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iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies calculator

1,2 & 1,1 & 1,1 \\ Exercise 1. M. We now focus on iterated elimination of pure strategies that are strictly dominated by a mixed strategy. Strategy C weakly dominates strategy D. Consider playing C: If one's opponent plays C, one gets 1; if one's opponent plays D, one gets 0. /Filter /FlateDecode /Filter /FlateDecode 38 0 obj << 1,1 & 1,5 & 5,2 \\ Analytical Services; Analytical Method Development and Validation The first step is repeated, creating a new, even smaller game, and so on. x}V[7SHQu'X6Yjuf`a5IG*YR|QRJz?uhn~~}?Ds&>y: If Player 2 chooses T, then the final equilibrium is (N,T), O is strictly dominated by N for Player 1. However, there's another way we can use the concept of. If a player has a dominant strategy, expect them to use it. N&]'Odmi"9KVka@k\kl5lo9v~kx&N]jxZQYQ 3Jn+wnOkS`dj e,' {CIWx53_l`WPU NT]u` v!t /PTEX.FileName (D:/Dropbox/Illinois/5\040-\0402015\040Summer/Game\040Theory/Slides/3_Dominant\040and\040Dominated/imark_bold-eps-converted-to.pdf) A good example of elimination of dominated strategy is the analysis of the Battle of the Bismarck Sea. For both, High is a strictly dominant strategy regardless of what the other fisherman does. of games 2 1 1 b iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies 4 1 1 c motivation and denition of nash equilibrium 8 1 2 solutions for a primer in game theory 1 vdocuments If column mixes over $(L, R)$ - $x = (a, 0, 1-a)$ 32 0 obj << The first (and preferred) version involves only eliminating strictly dominated strategies. 9G|zqO&:r|H>1`(N7C\|.U%n,\Ti}=/8{'Q :j!^$Rs4A6iT+bSz;,_/|GGv%ffp ,$ It may be that after I factor in your strictly dominated strategy, one of my strategies becomes strictly dominated. More on Data ScienceBasic Probability Theory and Statistics Terms to Know. Player 1 knows this. stream Consider the following strategic situation, which we want to represent as a game. /ProcSet [ /PDF ] The first (and preferred) version involves only eliminating strictly dominated strategies. If Player 2 chooses U, then the final equilibrium is (N,U). Proposition 1 Any game as at most one dominant solution. If column mixes over $(L, M)$ - $x = (a, 1-a, 0)$ If, after completing this process, there is only one strategy for each player remaining, that strategy set is the unique, Two bars, Bar A and Bar B, are located near each other in the city center. eliminate right from player 2's strategy space. ris strictly dominated byl Once ris deleted we can see that Bis iteratively strictly dominated byTbecause 5>4 and 7>5. $u_1(B,x) > u_1(U,x) \wedge u_1(B,x) > u_1(M,x) \Rightarrow$ if column plays x row plays $M$ and $U$ with probability zero. IESDS on game with no strictly dominated strategies. Player 1 has two strategies and player 2 has three. weakly dominant if weakly dominates every other action in S i. strictly dominant if strictly dominates every other action in S i. For symmetric games, m = n. Enter payoff matrix B for player 2 (not required for zerosum or symmetric games). Built Ins expert contributor network publishes thoughtful, solutions-oriented stories written by innovative tech professionals. Is it safe to publish research papers in cooperation with Russian academics? A B () Pay Off . xP( >> xn>_% UX9 {H% tboFx)QjS\Fve/j +-ef'Ugn/;78vn{(.do;;'ri..N2;~>u?is%KitqSm8p}ef(E&cwh)"&{( $?Zwzi , Therefore, Player 2 will never play Y. B & 2, -2 & 1, -1 & -1, -1 Iterated Deletion of Dominated Actions Iterated Deletion of Strictly Dominated Actions Remark. For example, a game has an equilibrium in dominant strategies only if all players have a dominant strategy. Did the Golden Gate Bridge 'flatten' under the weight of 300,000 people in 1987. Much help would be greatly appreciated. Is the reverse also true? If so, delete these newly dominated strategies, and repeat the process until no strategy is dominated. In 2-player games, the strategies that survive iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies are called rationalizable. /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] =2m[?;b5\G Pingback: Desegregating the Electorate: Aren't we All Americans - Big Sky Headlines, Pingback: Desegregating the Electorate: Aren't we All Americans. Iterated Elimination of Weakly Dominated Strategies with Unknown Parameters. Up is better than down if 2 plays left (since 1>0), but down is Nash equilibrium: Can I delete weakly dominated strategies in this case? endobj elimination of strictly dominated strategies. I am particularly interested in developing this approach further using iterative simulations and case studies to build an adaptive tool. The Uncertainty Trade-off: Reexamining Opportunity Costs andWar, When Technocratic Appointments SignalCredibility, You Get What You Give: A Model of NuclearReversal, Annotated Bibliography of The Rationality ofWar. Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies Iterated Delation of Strictly Dominated Strategies player 2 a b c player 1 A 5,5 0,10 3,4 B 3,0 2,2 4,5 We argued that a is strictly dominated (by b) for Player 2; hence rationality of Player 2 dictates she won't play it. Each bar has 60 potential customers, of which 20 are locals. Game Theory - Mixed strategy Nash equilibria, Game Theory 2x2 Static Game: Finding the Pure Strategy and Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibria with Weakly Dominant Strategies, The hyperbolic space is a conformally compact Einstein manifold, Checks and balances in a 3 branch market economy, Counting and finding real solutions of an equation. If both players have a strictly dominant strategy, the game has only one unique Nash equilibrium, referred to as a "dominant strategy equilibrium". Nash Equilibrium Dominant Strategies Astrategyisadominant strategy for a player if it yields the best payo (for that player) no matter what strategies the other players choose. (see IESDS Figure 5), U is weakly dominated by T for Player 2. While finding an optimal strategy for a mixed nash equilibrium, why do we not consider strategies which are never a best response? The opposite, intransitivity, occurs in games where one strategy may be better or worse than another strategy for one player, depending on how the player's opponents may play. ^qT4ANidhu z d3bH39y/0$ D-JK^^:WJuy+,QzU.9@y=]A\4002lt{ b0p`lK0zwuU\,(X& {I 5 xD]GdWvM"tc3ah0Z,e4g[g]\|$B&&>08HJ.8vdN.~YJnu>/}Zs6#\BOs29stNg)Cn_0ZI'9?fbZ_m4tP)v%O`1l,>1(vM&G>F 5RbqOrIrcI5&-41*Olj\#u6MZo|l^,"qHvS-v*[Ax!R*U0 For player 1, neither up nor down is strictly 6.3. % %PDF-1.5 If Bar B is expected to play $4, Bar A can get $80 by playing $2 also and can get $120 by playing $4. Problem 4 (30 points). Hence, the representatives play the . C}T^:`H9*OiT'm1 `GI81 w{kGl"X,$)&7@)5NVU[H7:ZNw84iPr6 g+O3}-$%0m0'8PTl7er{mL5/O:"/W*'Dy.vl`{^+lP$s{B&pFV!-7gz,S5LqY6Un30xv2U ) 16 0 obj The process stops when no dominated strategy is found for any player. Assuming you cannot reduce the game through iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies, you are basically looking at taking all possible combinations of mixed strategies for each player and seeing if an opposing strategy can fulfill the Nash conditions. %PDF-1.4 This follows from the earlier comment that a strictly dominated strategy is never a best response. Iteratively delete strictly dominated strategies. On the other hand, weakly dominated strategies may be part of Nash equilibria. A dominated strategy in game theory occurs when one player has a more dominant strategy over another player. Iterated Elimination of Dominated Strategies More generally: We can safely remove any strategy that is strictly dominated It will never be selected as a solution for the game Iteratively removing dominated strategies is the first step in simplifying the game toward a solution Is it sufficient? endobj This gives Bar A a total of 40 beers sold at the price of $2 each, or $80 in revenue. Therefore, Player 1 will never play strategy O. ;UD(`B;h n U _pZJ t \'oI tP*->yLRc1,[j11Y(25"1U= It involves iteratively removing dominated strategies. For instance, consider the payoff matrix pictured at the right. /Resources 1 0 R se7 gnx(\D4nLfZ[z\nS* l:ZM~_4w>nqtBOO]TS4H1K{!!j$Bu64@D4QsE?-a /Filter /FlateDecode This satisfies the requirements of a Nash equilibrium. /BBox [0 0 16 16] I have attached a 2003 version to the original post, but not guarantees it functions properly. Awesome!! /Length 990 It only takes a minute to sign up. Many simple games can be solved using dominance. Therefore, Bar A would never play the strategy $2. Proof It is impossible for a to dominate a 1 and a 1 to dominate a. Built In is the online community for startups and tech companies. The iterated elimination (or deletion, or removal) of dominated strategies (also denominated as IESDS, or IDSDS, or IRSDS) is one common technique for solving games that involves iteratively removing dominated strategies. : When iterated deletion of dominated strategies results in just one strategy profile, the game is said to be dominance solvable. Lets define the probability of player 1 playing up as p, and let p = . T & 2, 1 & 1, 1 & 0, 0 \\ \hline Mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium. By my calculations, there are 11 such mixed strategies for each player. i-gq;E6LMsZYRw=?O;yX9{^54aL%*,u{xpt6>P[bh1KiR3A+{2Bpw\m~UL52Z`XwQ@ EkBxEW._661ROEK-\,Q) .