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how to spawn eternatus in pixelmon

"Ok fine there were some fixes to be done first". Fixed the Entrainment battle message for people using non-US English, or as I call it, English English. Added Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon. Fixed Gracidea flowers getting eaten if you attempt to plant one where there already is one. All of the pokemon below are obtainable: Legendary Birds- Articuno - Can be found in and in front of Seafoam Cave. Updated Premier Ball Lid, Sport Ball Lid, Heal Ball Lid, Nest Ball Lid and Safari Ball Lid recipe to yield 5 lids. TCG's API has been overhauled. Updated Silver Base, Platinum Ingot and Silver Ingot sprites. Day Care data is now accessible from PlayerPartyStorage. Pressure no longer takes PP from multi-hit moves multiple times. Please reset your TCG config to ensure you're using the new values! The BattleBox now has three sizes instead of one, small, medium, and large. Prevents rendering of statue if entity tracker issue occurs. Pokballs now longer render as a 3D item in hand and will now use their sprite, like all other items. Milcery not properly evolving into the corresponding form based on the sweets given. Fixed Timespace Altars not generating at Spear Pillar. Updated flying parameters for Charizard, Aerodactyl, Dragonite, Skarmory, Altaria, Mewtwo, Metagross, Salamence, Garchomp, Togekiss, Arceus, Latias, Latios, Braviary, Talonflame, Yveltal, Decidueye, Necrozma, Frosmoth, Corviknight, Eternatus and more. Pokmon no longer recoil from battle damage. Updated Lunar Blessing and Shelter to their Generation 9 effect. Ultra Wormholes no longer spawn in Oceanic, Lake and River biomes. Bugger. Fixed Ghost-types not being immune to Counter. Meowstic could not be placed as a statue. Make sure that if moveAccuracy can't miss we don't change it. Made the Timespace Altar a two-block-tall block. Fixes some bugs due to it having NBT data. Vertical and Cross Tombstones not allowing light to pass through the block model. Fixed legendaries not having any kind of forced delay in between spawning. Added new Tombstones: Cross Tombstone, Tall Tombstone and Vertical Tombstone. Removed mail from Pok Loot, as let's be honest, who wants mail? Fixed "/dolegendaryspawn" making Sponge deeply uncomfortable. Fixed Extreme Evoboost not working against Ghost type Pokmon. Added ZygardeEvent.Merge.End - Fires at the end of a merger of an existing Zygarde in a Reassembly Unit. The primary forms are now the regional variants, which must be specified by name, f:Alolan, f:Galarian, or f:Hisuian . Set it to an empty string to hide it altogether. Candy XS, Exp. Fixed maxLevel, afkHandlerOn/afkTimerActivateSeconds, riding speed multiplier config options not working on servers. Folding chairs: Black, Gray, White, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Red, Purple, Pink, Cyan and Blue. Allows checking for the existence of a specific ResourceLocation on the client. Fixed a spawning issue with G-Max Pokmon. A bad egg. This is the start of work to make it extensible for the future (1.16+), Sigilyph updated to SMD (and that is the last of them!). Fixed packet console log spam related to moveset values. Fixed a tracking error on Sponge caused by the NPC Editor creating trainers off-thread. It has MASSIVE wings and it was a land spawn. Whacky stuff! Meltan is now obtained, and evolved, via smelting metal ingots. Made legendary spawning much more aggressive so that it will keep trying different players until either it runs out or until a legendary spawns. Bet you didn't even notice. Removed parentheses around a Pokemon's species name if they have no nickname. Fixed switched-in Mega Pokmon using an incorrect model when switched into a Pokmon with an available mega form. 1 Drops; Fixed various textures, such as Patrat, Swinub, Ferrothorn, Doublade, Klefki, and Elgyem. Optimized checking a Pokmon's boss mode. This was purely for our own entertainment. Changed the Flash move skill so that any Pokmon with the Illuminate ability can use it. Fixed a few megastones having the wrong images. (Not really!). Fixed all those Pokdex completion advancements not working. Updated Chilan Berry properly to Kantonian Rattata and Raticate's held item spawning. Fixed an issue with Tutors causing a battle error