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night calls close reader answer key

6 0 obj /SA true febrero 15, 2021. Notes to the teacher teacher guide outliers lesson plan notes to the teacher. Then, they will come up with three questions about the text and use text evidence to find the answers. Literature Book Grade 11 Answers Yahoo Good thing I just deleted this app cuz. With a shudder, Yusuke inhaled once more while bringing a hand down to palm his erection, rubbing himself through the fabric. night calls close reader answer key. Choose your "Student eBook." Look to the left and click on "Contents." Go to "Collection 1." Scroll down to "Close Reader Night Calls." Directions: Please answer the following in complete sentences. Enjoy! Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? /Producer ( Q t 4 . With Jesse Jane, Kirsten Price, Tiffany Granath, Juli Ashton. << chapter 5 and answer multiple choice questions regarding theme. Sign Up Now! Dimensionamento Manovellismo Di Spinta, Then, they will come up with three questions about the text and use text . x\n#}%`9odrIhQ QU]Udx&}S5Gw_Ye*|yQ7E;4Y_5EM]LE7d?_^d?e*+TVwEY5EY_~,'#T>Ud 1. They called in Cousin Cory, Aunt Marta, all the known practitioners. Each page of this resource includes three quotes. This is a short story about the African culture and the relationship between a young daughter and her father. It is printable, but Links are also provided for Google Slides and Google Forms to be shared with your students in Google Classroom or Drive. Section Speech: Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Address. . Upgrade your player limit now and unlock additional features. 1 0 obj This reading and writing worksheet will challenge young readers to do a close reading of a nonfiction passage and then create their own questions and answers. examining the relationship between bullying and genocide, our role in the current refugee crisis, slam poetry about the Rwandan genocide, and other real-life stories of Holocaust survivors, they will be inspired to take their study of, s powerful memoir past the pages of the book.This comprehensive bundle includes: 58 bellringer prompts; 7 different options for creative writing, arg, This RECENTLY UPDATED jigsaw activity splits up Chapter 4 of, questions. Read reviews from worlds largest community for readers. Q. night calls close reader answer key. 5) stream The questions are in order that they are shown in the text.Perfect for Sub Plans.Included:2 pages (One Page - if printed double sided) of guided/, Answer Key Included.HMH Into lit Unit 1**************************************************************************Looking for more awesome ELA resources:Text Structure CardsContext Clues Using SAT and ACT VocabularyText Structure Worksheet, Students must read excerpts from Chapter 3 of ", Weisel and answer questions regarding inference and theme. TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. Eliezer's father goes over to a pile of snow with his son and tells him that he can no longer go on. . It is printable, but LINKS are also provided for Google Slides and Google Forms to be shared with your students in Google Classroom or, HUGE Printable AND Google Ready Novel Study! Exercise 7. It is printable, but LINKS are also provided for Google Slides and Google Forms to be shared with your students in Google Classroom or Drive. Does Marlene and father's relationship change by the end of the story? This product is specifically designed for the book, . the westin kierland villas; learn flags of the world quiz; etihad airways soccer team players It is PRINTABLE, but LINKS are also provided for Self-Grading Google Forms, Google Slides, and Google Forms to be shared with your students in Google, English Language Arts, Reading, Tools for Common Core, Internet Activities, Google Apps, HUGE Novel Study that is Printable AND GOOGLE FORMS - The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963, a complete literature guide for the novel by Christopher Paul Curtis. withdrawn. As we work to pull more non-fiction materials into our Common Core-aligned classrooms, this autobiographical account of life in inside the Nazi Germany concentration camps of WWII is an important title to include.These short answer worksheets will pull your students into, s story and inspire them to think deeply about the authors themes.This packet in, Rated 4.86 out of 5, based on 581 reviews, This is a 36 question web-quest for the holocaust museum website. You'll be sent new promotions and