^^_z h6:10a&_M ; d82a06/qJb[0JP"HQ@ipJGs+n^!V*?z!_^CKyi=0#8x;T: 5/' oS94W0'|>4d~o4Kp5YhJ %0^ bT5! It seems like this should be true, but I can't prove it myself properly. Player 1 knows he can just play his dominant strategy and be better off than playing anything else. Player 2 knows this. This solver uses the excellent lrs - David Avis's . 4"/,>Y@ix7.hZ4_a~G,|$h0Z*:j"9q wIvrmf C a]= and an additional point for being at their preferred entertainment. knows that player 1 knows that player 2 is rational ( so that player 2 You said in your video that down-right was the strictly dominated strategy, but your excel spreadsheet says top left is. << /S /GoTo /D (Outline0.2) >> "Strict Dominance in Mixed Strategies Game Theory 101". I plugged in the exact same prisoners dilemma you illustrated in your youtube video. is there such a thing as "right to be heard"? For Player 1, U is dominated by the pure strategy D. For player 2, Y is dominated by the pure strategy Z. /Type /Page endobj When a gnoll vampire assumes its hyena form, do its HP change? This is called Strictly Dominant Mixed Strategies. endobj So, is there any way to approach this? Your lessons will single handedly help me pass my public policy class! 31 0 obj << After iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies, if there is only one strategy left for each player then the game is called a _____ _____ game. We used the iterated deletion of dominated strategies to arrive at this strategy profile. I obviously make no claim that the math involved in programming it is special. M & 1, 2 & 3, 1 & 2, 1 \\ \hline More generally, the strategies that remain after a process of iterated deletion of strictly dominated strategies are known as rationalizable strategies. For player 2, however, right is >>>> It is just math anyway Thanks, Pingback: Game Theory Calculator My TA Blog, Pingback: Update to Game Theory Calculator | William Spaniel. If I know my opponent has a strictly dominated strategy, I should reason that my opponent will never play that strategy. The first step is repeated, creating a new even smaller game, and so on. stream Note that the payoffs of players 1 and 2 do not depend on the strategy on player 3 and the payoff of player 3 depends only on the strategy of player 2. /Resources << Want to practice what Im learning, and as far as I can find your calculator seems to be the only easiest best option available. D William, And is there a proof somewhere? Okay, thanks, now I understand. This process is valid since it is assumed that rationality among players is common knowledge, that is, each player knows that the rest of the players are rational, and each player knows that the rest of the players know that he knows that the rest of the players are rational, and so on ad infinitum (see Aumann, 1976). Bar A also knows that Bar B knows this. I find the 22 matrix solutions tab very useful in summing up options. If all players have a dominant strategy, then it is natural for them to choose the . There are instances when there is no pure strategy that dominates another pure strategy, but a mixture of two or more pure strategies can dominate another strategy. Explain. Two bars, Bar A and Bar B, are located near each other in the city center. Wow, this article is fastidious, my younger sister is analyzing endobj Both methods have in common one major shortcoming, they do not always narrow down what may happen in a game to a tractably small number of possibilities. After all, there are many videos on YouTube from me that explain the process in painful detail. x[?lR3RLH TC+enVXj\L=Kbezu;HY\UdBTi (e) Is this game dominance solvable? (Formalizing the Game) Ive used a lot of terminology, so lets look at an example to clarify these concepts. players will always act in the way that best satisfies their ordering from best to worst of various possible outcomes. For the row player R the domination between strategies can be seen by comparing the rows of the matrices P R. (In some games, if we remove weakly dominated strategies in a different order, we may end up with a different Nash equilibrium.). Some strategiesthat were not dominated beforemay be dominated in the smaller game. endstream \end{bmatrix}$. . However, neither of these methods is guaranteed to return a tractably small set of expected outcomes. You explain the fundamentals of game theory so explicitly in an easy-to-follow manner. Strict Dominance Deletion Step-by-Step Example: Another version involves eliminating both strictly and weakly dominated strategies. However, in games with unawareness the algorithm becomes more subtle since conditional dominance of a T0-partial strategy implies that all strategies with the same components (i.e., actions) are deleted . So playing strictly dominant strategies is Pareto e cient in the \no-talking norm"-modi ed PD. Tourists will choose a bar randomly in any case. strategies. Call Us Today! In the Prisoners Dilemma, once Player 1 realizes he has a dominant strategy, he doesnt have to think about what Player 2 will do. The expected payoff for playing strategy X + Z must be greater than the expected payoff for playing pure strategy X, assigning and as tester values. This gives Bar B a total of 20 beers sold at a price of $5 each, or $100 in revenue. The applet calculates . We will have to broaden our solution concept if we want to make progress elsewhere. stream Proof. In the prisoners dilemma, up and left (cooperate for the players) are strictly dominated. /Filter /FlateDecode tar command with and without --absolute-names option. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Lets look at the strategy profile ($2, $5). Up is better than down if 2 plays left (since 1>0), but down is better than . Once I realized that I decided to ignore the application entirely. Only one rationalizable strategy is left {A,X} which results in a payoff of (10,4). /Resources 50 0 R strictly. Thank you so much! For any possible strategy by Bar As opponent, there is some strategy that gives higher payoff than the $2 strategy. Similarly,Kartik, Tercieux, and Holden(2014) consider agents with a taste for honesty and characterize social-choice functions that can be implemented using two rounds of iterated deletion.Li and Dworczak(2020) study the tradeo between mechanisms' simplicity and . /Type /XObject Very cool! However, If any player believes that the other player is choosing 19, then every strategy (both pure and mixed) is a best response. Im sure that the people who have gone out their way to tell you how much they appreciate your work are only a fraction of the people out there who have used it, but its the least I can do! stream M & 1, 2 & 3, 1 & 2, 1 \\ \hline why is my tiktok sound delayed iphone; is lena from lisa and lena lgbtq; charleston county school district staff directory (d) Are there strictly dominant strategies? \end{array} Learn how and when to remove this template message, Jim Ratliff's Game Theory Course: Strategic Dominance, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Strategic_dominance&oldid=1147355371, Articles lacking in-text citations from January 2016, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from PlanetMath, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, C is strictly dominated by A for Player 1. rev2023.4.21.43403. Now Bar A is comparing the strategies of $4 and $5 and notices that, once the strategy of $2 is taken off the table for both players, the strategy $5 is dominated by the strategy $4. (Dominant and Dominated Strategies) Your reply would be so much appreciated. Embedded hyperlinks in a thesis or research paper. Fortunately, there is a solution concept that does guarantee to return a tractably small set of expected outcomes known as the Nash equilibrium. Pricing at $5 would be. /Length 3114 Please fix it. /Shading << /Sh << /ShadingType 3 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Domain [0.0 8.00009] /Coords [8.00009 8.00009 0.0 8.00009 8.00009 8.00009] /Function << /FunctionType 3 /Domain [0.0 8.00009] /Functions [ << /FunctionType 2 /Domain [0.0 8.00009] /C0 [0.5 0.5 0.5] /C1 [0.5 0.5 0.5] /N 1 >> << /FunctionType 2 /Domain [0.0 8.00009] /C0 [0.5 0.5 0.5] /C1 [1 1 1] /N 1 >> ] /Bounds [ 4.00005] /Encode [0 1 0 1] >> /Extend [true false] >> >> $$. A straightforward example of maximizing payoff is that of monetary gain, but for the purpose of a game theory analysis, this payoff can take any desired outcome. . New York. such things, thus I am going to inform her. 20 0 obj 19 0 obj 3 Since these strategies . Change). I only found this as a statement in a series of slides, but without proof. This also satisfies the requirements of a Nash equilibrium. $u_1(U,x) > u_1(M,x) \wedge u_1(B,x) > u_1(M,x) \Rightarrow$ if column plays x row plays $M$ and $B$ with probability zero. 4.2 Iterated Elimination of Strictly Dominated Pure Strategies. /Type /XObject How to Identify a Dominated Strategy in Game Theory, There are two versions of this process. More on Data Science4 Essential Skills Every Data Scientist Needs. S1={up,down} and So if we can spot that $2 will never be played because it is a strictly dominated strategy, Bar B can spot this, too. (LogOut/ Tourists will choose a bar randomly in any case. consideration when selecting an action.