on the next battle after interaction. Fixed Deoxys not being able to learn Nasty Plot. Fixed LensUsedEvent not being cancellable when all the documentation says it is. Uh. Fixed the Shiny Charm showing the wrong status in the GUI. If you want to get more Max Mushrooms at a faster rate, completing Max Raid Battles. A Legendary Pokmon has a chance of spawning every 22 minutes. Fixed NPCs being broken unless you just so happened to have external JSONs on. Added a new Creator Pokmon (ItsRitchieW). Fixed enchanted items displaying wrong on the notice overlay. Fixed the wiki key opening up a wiki page for air whenever your hand is empty. Fixed walking into raised Red and Blue Orbs causing suffocation. Scary times ahead. Also fixed very rare player crashes caused by destroying Orbs. Added PlayerPartyStorage#addTaskForBattleEnd, to allow tasks to be scheduled for after the player has closed all battle UIs. Fixed some cases where switching a species form changed the ability slot of that saved Pokmon. Baffling. Fixed the useRecentLevelMoves config option making it use the earliest moves instead. Fixed Lake Trio Rubies checking for original trainer only by name causing them to not work if a player had changed their name. Structures now support Structure Void blocks. Casuals. Fixed the rotation of the Picket Fence, it is no longer upside down. Fixed Magician not being completely translated. Added evolution stones to common boss drops. Pokmon nametags no longer rotate badly when near a Pokmon model rendered in the world. Added NPCEvent.EndBattle - Fires for all NPC versus player battle ends. Fixed Eevee not evolving into Sylveon because of other eeveelutions taking priority. Wool regrowth now ticks for Wooloo and Dubwool. Clocks: Black, Gray, White, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Red, Purple, Cyan, Green. Fixed a pretty crazy bug where multiple Pokmon of the same species would share the same PP for moves. Fixed an issue with Transfer Tutors allowing learning a move outside what a Pokmon could be taught from prior generations. Fixed Fling effects not working and erroring. Kubfu is the Legendary pokemon whish has one type ( Fighting) from the 8 generation. They cannot be API as they extend a Forge class that will not exist after 1.12 and thus will break. Now it's way easier to see what you can find in an area. Added fallback texture to resource pack NPC skins. Fixed the tier names not displaying properly in the drop-down of the Battle Rules GUI. Flash: Creates a temporary light at the Pokmon's location. Added bossRate, bossSpawnTicks, bossSpawnChance config options. Fixed eggs hatching at a normal speed and then suddenly going super fast. Fixed a crash if a player logs off after throwing a PokBall that catches a Pokmon. Fixed bugs in ITEM_GIVE if it was used more than once. Fixed Battle-Bond Greninja not being able to change form outside of battle. Fixed an exploit in NPC and Chisel packets. Raised the max allowed purchase size for shopkeepers, up to either the maximum money available or the maximum empty inventory space. Fixed a bug where Zygarde cells would spawn too close to each other. Some of these are dyeable. Added Cosmetics (Card Backs and Coins) to TCG Trader, configurable in the TCG Config, enabled by default. Fixed Giratina in its Altered form not being a mount. Added "legendary" spec, similar to the above but for legendary/not legendary. Added move skills: (Find which moves are needed and more information here: Pixelmon Wiki ). Fixed Eviolite working on Phione. Use BattleEndEvent. "Serious bugs? Added Triples, Raid, and Horde battle types. Fixed Solar Blade not being a 2 turn move. Added Rage Candy Bar, Lava Cookie, Old Gateau, Casteliacone, Lumiose Galette, and Shalour Sable. Fixed ability names with "armour" in them not accepting the U.S. spelling in commands and GUIs. When his health is low, he turns into a weird blue thing, I dunno. Added Drowned World biomes: Drowned Crimson, Drowned Warm and Drowned Dark. Fixed Simple Beam incorrectly changing certain abilities to Simple, e.g. Added missing online forms Cinderace 'Goku' and Mothim 'Bug Catcher' forms. Fixed Revenant not activating from Iron Barbs, Spiky Shield, Rocky Helmet, Bad Dreams, Nightmare, Aftermath, Innards Out, Sticky Barb, Life Orb, weather, status effect, confusion