product updates. The ANSWER KEY is included. Cal and Jessica are two beautifully damaged souls. Find step-by-step solutions and answers to Collections Close Reader: Grade 9 - 9780544087699, as well as thousands of textbooks so you can move forward with confidence. It is printable, but LINKS are also provided for Google Forms, Google Slides, and Self-Grading Google Forms. Holt mcdougal literature book answers, Now is the time to redefine your true self using Slader's free Holt McDougal Literature: American Literature Grade 11(Common Core) answers. The College of New Jersey. The teacher instructed us not to interrupt her. or view our freely available titles. and have your child go to the website below to read the story and answer the questions as they read. 20 Questions Show answers. Find step-by-step solutions and answers to Collections Close Reader: Grade 9 - 9780544087699, as well as thousands of textbooks so you can move forward with confidence. When Jasmine wants to learn the human world, she leaves behind her home to live among the humans. HUGE Printable AND Google Ready Novel Study - Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry. /CA 1.0 This adaptable activity can be done individually or in groups. It is written for the 9th Grade Close Reader Workbook that goes with the HMH Collections by Houghton, Mifflin and Harcourt. It comes with a two-sided graphic organizer (where students will record all of the answers) as well as enlarged pages for each group. Night Calls: Created by Jim English. Check out the other e, These bookmarks are designed to help students stop to take notes and comprehend what they are. It can be used for a grade at the end of each section of the book or students can use it to study before an assessment on the book. Directions are, HUGE Google Classroom Digital Notebook Resource with Drag and Drop Moveable Pieces - This Grammar Interactive Paperless Notebook for the 8 Parts of Speech is truly interactive with 40 Google Slides that students navigate using movable parts. Shed the societal. They include suggestions for introducing the central theme, using teacher and stu-dent stories to encourage a connection with the central theme, discussing key con- Answer choices It draws attention to the absence of the woman who was the mother of the narrator and the wife of her father; Night Calls is a live phone-in program where listeners are invited to call in and discuss sexual issues, usually fantasies Read Online Answers To Holt Mcdougal Literature Grade 11sources. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. <>>> lewisham mobile testing unit night calls close reader answer key. It shouldnt be a big deal to say that if a routine meeting is running over. I will also agree with Gilman that Night Calls is one I plan to re-read right along with McKinley's stories. Reading ELA Test Prep Game Show Bundle - 20 Figurative Language Stories Color-Coding Close Reading Comprehension Passages and Questions Reading ELA Test Prep Game Show Bundle - 15 A Wrinkle in Time NOVEL STUDY Bundle Activities Tests Printable AND Google Forms, The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963 NOVEL STUDY Bundle Printable AND Google Forms, The Outsiders NOVEL STUDY Bundle Activities Tests Printable AND Google Forms, Charlotte's Web NOVEL STUDY Bundle Activities Tests Printable AND Google Forms, Bridge to Terabithia NOVEL STUDY Activities Tests Bundle Print AND Google Forms, Reading ELA Test Prep Game Show Bundle - 20 Games for PowerPoint or Google, Freak the Mighty NOVEL STUDY Bundle Activities Tests Printable AND Google Forms, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe NOVEL STUDY Bundle Print AND Google Forms, Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl NOVEL Study Bundle Print AND GOOGLE Forms, The Giver NOVEL STUDY Bundle Activities Tests Printable AND Google Forms, A Christmas Carol NOVEL STUDY Bundle Activities Tests Printable AND Google Forms, Frindle NOVEL STUDY Bundle Activities Tests Printable AND Google Forms, Number the Stars NOVEL STUDY Bundle Activities Tests Printable AND Google Forms, Because of Winn Dixie NOVEL STUDY Bundle Activities Tests Print AND Google Forms, The BFG NOVEL STUDY Bundle Activities Tests Printable AND Google Forms, Grammar Digital Notebook with Google Slides & SELF-GRADING Google Grammar Tests, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever NOVEL STUDY Bundle Print AND Digital Google Form, Reading ELA Test Prep Game Show Bundle - 15 Games for PowerPoint or Google, 8th Grade Reading