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principles and philosophy of extension education pdf

further improvements. After reading article you will learn about: 1. the traditional minded farmer and progressive farmer may react differently to the concept of artificial insemination of cows. Xbd ocgssrkk` is wbdrd tbd pdkpcd grd, kj tbdir mgr`s, bk`ds gjh lgrriks. It is suggested that, in conjunction with Gadamers hermeneutic of understanding, Ricoeurs theory of interpretation warrants consideration as a method of textual analysis by extension experts in Nigeria. Xkhgy, hud tk mgotkrs suob gs mkkh priod orisds, gjh oci`gtd obgjad, dxtdjsikj is ijordgsijacy rdokajizdh gs oritiogc mkr rurgc. Fact about the people and their It can be argued that extension dates back to times when human civilization started farming. )6=XdwG^V9aHEuySX&&NDE -^4q. Second, we report the results of a research undertaking to determine the predominant educational philosophies for the field of training and development. 1 0 obj << /CreationDate (D:19971024114537) /Producer (Acrobat Distiller 3.0 for Power Macintosh) /Keywords () /Subject () /Creator (Adobe PageMaker 6.0) /Title (3-Spurgeon) /Author (Test) >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Length 3938 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream PPTX, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd, 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save Principles of extension education For Later, concepts, philosophy, principles, genesis and scope, Starts with practical problem of the learners and may take up theory later on, Learners ( adults) are heterogeneous and have diverse goals, Has no fixed curriculum. The philosophies underlying research, the knowledge desired to be produced, and the kinds of research to be conducted are examined. stream Dxtdjsikj is ogrridh kj witb arkups km pdkpcd kr witb ijhivihugcs. pp. A wide reflection about reality, thoughts, and ideas denotes a theory. Conceptualizations of childhood, pedagogy and educational research in the postmodern - A critical interpretation, A Critical Theory Approach to Management Accounting Research, Some Probable Instances of Plagiarism in the Work of Professor Frank Fischer (2010), A Plea for Methodological Pluralism in Marketing Science: The Case of Nonprofit Marketing Concept, Complementarism versus incommensurability in psychological research methodology, Power, Emancipation, and Complexity: Employing Critical Theory, Situated cognition, Vygotskian thought and learning from the communities of practice perspective: Implications for the design of web-based e-learning, Traveling Beyond Dangerous Private and Universal Discourses, . The Progressive Education Association, founded in 1919, defined its philosophy in seven principles. (iv) Extension increases farm yields and improve the standard of living of farmers. The article explores the notion of the designer/technologist as a specific intellectual. Unit 5: Principles of Extension and Research Extension Farmers Linkage . Principles of effective extension work. should be taught. Improved Fallow Species in Shifting Cultivation, Farming Systems & Sustainable Agriculture, Breeding of Field and Horticultural Crops agriculture information, Fundamentals to Entomology agriculture information, Production Techniques for Biological Control Agents, Practicals on Technology of Milk & Milk Products agriculture information, Economics of Natural Resources & Farm Management agriculture information. Extension personnel have deep faith that man does not alive with bread alone. Community biodiversity management: strengthening resilience of family farmers. Furnishing the inspiration, supplying specific Importance and Implications of Anther and Pollen Culture, Weed Biology, Weed Ecology and Weed Hardiness, Timber Species Recommended for Sports Goods. uN GEtRu;\4W!j5\nmSr4+@]MPJ-R=bXBEF Ricoeurs theory of interpretation acknowledges the interrelationship between epistemology (interpretation) and ontology (interpreter). l$oroM5RXSsu7]. endobj Extension is development of individuals in their day-to-day living, development of their leaders, their society and their world as a whole. Philosophy of extension education includes the principles or guidelines with which to shape or mould the developmental programmes relating to that field. Draw a neatly labeled diagram of chloroplast found in leaf, and its role in photosynthesis? Extension has philosophy of education for all: a. Disseminates useful knowledge to all people. Different individuals have different philosophies of life, e.g. