other than minutes of a special or privileged meeting on written application. 340.20 202. Applications for interior and exterior renovation; Applications for improvements and extensions to a residence; Applications for Accessory Buildings and Fences; Applications for residential development on an approved Building Lot; and. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Small Claims Act Report of auditor general Notwithstanding that the city has not issued a violation notice under section 403.1, the city may charge a person by way of a summons, including a summons that is issued by means of a ticket under the Provincial Offences Act shall not apply or be considered to have applied to the water tax or to any rates or charges levied, imposed or charged under this Act or under the authority of this Act in respect of water supplied by the city. The purchaser at a sale, other than the council, shall upon completion of the purchase be entitled free of charge to a conveyance to him or her from the city, the effect of which shall be to vest the title to the property in the purchaser free of all encumbrances. (12) Disposition of city land (2) (10) (1)An employee of the council may enter upon and inspect a burnt, dilapidated, or dangerous building in the city, and after written notice to the owner of the building or his or her agent, the council may judge the building to be a nuisance and may make a written order prescribing the disposition, alteration, or regulation of the building or the vacation, demolition, and removal of the building that the council considers necessary. 340.9 do not apply to a building erected or to be erected within 1.6 kilometres of the limits of the city for the purpose of establishing or developing an industrial enterprise or for a purpose related to an industrial enterprise by the government of the province or by another person where the Lieutenant-Governor in Council by order provides that these provisions do not apply to an industrial enterprise named in the order. 253. of Canada After 5 18. (6) 166. 103. 201. (a) Menu, Toggle Section prohibiting, regulating, controlling or restricting the sale, offering for sale or display for sale, in a room, lobby, hallway, passageway or other place forming part of or used in connection with or incidental or accessory to a cinema theatre, of food, goods, articles or merchandise of any kind or of a kind specified in the regulations; (b) (2) They implement the policies of the St. John's Municipal Plan. Where a violation notice is issued to a person for a contravention of a regulation to which this section applies, that person may voluntarily pay to the city. Appraisement (8) (2) (2) (1)In a contract for renting a house or part of a house for persons to live in within the city limits, there shall be implied a condition that the house or part of the house is reasonably fit for human habitation, and that the house or part of the house shall during the holding, be kept by the owner reasonably fit for human habitation. . 7.1 Light and power is convicted of an offence for which a summons referred to in subsection (1) or (2) was issued; and, (b) (6) 17. 51. (5) Voting for expenditure . (8) (2) Regional services to inspect the conduct of officers in the government of the city; (d) 130. 310. 254. 141. to borrow, subject to the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, the sums that may be found necessary to develop water powers; to install machinery for the purpose of generating electrical power; and to do other acts and works that may be necessary or incidental to those powers; (c) The granting of a building permit or the approval of plans and specifications or an inspection made by an official or his or her assistants during the erection, alteration, repair, removal, or demolition of a building shall not relieve the owner or his or her agents from responsibility for the carrying out of the work in accordance with this Act and regulations made under this Act, or for the stability of the structure. Subsections (4) to (6) shall not be held to take away or to authorize the interference with private rights to or in respect of a stream or watercourse. (2) 47. The person shall answer questions put to him or her and shall prove upon statutory declaration the facts required to prove the claim. 23. (4) 367. fail to account for, improperly withhold, misappropriate or misapply public money or property or property not being his or her own and coming into his or her possession in the course of his or her duty or because of his or her being a member; (g) 243. (5) Referendum (a) Lake 92. Rep. by 2012 c26 s11 A house that is reasonably fit for habitation shall be weatherproof and shall provide adequate shelter from heat and cold. 2023 The City of Saint John. (ii) (2) Regulations re members 105.1 respecting matters necessary or advisable to carry out effectively the intent and purpose of this section. 319. (2) Overhanging trees 165. 122. 2. (4) Park (2) (e) Nothing in this section shall make the city liable for damages or claims for, (b) to appoint a building inspector and define and designate his or her duties and to delegate to him or her discretionary powers; (b) Appeal to sweep, clean and employ watering, oiling or other dust-laying methods on the streets; and. cause serious interference with traffic. A member concerning whom proceedings are taken under regulations made under paragraph (1)(h) may be represented and assisted in those proceedings by legal counsel or another member or other person. to make rules and regulations prescribing the class of building which may be erected upon a street within the limits of the city; (b) (c) (a) Waiver of tax Limitation of action requiring residential property below the prescribed standards to be repaired and maintained to comply with the standards or the land to be cleared of all buildings and structures and left in a graded and levelled condition; and. 340.20 . 340.23 to examine all payrolls, accounts payable, contracts and demands for payment, and when satisfied that they are in order and authorized by unexpended appropriations shall certify them, for submission to the council for payment; (e) to fix the number of vehicles permitted to ply for hire within the city limits; (c) (4) 269. 327. (2) Where an arbitrator, including an arbitrator who is appointed chairperson of a board of arbitrators, refuses to act, dies, resigns, or is unable to carry out his or her duties under this Act, the council may, and shall, upon the written application of either party, by order revoke the appointment of that arbitrator. by the council under the powers vested in it under this Act. to carry out the social and economic investigations that are necessary in connection with improvement schemes. Planned development 301. Apportionment A person appointed as a youth representative is not a member of council and shall not be counted for the purpose of determining a quorum or deciding a vote of the council. The council may allow a councillor to participate in a meeting by electronic means where the electronic means enables the councillor to listen to the proceedings and to be heard. 340.18 "house" includes schools, factories, and other buildings in which more than 1 person is employed at a time; (l) Other fire department Definitions 345. prohibit or regulate and license the sale of articles in the streets and public places; (c) 51. 340.16 Existing collective agreements Nothing in this section prevents the bargaining committee of an association from containing a member of the fire department. (d) A person wishing to develop or subdivide land shall, before a construction taking place in or on or in respect of the development or subdivision of the land, grant and convey for a nominal consideration of $1 all easements, licences and rights-of-way over the land that a power, telephone or public utility company may reasonably require for poles, standards, supports, wires, conduits, culverts or lines for the purpose of transmission or distribution of electrical energy or telephone or public utility services to a part of the land, provided that the deed of grant of an easement, licence or right-of-way shall be prepared free of charge by a power, telephone or public utility company and shall be in the form and contain the conditions that are approved by the council.
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