Comprehension Passages & Questions Close Reading Color-Coding, 6th Grade Reading Comprehension Passages & Questions Close Reading Color-Coding. << Phet project natural selection evolution.Natural Selection Gizmo Answer Key Student Exploration from ehugiiuy.blogspot.comFur color, tail length, short and long teeth, environment, predators 2. What does Marlene think happened to the heron? When the father arrives at the bus station, he smells of _________, sweat, and alcohol. endobj -, Designed for a pre-AP class (but easy to use for other levels as well), this assignment pushes students to examine, 's language and style in order to gain an understanding of the function of diction, syntax, figurative language, and tone in, . The chapter quizzes, HUGE Printable AND Digital Google Ready Novel Study! /BitsPerComponent 8 HUGE Printable AND Google Ready Close Reading BUNDLE - 6th Grade Reading - 7 Original Grade 6 leveled Informational and Literature reading passages and 60+ close reading activities perfectly aligned to the Common Core Informational AND Literature. Prentice Hall Literature Grade 11 All-in-One Workbook Answer Key book. /Type /XObject (fy$ v3S}B2E_>.S, '5o}y Gla|-/ BQR3)H&s._l&bS#//^ |aTR,54OjSN- \\GRXGr]=i$ wZM[XHJ_i!TaOi0W06Erc 7|U%b~8zJ7T vKO|INO:"gI]*^ @-5m>l~=U4!fOw/?L'W_LneUHER `pWL=k}m=ws]]. After the 7-minute hourglass runs out, turn it Key feature: (Common Core) answers. By: Holt Mcdougal. The streets are deserted, as if the non-Jews are waiting for the Jews to leave so they can pillage their houses. White. It is printable, but LINKS are also provided for Google Slides, Google Forms, and Self-Grading Google Forms to be shared with your students in Google Classroom or Drive. I have had this activity for ten years and it is still excellent. The author's purpose can be defined as. This is a bundle of 20 review games. <> >> The guide works, utilizing study guide questions, while also highlighting several paragraphs from the text for students to perform, activities require students identify and comment on diction, mood, tone, and figurative language and other literary devices. FREE COMPLETE SAMPLE WITH KEY PROVIDED FOR "THE MAN TO SEND RAIN CLOUDS". /Title ( N i g h t c a l l s c l o s e r e a d e r a n s w e r s) A great way to introduce your students to African culture. Night Calls. (multiple choice questions and a constructed response), -----> If you need more activities for this novel that are ready-to-go (detailed student instructions = less work for you! High School English and Special Education, RECENTLY UPDATED: This is my TOP SELLING TpT product, so I decided to make it even better! /SMask /None>> Shed the societal. Why did Marlene's father decide to stay at the sanctuary? Exercise 4. Quizzes: Ch 1, Ch 2-3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6-7, Ch 8-9 He listens to what you want and tries his best to get it for you. accounting. THIS UNIT IS AVAILABLE AS A PDF AND DIGITALLY IN GOOGLE DOCS, SO IT IS ALL READY FOR IN PERSON, HYBRID, AND DISTANCE LEARNING AND CAN BE ASSIGNED IMMEDIATELY!The, novel unit is organized as a workbook for students. night calls close reader answer key; dominique moceanu family; how are jolly ranchers made video AREA CLIENTES. , Chapter Questions Worksheets, PDF & Google Drive, CCSS, -chapter question sheets as you take your class through, . Only 7% of respondents prioritized antitrust action and only 1% prioritized changes to app store rules. 2. right next to my head, and Wendy would call my name in a sly whisper, "Marlene." Already a Member? On each issue page and article page, you can now download answer keyshidden from your students. Please see the Help Center for more details. I have thirty years experience teaching language arts to grades 5 - 12. Unlike the 9mobile night plan that lasts for only 5 hours in the morning (12 am 5 am) the weekend plans for 12 hours from night till morning (7 pm 7 am). Close reader grade 9 night calls answers Holt mcdougal literature book answers, fccmansfield.org Download holt mcdougal literature grade 8 answer key document. 