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army 25s career map

0000013696 00000 n Position identification concept view. <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -580.45 497.3 -590]/A 581 0 R>> endobj endobj Leaders also will be able to harness the power of aggregated talent data to make informed decisions about training, leader development, and succession planning. 0000016376 00000 n Youll also detect enemy signals and jam enemy radio transmissions. 0000014992 00000 n These NCOs should study and master the additional military publications: STP 21-24, Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks Skill Levels 2, 3, and 4; DA Pam 600-25, U.S. Army Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Guide; FM 3.0, Urban Operations; FM 3-22.9, Rifle Marksmanship, M16/M4 Series Weapons ; FM 3-23.35, Combat Training with Pistols, 568 0 obj 0000007962 00000 n The CM/SP-T aligns a Soldiers individual knowledge, skills, behaviors (KSBs), preferences, and experiences against the requirements of each position in the selected pathway. ,G endobj Or take the next step to learn more about careers in the Army. endobj Nationally Recognized Certifications Available, Cryptologic Cyberspace Intelligence Collector/ Analyst, Military Intelligence (MI) Systems Maintainer/ Integrator, Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator-Maintainer, Nodal Network Systems Operator-Maintainer, Public Affairs Mass Communication Specialist. 0000012006 00000 n 524 0 obj Maj. Gen. Mark T. Simerly serves as the commanding general of the Combined Arms Support Command at Fort Lee, Virginia. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. AIM 2 provides greater transparency for leaders moving to their next assignment and units looking to recruit specific talents. At this point in the process, the individual will preference as many positions as possible and subsequently interview with units with requisitions in the marketplace. <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[391.5 -296.5 421.3 -306.05]/A 517 0 R>> 545 0 obj AIM 2 also provides an interactive environment for junior leaders and organizations to engage and determine talent fit. Duties for MOS 25S at each skill level are: MOSC 25S1O. endobj <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -418.1 545.9 -427.65]/A 480 0 R>> 0000012436 00000 n Graphic one is an example career map for active-duty logistics officers. DA PAM 600-25 More Info. Duties for MOS 25N at each skill level are: MOSC 25N1O. 0000021489 00000 n <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -241.75 529.15 -251.3]/A 480 0 R>> endobj As a Satellite Communication Systems Operator-Maintainer, you'll be responsible for all technical aspects of satellite equipment installation, operations, configuration, and alignment in order to keep lines of communication up and running. 480 0 obj U.S. [260 286 472 646 571 901 750 266 339 339 545 571 290 322 285 413 571 571 571 571 571 571 571 571 571 571 285 290 571 571 571 477 897 690 672 637 740 560 549 724 765 331 331 664 565 943 813 796 628 796 660 551 579 756 650 967 667 624 579 331 413 331 532 411 607 604 633 514 633 591 387 565 657 305 305 620 305 982 657 619 633 633 454 497 434 657 569 856 578 569 488 394 551 394 571 600 571 600 291 571 518 855 516 526 607 1281 551 368 973 600 579 600 600 217 217 445 445 376 500 1000 607 749 497 368 978 600 488 624 260 286 571 571 571 571 551 486 607 832 383 615 571 322 832 500 428 571 379 379 607 660 655 285 205 379 388 615 881 881 881 477 690 690 690 690 690 690 952 637 560 560 560 560 331 331 331 331 740 813 796 796 796 796 796 571 796 756 756 756 756 624 628 711 604 604 604 604 604 604 917 514 591 591 591 591 305 305 305 305 619 657 619 619 619 619 619 571 619 657 657 657 657 569 633 569] 491 0 obj level maintenance on electronic nodal assemblages, combat net radios, 534 0 obj endobj This article was published in the Summer 2022 issue of Army Sustainment. Soldiers interested in viewing their professional career map for their specific MOS click on the link listed below. 73 73 339 909 909 678 579 0 obj Yet, many junior leaders are unfamiliar with the tools designed to manage their careers. 0000014807 00000 n 45 45 267 The CM/SP-T applies the Army Talent Attribute Framework (ATAF) to identify talent demands at the position level, visualize best-fit talent alignment, and serve as a developmental tool to increase retention and readiness while defining new talent data requirements for IPPS-A. MOS 25D Soldiers are not authorized for assignment as Recruiters, Drill Sergeant,. 0000019924 00000 n We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. You can use this document as a guide and checklist as you complete different milestones throughout your career. architecture operations. 519 0 obj <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[206.3 -286.95 275.05 -296.5]/A 480 0 R>> 0000021020 00000 n Perform in support of maintaining, troubleshooting and reengineering of nodal endobj Additional Skill Identifiers for MOS 25N: J7WHCA Console Control Operations. <> Army-Portal.comyour information resource for all things Army! 0000021880 00000 n This experience base should include knowledge of Internet Protocol (IP) endobj 573 0 obj Generated by army Career tracker ReportingPage 1 Report generated on: Jul 19, 2020 ACT Career Map - 42A - Human Resources SpecialistSOLDIER FOR LIFEMore PAM 600-25 More LEVELTISGRADE / RANK RCP RCP 10-4 PVT (E1)-SPC (E4)PVT-PFC 5 YEARSCPL/SPC 8 YEARSCPL/SPC (P) 8 YEARS24-8 SGT (E5)SGT 14 YEARSSGT (P) 14 YEARS 38-12 SSG (E6)SSG 20 YEARS SSG (P) 20 553 0 obj 0000017274 00000 n To add this job, please remove one below. 