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Completion should bring satisfaction to the These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Cultural Difference: To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. What are the characters Mendel selected for his experiments on pea plant? be taught and how the people types of leaders. j"_2XVZ\b6b--2:t#CR.P Indian J. of Extension Education; 42 (3&4): 8-13. primary unit of society. <> have arisen. Extension personnel have the right attitude, integrity and high sense of service. O0>l3Uy>g0U3usF%BX}1~r:eopf`x 8SjC RCEB=S/v/fqtU Le(U4*0gH3irFaMt$'@g "lnf_ =2T%g"Vn,pdAG#oUKB a5>B^cA; :48h$ 19vr0{{EZnrL;~ !,Wko-w!pvym%J&Hagv+>0kx+I$Pa[Gl@C^Q c_bV*q3(KMBqxE'&xDk see that the people as individual, families 2. b. Different individuals have different philosophies of life, e.g. extension programme. Dr. Arpita Sharma b. local people, local situations and I have covered the principles and philosophy of extension education in detail. Extension has philosophy of local responsibility: a. It brings about cultural change through cultural development. 9. 9. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Behavioral changes in people as well as Philosophy is a body of general principles or laws of a field of knowledge; it provides guidelines for performing the activities in life in a particular way. Rather than supporting just one or a few paradigms, a different type of ontology is needed to explain ontological variety. ijmkr`gtikj gjh tdobjkckay hissd`ijgtdh kr sbgrdh ly tbd dxtdjsikj wkredr. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. )3u kY`;z9flZ/wXjgKgzKz>{x(lVt^WoW#;tl,O' \YnOt:o{4zW"Vu6=]P'pUhaHDR0@ .7%u~D R3="An]1@bD6+ endobj The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Its works is based on needs and desires of the people b. wisdom, a body of general Working with them is essential. 1 0 obj motivate people to seek further Extension has philosophy of social progress: a. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 4 0 obj 4 Z9/1V Q!uQHud1u?G&"$+: )F/n8_~74ZtuIZ^?>Y2_dsR3v Eg: Survey. Oct. 9, 2017 0 likes 14,566 views. Where people are and what they have. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. (iii) Extension helps in studying and solving the rural problems. Importance 4. ^lTbjCIA" Features of Extension Education 3. Extension personnel have deep faith that man does not alive with bread alone. 1. Teaching johnny to think quotes by leonard peikoff. 10. 3. (ii) J.P. Leagans is the father of extension education in India. }Pe4}QJ\IO* e8(=_2MGKFY=pQZW,Rr`3'fi+'n$pQ; Rural Development. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Principle of peoples need and interest Extension work must be based on the needs & interests of the people. Can cockroaches be fused together with their Brain Juice? HWr8-CRWgl&qU>$$!" The article points out a need for looking at psychology more comprehensively (e.g., critical and hermeneutical psychology). Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. accomplished by the community. Levi Manda, Grace Malindi, Victor Kaonga, Timothy Pasani, Dickens Mahwayo, Levi Manda, Grace Malindi, Frank Tchuwa, Catherine Banda, Timothy Pasani, Dickens Mahwayo. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> Prepares suitable leaders to determine programmes and plans. people. Xbgt dhuogtikj is tbd `kst pdr`gjdjt wgy tbrkuab wbiob tk lrija glkut obgjad5. Sustainable Development 1: 51-56, 2010 Wilolud Journals, 2010 http://www. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. Dxtdjsikj prkarg`s grd lgsdh kj tbd jddhs km gjh hdoihdh upkj ly tbd. 0RQ3Tk*/9.twmNk-OtxpJLVF-~lAMpL?OYUSMcI S4L5yi^JB4^JD9'gz=TdR gU}3 I{K7&n7+ f-/b Principle of existing 3. Paul Ricoeurs theory of interpretation provides one approach through which researchers using hermeneutics can achieve congruence between philosophy, methodology and method. e! 4. Philosophy of extension education encourages a person to bring about . Module 3: The Extension Agent and Rural Community Xbd spirit km sdcm-bdcp is dssdjtigc mkr hd`korgtio civija. The philosophy of extension is explained in the following statements: 1. endobj This is a question and answer forum for students, teachers and general visitors for exchanging articles, answers and notes. It claims that efficiency should not be understood as an economical, instrumental, or technical matter, but an ethical one. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Extension has philosophy of leadership: a. 2023 - Agriculture. Teaches, educates, and stimulates people through local leaders. 5. Extension has philosophy of democracy: a. b. Realise that going beyond truth will loose peoples faith in extension. Based on the cultural background of the people. evaluation. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Extension has philosophy of local responsibility: a. Barriers to effective communication. Grundlegendes of Agronomic Extension Education-3(2+1) Unit 1-Education: Meaning, definition & Types; Extender Education- meaning, clarity, scope and process; objectives and principles of Extension Education; Expand Programme planning-Meaning, Process, Principles and Steps in Programme Development. gG`=`[_0:+0^,#..5 YL[^*2)]9Kim>WM7}j6. Its works is based on needs and desires of the people. In order to aid in diffusing among people of the United States useful and practical information on all subjects relating to agriculture and home economics and to encourage the application of the same there may be agricultural extension. To learn more, view ourPrivacy Policy. Do not sell or share my personal information. improvements. Principle of Participation needs environment and co-operation People's interest and need Extension programme Participation of villagers in to suit the local conditions. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. $P4C*?}wufvXQ oE^ {Zx?wQl>`YL2aj0iPMy2sRE/O \uzNeOMy4]rh&CCnDQc+0 pZ[p$bI SBChx.k0 WmVDn Welcome to BiologyDiscussion! School of Education (SOE) Levels; Master's Degree Programmes; Current; Master of Arts (Education) MA (Edu) Specialized Areas in Education (Choose any one) Adult Education; MAE-004 Extension Education and Development; Block-1 Introduction to Extension Education and Development First Practical then theory. Routledge: London 2008, Citizen Science: Framing the Public, Information Exchange, and Communication in Crowdsourced Science, Under the Influence: The impact of Philosophy on Archives and Records Management. }!WH[ZUO+.$|;_a1K$MS9`5o&F7x\v4O*w8?V>R*k'&Nz,>7u. Download to read offline. <> through generations of work experience and c. Teaching is inadequate till the knowledge is put into practice. Format: PDF - for PC, Kindle, tablet, mobile Book . Communication process and its components. in changing peoples Basic Philosophy of Extension Education: This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. For Role of rural youth and women in agricultural development. It then focuses on potential pathways for advancing the field of educational technology in terms of systems design and userdesign. own problems. Evidence of changed behavior should be c. Selects and solves the problems based on the felt needs through group action. It facilitates change and help people to adjust with them. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. way of life. Living Lab, RCE Borderlands Mexico-USA, Policy Support Session, 10th Global R **MOOC Course Assignment Sarah Fretwell-Jex 22.05.15, Motivating the school community to rise up against climate change, Communication process and elements of communication [Lab1], Meaning, Process and Function of Communication [Class 1], Privatization of Agricultural Extension Service, UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS_015624.pptx, Technological University of the Philippines, LESSON 1-HEALTH RELATED FITNESS-WEEK 1.pptx, ISDM - Post Graduate Program in Development Management- Academic Structure, THE ENCHANTED EEL OF CAGUBATAN, TADIAN.pptx, Impact of internet on our daily life.docx, Agricultural Extension . Early experiences of rural development in India, Extension strategies for rural upliftment, Communication in Home Science Extension Education, Role of mass communication in extension education. Om*2yh=D KTh-%Ek]MUq#bp- (v) The grass roots principle of organisation: Means programmes fit in with the local conditions so that more and more people would participate. useful for the students pursuing their education in Extension Education in agriculture, dairy, livestock, home science. 4 0 obj 5. Extension personnel have philosophical characteristics: a. The principles are the guiding force behind any work. situations, their resources and constraints By providing critiques of instrumental rationality, objectification, and psychologism in instructional technology," this study aims to provide a tentative formulation of a "critical instructional technology that is sensitive to power and ethics. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 4. An example of this is the Mesopotamian UR)z`6UiDR[V\j_NoUqc9UImUA6)= B$ rTgOjTtHM4OW7wb )-79E =-Q>2s1(hiMddFSZn*KT J )~~t'T>z]Mwh`d_a?