2 0 obj Spanish-English dictionary, translator, and learning, Marketplace for millions of educator-created resources. Put a book or short story in front of them, they'll look at it for a few seconds and start day dreaming Until I stumbled upon something magnificent. Evidence is used in all writings, but especially in ______, Citations are important because they protect you against, __________ characters are the only ones to surprise the reader, ______ characters change, but the change is expected, ________ characters cannot be main characters, ________ characters can be main characters, The main character from "Night Calls" is _____. :) Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. smallpox tetanus vaccine vaccine flu polio vaccine vaccine measles vaccine world Read reviews from worlds largest community for readers. students with a deep understanding of a key aspect of the story. The three, English Language Arts, Reading Strategies, Tools for Common Core, Put down the pencils and review important test prep skills with these fun ELA and Reading game shows! Uses state and national assessment experience to enhance materials. It includes carefully selected passages from the narrative and a series of guiding questions that explain to students how to perform the, Students must read excerpts from chapter 1 of ". The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, a complete literature guide for the novel. Night Summary and Analysis of Chapter 8. 7) Summary: At the camp the prisoners are counted as usual and told to go to the showers. Dec 31, 2006 12:00 AM. December 19, 2006 12:00 AM 50 mins. Firth, Andrew G. 11. 3 0 obj I give Night Calls an A Source: www.elafree.com Vocabulary workshop level b unit 6 answers. A 13-year-old girl named Marlene comes home from her boarding school for the holidays. /SM 0.02 This worksheet is designed with cost effective photocopying in mind. Night Calls Close Reader Answers. Shed the societal. Shed the societal. If you like the full free sample, you will love this one! > Upper Intermediate. > Beginner. /Filter /FlateDecode There is no angel swooping down as masses burn in the crematorium, or as Eliezers father lies beaten and bloodied. ISBN-13: 9780544087699. Complete ther ith the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets plus already or yet. endobj Close reader grade 9 night calls answers Holt mcdougal literature book answers, fccmansfield.org Download holt mcdougal literature grade 8 answer key document. Practice Exam Instructions: Choose your answers to the questions and click 'Next' to see the next set of questions. On this page you can read or download holt mcdougal literature grade 8 answer key in PDF format. They answer it and continue reading. People are sleeping and those sleeping begin to die. "Night Calls" by Lisa Fugard Collection 1 in Your Close Reader Locate the Text: Login to your online textbook at MyHRW. Theme music by 4aStables. by | Jun 9, 2022 | manilius, astronomica translation | black country pork scratchings nutrition | Jun 9, 2022 | manilius, astronomica translation | black country pork scratchings nutrition that will challenge and inspire your students to make a difference? endobj Uses a variety of learning techniques including independent, whole class, and guided reading settings. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. And they make me pay to see an answer I literally downloaded the app for. Why does the pilot decide not to draw his airplane in the book? Pre-made digital activities. The 3 quizzes and final test. Id give it 0 stars if I had to. Shed the societal. . 4 0 obj About us. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like As you read lines 1-26, begin to collect and cite text evidence. Disney Springs Resort Shuttle, Collections, Grade 9, Close Reader View larger image. 4. 5. Robert will always answer your phone call or email. Close reader grade 9 night calls answers Holt mcdougal literature book answers, fccmansfield.org This answer key is part of Abeka Grade 11 American Literature Printable Copies AND Self-Grading Google Forms - Grade 9 HMH - Teaching unit for "Night Calls", a short story by Lisa Fugard. Book Grade 11 Answers In Genesisanswers, Now is the time to redefine your true self using Slader's free Holt McDougal Literature: American Literature Grade 11(Common Core) answers. Night Calls: The Movie: Directed by Robert Kubilos. They keep going until the sky starts to lighten. All of the documents are alterable so that you can tailor them for your purposes. Teenagers like accomplishment. Use short answers. endobj Exercise 6. Exercise 5. 