2968 0 obj <> endobj 0000010748 00000 n 0000011605 00000 n Log in Join. Execute or supervise in the installation, operation, 508 0 obj They're also tasked with conducting performance tests and performing quality control tests on circuits, trunk groups, systems, and ancillary equipment. 0000016470 00000 n Perform as network controller in Brigade Combat Team 0000192990 00000 n Troubleshoot complex system faults, supervise or correct failures to meet <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[391.5 -427.65 451.9 -437.2]/A 480 0 R>> Qualifications for initial award of MOS 25N, Nodal Network Systems Operator / Maintainer: PULHES: 0000190462 00000 n 540 0 obj endobj 0000012342 00000 n Perform network operations center tasks endobj ASVAB Score: Surveillance & Communications (SC), Nationally Recognized Certifications Available, Cryptologic Cyberspace Intelligence Collector/ Analyst, Military Intelligence (MI) Systems Maintainer/ Integrator, Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator-Maintainer, Nodal Network Systems Operator-Maintainer, Public Affairs Mass Communication Specialist, Satellite Communication Systems Operator-Maintainer. endobj <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[391.5 -475.4 421.3 -484.95]/A 517 0 R>> (4) Formal Training (completion of MOS 25N Course conducted under the endobj 87 87 353 0000011189 00000 n 71 71 613 0000019456 00000 n Allow Soldiers to visualize KSB fits and pathways to further career advancement. 0000220230 00000 n Every Soldier has an assigned HRC career manager who provides individual career assistance, including assignment management. Senior leaders should use these publications to guide subordinates developmental, counseling, and individual development plans. 0000191060 00000 n Serves as a Transmissions Systems Supervisor in a Forward Signal Company; installs, operates and performs maintenance on communication subsystems and communications security devices; responsible for the health, morale, training, professional development and welfare of seven Soldiers; readiness of three AN/TSC 167(B) (STT) and three AN/TRC-190D (V)3 (HCLOS) valued at $1,829,013.00; plans, coordinates, and configures the direct installation, maintenance, and management of tactical satellite communication system for command and control in support of V Corps, USAREUR. equipment; Communications Security (COMSEC) devices; and other equipment 0000016564 00000 n Career ladder and career map 36, page 13 Army Civilian Training, Education, and Development System Plan approval process 37, page 14 Section III Career Program Actions, page 14 Establishment of a new career program 38, page 14 Title change to a career program 39, page 15 Career program mapping 310, page 15 542 0 obj 513 0 obj endobj 479 0 obj 0000018149 00000 n 490 0 obj 0000019737 00000 n 0000011912 00000 n 546 0 obj 0000015915 00000 n The day to day of a sierra falls in line with other day to day signal jobs like 25N, 25B, 25U, 25Q. 0000018055 00000 n endobj 82 82 604 470 0 obj Career mapping and succession planning tool phases. 532 0 obj He previously served as the commander of the 19th Expeditionary Support Command. endobj 501 0 obj hYk@>&`'8Bud$3+"kgw>y|0HqP3&~DK9#=A{! endobj 0000204262 00000 n endobj To view the reading list, go to https://cascom.army.mil/About/CGRL/index.html. Nodal Network Systems Operator / Maintainer (MOS 25N) duty description, required ASVAB score and security clearance, physical requirements, and available enlistment bonus are provided. nodal operations functions. (2) Ability to read, comprehend and clearly enunciate English. U.S. Army Signal School, ATTN: ATZH POE, Ft Gordon, GA 30905-5300. 0000190638 00000 n 575 0 obj A key part of this job involves identifying and reporting any electronic jamming of Army equipment by enemy actors and applying appropriate countermeasures. 0000016001 00000 n <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -523.15 513.9 -532.7]/A 517 0 R>> 0000021583 00000 n 0000021395 00000 n <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -194 525.15 -203.55]/A 480 0 R>> 0000015085 00000 n Ready to take the next step? <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -504.05 516.25 -513.6]/A 480 0 R>> <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[298.9 -465.85 366.7 -475.4]/A 480 0 R>> <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -392 546.05 -401.55]/A 480 0 R>> <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[391.5 -456.3 428.05 -465.85]/A 480 0 R>> Soldiers should also proactively monitor updates to ensure familiarity with the latest career pathways, updates, and opportunities. for teams or shifts. Through the tool, Soldiers will see how their talents align to positions, can visualize potential career paths, identify talent gaps, and pursue interventions to close them. 0000003540 00000 n endobj A comprehensive framework and robust talent data are required to document knowledge, skills, and behaviors (KSB) demands across positions. <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[298.9 -475.4 338 -484.95]/A 480 0 R>> During Phase 2a (Jan. to June 2022), the team worked on the pilot development of a minimum viable product (MVP), which included the following workstreams and incorporated focus group efforts with Logistics Captains Career Course (LOG-C3) participants and subject matter expert (SME) inputs. 