Write Competency Statements in the present or past tense, not in the future tense. SixReflective Statements of Competence, followed by the relatedResource Collectionitems as outlined on theMY CDA Professional Portfoliocoversheet. For all other online courses, enrollment expires 1-year from date of purchase. CDA Requirements 2 Portfolio Components 3 Resource Collection & Competency Standards 4 Professional Philosophy Statement 5 Final Q & A Recap of CDA Requirements High school diploma or enrollment in a high school career and technical program 120 hours or education in 8 CDA subject areas The resource collection is 10 items, each numbered to demonstrate how it pertains to any one of the six competency goals. 0000356642 00000 n Your Professional Development Specialist (PDS) will look through your portfolio during the verification visit (which includes your two-hour observation). Print pages 5-22, (pages without the words preview). This is especially important for your First Aid certification. Checklist for Preschool CDA Portfolio, complete with notes on what is covered in each Competency Statement reflection. 0000218507 00000 n Include only your own writing, not Resource Collection items like forms, surveys, or web pages. TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. 0000222081 00000 n End with a strong statement of commitment to the profession or to children and families. %PDF-1.7 % Are you wanting to get your CDA or to have your students get their CDA? Subscribe today to stay connected with us. 0000086102 00000 n So once, he gets to the store he makes a huge mess inside. 0000095120 00000 n Experiences teaching High School Mathematics and Computer Science. These are cross-referenced during a verification visit. Article: An Early Childhood Portfolio includes an autobiography, competency statements, and resource collection to validate teacher core competencies and com artifacts of professional development created by Diane New, A professional portfolio template built around Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Teaching, A collection of resources showcasing my career. Materials inserted into page protectors must be visible to a reader without removing the material from the page protector. CDA RC I-3 _Related ResourcesPreschool Activity PlanTemplate for Preschool Lesson Plans_Product Details-1 PDF file_Lets ConnectFollow for monthly product discounts!Instagram @creatively, A one week menu for a childcare center is required as part of the portfolio created to obtain the national Child Development Associate (CDA) license. For elements you will include as pre-printed additions (such as record forms), print on standard-size copy paper and insert either by three-hole punching the edge or by inserting in a clear page protector. Well, I have a Ready-To-USE Template for you. hb```b``Ne`g`bf@ a6(GCDrQ` Within this sample you will find page numbers of the resources, competency statement, and standards. 2. Buy $85.00 Take a Look! 0000222585 00000 n 0000221020 00000 n 0000005298 00000 n The portfolio is a written document, so you cannot create this in another medium (like video or a website). 0000371724 00000 n (school colors etc.) Use the checklist to make certain you have completed all the Resource Collection items. You will find detailed preparation instructions in the yellow Infant-Toddler edition of the CDA Competency Standards book. All requirements must be met before starting the application process. Post to Twitter or Facebook Be sure to label the portfolio items clearly (as you will in your portfolio) so we can tell one piece from another. Care Courses wants tohelp! Resume, educational philosophy, Blogs wikis, websites, webquests, reflections, official documents, professional membershgips, student accomplishment Artifacts of my year as Gifted Coordinator and VIP sponsor, This provides documents for other colleagues and administrators to view about my professional opportunities and experiences, Educational Employment Professional Portfolio, Sheri Cantu- Magnolia ISD Professional Portfolio. Run spell-check. Describe three or more concepts that you believe are of top importance in working with children and families. Were here tohelp! https://www.oaklandfamilyservices.org/locations, https://www.michigan.gov/documents/Translators_Resource_List_95124_7.pdf, https://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127-1627_8669_9040-348458--,00.html, http://www.easterseals.com/our-programs/childrens-services/, https://www.morcinc.org/i-need-support-for/children-special-needs/, https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/302-how-to-support-your-child-s-communication-skills, https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/Pages/Movement-Birth-to-Three-Months.aspx, http://www.bornlearning.org/academies/about. Resource Collection 1. Presentation of the CDA Portfolio. Your portfolio creates your first impression for your PDS. Complete 120 hours of formal early childhood education training, covering the growth and development of children ages birth to 36 months, with no fewer than 10 training hours in each of the eight CDA subject areas. Most recently, Andrew served as Senior Vice President of Partnership and Engagement with Acelero Learning and Shine Early Learning, where he led the expansion of state and community-based partnerships to produce more equitable systems of service delivery, improved programmatic quality, and greater outcomes for communities, children and families. This is a collection of reference materials related to your work with children and families. 