So dizzy. WILSON: Do you know what creepy neighbors and volleyballs with blood on them have in common? Traci. I was hanging out with my friend from Mexico the other day and he asked me how runny I like my cottage cheese. KENYA: Parents were clearing doing it in the map room after school. Very stupid. There's a storm forming behind hurricane Irma. One more time for emphasis, SALT. Go to Africa. Like, from a vagina. WHO IS JULIUS AND WHY DO YOU BELONG TO HIM?? Doesn't that make you feel sad? in the woods but nobody heard it, it would still be a stupid name. FREDDIE: Heard you got fingered. Had a babie. You have a dumb name. MARVIN: Anyone ever NOT think of the martian when they talk to you? LEIGH: Leigh it out to me, how stupid do you think your name is? JERI: You spelled your name wrong, dummy. Right. JENNA: What, you're too good for Jennifer? LOUIS: Do you pronounce your name Louis or Louie? Stupid. That's your life now, isn't it? He is your Lord, because your name is stupid. ALYSSA: Where'd you learn how to spell names, the Internet? Lithuanian for "horse afterbirth.". PHILIP: From the Greek 'Philippos', or "Lover of Horses". WESLEY: Right, we get it. TINA: Tina, the ancestrial name of chihuahua dogs everywhere. Not all of them are good but the upvote count shows up. QUEEN: Are you a Chihuahua? Josie and the Pussycats , revolving around an all-girl pop band, has been a pop culture phenomenon . A stupid name for a homo sapien. ALEXANDER: There was Alexander the Great, then there was Alexander the So-So. Dang. Not the man. MATTIE: Two ts? Dumb name. Like your name. That's because you have a stupid name. Your beauty is beyond compare. 537,000. CLYDE: Clyde the Glide Drexler. VIVIAN: Vivian, the ancestral name of people who really like red wine and operas. Some gift. Yours is repulsive. I am. Here's a plan: get a new name. Earn yourself a new name. From the Princess Bride. Your MARY: I bet you're still a virgin too. Gimme an H! LONNIE: You have been stripped of your right to have this name. More like yam smell! Cunt. RICKEY: You spelled your name wrong, Ricky. NATALIE: This is not-a-lie: your name is stupid. GAVIN: I'm havin' a hard time listening to your name be spoke out loud. Told my dad I was hanging out with my friend Jose What did the Mexican fire chief name his son. DENIS: You're missing an N there, Dennis. LETA: Like Feta, but from a goat's butt instead. OR Shawn, the only stupid name you absolutely have to spell every time someone asks. Unnecessary. GORDON: They're waiting for you Gordon. JONAH: How are you reading this from inside a whale? ", KATY: Katy. BJ: Nice acronym. GRAHAM: Graham. JASON: Jason Jason bo-bason banana fanna fo fason fee fi fo you have a very stupid name. WALTER: Walter Payton was the greatest running back ever to play football. RAY: Doe: A deer. Stupid. Chan. JOHNNIE: It's hard to hide a boner behind a name. My Name Is Joe: My Name Is Joe is a 1998 British romantic drama film directed by Ken Loach. SAMMY: Try spelling your name like a big boy. OR Leslie, a strong masculine name. You are beautiful. Solar System! Would like to see what everyone thinks. LAUREN: The plural of Laura. KELLY: Consult the blue book for the value of your used car. The middle one. DIANNA: You spelled your name wrong, dummy. New Jersey has recorded the highest search value of 100 in the last ten years among the metro cities in the US. OK, but what's your first name? Alana. *Your name is stupid*. Things that Joe bump in the night. Actually, a name for an ethnic group in southeast Burma. ARMANDO: The spanish form of Armand. Even the English think you have a stupid name. OR Won't. Mackenzie: Mackenzie. PETER: When you finally arrive at the Pearly Gates, St. Peter will come out and say, "Boy, don't WE have a stupid name!". Lowest Ratings: 1. RENEE: Your name is mostly vowels. You fooled me. TAMMY: Tammy! Because I don't Boleev-ya". JACLYN: You spelled your name wrong, Jacqueline. "Nag me." It's a LIE. English for "dumb name.". OR Ger- is the root meaning old. JUDITH: For when going by the name "Judy" sounds "too hip.". What a stupid name you have! SHANNON: Irish for "wise river." ROB: How distinguished of you to shorten your proper name down to something so stupid. OR If you turn around three times, spit over your shoulder, and throw salt over your other shoulder, your name will still be stupid. VERNA: The name your father gave you when he really wanted a "Vern.". KELLI: You're name is Kellina. OR How's Fred doing? Dad: That's good, at least he's not Jos-b. Doesn't matter. use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. MEAGAN: