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keyboard putting hash instead of pound sign

If total energies differ across different software, how do I decide which software to use? with some work, there are ways to enter . Furthermore, hashtags can be used to discover information about a specific topic. [Solved] Pound key has changed to a Hash key - WHY? degree symbol, among others. Before decimalisation in Feb 1971 the UK pound was .s.d (pounds, shillings & denari). box-shadow: 0 5px 25px rgba(34, 60, 47, 0.25); Apache OpenOffice 4.1.13 on Xubuntu 22.04.1 LTS. First Time Here? Keys swappedI wonder if you can explain an oddity on my keyboard. It only takes a minute to sign up. From the menu: choose option 5 International Options Then I3 Change Keyboard Layout Octothorpe is one name for the number symbol, also called a pound sign, number sign, hash, hashtag, comment sign, hex, cross, square, punch mark, grid, and others. It's part of the much-improved Windows Live Essentials 2011 suite. is rarely encountered outside of financial publications and there is rarely a need to refer to the symbol as opposed to what it represents, but it might be read aloud as pounds . If none of these work, try adding the UK keyboard to Windows by going to: Control Panel > Clock, Language and Region > Keyboards and Languages > Change Keyboards > Add. Amazon just slashed $500 off this 65-inch Sony TV, I did 100 heel touches a day for a week heres my results, ChatGPT rival from Stable Diffusion creators just launched and you can try it now, iPhone 15 Pro Max could blow away iPhone 15 Pro here's why. You need to switch your keyboard from US to UK/english (or backwards). Every keyboard must have a # key, especially in this modern world where in order to tag something you'll need to type #. The hash sign can be traced to a Roman unit of measure, the libra pondo (or "pound weight"). flex-direction: column; Shift+3 should now produce the symbol. In fact, you can toggle between the two layouts by pressing Alt-Shift. To hashtag on a US keyboard, press Ctrl 3. However . Keysmith is available for Macs as a native app, with dark mode support and Spotlight search. If this is set,the keyboard icon will be present to the left of the Notification Area (e.g. Would you ever say "eat pig" instead of "eat pork"? You need to turn off Number Lock and it will work as expected again. I've tried all combinations of keys and . However, you can use the Text Replacement tool so you can quickly type the symbol you need without worrying about regional settings. (Windows?) Ask Different is a question and answer site for power users of Apple hardware and software. If the only issue you have is that is that Shift-3 should be # then a solution is to change the input source to Australian rather than British. Pound is used for British Pounds Sterling and also other 'pound' currencies like the Egyptian Pound. Beginner kit improvement advice - which lens should I consider? .form-preview .preview-submit-button button:hover { All of these symbols, minus the *, *, and *, replace the *, *, and *. Now, you've said you've checked that. Click the flag or character icon in the menu bar at the top fo the screen to select your preferred keyboard layout or language. When Ask Jack appeared in the printed Guardian, it usually answered one big question and three or four short ones. What woodwind & brass instruments are most air efficient? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. change your keyboard settings to UK/english. I have dual boot configuration with Fedora and Windows XP. Are you perhaps talking about something else, like the differences in the printing on the keys between ISO and ANSI hardware? Effect of a "bad grade" in grad school applications. Select Language and click on the Advanced Settings in the left-side menu. margin-top: 0; The pound symbol (#), also known by many other names that include pound sign, number sign, hash mark, and hashtag, is a typographical symbol that is rarely used in formal writing. The pound sign, also known as the hash key, is a symbol that is used in a variety of ways. That's because you have a U.S. keyboard, and they don't have the "pound sign" on them. I strongly recommend to watch those videos first and if it still didn't help come and follow this. You can also change keyboards with the Windows key and space. However, registry cleaners generally don't make much difference nowadays. Go to Start , then select Settings > Accessibility > Keyboard, and turn on the On-Screen Keyboard toggle. You can upload photos, videos, stories, send direct messages, use multiple accounts, and do a variety of other things with Instagram. Simply hold the Alt key and then type the four-digit code on the numeric keypad. My phone's touchscreen is damaged. They also make it easier to discover and find information, which is why they speed up topics and discussions. ', referring to the nuclear power plant in Ignalina, mean? Next, try, deleting the preference file: .form-preview .preview-submit-button button { Many laptops will convert a good chunk of the keyboard into a number pad if NumLock is enabled. ~` | are in different places. When you purchase through links in our articles, we may earn a small commission. If you have a hardware keyboard for your iPad