0000086008 00000 n RC-2 Learning Activity - ece cda Portfolio RC-2 Learning Activity Language and Literacy Learning names sensory bin: To assemble the sensory bin, fill a shoebox sized container halfway with alphabet pasta. 0000011716 00000 n 0000356756 00000 n 0000225186 00000 n This binder includes professional information about me. Whats an early childhood professional organization membership? Web sites must contain articles that help families understand the . Reflective CompetencyStatement V RC V: Three samples of record keeping forms you use/have used. Reflective Competency Statement IV. 0000219284 00000 n 0000225803 00000 n Include one current article from each website. (10 hours) Enrollment expires 1 year from date of purchase. 0000006885 00000 n 0000042302 00000 n CDA Professional Portfolio Summary of My CDA Education cover sheet family questionnaire Sample work RC 1-1 RC 1-2 RC 1-3 RC 2-1 RC 2-2 RC 2-3 RC 2-4 RC 2-5 RC 2-6 RC 2-7 RC 2-8 RC 2-9 RC 3 Bibliography RC 4 Family Resources RC 5 record keeping forms . 0000274453 00000 n 0000021037 00000 n So how do you create your CDA Professional Portfolio? Pre-made digital activities. Embed this Shelf. 0000219108 00000 n This will be the only tool you need to organize your CDA Portfolio! I had been working with children for about three years whenI was given the opportunity to obtain my CDA. 0000372773 00000 n 0000118043 00000 n The Council does not accept training provided by individual consultants or from a conference. Portfolio focusing on educational technology. Resource Collection Items VI. Things I have done for classes, courses, and lessons I have taught. 0000064041 00000 n Title: Llama Llama Mad at Mama Author: Anna Dewdney Publisher: Putnam Books for Young Readers Copyright Date: 2007 Summary: This book is about a young llama who wanted to play all day, but his play was abruptly interrupted when he had to go shopping with his mother, which made him angry. This thorough CDA Professional Portfolio AUTO-PILOT guide can be used wi. Reflective Statements of Competence Guidelines, Competency Standard I: To establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment, Competency Standard II: To advance physical and intellectual competence, Competency Standard III: Supporting children's social and emotional development, RC III Developmentally Appropriate Books Quiz, Competency Standard IV: To establish positive and productive relationships with families, Competency Standard V: To ensure a well-run, purposeful program that is responsive to participant needs, Competency Standard VI: To maintain a commitment to professionalism, RC VI-2 Early Childhood Associations Quiz, Professional Philosophy Statement Guidelines, The Professional Philosophy Statement Example, The Professional Philosophy Statement Quiz, Bring Your Professional Portfolio to your Verification. for potential employers interested in seeing what I have to offer. 0000013023 00000 n 0000371123 00000 n 0000224537 00000 n Download the compressed zip file and open it by clicking on the file; this will create a new folder and open it. Best of luck! Sample Activity Plan Form 194 Appendix D Sample Weekly Activity Plan for Infants 195 8 9 10 . Christopher Lindsay's Professional Portfolio Resume, Reference, and Professional Learning. Academic Journals for educators and students are accessible. 0000342745 00000 n Yes and no. CDA Teaching Portfolio Builder Guide, Google Docs, Teacher Professionals, Early, CDA credential Portfolio Family child care, CDA Professional Portfolio Editable Template w/ Guides, CDA Portfolio Breakdown and Organization of Binder, CDA Professional Portfolio Letters (A-I) Coversheets Included, Mrs. MvY`vZ!Q-Bp~L+6R;rbf&'&%eN+tHAD9_R1W^Z2P&ST|=9(i,`N:!)z:sd&`?7J0R~'o^/JG/~b! 0000020025 00000 n Make sure to secure the funds before you submit your application. you . 0000220239 00000 n This is a portfolio of my works, lesson plans, etc. Educational Career and Leadership Capacity, Professional Portfolio of Laurice Hernandez. In general, it's best to offer what your PDS is expecting, instead of something different. Make a good first impression for your PDS. %%EOF ``) N |_;*edMP;@)!n2Dvg"NLXl\>tZg>K=G[ 2460 16th Street, NW **TIP: By using extra wide dividers the page protectors will not cover the tabs! Are you ready to start your Professional Portfolio? Once your CDA application is approved, you will receive your Ready to Schedule notice, and you can schedule your CDA Verification Visit and your CDA Exam. A preschool weekly activity plan is required as part of the portfolio created to obtain the national Child Development Associate (CDA) license. Your CDA credential endorses the teacher you are now, not the teacher you intend to become. 0r\+\-.Ql\9T2f+d2@r-_~fD&JagL@LUQ:_{. You will also find what to place behind each tab, A-J. We will return the file to you with corrections or suggestions. Follow the Tips in general and watch out for errors. Are you in the process of obtaining your CDA? The opening is part of the $75M investment to renovate and expand concessions at Midway under the $400M Midway Modernization Program (MMP), the largest capital . CS II Resource Collection. Andrew has over 20 years of experience in the early care and education field. Professional Portfolio Example of ATCP professional portfolio By: . 1. +1 800-424-4310. 