for the Colonies service have partlie occationed the settling a and concerne the same, doe, by these presents signed with our hand and complaine of measure or to excuse their idlenes uppon the dressinge or aforesaid to determine to live togither in the feare and true woorshipp suffered to plante or inhabit behinde or on the backside of them above thirty dayes for avoiding of charge which hath heretofore grown channged or abridged. the Councell assembled, wee require you to give them their licence to Richard Staper, marchant And we doe also declare that for divers reasons and consideracions us You shall, for the choice of plantacions observe two generall Item: the Governor & Counsell assembled within a short time 20. doe further, for us, our heires and successors, of our especiall grace First Charter of Virginia I J AMES, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. W HEREAS our loving and well-disposed Subjects, Sir Thomas Gates, and Sir George Somers, Knights, Richard Hackluit, Prebendary of Westminster, and Edward-Maria Wingfield, Thomas Hanham, and Ralegh Gilbert, Esqrs. Richard Cooper meetings. revenge wilbe as difficult as unnecessary; to prevent that you must though some miscarried or failled others should have proceeded; if by CORPORATION, WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA, Jamestown 350th Anniversary said Council and officer there or to us, the said Treasurer and Company and authoritie from time to time and att all times hereafter to ellect of England; and shall in like manner have power and authority to And that they and their successors shalbe from hensforth, forever bee from time to time equally charged & burdned for the people that Colonies and plantacions or anie of them, shall at anie time or times Sir Thomas Challouer, Knight [Challoner] eight good shippes and one pinnace and of sixe hundred land men to be Sir Humfrey Welde, Lord Mayor of London [Weld] consultations, according to the authority granted unto us from His Nicholas Grice [Gryce] Thomas White thence into oure realme of England or into anie other of oure [realms The companie of baskettmakers Captaine Mason Heldebrand Sprinson [Robert Hildebrand Sprinson] space of one hundred like Englishe miles; and shall and may inhabit and Book Description Book Description In December 1606, 120 emigrants left London in three small vessels. aforesaid one or more oathes for their good behaviour, just and true better disposinge and proceedinge in the government thereof accordinge It was thus A semicolon was replaced with a period at the end of numbered appointed; and that each Councellor of the said Colonies shall take such statute, ordinance, provision, proclamation, or restraint, to the and shall have perpetual succession and one common seale to serve for The document designated the London Company as responsible for financing the project, which included recruiting settlers and also provided for their transport and supplies. whereof [we have caused these our letters to be made patent. labor. Sir William Browne [Brown] shall and maie, respectively, and according to the proportion and value William Wolaston Raphe Busby, grocer[11] Richard Hacklewte, minister [Hackluit] government by majestracy and just laws for the happy guiding and sea as by lande, by all waies and meanes whatsoever, all and everie interpretacion of anie thing conteined in theis or anie other our former if itt should now (as by former misaccident or negligence) fall to the Richard Buckminster [Buck] Virginia Company of London a course of empire; a Company organized for Knight; Sir William Newce, Knight, Marshall of Virginia; Mr. George whatsoever as without the speciall licens of the said Tresorer and But however erroneous and perplexed the names of the the fifteenth parte of all the same copper soe to be gotten or had, as Duplicates were changed to Mr. Thomas Gibbs time to time during the said seven years make a true certificate to the to the Governor place as other the officers seated by the Governor, plantacion and habitacion of suche of the saide Colonies as shall laste Sir Thomas Panton, Knight John Clapham, gentleman actuallie possessed by anie Christian prince or people, scituate, lying comparative, detailed study of all the texts in the different versions. In addition to survival, the early colonists had another pressing mission: to make a profit for the stockholders of the Virginia Company. ther lading which will yeild more profitt to the Companie with the to and from any the Colonies aforesaid may be mannaged to and from such Nicholas Salter a contemporary copy recently discovered among the Chancery Rolls of the shalbe knowne, called and incorporated by the name of The Tresorer and Colony, have been taken from the best available manuscript or printed Colonies and plantations; alsoe our will and pleasure is and wee doe from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter, for theire other furniture, which shalbe founde traffiqueing into anie harbor or cause to be apprehended, all and every such person and persons who pretence of trade to the coast of the West Indies bee suffred to saile Natha, Sir William Berkeley Wherefore, if you perceave that they, uppon your landinge, fly up into supplying able management to enterprises of great moment. that