and its a US version, it can be impossible to type the or sign, but it largely depends upon the app or website youre using. For example, on a Windows keyboard, you can hold down the Alt key and type 0163 on the numeric keypad. outline: none; ", Get the Latest Tech News Delivered Every Day. I've made a few other videos to help people to type #. Currently I am copy pasting it, and it is a bit annoying. What app do you see this in? Why? Grids is an excellent app for Mac users who enjoy Instagram, and it enables you to recreate a full Instagram experience on your computer. If youre using Windows and your keyboard has a numeric keypad the section to the right of the cursor keys then you can easily type any symbol. Didn't find what you were looking for? How a top-ranked engineering school reimagined CS curriculum (Ep. 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If you find that hitting Option + 3 on your Mac types a (pound) instead of #, it might mean that your keyboard settings are US-based. It's not them. But its no problem to insert that character into your typing if you know the tricks. The US input source (software) automatically adjusts to create the mapping you see in that blog for US English International (hardware). Place your cursor in the text area where you need to insert the symbol. If you're using a UK or European Apple keyboard, hold down the Alt key (also known as the Option key) and press the number 3 key. It is derived from the pound sign's original name, the "octothorpe.". You can disable caps lock by changing settings in the Windows registry, but it's a complex one. On Linux you could enable a compose key and then: + L + = should give you . You can switch by pressing "Alt"+ "Shift" simultaneously. Go to the app or web page where you need the sign or sign, click to position your cursor in the correct spot and press Ctrl+V to paste it. Anti-spywareI have a four-year-old Dell D510 laptop. English version of Russian proverb "The hedgehogs got pricked, cried, but continued to eat the cactus". Check it by going to the Control Panel/Region & Language. How To Type A Pound Sign In Outlook If your keyboard does not have the number pad on the right side of the screen, enter in the search box at the top of the Outlook window, and then click the pound sign () button. It has a history of different names and uses in American English, including pound sign (used after a number to indicate weight in pounds), number sign (used in front of a number to indicate number (as in Please review item #2). Note most developers have the opposite issue and want to match US and all Windows and Unix keyboards to have Shift 3 as # Share Improve this answer Follow edited Mar 2, 2016 at 13:16 Most if not all anti-virus programs now try to remove spyware and other types of malware, so there's less need for separate anti-spyware programs. Now that I am working for a UK based client, I need to use pound sign quite often. On whose turn does the fright from a terror dive end? In Word, for example, click on the Insert tab of the Ribbon (or use the Insert menu) and choose Symbol. You can switch between available languages and keyboards almost instantly by pressing the Windows key and Spacebar together. Using an Alt keyboard shortcut, insert the pound symbol by pressing and holding Alt 0163 or Alt 156 on the numeric keypad. If you click on this though, you can see which is currently selected and, if desired, click on the other one. It consists of two slightly slanted parallel lines . At the bottom left of the on-screen keyboard is a 123 key. In computing, the # (here called a hash)designates comments or commands in a programming language, a permalink in a blog, and otheruses. On later OSX versions (OSX 10.11 definitely but would have been earlier) Input Source setting is System Preferences->Keyboard->Input Source By default this will just show the UK keyboard to see more hit the + at the bottom of the list and add Australian. Input Source setting was System Preferences->Language&text->Input Source On later OSX versions (OSX 10.11 definitely but would have been earlier) Input Source setting is System Preferences->Keyboard->Input Source By default this will just show the UK keyboard to see more hit the + at the bottom of the list and add Australian altGt + Tab + 4 = , yaaaay (the bad thing is that everytime I press tab it moves to the next cell). was System Preferences->Language&text->Input Source The 3 key makes the British pound symbol () when I tap it with SHIFT. Typographical symbols and punctuation marks are marks and symbols used in typography with a variety of purposes such as to help with legibility and accessibility, or to identify special cases. A minor scale definition: am I missing something? For Windows 11/10 on a US laptop keyboard, you have the following options: Press Windows+. Thanks. The 102nd key, which is the leftmost key on the keyboard, is used to accommodate the number #@ and *. VASPKIT and SeeK-path recommend different paths. You should find the pound sign and Euro symbol on the top row. On a standard US keyboard, the # sign is located on the 3 key, where it's accessed while holding down the Shift key in Windows. I tried a bluetooth keyboard and got the same results. .form-preview { On Windows, highlight the pound sign and