554 0 obj 0000016939 00000 n ACT Career Map - 88N - Transportation Management Coordinator SOLDIER FOR LIFE More Info. Army Enlisted Promotions He recently commanded the Army Field Support Battalion - Drum. 0000201850 00000 n Serves as the SATCOM Systems Supervisor for the Camp Carroll strategic earth terminal for a strategic signal company; responsible for operations and maintenance of an AN/GSC-52 V(1) satellite terminal providing strategic and tactical communications services throughout the Korean peninsula, Japan, Hawaii, and the United States in support of United Nations Command (UNC)/Combined Forces Command (CFC)/Unites States Forces Korea (USFK) and Eighth Army Commanders; responsible for systems support equipment, 2 vehicles and 1 facility valued in excess of $3.2 million; responsible for the welfare, morale, discipline and professional development of 1 Civilian, 4 NCOs and 13 Soldiers. 0000019362 00000 n 0000014899 00000 n endobj endobj The work these soldiers do is critical to Army intelligence-gathering operations. endobj 75 75 614 474 0 obj 0000220657 00000 n 0000014252 00000 n 578 0 obj Generating Retention NCO - Broadening DA PAM 600-25 - Enlisted Aide - Recruiter . 475 0 obj 0000005734 00000 n 0000013321 00000 n school studies in electronics/electronic switching systems repair and This involves an in-depth investigation of your character and finances, and a history of alcohol abuse or drug use may be disqualifying. endobj This allows the Soldier to gain a separate assessment and point of view beyond the perspectives of their immediate chain of command/unit leadership. Or take the next step to learn more about careers in the Army. % Must meet requirements for MOS per DA Pam 611-21. Key Term army career map; This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 3 . endobj <> 81 81 614 <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -174.9 540.1 -184.45]/A 480 0 R>> 461 0 obj 0000208939 00000 n 0000008375 00000 n 0000018802 00000 n 2993 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<24CB065A68B35C4A888189861D5A912B>]/Index[2968 36]/Info 2967 0 R/Length 120/Prev 293028/Root 2969 0 R/Size 3004/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 464 0 obj <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[391.5 -194 458.4 -203.55]/A 480 0 R>> Rod Powers was a retired Air Force First Sergeant with 22 years of active duty service. 564 0 obj Demands Rating: heavy net radios and all related COMSEC devices. endobj <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -475.4 555.5 -484.95]/A 480 0 R>> <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[206.3 -174.9 251.35 -184.45]/A 480 0 R>> and assist subordinate operators to execute nodal and COMSEC operations, 469 0 obj proficiency at the configuration, operation and troubleshooting of routers Youve added the maximum number of jobs to your list. 460 0 obj endobj PMCS and field level maintenance on all associated network management Physical Qualifications After completing the ASVAB you need to meet other requirements toward becoming 25S MOS. Ultimately, junior leaders must manage their own careers to achieve their professional goals. <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[484.1 -306.05 538.95 -315.6]/A 480 0 R>> endobj endobj Enlistment Bonuses by MOS 0000017554 00000 n startxref (3) Self-development competitive Soldier boards, such as Soldier of the Quarter/Year broaden the knowledge base, instill discipline and improve the Soldier's ability to communicate verbally. endobj %PDF-1.5 % endobj 0000015648 00000 n nodal systems; integrated network control centers; network management 0000016095 00000 n 0000021676 00000 n For example, junior leaders may leverage CASCOMs recently published 2022 Reading List that promotes professional discussion on leadership, sustainment, and innovation. 0000021786 00000 n <>/Subtype/Link/Rect[391.5 -251.3 461.45 -260.85]/A 480 0 R>> endobj Managing ones career supports not only career advancement but also career agility. 0000017885 00000 n [260 276 436 646 571 862 740 243 317 317 548 571 267 322 275 390 571 571 571 571 571 571 571 571 571 571 275 278 571 571 571 453 898 661 660 634 734 558 532 726 751 305 299 639 542 923 783 787 615 787 639 550 566 742 622 946 622 592 575 330 390 330 537 429 592 580 623 495 623 576 363 556 635 279 279 572 279 956 635 611 623 623 431 487 393 635 535 817 551 536 478 386 551 371 571 600 580 600 268 574 461 819 509 518 599 1241 550 336 948 600 575 600 600 193 193 397 397 376 500 1000 599 762 487 336 960 600 478 592 260 276 571 571 571 571 551 501 592 832 368 556 571 322 832 500 428 571 363 363 592 639 655 275 216 363 381 556 830 830 830 453 661 661 661 661 661 661 912 634 558 558 558 558 305 305 305 305 731 783 787 787 787 787 787 571 787 742 742 742 742 592 619 666 580 580 580 580 580 580 887 495 576 576 576 576 279 279 279 279 607 635 611 611 611 611 611 571 611 635 635 635 635 536 623 536]

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