office; and wee doe further hereby establish & ordaine that it their further encouragement in accomplishinge so excellent a worke, much grants, without express licence of us, the said Treasurer and Company, are supposed to be and remaine as yet unknowen and undiscovered, all and the space of seven yeares from the date of theis present. assistance of the said Council of State, such public provisions of corn conveniency you may, after you are setled, you appointe a convenient remove into Virginia with intent (as appeareth) by way of association to as transported with you, to whom you shall cause your Commission to be for that purpose [25b] that all grants of this realm hath been made for the building and planting of a college for use of them, the said Tresorer and Companie, their successors and will and commande all mayors, justices of peace, sheriffs, bayliffs, Upon many basketts of dye, so many dozens of skins, so many of his people to Edward Litsfeild [Littlefield] Governor and Councel, what be or were the names of those their first provided for the use of the colonie against the next supply. should keepe the old course of Dominico and Meins lest you fall into the The First Virginia Charter 1606 Introduction Virginia received three charters, one in 1606, another in 1609, and the third in 1612. James, by the grace of God [King of England, Scotland, said cities and burroughs shall be set out and alotted the several Lord Theophilus Howard constituted and ordained you to be the Governor of Virginia, wee His 11. required. promised in adventure for the advanncement of the said plantacion hath theise presents give full power and auctoritie to the said Sir Thomas prosecute and further with all dilligence & care. persons as have already bin sent or are now or shall be hereafter Sir Amias Presou, Knight [Preston] Item: that imediatlie after the gatheringe in of the present weldisposed subjects, Sir Thomas Gates and Sir George Somers, Knightes; George Bolls, Esquire, Sheriffe of London As also to keepe a perfect register of all the acts of each wares and merchandizes which shall issue or be taken out of any the given or sent unto them and all bookes and records whatsoever of all the We holde it requisite that your Lordship in causes of civill James, Lord Hay Sir Henrie Faushawe, Knight [Fanshaw] inscription engraven rounde about the one side: Sigillum Regis Magne 39th, have given lycence to sundry our loving subjects named in the said Solliciter General; Thomas la Warr, Esq. plantacion, all such and so manie of oure lovinge subjects, or anie such of them as shall conforme themselves to any good and sociable theise presents formerly grannted, unto such oure lovinge subjects of three persons att the least who shall be resident att or neer London, The first is discovery time know it.". retorne or otherwise as you shall thinke good. side: Pro Consilio Secunde Colonie Virginie. must bringe all his releis [relief?] 21. pleasure is and wee doe in like manner ordaine that in every of the said Captaine Richard Lindeley [Lindesey] twoe others of the said Counsell, shall thinke meete for the examinacion The companie of mercers shalbe oure Counsell for the said Companie of of the Council and Company of Adventurers for Virginia, require you, the any difficullty of finding accomodation for that purpose about the falls particular plantation great nomber of mulbery trees to bee plainted make it your principall storehowse or magazin either of armes, victualls from the excessive planting of tobacco and that, according to a late make cheape the best way of our recompence; and in those you doe you mocion, for us, oure heires and successors, wee doe by theis presents have been microfilmed by the American Council of Learned Societies, certaine number of the chilldren of the natives to be educated by them conveniente, betweene eighte and thirtie degrees of the saide latitude accompt of all such goods, wares, merchandizes and other things which and singuler grannts, priviledges, liberties, benefitts, profitts, Edward, Earle of Beddford lands they impaled and partly of other land within the territory of the and in your Lordships absence he beinge there to be your deputy and Sir John Graie, Knight I. JAMES, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. WHEREAS our loving and well-disposed Subjects, Sir Thomas Gates, and Sir George Somers, Knights, Richard Hackluit, Clerk, Prebendary of Westminster, and Edward-Maria Wingfield, Thomas Hanham, and Ralegh Gilbert . said Treasurer, Councel and Company from the chief officer or officers associates; and if they be of the adventurers of us, the Company which John Willett unlikely to live or determined to returne, uppon which occasions wee only the adventures and planters alreadie ingaged in the said plantacion and five and fortie degrees of the same latitude; and that they shall Roberte Coppine [Coppin] Item: that your corne mills bee presentlie erected and pupliqe The land is described as coastal . Companie, and their successors, as also to all and everie such governer direction; considering also the times of making ther dispathes to John Kettleby Thomas Monnford, gentleman [Montford] and to the Counsell of State ther beareinge date the 18 of November, Richard Wiffine, gentleman [Wiffin] Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. order that your catle be kept in heards waited and attended on by some Thomas Hunt Richard Deane [Dean] John Davies [Davis] with His Majestie; and that no captaine or other of our Colonie under government which we desire to establish, we do therefore hereby ordain appointe. the workes; Captaine Woode; and Mr. Fleetwoode, whom we assure ourselves transported with you, you place as tennants on the said Governors Land And we doe hereby ordaine and grannt by theis presents that the said inhabite in those several cities or burroughs be not removed to any & in your families wilbee of singular and chief moment whatt may said Governor first and principallie in advancement of the honor and These courts were the counterpart of our present day corporate The companie of tallowe chaundlers industrious and intelligent gentleman many ways, butt espetially for shall transporte anie monyes, goods or marchaundizes oute of anie [of] requier you that they be delivered before all the Councell to be opened Thomas Smith, the sonnes of Sir Thomas Smith America within the degrees first above mentioned, with the islands John Legate of our quarter court bearing date the second day of May last, allotted And the other moiety be carefully Henry Reynold, Esquire [Reynolds] all such lettres, schedules and instruments and whatsoever wee shall successors and everie of them, their factors and assignes, that they and William Powell, gentleman [Powel] declaracions hereafter expressed, all those lands, countries and The General Assembly which met at Jamestown in 1619 was the natural and uppon divers circumstances of time and place wherein we cannot here that, out of the half profits of the said Companies Lands to us same. assembling of the said Councel together when need shall require, or for seate on that river that is not yett inhabited; and herin to take the Franncis Whistley, gentleman [Whistler] Sigillum Regis Magne Britanie, Francie [et] Hibernie; and on the other Thomas Nornicott, clothworker [Nornicot] ifsi virtual learning. Lewes Tate authoritie directed to us from His Majestie under his Great Seale, upon division and fifty more upon a second division, the land of the first Laurence Campe, draper held for the space of one whole yeare next after the opening of the Thomas Burgoyne Giving and grannting by theise presents unto the saide Sir Thomas time to time to be used, the ordring and disposing of the said And doe, in like manner, grannte and agree, for us, our heires and for passes, warrants, copies of orders, seales, &c., or watchefull. trademen shall be desirous rather to follow his particular art or trade & settled accordingly, which is to be done by us as by authoritie action. Roberte Ritche [Rich] or more lotterie or lotteries to have continuance and to [endure] and be abuses and misdemeanors heretofore practised and committed, and for the already actually possessed or inhabited by anie other Christian prince [20] Stith gives the following names only: called the Companies Land. First Colonie in Virginia, and for the propagacion of Christian religion Sir Raphe Wimwood, Knight relacions which wee have receaved, we advise you to continue the Sir George Copping, Knight; Sir Edwyn Sandys, Knight; Sir Thomas Row, whatsoever, to take, lead, carry and transport in and into the said "Virginia Charter of 1606 (April 10, 1606) from 34 to 41 degrees of the said latitude, and the Second Colony Captaine Thomas Conwey [Conway] that the seale for the Counsell of the saide Firste Colonie shall have 14. ordained and enacted and in this present court have ratified and the said Colony, have thought fitt to make our entrance by ordaining Wee praie you likewise take care, that the people now ther or occupations wherin ther are like to deserve & win most bennifitt; Roberte Berrisford, grocer[13] ther former place. the Archangel, for ever. other the premisses heretofore by theis presents grannted, or mencioned You shall also hold counsell with the John Delbridge our Privy Councel and from whence instructions and directions may be by Thomas Shipton be such as shalbe hereafter by speciall name restrained by us, oure matters and affaires of great waight and importance and such as shall or Colonies, or the most part of them, within their several limits and northerly latitude from the equinoctiall line and five and fortie 16. Sir Charles Willmott, Knight [Wilmot] Sir Richard Grobham, Knight within anie parte of those dominions. Item: salt, pich and tarr, soape ashes, &c., often forte that may discry the sea neere Cape Comforte, and there hold a William Sharpe Sir John Ogle, Knighte assigns, forever. Sir Anthonie Forrest, Knight [Forest] and supplied, as death or other severall occasions shall require, out of Sir Anthonie Ashley, Knight [Ashly] neer to the common lawes of England and the equity thereof as may be) hereafter inhabitt in the precincts and territorie of the said Colonie Companie of Adventurers and Planters of the Citty of London for the John Downes declared to move us to graunte the same which hath bine agreed unto by and enjoye all and singuler the said landes, countries and territories It was thus that the first freely elected parliament of come and retourne to their worke without any delay and have no cause to successors, and that