[2]. There are two versions of this process. endobj << /S /GoTo /D (Outline0.1) >> Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. S2={left,middle,right}. rev2023.4.21.43403. order of iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies may matter, as shown by Dufwenberg and Stegeman (2002). However, remember that iterated elimination of weakly (not strict) dominant strategies can rule out some NE. . (Dominated strategy) For a player a strategy s is dominated by strategy s 0if the payo for playing strategy s is strictly greater than the payo for playing s, no matter what the strategies of the opponents are. S1= {up,down} and S2= {left,middle,right}. Works perfectly on LibreOffice. appreciated tremendously! In some games, if we remove weakly dominated strategies in a different order, we may end up with a different Nash equilibrium. /Filter /FlateDecode Therefore, Player 2 will never play strategy Z. this strategy set is also a Nash equilibrium. Consider the following game to better understand the concept of iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies. (Exercises) When a player tries to choose the "best" strategy among a multitude of options, that player may compare two strategies A and B to see which one is better. I developed it to give people who watch my YouTube course or read my game theory textbook the chance to practice on their own and check their solutions. /ProcSet [ /PDF ] If a strictly dominant strategy exists for one player in a game, that player will play that strategy in each of the game's Nash equilibria. funny ways to say home run grassroots elite basketball Menu . Were now down to four strategy profiles (and four corresponding outcomes.) Explain fully the sequence you used for your iterated elimination, including specifying the probabilities involved in any cases where a mix of two pure strategies is used to eliminate a third pure strategy. /FormType 1 Iterated Elimination of Strictly Dominated Strategies (IESD): Start with a normal form game G 0. As weve seen, the equilibrium dominated strategies solution concept can be a useful tool. We can then fill in the rest of the table, calculating revenues in the same way. gPS3BQZ#aN80$P%ms48{1\T^S/Di3M#A Ak4BJyDxMn^njzCb.; $u_1(U,x) > u_1(M,x) \wedge u_1(B,x) > u_1(M,x) \Rightarrow$ if column plays x row plays $M$ with probability zero. There are instances when there is no pure strategy that dominates another pure strategy, but a mixture of two or more pure strategies can dominate another strategy. /k\MI\R}n%-(vvao5 %K6~hfmake/@v.6v]ko]cq"AI X4/F B{T% Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. /Font << /F45 4 0 R /F50 5 0 R /F46 6 0 R /F73 7 0 R /F15 8 0 R /F27 9 0 R /F28 10 0 R /F74 11 0 R /F76 12 0 R /F25 13 0 R /F32 14 0 R /F62 15 0 R /F26 16 0 R >> /Subtype /Form Iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies (IESDS). $R$ comes close, but $(B, L)$ is worse for player $2$ than $(B, R)$. xrVq`4%HRRb)rU,&C0")|m8K.^^w}f0VFoo7iF&\6}[o/q8;PAs+kmJh/;o_~DYzOQ0NPihLo}}OK?]64V%a1govp?f0:J0@{,gt"~o/UrS@ I have included a couple of screenshots and video tour below: Edit: Someone asked for a Excel 2003 version of the calculator. Of the remaining strategies (see IESDS Figure 2), Z is strictly dominated by Y and X for Player 2. As weve seen, the equilibrium dominated strategies solution concept can be a useful tool. There are two versions of this process. /Subtype /Form The newest edition also calculates the minimum discount factor necessary to sustain cooperation in a grim trigger strategy equilibrium of an infinite prisoners dilemma. Some authors allow for elimination of strategies dominated by a mixed strategy in this way. Therefore, considering Im just a newbie here, I need your suggestions of features and functionality that might be added/extended/improved from the current version of your game theory calculator. In general, if a player is rational and knows that the other players are also rational (and the payos are as given), then