self-damage, Leech Seed, Curse, False Swipe, Jaboca Berry, Rowap Berry, Gulp Missile, splinters and binding move damage. Added a shiny AZ Floette texture since why not. Fixed Kyogre requiring a Red Orb to undergo Primal Reversion outside of battle. Who even does that? Updated Platinum Base and Silver base to yield 5 bases instead of 1 and 3 respectively. Fixed some Generation 6 Pokmon missing AI behaviour. The goal is to make it fully immutable at runtime as it was intended to be. Fixed a crash due to Pokdex updates when the receiving player is not online. Fixed the default levels of: Rhyperior, Roggenrola, Crustle, Scraggy, Scrafty, Yamask, Cofagrigus, Ferroseed, Skunktank, Shaymin. Removed structure spawn configuration options from. Default the superUniversalTMs config option to false. Fixed Hold Back activating Revenant phases. Fixed Mega Slowbro and Mega Blastoise having little chance of spawning due to only being on land in ocean biomes. Thank you, VengeanceMC, for giving us the information we needed for this. Fixed mount positions on Tentacruel and Mudsdale. Added Mega-Alakazam. "They're no longer bugs. Fixed break particles when destroying a Pixelmon oven. Added Catch Combos. Fixed Rattata showing up as "Ratatta" in the main config's Ditto transformation section. Fixed Aurora Veil and Reflect reducing the damage done by Brick Break and Psychic Fangs. Fixed yet more Apricorn Tree tile entity errors caused by corruption. We now properly check if the mother is Galar, for breeding. POKEMON based objectives now have an inserter for picking a spec at random. Read our wiki on breeding for how this works now, because it isn't like the games! Added Pokemon#isOriginalTrainer(EntityPlayerMP) which will check both OT UUID and OT username if there is no UUID set. Added QuestActionEvent - Fires whenever a quest action is about to be executed. Fixed Secret Power causing secondary effects other than lowering the defence stat in Ultra Space. Decreased the time it takes for bikes to reach full speed. Fixed NPCs appearing with broken textures. Now his horn spins too. "Hey look, everything from generation 1-6 is now done. Added battle text for Laser Focus and for Z Moves raising the critical hit ratio. Fixed battle animations only working in the overworld. Fixed the completion rate of the Pokdex. Added TMs by generation. Added new Letter Boxes: Black Letter Box, Blue Letter Box, Brown Letter Box, Cyan Letter Box, Gray Letter Box, Green Letter Box, Light Blue Letter Box, Lime Letter Box, Magenta Letter Box, Orange Letter Box, Pink Letter Box, Purple Letter Box, Red Letter Box, White Letter Box and Yellow Letter Box. You can even ride them! Added Trainer Cards. Fixed Pokrus spreading to the not-sent-out Pokmon being very, very, very, very, very rare. - https://www.patreon.com/tastysquad?alert=2My Merch - https://teespring.com/stores/tastypenguins-store?page=1---------------------------------------------Tasty Support Group Discord - https://discord.gg/AcqKYPc#tastypenguin #Pixelmon Added new Pokmon cries for Abomasnow, Aipom, Bruxish, Crustle, Cutiefly, Darmanitan, Darumaka, Delphox, Dwebble, Mimikyu, Noivern, Numel, Pelipper, Riolu, Salamence, Swablu, Vivillon, Whimsicott, and Zoroark. Switched npc entities to use persistenceRequired nbt tag instead of our own tag that does the same thing. Fixed Uxie not giving the Ruby of Knowledge. Haha. Pokemon will no longer spawn on dead players. Added ISpawningTweak for slight adjustments to make it easier to set up slight spawning changes in entity creation. Enamorus was not marked as being a legendary Pokmon. Woopsy daisy. This was caused by a typo! Fixed PokBalls sitting weirdly in healers and other places. Make Dragon Energy hit the opponents at the same time. Having an Alolan in your party at the time will evolve them. Added CameraEvent.TakePhoto - Fires when a photo is taken by a camera. Added Black Kyurem and White Kyurem. Fixed an issue where a ghost of your Pokmon would stay in the world if traded away while it was sent out. Fixed a legendary, pixel-sized error the pink vending machine's texture. Fixed the level-cap and raise-to-cap battle rules sometimes not reverting after battle causing permanent changes to your Pokmon level. Added smooth models for Psyduck and Golduck. You can now fly Giratina when it's in Origin form. Fixed missing