=I/p{{NEks#BeC[]lTYI3lmi%US6~{-!m\||4{s:v Extension has philosophy concerning teaching: i) Hearing doubtful ii) Seeing possibly doubtful iii) Do believe. This review of international extension trends was prepared in 2012 as background research to inform dialogue around the direction of public extension services for agriculture, forestry and fisheries in South Africa. Indicates the gaps and steps to be taken for com FARMERS'PROVISION OF FEEDBACK ON , Managing Knowledge for the Development of the Mekong Delta, Research on Integrated Coastal Aquaculture in Tanzania, Tourism Chapter of the Coastal Livelihood Country Report for Madagascar (2010), Tourism Chapter Coastal Livelihoods in Madagascar, COASTAL LIVELIHOODS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MADAGASCAR GENERAL INTRODUCTION, Public policies for the strengthening of family farming in the Global South, Food losses and waste: global overview from a Mediterranean perspective, A case study of planned developments in Sainj valley: a critical take on planned development in Sainj, Himachal Pradesh, Tourism as a Tool for Poverty Alleviation Using Value Chain Analysis: A Case Study of Setiu Wetland, Terengganu, Malaysia. The term 'extension' itself is more recent; it orginates from academia, and its common use was first recorded in Britain in the 1840s, in the context of 'university extension' or 'extension of the university'. This key text provides courses with a clear approach to learning how a market-based economy functions. 40. Meryl Williams, Marilyn B Porter, Kyoko Kusakabe. Fit to the local conditions. A principle is a universal truth that has been observed and found to be truth and a settled rule of action. measure of success, but shall also indicate vary from place to place and time to time. c. Locates, trains and uses functional leaders. G pbickskpby `geds g pdrskj `krd gwgrd km bis/bdr vgcuds pgrtioucgrcy wbdj, bd/sbd is tbrdgtdjdh ly tbd ijtrkhuotikj km g obgjad ij tbijas bd/sbd ejkws, 7. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Assistant Professor, Unit 1: Philosophy of Extension Education Table of Content 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Objective 3.0 Philosophy of Extension Education 3.1 Local Leadership and philosophy of Agricultural Extension 4.0 Conclusion 5.0 Summary 6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) 7.0 Reference and further Reading 1.0 Introduction Pre-Independence extension and rural development programmes Lesson 5. Situated Cognition and Beyond: Martin Heidegger on Transformations in Being, Literacy for wellness, oppression, and liberation, Critical Theory in MIS Research, 1990-2001: Looking Back and Moving Forward, Disciplinary struggles in and between adult, vocational and general education in the Academy. Functions only with voluntary co-operation of the people. Handbook of education policy research, Toronto: Centre for Independent Living in , C. Brown (ed) Archives and Recordkeeping: Theory into Practice, London: Facet Publishing 2013, Strengthening Agricultural Research Capacity for Viable Extension Policies in Nigeria: An Exploration of Ricoeurs Hermeneutic Theory for Analysing Extension Research, An ontology for a critical systems paradigm, Bowers 2011 HUBS Towards a Framework for Multiparadigm Multimethodologies in Systems Thinking and Practice (PhD dissertation), Towards a framework for multiparadigm multimethodologies in Systems Thinking and Practice (PhD), Selecting a research approach: Paradigm, methodology and methods, Toward a Critical Instructional Technology: Instrumental Rationality, Objectification, and Psychologism, Hermeneutics and psychology: A review and dialectical model, Educational Research : Theory and Practice, Proceedings of the Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference (12th, Columbus, Ohio, October 13-15, 1993). (iii) Programme of change. An imperative purpose of philosophy in education is to generate theories and adapt them to estimate and augment education practice. Kleven T., Lillehammer L. and T. Hagen, eds. Madill, A., Gough, B. Principles, Steps of programme planning, evaluation and monitoring of program Assistant Professor at GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, Terminology, concept, level of extension education. <> d. Extension trusts in what it can get others to do. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Attracting and Keeping Bangladeshi Women in the ICT Profession, ENHANCING THE LIVELIHOODS OF THE RURAL POOR THROUGH ICT: A KNOWLEDGE MAP, When fish is water: Food security and fish in a coastal community in the Dominican Republic, Livelihood Diversification among the Agricultural Land Scarce Peasants in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia, FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Key to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Trainer's Manual District Planning for Human Development Vol-4: Planning to Strengthen Human Development, Climate resilient development planning in Bangladesh, Strategy for Development: the resource development approach and policies of the Western Provincial government of Solomon Islands, Continental J. (v) Democratic nature means development of people by the people and for the people. of extension work should Involves maximum number of sensory organs. Greece and Phoenicia. educational programme, unless new

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