he must play a strategy that survives twice iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies. Player 1 knows this. Player 2 knows this. And now left is strictly dominated by middle for player 2 , leaving A best . /Contents 3 0 R /ProcSet [ /PDF ] This is called Strictly Dominant Mixed Strategies. Recall IDSDS is Iterated Deletion of Strictly Dominated Strategies and ID-WDS is Iterated Deletion of Weakly Dominated Strategies Proposition 1 Any game as at most one weakly dominant solution. (I briefly thought that maybe rows M could be dominated by a mixed strategy, but that is not the case. In this sense, rationalizability is (weakly) more restrictive than iterated deletion of strictly dominated strategies. . Find startup jobs, tech news and events. Then you can reason that I will not play something because you know that I can reason that you will not play something. Why he do not make himself his own calculator. if player 1 is rational (and player 1 knows that player 2 is rational, so Mean as, buddy! $)EH F+=S}73*t&N$9y#f:&"J If B prices as $5, pricing at $4 gives $160 while matching at $5 gives $150. >> iuO58QG*ff/Uajfk@bogxeXNA 3eE`kT,~u`y)2*Amsgqm#0Py7N7ithA7@z|O:G#`IFR1Zwzdz: y[ i+8u#rk3)F@E[3r(xz)R2O{rhM! that the second game applies) then player 1 will not play down. endobj There are also no mixed equilibria in which row plays $B$: if column mixes over his entire strategy space - $x = (a, b, 1-a-b)$. >> endobj 24 0 obj And I highly doubt there is anything particularly unique or creative about your coding. Expected average payoff of Strategy Y: (4+0+4) = 4 Strictly dominated strategies cannot be a part of a Nash equilibrium, and as such, it is irrational for any player to play them. Were told that each bar only cares about maximizing revenue (number of beers sold multiplied by price.) If Bar B is expected to play $5, Bar A can get $80 by playing $2 also and can get $160 by playing $4. 23 0 obj Its just math, you dont have a copyright privilege to pure mathematics. The iterated deletion of dominated strategies is one common, but tedious, technique for solving games that do not have a strictly dominant strategy. is there such a thing as "right to be heard"? Home; Service. 2For instance, in some extensive games, backward induction may be an elimination order of condition-ally dominated strategies that is not maximal, as will be shown in Example 2. /Resources 48 0 R 28 0 obj &BH 6a}F~DB ]%pg BZ8PT LAdku|u! Much more helpful than my *actual* lecturer. 4 + 5 > 5 As a result, the Nash equilibrium found by . Untitled - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Watch on. The logic of equilibrium in dominant strategies is that if a player has a strategy that is always best, we would expect him to play it. I am particularly interested in the ideas of honesty, bargaining, and commitment as these factor strongly in decision making in multi-stakeholder groups e.g., where bargaining/haggling/negotiating produces commitments. The actions surviving the iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies are not de-pendent on the exact sequence of elimination. endobj In this case, we should eliminate the middle strategy for player 1 since its been dominated by the mixed strategy of playing up and down with probability (,). This is the premise that allows a player to make a value judgment on the actions of another player, backed by the assumption of rationality, into >> Iterated Elimination of Strictly Dominated Strategies Bob: testify Bob: refuse Alice: testify A = -5, B = -5 A = 0, B = -10 Simplifies to: Bob: testify Alice: testify A = -5, B = -5 This is the game-theoretic solution to Prisoner's Dilemma (note that it's worse off than if both players refuse) 24 Dominant Strategy Equilibrium In the game below, which strategies survive the iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies (IESDS)? The process stops when no dominated strategy is found for any player. This game can easily be solved by iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies, yielding the prole (D;R;A). Rational players will never use such strategies. Column 2kare strictly dominated by Row k+1 and Column k+1, respectively. The argument for mixed strategy dominance can be made if there is at least one mixed strategy that allows for dominance. /BBox [0 0 8 8] \end{array} It is the tech industrys definitive destination for sharing compelling, first-person accounts of problem-solving on the road to innovation.

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