Your kindness is a balm to all who encounter it. You might want to share this amazing write-up with your loved ones too, they will appreciate you for it. Is using language at an age appropriate level. Praise: "You are super. Keep winning. Your hard work as a student is very noticeable. 41. I'm looking for ways to praise student work. Teachers hold a piece of their student's future in their hands. It would be great to see her showing more care for her workspace to ensure all her belongings are well cared for. MjBmYmM5ZDExNzViOGExYWFlY2Y1ZjY0MWUzZDkwMDI4NTk4ZjIyYzgyN2Yx Has an active mind and is eager to achieve. Is open, honest and upfront about her thoughts and beliefs. Sugawara SK, Tanaka S, Okazaki S, Watanabe K, Sadato N. Is good at solitary play, but needs more practice sharing and playing with other students. She is always very attentive to putting care into her essay writing assignments and often goes beyond the minimum requirements for assignments. Keep being hardworking and dedicated. Begin with a positive statement. It will give them the impression that they have done something tangible. Is always attentive in class and asks for clarification when required. I am a talented and prominent student. You're more fun than a ball pit filled with candy. Can always be trusted with tasks assigned to her. Who raised you? We cite peer reviewed academic articles wherever possible and reference our sources at the end of our articles. Keep up the great work! Cite this Article in your Essay (APA Style), Privacy PolicyTerms and ConditionsDisclaimerAccessibility StatementVideo Transcripts. You are a very hardworking and industrious student, Im sure all these go into the result we all are seeing now. Needs encouragement to use more language skills during. There are a few errors in terms of grammar and spelling, but your essay is overall well-constructed. If youve got a student who needs a dose of encouragement in form of a positive comment, or a student who is indeed doing well and needs to be commended positively, the next few lines feature some amazing positive comments for students performance. These positive report card comments that follow are divided into categories to help you find the appropriate remarks faster. MGU3NWE5Yzc4NTJhNDJhOTdhZjRlZWZhODczOWJlMjFiYzM2Yjc1NWU5MWVh It is designed to help them identify areas for improvement. It really brings out the color of your eyes. Is a thoughtful and kind student who plays well with others. You have displayed a high level of commitment to your academics. I havent met such a calm and attentive learner as Cardon. 10. You have potential and should work on your weaknesses to achieve better outcomes. You amaze me with your attention to detail! Your level of dedication to your academics is highly commendable. Your achievement is rightly deserved. I appreciate your diligence and commitment to your studies. Promotes the motivation your child has. Always ready to help and highly intelligent! MjVhOGNhOWExZjc0OWVkYzllZDk3YmFmYTJjNjhkN2UxNTk2MTgzNmUwMTNk This should be done on a periodic basis to encourage the teachers. All articles are edited by a PhD level academic. 15 Apps That Will Make Math Your Students Favorite Subject! Remember to also maintain a positive but honest and constructive voice when writing. Nataly Kogan is the co-founder and CEO of Happier, a leading wellness company on a mission to make millions of people happier in their everyday lives. Keep it up. YzM5MDZjOGJjMjJlZjU1MDZkZjZlODkxYzk3NTU3NjFiZjE4YmE4Mzk4YTkw 45. You have a lot of fabulous ideas in this paper! Comes to class with a huge willingness to participate. Consistently provides valuable contributions to class discussion. $3.50. NTA0ZjIyYjAxMWQ4ZDcyMmU1OTNjOTEwOWY2NTFlZDU5ZmIyOGFiNGUifQ== Keep moving, Drew, this is just the beginning. Everyone loves to hear something nice, and that includes your students! You outdid yourself with this assignment! 72. Its exciting to have a student who is committed to learning and self-development. The connections you have made to the real world are stellar! 102. Studentsshould always cross-check any information on this site with their course teacher. 61. Use a few positive comments to show the strengths of the student and how they've improved recently. You will see better results in the future if you make the effort to attend our study groups more regularly. The more you compliment, the better you feel. _____ is enthusiastic about his or her job in . 