Griseous Orb from boss drops, so you can legitimately get Giratina now. Rotom can now change into his many forms. Fixed Pokmon being recalled after you give them a rare candy. Elekid now looks normal. Fixed a server crash caused by resetting the moveset of a Pokmon. Additionally, they will all have the chance to have event-only moves like Relic Song and Dragon Ascent. Catch Rate: 10 1.31% 1.96% 2.61% 6.53% (Only on first turn!) Good luck! We have changed from using IDs to Ordinal numbers for Special Textures. Fixed missing entries in the Magikarp Fishing Log. Synchronize nature swap now has one roll chance per Pokemon. There were sooo many we haven't used in years! Fixed Pixelmon Spawner blocks giving Pokmon inappropriate moves for their level. Self Boost will now only activate once, instead of per hit. Added a special hat for users who boost the SwSh Subreddit Discord. Added TCG Trader, Exchange Essence Jars for Card Packs and Cosmetics. Fixed not being able to import Battle Bond Greninja. Also now changes back if it forgets the move. Updated zh_TW, es_ES, pt_BR, zh_CN, ru_RU, it_IT, nb_NO and fr_FR. Structures now blend more with the surrounding environment, la Mojang structures. Fixed an issue where it was possible for players on a server to be unable to see their PC Pokmon. Added the config option requireHM. Fixed Cloning Machines increasing the Mew's times cloned when it's put into the machine instead of when the machine does the cloning. Fixed Pokdex asset sizing and positioning to make it look as intended. Updated the Heavy Ball to reflect SuMo changes. [7.3.1] Change scale of couch and armchair slightly. Added Lustrous Globe to held items for Glaceon, Espeon and Flareon. Fixed Focus Sashes not working when held by a Revenant Pokmon. Raids now respect the type two essence setting in, Reset your tcg.cfg as part of this release, High-Definition card foreground assets have been changed to pixelart, Holo-rare cards now have a holographic effect. "Ok look we had 2 great versions we're allowed to stuff 1 up". It's not the one that uses those. Fixed collisions with all the following mons: Fixed Teleport external move not working properly when you're in the same dimension that you're going to. NPC type objectives now chain to one another, unlocking infinite possibilities with DIALOGUE. Added battle arenas variants: Plains Battle Arena, Desert Battle Arena, Taiga Battle Arena and Snowy Battle Arena. From Pixelmon Wiki Jump to:navigation, search A Pokmon's spawn location determines which environment(s) it can spawn in. Isi's good, but he ain't that good. The above fixes issues with Emergency Exit. Weather created by Desolate Land, Primordial Sea and Delta Stream no longer stay on the battle if defeated by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker, Teravolt or Turboblaze. Fixed Clanging Scales and Clangorous Soulblaze only hitting one foe in double battles. Fixed Archeops and Swanna having bugged models. I don't see any bugs.". Updated some Item ID typos on Large Leek, Fancy Apple, and Pungent Root in Forage. Fixed the Steel Roller effect not working. Fixed a crash caused by Minior's color data. Command tab-completes are no longer inline. Fixed palette/form issues with Creator Pokemon (Eevee/palette, Xerneas/palette). Fixed an issue with egg group lookup that allowed Battle Bond Greninjas to breed. Fixed a StackOverflow crash that could happen in Ultra Space due to some recursive world gen. During thunderstorms, it evolves into Hisuian Sliggoo. This page was last edited on 11 November 2022, at 17:48. http://pixelmonmod.com/w/index.php?title=Form_indices&oldid=111551. Updated Blissey, Charmeleon, Croagunk, Croconaw, Drowzee, Glaceon, Magikarp, Phanpy, and Torchic. https://teespring.com/stores/speshels-storeMerch design created by Marquelle Power: https://twitter.com/Marquelle_PowerJoin my discord! Fixed Piplup having a hard time spawning. Added SetBattleAIEvent to make it easy to customise specific opponents' battle AI. They will always spawn at high levels and have a really low catch rate, but, on capture, they are guaranteed to have a minimum of 3 Perfect IV stats. Fixed a crash caused by custom textures being null. It was meant to be like this forever but it's been bugged this whole time! ZStatusMoves use their base accuracy now, instead of always