You accidentally added a second A to your name. LLOYD: Why don't you tack another L on there, you moron. Oh. OPAL: Oh pretty! PATTI: Patti cake, Patti cake, your name is stupid. KATHRINE: Try spelling your name the correct way. NEWTON: Not quite cookie. Shame on you. You're making this too easy. RHONDA: Help me Rhonda. Any Beths? Alone with your stupid name. But what's your first name? Often short for "Katy is a stupid name.". Ah!!!! Hm? VANESSA: Vanessa is a mess of a stupid name. JOY: Joy. BLANCHE: Good thing to do to a tomato. RAPHAEL: The most bad ass turtle. That is not a compliment. Great city. CARL: If you're gonna go with Norse, why not something more awesome? de ce doare buricul cind pun degetul in el, Pick up lines for the name Josie? The material I'll have to trap my head in so I don't have to hear your stupid name. MICHELE: You lost something. ROMAN: Lend me your ear. BERYL: of monkeys. What about 'hose B'? MARSHA: Adding an "a" onto a ugly place doesn't bode well. English for "overrated pop star.". Because your name is stupid. Good luck. No. Stupid name. But you are famous for having a dumb name. VERONICA: Your name has too many syllables. Something that makes you look at it . That's a good name! Hm, what else? TAD: Just a tad stupid for a name. GWEN: Gwen will you change your name to something better? Run, you'll never escape your terrible name! ANTOINETTE: Off with your head! JUANITA: Juanita, the name you absolutely have to spell when you say it. Josie Name Interest Across The World: ALICIA: Whatever happened to Alicia Silverstone? Better than your name. You know? His first son was named Jose. OR Literally, Old French for "pug nose." That doll that boys were supposed to carry around? Your name is bullshit. New english for "turd boat.". SOPHIE: You only have one choice. Listen, I know you don't have much time, butwaithold onI just wanted to talk to you about. Josie and the Pussycats was an all-girl pop . OR Mary, Mary, quite contrary / Your name, is it stupid? Notable for her stupid name. Measure 14 inches from where you are. Very. Well, you're not. OR Were you named after a TREE?! You because your name is stupid. AGNES: Your name looks like acne. HARRY: Not only is your name stupid, but your mom is stupid because she spelled Hairy wrong. Not quite cake. Gleep gloop. You're welcome. Kinda grody. DARRIN: It was quite Darren of your parents to give you such a stupid name. GERALDINE: This was actually my great grandmother's name. OR Larry, Barry, and Gary walked into a bar. Could dunk on an 11 foot rim. JEREMIAH: Bullfrog. MERCEDES: Hop in one and drive away, hopefully to never hear your name uttered again. OR If you could be stranded on a desert island with any celebrity you wanted, who would it be and why is your name so stupid? GABRIELLE: Xena's companion. He turns to his brother, and with his last breath he yells out. CHAD: Here's a poem: Chad is bad. CHRISTINE: Aliens have been spotted over Nevada! Josie Name Interest in the United States: So there you go a list full of celebrity name puns! BRITTANY: You know what you and Brittany Spears have in common? ROY: French for "king." Cookie Notice OLGA: Did your name come with pigtails? Listen to this - your name is stupid. SHERRIE: I'd love a sherry, to drink away my brains and forget how dumb your name is. Y are you lying to yourself Lily? MANUEL: Manuel? Urdu for "botched abortion.". HANS: You're missing a "D" from your name, Hands. It's causing people's ears to bleed. All rights reserved. REBECCA: Fun Fact: Rebecca by Alfred Hitchcock won the 1940 Academy Award for Dumbest Name. SHELIA: Sh-yearight. Why didn't your parents name you Diamond? Take your stupid name with you. That must make you Alexander the Disappointing. HIERONYMUS. Breath smells like bile. Space! As per the global trends, Josie has been searched the most in Cotedl voire. IRENE: Greek for "peace". MELBA: You're named after the black sheep of the cracker bowl. CREEPY. ALFRED: Ah, Alfred. RODNEY: Dangerfield. RACHELLE: The names Rachael and Michelle had a name baby that should have been aborted. LAURIE: The plural of Laura. Please try again. Does anyone else have fun with name puns/jokes? ALFREDO: Alfredo. All rights reserved. WILBUR: That's some pig of a name you've got there. What have you ever done with your stupid name? Please enter the name of the person in the field below: Show NSFW pick-up lines (I am 18 or older) Name: Noelle Tail grab. And shoot your parents for giving you such a stupid name. JEFFREY: I's better than Geoffrey. DEBORAH: Your name rhymes with labia menora. JOSEPHINE: Josephine. ALISHA: At least you're trying to have a good name, too bad it's stupid. Primarily a diminutive of Josephine, Josie is an English name that means God will increase or God will add or Jehovah will increase. You also acknowledge that owing to the limited nature of communication possible on Leftovers from Thanksgiving. NORA: Nor I. DAMIEN: Hi Damien. JANET: Damnit, Janet, your name is stupid. You're welcome. Search trend for Josie in the US reached its peak up to 100 in March 2020. RAMONA: The name your father gave you when he really wanted a "Ramon.". CHRISTOPHER: Commonly shortened to nonexistence because it is such a stupid name. OR Michael Flatley. WELL I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY. It's funny, he was just telling me about how stupid your name was. Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene. 12 1 comment u/OK_Compooper Jan 26 2020 report A Mexican firefighter had twin boys. ELIAS: A classic, solidly stupid Biblical name. OR That's a color, not a name. JOANN: Combining two stupid names doesn't make your name any less stupid. JEFF: Jeff Daniels: funny actor. The other'sNoway. FELIX: A more popular cat than you'll ever be. For real? All rights reserved. ADDRIIIAAAAANNNN YOUR NAME IS STUPID. MAURA: You went one letter too far. HOWARD: Before Jar Jar Binks, your name stood as the worst character George Lucas ever directed. Drives a Winnebago. From a noble viking tradition of having stupid names. ERIC: Eric. MICHAEL: Derived from the Hebrew expression "Who is like God?" LEON: Your name is Noel backwards. You were a meter maid. ELAINE: You are a town in Arkansas. Named after a hillbillies truck? CALEB: A classic, solidly stupid Biblical name. ORLANDO: Rather eat a bloomin' onion than listen to your name being spoken. KRISTY: It's like your parents wanted to name you something better, but then Kristy fell out of their mouths. Your name sounds terrible. Nice harmony.,, 130 Hilarious Husband Wife Jokes That You Will Surely Enjoy, 170 Baby Boy & Girl Name That Mean 'Gift from God', 600+ Unique & Cute Nicknames for Boys & Girls, Important Baby Growth and Vaccination Milestones in 2nd Year of Life, Important Baby Growth and Vaccination Milestones in 1st Year of Life, Important Vaccination for Children Upto 1 Year. CHESTER: The cheetah? But, you couldn't find a better name? Derived from Hebrew origin, the meaning of Josie isJehovah increases. It can be a feminine version of Joseph or John, asthe meaning of Josie can imbibe deep religious feelings and works well for Christian parents who would always count the blessings bestowed upon them by God. SUSANNE: Susanne. ROSALIND: Go back to 16th-century England. MEREDITH: Welsh for "great lord, what a stupid name!". HILDA: No way that's your name. You should. COURTNEY: Cocks. MARGRET: You spelled your name wrong, dummy. A big dumb fat dog. ALYSON: You parents never taught you how to spell your own name? I'm pretty sure your face sunk them, though. KIM: Just leave. I don't believe you. Your name will never live up to him. Lantern, check. NOAH: Named for the two things people yell when they hear your name. NED: Winter is coming. MOLLY: Your name is more popular for drugs. SUSIE: Raise your hand in the air. You have a dog's name. Name, stupid. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. HUGO: Hugo change your name right now. RANDAL: Weren't you in that one movie? The first loser. Everyone with their hand in the air has a stupid name. Like Gunnlaug. DIANNE: Here's a dittie. You're all alone. We can't improve on that. COLLEEN: Do you hear me Colleen your name? ABDUL: Abdul. OR You ought to Russell up a less stupid name for yourself. RICKY: Tricky Ricky was slipped a Micky and woke up with a new name that was better suited for him and his poor lifestyle choices. MAVIS: I need to staple your mouth shut so you never say your name out loud again. VICKI: Vicki. Ha, you were named after someone's pet. DAN: You're the man. Gross. Barf in it. You're not fooling anyone but yourself. SANDY: Bad adjective, even worse noun. Stupid name. Clerks? Good job. That's not a name. Long for if only my parents loved me enough to name me something with class. MYRA: No YourRa. Glorious strips of crispy bacon, glistening in the sun, waiting to be eaten. OR Wait, that's kind of an awesome name. BETTY: If this is your name, you are a 90-year-old knitting enthusiast. DAISY: Ah, the daisy, stupidest of flowers. All of your friends call you Phil. Highest Ratings: 5. Danger! F. U. ELMO: How's