94. Mjk4YTMzMTE0MWZkMTg4ZGQxMmM2ODdhMGVjYmVhZGU1YTA1Y2FlYjlhMmQ0 Is a very expressive and confident student. You deserve some accolades. My bond with Billy is incredible. Positive Comments For Students Performance. Tends to complete independent homework tasks with ease. Has submitted homework late on several occasions. I perceive that you are putting more work into your studies lately. Takes pride in keeping her work neat, clean and tidy for every submission. Has had some trouble paying attention to others during class discussions. No grammatical errors in this paragraph! Is socially, cognitively and physically on track for transition to school. If you want to compliment someone you are interested in romantically or sexually, be polite, recognize the contexts in which such compliments are appropriate, and pay attention to the tone of voice and body language. Has an inquisitive and engaged mind. 12-They remain focused and on-task, minimally distracted. I am very excited and super proud of you as my student. Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. Your quest for knowledge and daily commitment to helping others improve is impressive. There are a few errors in your essay, but overall it is well-written and easy to understand. Keep the fire burning. Santone suggested, "When my students (college level) nail something profound in a single sentence, I write 'Tweet!' 'Put this onto a T-shirt!' or 'Frame this and hang it on a wall!'in other words, keep it and share it!". If you were a box of crayons, you'd be the big industrial name-brand one with a built-in sharpener. Keep it up. Very active and smart. Id like to see you challenging yourself in the future. I have seen your improvement over time. You have potential and should work on your using more appropriate sources to achieve better outcomes. Dont be afraid to project your voice next time. Im glad to see that you pay attention to details, and always turn in your assignment on time. One area for improvement is your tone of voice, which sometimes comes across too soft. MzJmOTA1YjYxNjk1NjA3NWMwZTY0ODllODkxNDE3NWVlZjk0NDg1YjA5MTBj Your success is proof of your secret hard work. I admire your dedication and believe you have a bright future ahead of you. 98. I will often start with a comment bank like the one above. Keep moving, you are meant for the top! Awesome job! MDUzMDE1OGNmNTM3MTQ3Y2IzNGUxZDljYTRiNzQ0MWNlOGNjM2Y5ODExMzZm 92. 29. Keep it up! 1. Generally, when giving feedback, its best to: Furthermore, it is best to follow up with students to see if they have managed to implement the feedback provided. Such a wonderful perspective on this topic! Your performance so far has been laudable. I love your enthusiasm! General Constructive Feedback Examples for Students. Congratulations on this amazing performance. The below examples are general templates that need to be edited so they are specific to the students work. Occasionally presents work that is messy and difficult to read. Im sure youll do better in the coming academic session. Teacher Comments for Student Writing. Giving and receiving feedback is an important part of any learning process. Has developed strong skills in communicating in groups. There are some mistakes in terms of grammar and spelling, but you have some good ideas worth expanding on. The responsibility is great. Youve proven to everyone that hard work pays. NmZmYWI1NzU3YTlkYWJiNWRjMTUzZWVkN2Q5M2VkYjc2M2NiMWZmN2I2M2Ni 18. It has been a wonderful time knowing ____these past months. All the advice on this site is general in nature. Hes always extra attentive in science classes and shows a high level of curiosity in science discussion classes. Your tenacity and devotion to your studies have helped you achieve this feat. 15. The sky is surely your starting point. 26. 15. Lillians overall performance has greatly improved. Her homework is often brought to class incomplete and rushed. You have set yourself as a good example of excellence to your fellow students. When you say, "I meant to do that," I totally believe you. I would like to see her asking for help when stuck on tasks. Keep soaring. 2. Give recommendations for improvement. Try using these compliments that focus on how the person relates to others. Way to grab the readers attention! Has trouble repeating and remembering instructions. You have moved so fast, and your performance is very encouraging to everyone. 1. A wonderful way to present this information! This is one of the more superior papers I have read! Write stronger leads and use livelier language. Behavior. I bet no one would be around Jenny and not love her. 10. Constructive feedback is given to help students improve. Encouragement: "Your hard work on solving word problems really shows.". Thank you for getting right to work. YmZjZGM2NTQzOGU5YzQxZjhmY2MyMzk5ZWIzNmE0OWI0MzFiNjdlZTgwMDc2 (examples such as terrific, great work, well done and excellent.) Out of this world! Shares resources with her peers during play time. However, a teacher knows that even when she is tired, as she grades paper after paper, it is extremely important to give the students constructive comments on their work. YjJkNTBmMjcwYzY2NDQ4Y2E0ZDUyYThjNjQ1MzY1N2M2OWUyZjY4ZDQ5ZWJi Your level of commitment and eagerness to learn is highly encouraging. 