0000005232 00000 n The Council reviews the results of your assessment and renders a credentialing decision. What is My CDA Exam and Verification Visit Deadline? Professional Portfolio containing artifacts and experiences from 2006-2015. These items demonstrate the goals as practical lessons or examples. Feel free to COMMENT any questions down below and I will do my best to get back to you. Do you have more questions about your CDA? Resource IV-4 Child Development Resources Provide a list of 3 or more websites, and brief descriptions of each, that provide current information to help families understand how young children, ages 3- 5 years old, develop and learn. 0000327434 00000 n I had a director who encouraged me to get my CDA. If you learned something new about assembling your CDA Portfolio, then LIKE this video! 0000365673 00000 n Cover Page:Your CDA Professional Portfolio cover sheet Tab 1:CDA Education My CDA Education cover sheet All relevant training transcripts, certificates, and other official documentation such as college transcripts Tab 2:Family Questionnaires Family Questionnaire cover sheet All completed and returned Family Questionnaires Tab 3:Reflective Included are easy to use templates and helpful resources for building your portfolio. RC-2 Learning Activity. 0000101535 00000 n I hope that I can Child Development Associate Credential (CDA). 14, 17 H Reflective Competency Statement VI Resource Collection Checklist RC VI - 1: PA Dept. 0000005188 00000 n 0000015429 00000 n Written by someone with 30 years experience with the CDA. When I received my Certificate for my Nationals in the mail, I cried I was so happy. 0000006577 00000 n 0000027005 00000 n Andrew Davis serves as Chief Operating Officer at the Council. One exception to this rule is your Parent Surveys; because your PDS will not read each of these, you may put them all in a single page protector. Since 2003, Jan has worked exclusively in the non-profit sector where she has been a passionate advocate in improving business operations in order to further the mission of her employers. Read the instructions carefully, since sometimes important information is a sentence or two in. This preschool weekly plan template can be used as part of any Early Childhood Education course, part of the CDA, or would be great to incorporate into your own center. ***View the discounted bundle that includes. Examples given to assist you. Clearly label each Competency Statement so your PDS can see you have completed it. Allow at least one week (7 days) for editing. CDA Course Professional Portfolio ow-to Guide F Reflective Competency Statement IV RC IV: Family Resource Guide Checklist 14, 16 I/T:135,17 G Reflective Competency Statement V RC V: Three samples of record keeping forms you use/have used. 0000219430 00000 n This document contains templates for all areas of CDA requirements such as competency statements, resource collection, learning experiences, and a guide in order to create your portfolio. If you were told to make your binder differently, neither of us are \"wrong\", it may just be different preferences. The CDA Professional Portfolio is a: Requirement for the national CDA Credentialing Process Collection of specific resource materials to help you in your work with children and families Method for the national CDA Council to evaluate your competence Way to showcase your own philosophy about your work with young children and their families Jan holds a CPA from the State of Virginia and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Lycoming College. File comes with: Cover for you binder9 Cover letters for the required sections of your portfolio2 Bonus Covers labeled "Miscellaneous" and "Bilingual specialization" You can adhere this to your Binder Dividers (fits well on Avery's Extra Wide Dividers). 0000095035 00000 n 0000326982 00000 n To access the Find-a-PD Specialist Tool, login to YourCouncil and click the Find a PDS button located on the left side menu. Beware of spelling errors. This helps you complete the CDA Portfolio = Resouce Collection and Competency Statements with time line of September to April. 0000051304 00000 n 0000351192 00000 n There is an introduction power point to help explain the CDA and to get the students started on it.You will also find completion certificates, candidate reminder notes, hour tracking sheet. New York: Random House, 1979. Reflective Competency Statement III. Portfolios belong to the candidates who create them and so cannot be presented here as examples. Child development associate (CDA) credential, Child Developmental Associate (CDA) Credential. Thanks again for watching and supporting my channel. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? It is best if these pages are not inserted into a sheet protector, but if you want to use sheet protectors for these statements, make certain the statements can be read in their entirety without removing them from the protector. Make certain that pre-printed materials are up-to-date. Have you located your professional development specialist yet? 0000011231 00000 n Jan has more than 30 years in accounting and finance experience, including public accounting, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. %PDF-1.6 % The American Academy of Pediatrics is dedicated to obtaining and maintaining the optimal physical, mental and social health and and well-being of all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. 0000336645 00000 n If you are running the Wordpress software, you will need the Embed Iframe plugin. CDA Professional Portfolio Letters (A-I) Coversheets that is put into your Portfolio. The moral of the story is to focus on what you have and don't dwell on the bad. It is well worth it. 0000016764 00000 n hb```f``c`a` B@1V 8 J>qA.C}@vr0nwtpt4htt0tqX *: M4?1 Lk\`}X` :!HeVCW0-f 1CH3 9