hitting. Fixed the "renderWildLevels" config option not working in any useful way. Put enchantment books in the fishing loot. Automatically converted all existing Pokball in previous saves to the new Pokball item with their correct NBT effect. Fixed items with a max damage of 1 million. In-ranch Pokmon not updating their model when interacted with shears. Allowed spruce, jungle, dark oak, and acacia fences to be accepted as Normal types in breeding environments. Even Patch Notes Guy knows that caves are dark all day long, and his only qualification is typing. Championship Ribbons (and others as we add them) can be awarded to individual Pokmon with the method. Added Magikarp-Roasted fishing for any Rod in lava. Eternatus is LIT and LARGE.Check out my merch! Items with the NBT key HasEffect now glow as if they were enchanted. Fixed Clamperl and Carvanha fishing stuff all erroneously referring to "Clampearl" and "Carvahna", making them impossible to catch. Fix HP restore berries only healing the Pokemon whose current turn it is. Updated and vastly improved shiny particle visibility. The /legendaryspawn command will now force a spawn even if spawning is disabled. Fixed the Red and Blue Orbs being dupe-able on Sponge servers. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Xerneas and Yveltal were definitely fixed, though. You're welcome! Added "hidden ability" spec requirement with aliases, Added "palette" spec requirement with aliases, Added an "aggression" spec requirement with aliases, Added Mew clone spec requirement with aliases, Added Lake Trio "enchanted" spec requirement with aliases, Added Meltan "ores smelted" spec requirement with aliases, Added "shorn" spec requirement with aliases, Added Wooloo, Mareep and Dubwool stats spec requirement with aliases, Added "nickname" spec requirement with aliases, Added "minimum level" spec requirement with aliases, Added "maximum level" spec requirement with aliases, Added "experience" spec requirement with aliases, Added "is wild" spec requirement with aliases. Origin Ball party overlay missing texture. Added loot to the chest in village Pokmon Centers. Moved Haunted Towers to Roofed Forest spawning. Fixed a few brewing recipes that had incorrect berries as inputs. Absolutely shameless. Fixes Transfer tutors using moves from the Tutors move pool. Fixed a crash in some menus caused by having a Pokmon with the '/div> symbol in its nickname. You can also share quests! Minior's Shield Down ability malfunctioning mid-battle. Added ZygardeEvent.New.End - Fires at the end of assembly of a new Zygarde in a Reassembly Unit. Fixed DNA Splicers being only one time use. Some Pokmon are able to spawn in multiple spawn locations. Ruby, Silicon, Sapphire and Amethyst Blocks. You can find it in such biomes as a Forest, a Wooded Hills and others. It is now a tutor move. Fixed Freeze Shock being special instead of physical. Alright, well, Santa was running late. Zen Mode now properly takes effect during a battle. Added Celesteela and Xurkitree to Ultra Deep Sea. Fixed the name tag going through Skiploom's body. Prevent Pokmon from changing dimension. See here. Fixed Ice Hammer, Plasma Fists and Power-Up Punch not getting the Iron Fist boost. Fixed Z-Growth having the wrong crystal assigned. Added JSONs for Pokmon base stats which includes stats, evolutions, riding information, moves, etc. Bloody Gabe's fault, no doubt. Added sprites for Halloween Ivysaur, Full-Moon Lunala (shiny and non-shiny), Creator Sentret, Radiant Solgaleo (shiny and non-shiny), Berry Ruby Swirl Alcremie, Clover Ruby Cream Alcremie, Clover Ruby Swirl Alcremie, Love Mint Cream Alcremie and Star Lemon Cream Alcremie. Added 3D Pok Ball in-hand rendering as an option in. Updated Wobbuffet's model and textures to have lipstick if it's female. Fixed missing Ultra Jungle derived crafting recipes. 