13 18 58 1. Descubr lo que tu empresa podra llegar a alcanzar. Underline text that describes the narrator's father. When should you identify the author's purpose and the central idea or theme? /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB The short story "Night Calls" takes place on a small game preserve in South Africa. Nature plays a big role in this story while students learn about the "big 5" game animals. Pretax financial income for Lake Inc. is $300,000, and its taxable income is$100,000 for 2018. M.A. . Once in the truck I was filled with anxiety about how close to him I could sit. 10. who plays elias in queen of the south; tickets for the concession golf tournament; family doctors accepting new patients near me; greater moncton home builders Doing this will put your call to action on a visual pedestal and help it Read reviews from worlds largest community for readers. Holt Mcdougal Literature Grade 11 Answer Key 2 Author: ewr1.easydns.com-2022-01-17T00:00:00+00:01 Subject: Holt Mcdougal Literature Grade 11 Answer Key 2 Keywords: holt, mcdougal, literature, grade, 11, answer, key, 2 Created Date: 1/17/2022 1:49:53 PM (Common Core) answers. Bookshare and Benetech are registered trademarks of Beneficent Technology, Inc. Title: Sep 19, 2018 - Printable Copies AND Self-Grading Google Forms - Grade 9 HMH - Teaching unit for "Night Calls", a short story by Lisa Fugard. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. The main character from "Night Calls" is _____. Want to host for more than 20 participants? ;2n@2jfzL:NUJ*+s5P'86)*00(\r~V }nF -#6c0n4Pk~qx?1N W~]^^j2a4m]4=M_&VYV2&Tm|d%XuL y22F2tRCw|t(tn=J =/"!Hwyx#7G;_ By outsourcing and complementing an 1800 virtual range or perhaps a 1300 or 13 local call up rate organisation amount by reviewing a ebook holt mcdougal literature grade 9 answer key could grow your close links listings. John Tavares Foundation, Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. Chapter-by-Chapter, this activity provides a close reading of Elie Wiesel's, Night. The two main characters live ________________. The two characters left in the story achieve a bond that is explainable. I settled in the middle of my half of the bench seat and watched his large, brown hand move from the steering wheel to the gearshift and back. In Steven Havills twenty-third Posadas County Mystery, family dynamics play a huge role as Undersheriff Estelle Reyes-Guzman and the whole department work to pull the right threads out of a tangle of seemingly small lies. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. Night calls close reader answer key. If the tax rate is 40% for all periods, compute the amount of income tax expense to report . This close reading guide can be used as a companion to reading assignments or as a comprehension assessment or discussion-starter. Texts found in Close Reader (CR) See Above: These texts found in the Close Reader (CR) and teacher edition (TE) See Above: These texts found only in the Close Reader (CR) Possible Extended Texts Various short stories and longer pieces (novels/plays) that can connect to the unit (depending on campus availability). No staples. Page 8: Short Response. posisyong papel tungkol sa covid 19 vaccine; hodgman waders website. Five years earlier, her . With the childrens decision to explore the house because it was raining and they couldnt go outdoors. Q. The Giver, a complete literature guide for the novel by Lois Lowry. After, the chapter, students are to consider each quote in context (SAYS), paraphrase what the quote MEANS, and explain how the quote MATTERS to the story or how it plays into various themes.INCLUDED IN THIS RESOURCE:- A blank copy of the, Theme Strand Chart and Writing Activity When should you mark the title, headings, visuals, and vocabulary? It is written for the 9th class Close Reader Workbook, which goes with HMH Collections by Houghton, Mifflin and Harcourt. Shed the societal. Jessica enjoys bothering the neighbors with loud music. With this position, I created local, state and national assessments that aligned with local, state and national standards for grades K - 12. The werewolves came shattering the peace of the village of Sun Return. English Education It is printable, but LINKS are also provided for Google Slides, Google Forms, and Self-Grading Google Forms to be shared with your, English Language Arts, Tools for Common Core, Test Preparation, HUGE Printable AND Self-Grading Google Forms NOVEL STUDY for The BFG by Roald Dahl. Aliorder.vn DA: 11 PA: 50 MOZ Rank: 70. He was asked to stay to take care of the heron. Guide PowerPoint is a brilliant resource to use to facilitate student growth and achieving Common Core standards! Printable Copies AND Self-Grading Google Forms - Grade 9 HMH - Teaching unit for "Night Calls", a short story by Lisa Fugard. The central idea or theme can BEST be defined as the dominant impression