then copy with Ctrl + C and paste with Ctrl + V. It's Command + C and Command + V on a Mac. I'm more familiar with the "alternate character set . Its the same for the sign when your region is set to a European country. The # is both a number and a pound sign in the US. Proofreaders insert a # in the text where additional space is needed. } Does methalox fuel have a coking problem at all? On a standard US keyboard, the # sign is located on the 3 key, where it's accessed while holding down the Shiftkey in Windows. type the squared symbol or a As the previously mentioned designator in social networking known as the. Using an Alt keyboard shortcut, insert the pound symbol by pressing and holding Alt 0163 or Alt 156 on the numeric keypad. To change the currency symbol on your keyboard, first find the 123 key in the lower-left corner of the keyboard. Here are a few cunning ways to get one. } Also, when I use the hash/number sign, it prints a backslash which is non-existent on my keyboard. Where is the hash key on the keyboard? As a telephone key, usually referred to as the. Here's how to turn it on: Click Start. Please help! Hours: 09:00-18:00 Monday - Friday (voicemail at all other times), @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:400');@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:700'); } } For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. How is white allowed to castle 0-0-0 in this position? .form-preview .preview-input-field input:-ms-input-placeholder { @muffinresearch: I'm pretty sure you mean + L + -. Other applications include the following: Though its true origin has yet to be verified, one legend holds that the pound sign comes from the symbol for the Roman term libra pondo, which means "pound weight." -------------------------------------------------, "Education costs money; so does Ignorance". by davan Sat Aug 18, 2018 7:05 pm, Post If you want to learn more about all of the Oscar tweets, the hashtag #Oscars would be a good place to start. This list gives those most commonly encountered with Latin script. There is no such necessary and permanent relationship between the key you tap on a computer keyboard and what appears on the screen. As it is, you're send people links to files, but the links only work on your PC, not on theirs. On a Windows computer, this combination is the lefthand alt key with the shift key. It consists of two slightly slanted parallel lines crossed by two horizontally parallel lines. background-color: #fff; Despite therelatively recentexplosion in popularity of the hashtag on social media, the number sign is most often used in frontof a numeral in place of the word number, such as "#1" instead of "number 1" for example,Students need to bring a #2 pencil to class to complete quiz questions #1 to #10. To type a sign, press Alt and type 0128 and it will appear in the text box or document. Unless you reside in the UK where the "pound sign" is their sign for currency: . If there's a way to swap # and then I'm in good shape. System Tray) when the Language Bar is Docked in taskbar. Mailing lnksMy PC has suddenly started to add a .lnk extension to any attachments that I send by email. Click on Input Sources in the left column and then view/change the shortcut in the righthand side of the window. If your keyboard does not have the number pad on the right side of the screen, enter in the search box at the top of the Outlook window, and then click the pound sign () button. I am ecstatic that I can use the computer for programming now. To do so, go to your Control Panel and select Clock, Language and Region. Choose Keyboard. A minor scale definition: am I missing something? Go to Control Panel > Languages > you normally find your problem is caused by having English (UK) instead of English (US) as default. Generate points along line, specifying the origin of point generation in QGIS. justify-content: center; He weighs 150# and is at #12 Live Oak street. NIntegrate failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after 9 \ recursive bisections in x near {x}. It's upper-case 3 on the main keypad (not the numbers pad). Since upgrading to vSphere 6.0 I've not been able to generate the symbol '\' from the keyboard on the login screen of a VM via the Web Client console within IE or Chrome on Windows 8.1. Jim has been testing and reviewing products for over 20 years. We steer you to products you'll love and show you how to get the most out of them. Please explain why using Australian is different for you than using US. If anything else fails, copy and paste a hashtag from a social media site. The sign may be drawn with one or two bars depending on personal preference, but the Bank of England has used the . Chosen solution Hold down the Alt key, on the numerical keypad press 0163, then release the Alt key. Just drag your finger to the one you want and let go. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? How To Make Your Hashtags Stand Out On Facebook, The Benefits Of Using Hashtags On Twitter, The Power Of Social Media For Business Development, Protect Yourself From Social Media Fraudsters, Find A Fashion Social Media Marketing Internship On LinkedIn, 5 Ways To Use Social Media To Advance Your Career. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. What does 'They're at four. Australian. I don't know what exactly would cause the hash to pound change. Then the server interprets the Unicode character 0x0092 that you are sending from the remote machine correctly in the first place. Caps UnlockIs there an easy way to disable the caps lock, which is more trouble than it is worth?Brian Nicol. width: 100%; How can I type the pound/hash (#) symbol on a British keyboard when in Terminal? Now choose UK Keyboard. Typing the pound, or hash (#) key in emacs on UK Macbook: The problem with OS X and the UK keyboard is that the pound key actually has a on it. What is Wario dropping at the end of Super Mario Land 2 and why? Email: web@davidleonard.london or call now from your mobile phone by Bill Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:31 pm, Post Click Ease of Access. width: 100%; You'll see the hash symbol above the number 3 key on your keyboard. I've just tried three, including Comodo and CCleaner, and the results are all very different!Seymour Popeck. ABC and US and Canadian English are identical to Australian, if you prefer them. Depending upon the keyboard youre using, you might find there is no sign or sign. Literature about the category of finitary monads. margin-top: 0px; The way I get round it is to change the input source to Australian the only difference is that Shift-3 is now # and Alt-3 is (or leave as the emacs binding), Input Source setting In music, the symbol is graphically similar toa sharp note. font-family: "Montserrat"; margin-top: 20px; The keyboard will remain on the screen until you close it. Why typically people don't use biases in attention mechanism? On occasions I try to type the pound sign () but instead it prints the hash/number sign (#). The Wise cleaner is also worth a look. If you want to find all of the tweets about the London bombings, for example, use the hashtag #LBC bombings. color: #000000; How to type pound sign() using US keyboard, in Windows, Linux and Mac? In this video, I'll show you how to type the # (hash) sign on any keyboard that has a number pad. } To switch to it click the language shortcut to the left of the clock in the Notification area and choose UK. If the sequence doesn't work, press NumLock on the numeric keypad. Mac click on the flag on the top row to change keyboardsThe answer is probably that you have accidentally issued a shortcut that instructs the system to change the current keyboard layout. On US QWERTY keyboards, the # symbol appears on the same key as the number 3. What is the default META key for Irssi (IRC) on macOS? You can also type the squared symbol or a degree symbol, among others. Doesnt work for me. border: 2px solid #e9e8e8; It just seems to do it at random. Click on this to select a different installed keyboard. From the command line type sudo raspi-config. Holding ctrl after lifting space bar shows the list of all added keyboards. The # of a number sign is simply referred to as the number sign when preceded by a numeral in North American English, and it is also referred to as the pound sign when used as the symbol for pounds of weight (e.g., the weight of the sand The symbol is used in British English to represent the pound. The key smith utility on the Mac allows you to specify shortcuts for both static actions and complex macros. Your account also allows you to connect with HP support faster, access a personal dashboard to manage all of your devices in one place, view warranty information, case status and more. Even if you do want to type a # on a UK keyboard you have to use the Option key (on some older keyboards the Option key is labeled Alt, as below). Thats fine if you have the right keyboard, but what if you dont have a numeric keypad? is a modified L and comes from Italian/Roman libra (also a unit of weight). It is a "pound symbol" (or number sign, or even "octothorpe"). You must log in or register to reply here. Why does Acts not mention the deaths of Peter and Paul? Also called a hash, number sign, or pound sign, the octothorpe is the typographical symbol "#" (two horizontal lines and two vertical lines, crossed). On the UK keyboard you can do it by pressing 'shift' and 'function' with the 3 button. Select Settings. hmm, interesting. It's a Portuguese Brazil ABNT2 layout (set to Portuguese (Brazil) language). I use the Terminal for coding, and probably never need to type in Terminal. submit a contact form border: 0; To type a sign, press Alt and type 0128 and it will appear in the text box or document. To get "#" you have to press Alt+3. } In fact, they're reinforced by Microsoft's Mark Russinovic, a leading expert on Windows internals (read the comment by Bill Castner). This key can now be found near the Z key, which is a new location for the key. Previously, the hash (or pound) symbol was used in a variety of ways around the web, which helped Chris develop a detailed plan for using hashtags on Twitter. To solve this go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > International > Input Tab. Each time I press the button it gives me a pound sterling sign. width: 100%; It is not working in my Fedora installation. If you see the characters ENG near the bottom right of your screen, this indicates that you have an English keyboard loaded. width: 100%; Isn't that identical to Australian (software)? The symbol can also be copied and found within another app or web page as a third shortcut. To enable Windows 2., set the registry keyHKCU\Control Panel\Input Method\EnableHexNumpad to 1 (REG_SZ) and reboot. cursor: pointer; by davan Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:18 pm, Return to Install, Setup and Troubleshooting, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. This will allow you to find the best tweets from various sources related to the London bombings right away. By far the easiest thing to do is simply copy and paste it from this website into the document/email or whatever you're typing. It . Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. For example, in Pages, typing a $ sign should generate a sign if your region settings are set to UK English. I have tested Windows and Linux (fedora) and it works fine. .form-preview .preview-input-field input::placeholder { height: 40px; Backslash key producing hash symbol. By using this site, you accept the. ), we used to type letters on something called a typewriter. Also, when I use the hash/number sign, it prints a backslash which is non-existent on my keyboard. Otherwise, they're very similar (check with Keyboard Viewer). However, if you think your current anti-malware software might have missed something, run the free versions of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (quick scan) and SuperAntiSpyware. Pound can look different. Difficult situation for a Brazilian accountant in the UK haha, altGr + shift + 4 = The octothorpe eventually made its way into the world of online chat, where it was used to tag topics of . Both programs come in free and paid-for versions. Thanks - yes mac, it's my dad's computer, I'm his PA. Are you sure your dad didnt change it on purpose? The desktop versions synchronises with Live Hotmail and other services, has a photo emailing feature, an RSS reader and many other features. Topic review: Pound key has changed to a Hash key - WHY? .form-preview .preview-heading { Apple is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries. Is it possible to control it remotely? When you press this button, the alphabetic keyboard is converted into numbers and symbols. Keyboard is normal US standard keyboard. Launch Character Map and copy the character to the clipboard. @MaxHeiber What do you mean, the keyboard is layed out out differently?? IM, which combines best-in-class social media platforms into a single interface, is simple to use and manage. so next I would suspect a corrupt preference: First zap the PRAM. .form-preview .preview-submit-button { I replied to a similar query about registry cleaning last year and I've not had reason to change my views. enter key is a different size and there are extra keys around e.g above the enter e.g. This name came to be because the symbol comes from the abbreviation for weight, lb , or libra pondo, literally "pound by weight," in Latin. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. display: flex; The key ALWAYS produced the same character because that was what was on the other end of what you struck. Check documents on compatibility, FAQs, upgrade information and available fixes. It only takes a minute to sign up. From the Keyboards and Languages tab click Change keyboards, If you only want the US keyboard layout, select then Delete all others listed in the General tab, If you have the need for multiple keyboard layouts, ensure that US is set at the top of the list and move to the Advanced Key Settings tab. If the keyboard settings are based in the United States, you may find that Option 3 refers to a (pound) rather than # on your Mac. Answer. .form-preview .preview-input-field { Press and hold Alt + 0163 or Alt + 156 on the numeric keypad. Why does Acts not mention the deaths of Peter and Paul? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Note: To open the OSK from the sign-in screen, select . border-radius: 6px; With 12 pence (d) to the shilling and 20 shillings to the pound. A graphic designer, writer, and artist who writes about and teaches print and web design. You can also get on Windows by entering Alt+0163 or Alt+156. On a Mac keyboard, you can hold down the Option key and type 3. Ask the community. Please post any method you know other than copy pasting. If I recall correctly, on at least some laptops it shares more than just the name. iPhone v. Android: Which Is Best For You? If you cant find the hashtag key on your Mac, you can use this article to find it. Tap the + sign and enter the or sign as your Phrase. The lever you thumped was embossed at the other end with the character that appeared on the paper when the embossed end struck a ribbon that inked the paper. When writing "lb," scribes often crossed the letters with a line across the top, like a t. 2: The number sign. To reset them back to the UK: Alternatively, choose Edit > Emoji > Symbols. To change the pound sign on your keyboard, you will need to press the shift key and the number 3 key at the same time. border-radius: 6px; On Mac OS X, simply press Option-3 for , or use the British layout, where and # are exchanged (Option-3 and Shift-3). If it is possible to type pound sign using US keyboard, then that will be great.

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