5 Moves. Berry trees no longer take up the entire block for collisions so you they don't feel so silly to walk over. Enable it in the Pixelmon config file if you're rocking enough power to run Crysis. Fixed Flapple breeding into more Flapples instead of Applin. Added MechanicalAnvilEvent.RemoveStack - Fires when an item is removed from a Mechanical Anvil. Added BetterSpawnerConfig.json for more advanced configuration of the Better Spawner. Pokmon no longer chasing you and attempting to battle if you throw eggs or snowballs. Added specs to modify battle statistics instead of setting them: Added specs to modify EVs values instead of setting them: Added specs to modify IVs values instead of setting them: 'OK' button in the JUMP Fishing Log activating on hover, and not click input. Added new and improved block textures for Fossil Display, Bridge, Poksand, Pokcenter Sign and Pokmart Sign. Added four houses for Haunted Village world generation and their corresponding paths. Fixed clocks becoming ever increasingly wrong by each passing mc day. Added heaps of new possible SpawnCondition options. Fixed any error in the Better Spawner causing it to stop spawning until someone uses /spawning beta. Thematic Trainers: bugcatcher1, bugcatcher2, bugcatcher3, bugcatcher4, bugcatchergirl, firebreather1, firebreather2, firebreather3, firebreather4, pokemaniac1, pokemaniac2, pokemaniac 3. Capture method can now be customized per Pokball type. BreedEvent.AddPokemon also now actually fires. Added Haunted Tower and Haunted Castle boss and rare spawns. Evolving a Magby while your party contains a Special form Slugma will now make the Magmar gain the special form as well. Fixed Rotom having some of its forms moves as tutor moves and getting passed down with breeding due to old mechanics. Fixed eggs not hatching sometimes. Fixed mega abilities reverting after switching out and back in. Fixed Pokmon being non-gendered via breeding. Minior failing to pass down palette (colours) when bred. Fixed newly learned moves in battle not being visible until one turn later. Use a Reveal Glass on them to change their forms. Improved quest backend performance for objectives which were particularly heavy. NPC Trainers no longer always return false, allowing success to be returned. Added Generation 7 forms: Lycanroc Midday, Lycanroc Midnight, Lycanroc Dusk, Oricorio Pom Pom, Oricorio Baile, Oricorio P'au, Oricorio Sensu, Minior Core, Minior Meteor, Necrozma Dusk Mane, Necrozma Dawn Wings. Fixed Keldeo's form change only happening if you replace a move with Secret Sword, not just learn it. Fixed No Retreat applying No-Escape to the opponent, and not having targets defined. You can also do that from the PC, now. Metronome will no longer trigger Z-Moves. Fixed Silvally not being counted as a legendary (due to a typo!) Added a Mega Evolve external move so you can admire them without having to be in battle. Added PP-Up and PP-Max for all your PP needs! Yeah this counts as a bug. Added ability to have tooltips on Pixelmon itemblocks. Keeps strong aggressive Pokmon from challenging you for 5, 15, and 30 minutes respectively. Fixed a rendering issue with Picket Fences. Fixed caught count in Trainer Card always displaying as zero. Fossil Machine now obeys the Ultra Space shiny rate. and our Fixed Tyrunt not evolving during the day. Fixed Ranch Block environments for dual-type Pokmon not knowing how to math. I'm so sorry. How to Catch Eternatus in Pixelmon! Client access from rename packet running on server, fixes error in console. Fixed a client crash caused by an index out of bounds exception related to an egg's ability slot. Fixed boss Pokmon not being able to go above the max level. Fixed Beast Boost checking accuracy and evasion, and so always boosting evasion. Updated the BossDrops and PokeDrops JSONs. Mean Look now ends on the same turn its user fainted. Fixed Cinccino's walk and idle animations being backwards. Evolves to Urshifu when the scroll of darkness is used on it. Added Day Care Man, Day Care Lady and Day Care Assistant to Day Care structures. Catch the same species in a row to get some boosts! Buzzwole can now spawn on the tops of trees. Added Tumblestone, Sky Tumblestone and Black Tumblestone spawn chance config under 'Dimensions.cfg' called. Furnaces and fridges have been updated to allow the transformation of Rotom. Fixed the "pixelmon:honey" error during start up. Fixed Healing moves not affecting a Pokmon with Revenant even if it is at full health. Added Repel, Super Repel, Max Repel. Added a Color Blind Mode config option for Ultra Space fog. Information about either the current battle state, or the move you're hovering over, now appears on the battle interface. Updated Raid Den structures: Raid Den Water E, Raid Den Nether B, Raid Den Desert C, Raid Den Beach A. Added graveyards: Church A, Church B, Church C, Haunted Graveyard A and Haunted Graveyard B. Fixed being unable to click the first row of recipes in the recipe book because of the Pixelmon inventory GUI being obnoxious. From Pixelmon Generations Wiki. Has a wrapper method in PlayerPartyStorage, PlayerPartyStorage#closeBattleSafely. 