it feel to have someone's hand stuck up your butt? Yours could use a little eyeliner. RUTH: Ruth. CALVIN: Too bad you can't pee on your own name, cause it's stupid. Clone with Git or checkout with SVN using the repositorys web address. fallback: If you could have dinner with any historical figure, living or dead, your name would still be stupid. Explanation: always laughed at my jokes is a characterization. That's pretty stupid. Dad thinks she should name the girl Denise. Sorry if this repeats an earlier one. CURTIS: We've literally never met a man named "Curtis." OR Samuel. TJ: Nice acronym. JACQUELINE: We salute you. BETH: Beth. COLEMAN: Sleeping bag, check. A bacon tree. For a trashy wannabe. ALAN: It is not known if Alan stands for "little rock" or "handsome." MARYANN: Choose one. Short for "Jim, get out of my face with your stupid name!". RUSTY: Phew. They live in New York with their three children and indispensable portable dishwasher. Can you even see this? OR Leave M(e)alone. Stupid name. alone. KRISTINE: Too good for a "ch", huh? Tiny brain. Can we meet them? All of you. FLOYD: If you're not pink, get the fuck off my website. The name Norman died with him. You have a dumb name and so does your dad. ZACHARIAH: Nice neck beard, penis wrinkle. But, who do you call if your name sounds stupid? Named her Sadie. ALLIE: Come back when you're ready to use your big-girl name. Vicki. DIXIE: I have to whistle your name. No? In recent times, Josie has gained immense popularity due to the all-girl pop band comic, series, and movie Josie and the Pussycats. John. Here's some truth: you have a stupid name. Kick. You're welcome. : r/pickuplines Reddit, Nacho Average JOSIE Funny Name Pun Gift T-Shirt, 75 Popular Josie's Mirror Messages ideas | funny food puns , Usernames for Josie | Best name ideas for social networks , 14 of the most intense Tinder puns ever delivered, 10 Funny Tinder Pick-Up Lines and Jokes You Should , 101 Pun Cat Names That Will Make You Laugh In 2022, 73 Spunky Girl Names: Pippa, Romy, and More, 25+ Best Cow Puns and Jokes To Lift Your Moo-d Kidadl, The Tinder Pick Up Line That Gave A Dude A 100% Success ,,,,,,,,,,, AMIE: You spelled Amy wrong. Culturally setting back our knowledge of evolution for decades! LUPE: The biggest fiasco? HOPE: I hope you start going by your middle name. NICOLAS: Unless your last name is Cage, you have no right to spell your name this way. CHELSEA: Great for soccer. WENDELL: Wendell you get such a stupid name? Pure garbage. He rushed over 1,600 yards in one season just trying to escape his stupid name. Yup. Several times stupider. Izzy: Izzy. Frank McCourt knew what he was doing. CLIFFORD: A big red dog. You should read a Manual about how not to have a stupid name. But who are you God's gift to? ANNETTE: Go use a net to catch yourself a new name. Getting a new name. GILDA: Radner, high five. MANDY: You broke Barry Manilow's heart with your stupid name. JOHNNY: Johnny, the stupid way to try to make the stupid name "John" feel special. EARNEST: I earnestly believe you have a stupid name. JAYNE: Where'd you get that Y, the Stupid Store? SERENA: Less stupid than Venus, more stupid than pretty much every other name., Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. JACKY: Jacky. TRACI: Traci. FERNANDO: Fernando Botero: a man for whom only sculpture could express the stupidity of his name. VINCE: Your name means conqueror. OK, but what's your first name? The absence of color. SELENA: Greek for "moon." Curbt, no. CAROLINE: Hands, touching hands. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. HOMER: d'oh. Deal with it. PAUL: In the first century AD, Paul the Apostle wandered throughout Asian Minor and Europe, preaching Christ's gospel and having a stupid name. What kind of name is that? Both stupid. MILES: You're miles behind everyone else in the race for a good name. BRICE: Your name has rice in it. OR Where in the world - did you get that stupid name? Named for a city so stupid it was conquered by 20 men in a wooden horse. MORTON: Salt. Four fourths stupid name. Peasant of names. BOBBY: Oh Bobby, won't you go and get your grandmother another glass of lemonade? TIM: Tim. Any Beths? BRETT: The Hitman Heart. Only explanation. Ginger, the stupidest of names. You're welcome. ROSS: Ross. Ocean! I just ada turkey sandwich. OR From the Hebrew for "son of my days." Abby. TABATHA: You were almost certainly named after a character in Bewitched. Here's a plan: get a new name. You know what else came from the Bible?
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