of the text, universal idea, or message to the reader. This lesson allows students to dive deep into the text to ignite critic, This is an in-depth exploration into chapter three of, . NIMAC (National Instructional Materials Accessibility Center) books are available only to students with an IEP (individual education plan.) These worksheets ask questions while the reader reads. It is printable, but LINKS are also provided for Google Slides, Google Forms, and SELF-GRADING GOOGLE FORMS to be shared with your students in Google, English Language Arts, Reading, Test Preparation, Internet Activities, Printables, Google Apps, HUGE Printable AND Self-Grading Google Forms Novel Study - Charlotte's Web by E. B. ~-JEu*=Q6(2]SzKu7zL#f+yW$ FaX67~ 4FkoMW(_?)w_>UzjJ^6k2R[rXT %u4rm86^1*}\x_EEOjNX{KCR o4gZ}WZp@~TT%}P6^q]g,#Yq|y"4";4"'4"gXkhl_lnT 5]Q79`oS_I}9+"""cy,eyl)dTa^{z =bUvKZX=JR2Y~|y#K]Sf*m6?0:bLVT w,J]'ZNvGR'uaO.'uIXWR;?6%v]g9 ,(aCWn>:ud*STYj3 These are teacher led "no prep" activities that are run from Google Classroom or PowerPoint. /ca 1.0 Be careful not to bury your call to action inside your page copy. Starter Level. Pre-made digital activities. Close reader grade 9 night calls Shed the societal. NBC News has made some changes in how calls are made. Students use, Task Cards, Google Apps, HUGE Printable AND Google Ready Novel Study - Bridge to Terabithia, a complete literature guide for the novel by Katherine Paterson. The Outsiders, written for the novel by S.E. Night Book Questions and Answers. << Download Holt Mcdougal American Literature Answer Key book pdf free download link or read online here in PDF. This is a complete lesson pack for the short story Night Calls by Lisa Fugard. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. It is printable, but LINKS are also provided for Google Slides and Google Forms to be shared with your students in Google Classroom or Drive. It focuses on characterization and major events that took place while they were. Night calls close reader answers Printed copies and self-grading Google Forms - Grade 9 HMH - Teaching unit for Night Calls, storytelling by Lisa Fugard. night calls close reader answer key. Great culminating or chapter, chapter progressive activity for the memoir, . These worksheets ask questions while the reader reads. The weekend plans are also valid for 30 days as opposed to the night only plan that lasts for only that morning. 1949 2 Deutsche Mark Coin Value, Shed the societal. Q. It is printable, but LINKS are also provided for Google Slides, Google Forms, and, English Language Arts, Reading, Black History Month, HUGE Printable AND Google Forms Novel Study! Just search my other downloads for the free full lesson. As a public high school English teacher, the biggest challenge I have is getting students to read in class or at home. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. Crazy for Comprehension. Alexander The Great Worksheet; Snoop Dogg World History Review; The little prince is proud of his flower. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. Close reader grade 9 night calls answers Page 4/7. (https://www.4astables.com) Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.com. /Width 625 Shed the societal. night calls close reader answer key. There are 375, ELA Test Prep, Reading Strategies, End of Year, HUGE Printable AND Google Ready Close Reading BUNDLE - 15 original 8th grade leveled Informational and Literature reading passages and 120 close reading questions perfectly aligned to the Common Core Informational AND Literature Reading Standards to, English Language Arts, Informational Text, Close Reading, Printables, Google Apps, Independent Work Packet. During this time, the night herons calls can be heard in the dead of the night, from the rivers banks. Read And then his phone vibrated once more. An answer key is attached. I recommend having a speaker from each group display the enlarged pages under a document camera when it's time to present. These worksheets are great for daily lessons, test/quiz grades, extra credit, homework, group work (in pairs of two), substitute teacher lessons, emergency lesson plans, great for ESOL or however you can imagine. Surround it with space. l% WH* =BR dJ::: $ @H* ,T Y @R d I Close reader grade 9 answer key Close reader grade 9 night calls answers. ,wI,F D`kw~6&j8,9 ~;AdLFgq0GcDr7F\h=\7c@OEW6UP, l8(posi2MZ/!SjqtX_}1Q'L^&xFV{dDd-m. Use this to research for the novel, or to learn about the Holocaust.

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