8.0.1 - Pokemon now follow the player if they are holding a mint. (now it's 1). Fixed Spectral Thief not ignoring Substitute. Fixed TMs being able to teach moves that are only through level-up, tutors, or breeding. Fixed Crowned Zacian and Zamazenta typing in battle. You got us. Updated Black Augurite properly to Graveler's held item spawning. Finally fixed the Pokgift block. Fixed an issue with triple battles where if a Pokmon who was fainted was being targeted, all opposing Pokmon would be hit, even by single target moves. Added a config option for relaxed battle rules - being able to decide the generational mechanic of a battle purely by band worn. Fixed wild Pokmon spawning completely ignoring the maxLevel config option. Candy XL sprites, Improved Pokball throwing mechanic, enhancing distance and speed, Added rare break mechanic to thrown Masterballs, produces Masterball Lid, Removed mega-evolving and dynamaxing out of battle, Updated Forage default value, now has 94% chance of success, Added fancy Discord rich presence for better interactivity, Updated language files to a new json format, Optimized SMD model rendering memory allocation, Improved the user experience (UX) of most utility screens, including spawner block, chisel and more, UI screens pausing the game in singleplayer, Improved multi-blocks, such as the Trade Machine, Rotation of multiblocks in spawned structures, Multiblocks no longer remove the block above them on placement, Transfer Tutors not spawning in the wilderness, Tied NPC wandering AI to their native village, fixes endless wandering, Quest optimizations regarding structure location logic, Drastically improved world generation performance, Namespacing on Galarian Pokmon abilities, Item names to be consistent with their item group, Battle bugs caused by incorrect move name strings, Refactored for consistent naming and ease of use, Removed unused or redundant packets following the rewrite, Suffixed all packets following Minecraft convention, Refactored entity names following Minecraft convention, Refactored item, tile-entities and block class names following Minecraft convention, Refactored Pokmon typing from EnumType to Element, Refacted EnumSpecies to Species, is no longer an enum, Added a config API for ease of use when creating YAML using the Sponge Configurate API, Added commandAPI to replicate 1.12 commands using Brigadier, Rewrote Pokemon API to work from JSON files, Completely rewrote PokemonSpec system to be abstract (for TCG) and also just work better and be friendlier, Model definitions are now in json rather than hardcoded, Added ability to create fake temporary parties, Rewrote the battle rules system to be more extensible, Changed bank account interface to use BigDecimal for better precision, Changed bank account to have more methods for better friendliness, Added a movement flag to statues (that defaults to disabled) to disable movement ticking on statue entities, Removed now redundant Berry and Apricorn events as they are now Minecraft trees. Fixed that "null" Better Spawner section of the config. Took me all bloody day to work that out. Added power held items to high tier Pokloot drops. He can't be a ninja anymore. Apparently. Zygarde cells are now limited to a max of 3 cells around the player, more attempts to spawn cells are now made per pass. Like, legit everything. Also, it no longer consumes the photo in the crafting recipe! Developers, man. Fixed duplicate UUID console log spam due to a spawning bug. Added Reveal Glass crafting recipe. It also looks really cool (like yami from okami). Fixed trainer NPCs being able to mega evolve more then once per battle. You now have to craft a Porygon with a head, body, leg, and tail. I'm going to very specifically not make a joke about this. Battle logging; Trainers and their Pokmon will be displayed in the log before battle turns. Updated raids to no longer give experience by default.

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