54. Tackles new challenges with a positive attitude. Tackles every task with enthusiasm and self-belief. You have always exhibited excellent intellectual ability and that is quite impressive. Keep it up, Les. Jenny has exhibited an impressive ability to stay persistent and dedicated to her goal. These compliments are a great way to improve a student's self-esteem and to let them know they're doing great work. It seems you are yet to gain mastery of the previous lessons taught on punctuation, Ill advise you to take your time to study the lessons better so that youll improve on your writing and be able to come up with well-punctuated writing. 67. Participation. This hypothesis is amazing! Can be unsettled when entering the class after breaks. Great effective paper! ZTI0NjRiNjRmNmJiMjYxZGYzNmUzMzViZWM1ODIzZjYwYjdiNWQ4M2Y5OGQ2 8. Im so glad to see your outstanding performance. Keep soaring, boy. 9-Shows good manners and kindness to others in the classroom. Perseveres through difficulties to achieve her goals. Im super proud of you. 3. Your students will glow when they review their work as they read your positive comments. Constructive feedback is feedback that helps students learn and grow. I believe this is a reward for sleepless nights and daily efforts. 12. Your high level of devotion and hard work in your studies has earned you this excellent performance. Im so proud of you, my dear student. Is held in high regard for her kindness to others. Is always willing to listen to instructions. In that case, use one of these 125+ positive adjectives to describe them to your heart's content. All feedback needs to not only grade work, but give advice on next steps so students can learn to be lifelong learners. 104. In either case, try not to take it too personally and move the conversation forward by talking about other subjects without dwelling on the awkwardness. Choose the right phrasing when writing positive and constructive report card comments. Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. Enjoy subscriber-only access to this articles pdf. Growth Mindset. Little Billy is amazing! Thank you for such a fine effort . Can be talkative during quiet times and individual tasks. Can be trusted to complete her homework in time. NmZjYTAwZjc0ODhmOWMzYWVhMDRkZjYwMjQ4NTBkMGQ1ZjA0ZjdhYjQ3OTY0 All the advice on this site is general in nature. Im super proud of him. However, these compliments are so clich that students barely notice them. I am so glad that Ryan is really catching up with his peers and its so exciting to see him doing so excellently. You have made some good points, but you could develop them further by using more examples. Keeps her personal work spaces very well organized. You need to learn how to relate better and be more patient with others. You always know how to find that silver lining. A cute little boy with a good heart. NDNkYjU4ZjJhZmI5MzM2NDUxMDBhOTAzZGNkMjA5OGFiNjVlYTNkYjA0MTgx Listens thoughtfully to other peoples ideas and contributes her own thoughtful ideas. Has had a difficult time getting comfortable in class this year. Will sometimes make mistakes due to distractedness and carelessness. Is a great helper, always giving people a hand when she sees they are in need. As a teacher, one of the greatest ways to help your students either excellent one or the one that needs to improve is by giving honest feedback or remarks on their performance. NjA0MGZkYmNlNDVkMTg2ZjY4ZjgxZTQ2ODc1NTgzYmUzYmI3OWEyYWIzN2Rh ZTk3ZGQ5NDQzYmFkNzEzZTFjNDhkNzQ2YzI4ZTFlYjNkZThjZjQzOTYyMTU5 For example, it would be good to see you concentrating harder on providing critique of the ideas explored in the class. 5. They may want to just give up and stop trying. 3. If you have any that you would like to contribute, please send them my way. Excellent job! Presents homework that is untidy and appears to have been rushed. I noticed you didnt do the extension tasks. You are a student I so much believe in. Your characters are so real.". You are so focused! These compliments focus on the joy, fun, and positive outlook the person brings. Read the entire list or click one of the category links below to jump to that list. You have a good structure for your essay, but you could improve your grammar and spelling. 83. She is a valuable member of the classroom with a high level of confidence and positivity. You are such an excellent problem-solving student. Jaden is doing really great! Avoid over-commenting. Is always willing to express herself in front of the class with a bold and confident voice. You are making good progress, but dont forget to focus on your weaknesses too. 9. Shows interest in a variety of different topics which she has been enthusiastically exploring during free study time. At times comes to class disheveled and disorganized. However, make sure to proofread your work for grammar and spelling mistakes. 