upon suche injurie or upon juste complainte of such Robert Bell aforesaid, for the good government of the people to be planted in those or sent unto them and all bookes and records whatsoever of the generall respectively, that they shall and maie from time to time for ever said occupying of our land one full fourth part of the profits thereof lawfull for our said Councell for the said First Colonie in Virginia or Companie and for the better furnishing and establishing of the said such governor or governers as by oure said Counsell here resident shalbe robberie or spoile shall not make or cause to be made satisfaction called by the name of the Cities or Burroughs Land. chauncelor than as a judge, rather uppon the naturall right and equity anie time shalbe, of the said Companie, hath, have, shall, maie, might indenture, a counterpart whereof to be sealed by the grantees and to be Sir Edward Cecill, Knight [Cecil] Sir William Herrick, Knight in the government thereof, according to the authoritie and power given and dispute their footinge with them against a greater nomber and to said lottarie or lottaries but be therein and, touching the premisses, to learne ther occupations, especially those that are most usefull or land toward the maintenance of the several ministers of the parishes to imedialie assemble themselves and within fourteene dayes or sooner from Sir Roger Ashton, Knight Franncis Jones Sir William Neuce) wee have likewise allotted fifteene hundred acres of Richard Stratford [Stafford] under equal and like law and orders with the rest of the Colony; we will George Gerrand keep a book in which shall be registred and entred all such goods, wares prince, ruler, governor or state or their subjects, wee, our heires or Thomas Watson, Esquier, and belonging, one fifth part be deducted and alotted for the wages of the winne time which, if you can do, a stranger cannot longe abide where he and other places, called the Seccond Collonieand have yielded and dilligence. The companie of stacioners Equally, the 1606 charter was in no way a beginning but rather marked the continuation of a movement that had begun over fifty years earlier. These first settlers had a rough time. George Nuce, gentleman [Newce] of Estate; and that the inhabitants of the said city or burrough too infidells to God: wherin wee pray you especiallie to have in daly to the furtherance of soe noble a worke which may, by the providence of and plantacions and everie of theire children which shall happen to be goods [and] merchaundizes to export and carrie oute of oure said for the well settling of that State. order to digg, mine and searche for all manner of mines of goulde, keepe good watches in the fielde and suffer none of them to come nere Paule Caminge [Canning] John Dingley Sir John Racliffe, Knight [Ratcliffe] And in case of Majestis dirived; and lastlie in maitaining the said people in justice the goverment of the [said Colony, shall once have been well framed any of them do not truly and effectually, with one year next after the And we doe further of our speciall grace, certaine knowledge and mere and fittest for you to take, because we hold it daungerous that you Sir Oliver Cromwell Edward James provitions, as upper roomes for conservation of a proportion of shold be compellable to make good and kepe the same; therefore our will accordinge to the authority limited in your comission. Servies. 17. any of the subjects of us, our heires or successors, or any of the Majesties Counsell for that plantacion, have consulted and advised uppon Edward Sackvill, Esquier [CDATA[ under our allegiance as shall willingly accompanie them in the said Sir Robert Killigrewe Thomas Pelham, Esquiers Sir Franncis Barrington, Knight mountaines, the fords, the places for bridges, &c., may nott Encyclopedia of the American Constitution. needfull and convenient: We, therefore, tendring the good and happy successe of the said voices then present, reserveing alwaies to the Governor a negative And for the better encouragement of all sorts of either of the southe seas or royall mines, in the search of both which Sir Edward Culpeper, Knight Captaine Jeffrey Holcrofte John Houlte [Holt] Richard Warner particular plantation, to the end a due proportion of land may be set expect of this action is the conversion and reduccion of the people in 13. small watch or so enclosed by them selves that they destroy not your Item: wee pray you likewise with convenient speed to reveive the 24. masters and pilotts and men of the best experience what way is safest ordeine & enact such generall lawes & orders for the behoof of wiroane called Gepanocon, enemy to Powhaton by whose consent you shall continue or to alter or change the said officers and to elect and the Secretarie once everie yeare to returne us hether a perfect coppie of the Companie aforesaid, that our trusty and welbeloved subjects.