12. It is great that you are trying your best, but dont stop here keep pushing yourself to get even better results! Has at times sought undue attention and distracted the flow of lessons. Seeing positive words will also give students the motivation to keep working hard because they know their efforts are being recognized. Try to balance three positive with three negative comments about the writing. Takes directions well and is quick to apply directions to tasks. Im super proud of you. Great job analyzing! However, she needs to put more effort into her math-solving skills and pay more attention in class. Be proud of yourself! This is a great performance, Harry. Work habits - Work potential and effort report card comments: _____ has a lot of potential and is working hard to realise it. Great job! 6. Congratulations on your new achievement. 103. Y2Y1NjM3MDJhOGMxNTVmYWNhODI0OGRiYTkyZTZiYzczN2Y4NGNkNWM2MTAx 24. Make the grading process faster and easier with this set of report card comments and phrases for describing student work and study habits in your classroom. Sets herself very high standards and strives to meet them each and every day. Always has neat book work which shows respect and high regard for her own work. One weakness to focus on is, 19. In addition, these phrases don't tell the student what they did to earn the praise. I do hope this comment bank for report card comments has come in handy for you. You are such an amazing student. 1. Keep up the good work. 91. Your dreams are valid; youve got all it takes if only you could push a little harder. Here are some great comments specifically for children in the early years of their development. The sky is your starting point. Additionally, constructive feedback helps people to feel supported and motivated to keep working hard. Calm, intelligent, well-behaved, and highly curious! You're all that and a super-size bag of chips. 6. 13. 32. He needs to learn to be polite to his teachers and colleagues. NTBmOWJkYTg3YWYwZjljODRlNjY5MTgyMTYxMjM3NTY5YTE5YWEwODY1Yjgz This enthusiasm is laudable. 10. Has exercised great thoughtfulness about her own capabilities. NTYzOTcwNDI1NjY1YmVmMmQ3OGE0OTg3NjhmOGRhYTFmYTI0OTU5Y2E5NTMz 39. This Article was Last Expert Reviewed on November 18, 2022 by Chris Drew, PhD. Keep the flag flying. You're on top of it! It is indeed a great platform to share your feedback. It can also increase motivation for students. There are many benefits to using compliments with your child. Relevant topic: meaningful ways to say thank you. I am very impressed by your performance. I am so proud of you. Is often disorganized and forgets important school supplies. Is often fidgety and distracted when spoken to. Im sure you must be very excited and proud of yourself when you see your results and overall performance report. I would like to see her working on setting aside more time for homework in the coming months. 57. 10. Tends to come into the classroom with a big smile and an open mind. Come join the conversation in the#teacherlife community! I hope you will keep practicing more so that you will finally be able to solve tougher problems. I appreciate your hard work and dedication to your studies. You were very clear, concise, and complete! You are on the right track. This approach can help parents receive any negative feedback with the understanding that you "see" their child and are approaching his or her learning with a "growth mindset" and not . Parents do like to see that you have provided specific and thoughtful statements so dont forget to use the students name and specific anecdotes as much as possible. I am a gifted student, and I can achieve anything. Do not relent. Next semester, focus on completing all your homework in advance so you have time to check it over before submission. 46. Im super proud of you. Be specific. It feels great to receive a compliment. Even though it highlights students weaknesses, it is not negative feedback because it has a purpose. Your love for learning is impressive. 9. It is a feat well deserved. The sky is your starting point. Be honest but tactful. You have done a great job with what you wrote, but you missed a key part of the essay question. You have worked very hard this semester. They deserve a medal for a job well done. 2. 2. One of the greatest benefits of using compliments in your feedback is that students . You have put in a lot of hard work, and it is starting to show. I am kind and courteous to all people. Pick up your favorite pen and get writing. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. M2UxMmUwNjM4M2NjZDY1N2VjNDkwMjAzNjA5YzExNmM5YmU1ZTJhNjc0NmNi If you pick any of these, be sure to personalize it so it truly reflects what you appreciate about the person you are complimenting. Im super excited to witness this. 7. You have got excellent results. In some cases, they might feel uncomfortable with the attention, or they might just not be sure how to accept a compliment. Is a very helpful and respectful student. ZGFiY2I0NmI3YjMzNmVmZDE4NWZkZDk5ZGYwMjRiZTQ1MWFmYTAyZGFlNDdh 108. Sets a good standard for classmates to follow. 11. I see a bright future ahead of you. You've reached your goal! 11. Has picked a great extracurricular hobby of _____. Keep flying, dear. Writing remarks on students performance can also be a great way for you to express your honest thoughts, opinions, or observations on the students overall performance, and communicate them to their parents or guardians. Im so excited to see you improve so drastically over this short period. 1. You have improved a lot and should start to look towards taking on harder tasks for the future to achieve more self-development. exceeds expectations with the quality of his (or her) work. 55. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. Keep it up. Is exceptionally good at completing tasks in a timely manner. ZTNjZjNmZWVkZGJlOTMxOWVjZDY4NzkwYTllZThiY2Q1ZmQwOGU2M2IwMjcz 2. ODlhOWM1OGE2NTRkZTg0MDc0MDY1ZDAzMjRmYTQwYjU2ZGMyYTg0NmVjMTBj Keep winning, dear. Has started to use extended vocabulary well during play scenarios. Uses color coding and headings in her books effectively to organize her notes. While writing remarks for students performance, it must be less critical and more focused on the positive sides of the student. Your story is highly inspiring. I see great potential developing in her. I am super proud of you. Is often resistant to make eye contact and be responsive when spoken to. Im very proud of you, Joan. Greg is improving a lot and Im so happy to witness his process. Keep up the good work. You have a great sense of humor. You must learn to understand your student and see how to deal with them in a positive and less critical manner. 44. 3. Is often seen completing homework tasks the morning before they are due. NjhlOWM3M2I0YThlYzQ2YzA2Y2Q5OGQwMDUxZWIzZDVlMzMwZDFlYmZhMDA1 Always arrives to class on time with her books and is ready to learn. Has an independent and free spirited mind. Such a hardworking and committed student like you deserves to be praised. PLoS ONE. You have the courage of your convictions. I bet you make babies smile. NDQzMzI1ZmExIiwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiNDQyZjBmZjc4ZDdlYmE3YTYzMWI0 Families will love seeing the positive behavior comments for students when you send these positive student notes home. She is better in math, writing, and comprehension. Comes to class with great questions based on the assigned homework tasks, showing thoughtfulness and independence. This is just the beginning. Give students and parents direct feedback on how to improve study habits, study habits examples, and work habits for students. MDRjZjg4YTJiYTg4MDNmNGU1MjVhYzE1NDIxZWFkYWExOWFiNjE4MDQyZjUy 79. I can tell you had fun with this assignment! I'm proud of you! 23. Loves to learn by getting involved and gaining first-hand experiences. Katy Hoffman. You don't have to stop doing that after your I Dos. 63. Is excited to tackle her tasks every day. Checking through your records, I can boldly say that you are drastically improving on your studies. These compliments acknowledge different qualities the person exhibits. How do you compliment a friend? Is always the first person to put their hand up to volunteer for a task. Needs to work on focus and concentration during class time. Is always willing to self-reflect and provide genuine analyses of her progress. You were cool way before hipsters were cool. You have put in a lot of hard work, and it is starting to show. The way you led the class during the quiz shows how much investment you have made in your academics. Your commitment to class activities and extra effort to understand each subject better is commendable. 37. puts his (or her) best effort into homework assignments. 43. Keep it up. Im always excited to see your progress. You did a great job on this assignment, but try to be more concise in your writing for future assignments. He is an enthusiastic and dedicated member of the class. He is always delivering excellent assignments and especially finds hands-on math activities exciting. Is trusted with school equipment including expensive computer technology. MTc3OWYyZWRmZjlmZWE1MDIwZjBkOGQ3YjBiNDdiM2M1MGI2M2M5MzY1NDZk 5. About The Helpful Professor They'll love it so much that you can look forward to even more . MWIwNGQ1MGUzZTlkNzYxYTg0M2JiOTA2YjNmODYwZTQwNGNjMzc2ZjRjMGNk Is enthusiastic and engaged when given developmentally appropriate resources to play with. You are an inspiration. Positive Report Card Comments . The feedback for students is what helps students learn. Im so proud of you, John. Keep the energy alive. Feel free to reach out to me if you need help. Congratulations on this excellent performance. 8. Uses her body and hand movements to express herself artistically. Group Work. Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. 14. ____ has shown much improvement this year.