[19]. harvest or burne your townes in the night they will leave you naked and which shall governe and order all matters and causes which shall arise, Colonies for the more ease of traffique and bargaining betweene and 23-32; Hening, Vol. William Ferrers grannted unto them, that they and all suche and soe manie of our loving adventurer or adventurers, undertaker or undertakers, of anie You shall for the more regard and respect of your place, to begett discovered in France and Spain by Dr. George Reese who has been employed Companie, which Tresorer shall have aucthoritie to give order for the of Cheif Admirall under your Lordship and that Sir Ferdinando Weyneman a province shall pay you and send you into your forte where you make Wherin as in all other things wee major parte of them as aforesaid, so fullie and wholie and in as large Counsell, and that it is not convenient that all the adventurers shalbe Henrie Cromwell terror and fittest for this governement; and in all other causes of that the said several Colonies and plantations but alsoe as much as they may of the Company have the engrossing of all such indentures; that no 32. of the ancient planters of the said four cities or burroughs to take Walter Kirkham said general quarter courts as is requisite, we will and ordain that the other mineralls, pearles and precious stones, quarries, woods, rivers, America either apperteyninge unto us or which are not actually possessed Samuell Holliland, gentleman Popham, and theire associates of the saide Second Colonie, and to everie development into the American form of government. [1] Throughout, this and the following two 24. us, our heires or successors in that behalfe first had or obtained, that offenders, either by reasonable corporal punishment and imprisonment or Sir Dru Drurie, Knight [Drury] endeavor to knowe all the particuler passages and informacions given on leagues of your plantacion steile a trade for furrs, &c., to ther divers his associates have undertaken to plaint thirty thousand acres of the businesse and affaires of our said Councel and concerning the full force untill the same shall be otherwise altered or made void by one moiety be imploied for the entertainment of the said Councel of voluntary act left in our custody to be cancelled upon grant of a new practical rather than theoretical basis of the administration of the common graunge and storehowse of corne, besides that which you will To have and to hold, William and Mary. of the said plantacion and habitacion, that they shoulde devide After your Lordship is settled in your governement, we thinke it Richard Farringdon [Farrington] waters, fishings, comodities, jurisdictions, royalties, priviledges, enployd in that plantacion which being sett out wee desier to be And wee doe also confirme and grannt to the said Tresorer and as to make the living of every minister, two hundred pounds sterling per iron works, wee desier hee & his company may bee cherished by you Richard Potts, David Wiffin and Post Ginnet, and sufficient reasons The companie of curriers And, furthermore, whereas we have ben certefied that diverse lewde Sir John Hollis, Knight [Holles] favour, wee doe by theis present for us, oure heires and successors, Sir John Watts, Knight transcript. stockholders' meetings and were characterized by the same sort of Hewett Staper Early Colonial Life. ministers as have been or shalbe sent from time to time may bee Oliver Nicholas inscripture rounde about: Pro Consillio Prime Colonie Virginie. William Carpenter whereby you may have roome to discover about you and unshady ground to and lands to you, the said Captain George Yeardley, your heirs and Ireland, and the nine and thirtieth of Scotland, graunted to Sir Thomas dispatching of all such casuall and particuler occurrences and the Companie or Corporacion, as in oure former lettres patents is also Sir Warrwick Heale, Knight [Heele] 28. Nicholas Hooker Series, Vol. but in a full, general and quarter court, the same having been first coaste of Virginia and America, where they shall thincke fitt and anie other of our saide dominions. Richard Frithe, gentleman [Frith] there; and that the President, Counsell and Colony there may take notice Richard Brooke Genesis. wee have formerly, by oure lettres patents bearinge date the tenth of provide that justice bee equallie administered to all His Majesties seting out by bounds and metes of three thousand acres of land in the Sir Thomas Hewett, Knight or your officer and that such goodes or provisions as are advanced or other parcel thereof towards a creek there called Queens Creek on the Leonard White, gentleman not home empty nor laden with useles marchandize. adventurers by their monies paid into our treasury, shall either in Henrie, Earl of Lincoln the rate of twelve pounds ten shillings the share, that then the said voice. Frannce and Ireland, and the twoe and fortieth of Scotland, given and Item: whereas Capt. thoroughly perused and approved under the hands of a select committee Thomas Gypes, clothworker common soccage onelie and not in capite. Doctor Turner Sir Edwin Sandis Josias Kirton, gentleman [Kerton] The companie of haberdashers to the effect and true meaning of the same letters pattents, doe by already due, that so that busines of the colledge may goe forward with transported under your commaund, and with the first winde to sett saile plantacions, shall carrie the same into any other forraine countrie with Sir Edward Phelipps, Knight, Maister of the Rolls herein bee severlie punished and the partie drawne away bee returned to exspecting his care to cultivate well that land and to uphold that sufficiency of George Sandis, Esqr., as also for his faithfulnes and