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qualys asset tagging rule engine regular expressions

Today, QualysGuards asset tagging can be leveraged to automate this very process. See platform release dates on the Qualys Status page. You can now run targeted complete scans against hosts of interest, e.g. a) 10 b) 1900 c) 65535 d) 20, About how many services can Qualys detect via the Service Detection Module? in your account. This dual scanning strategy will enable you to monitor your network in near real time like a boss. Click Finish. As a follow-up, Ive found this pattern to work: Create asset groups consisting of the large ranges. a) Allow access to Qualys only when the user is coming from a particular IP address b) Require passwords to expire after a certain amount of time c) Activate Fingerprint Scanning d) Lock accounts after a certain amount of failed login attempts e) Activate VIP as an added second factor for authenticating to QualysGuard, The information contained in a map result can help network administrators to identify _______________ devices. editing an existing one. When you create a tag you can configure a tag rule for it. Lets assume you know where every host in your environment is. To exclude a specific QID/vulnerability from a vulnerability scan you would: a) Disable the QID in the Qualys KnowledgeBase. a) TCP port scanning b) Windows Share Enumeration c) Scan Dead Hosts d) UDP port scanning, To launch a successful map, you must provide the following information/components. The only asset tag rule engine that supports XML is "Asset Search". document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Currently tags do not have scanners associated with them. Business Units tag, Cloud Agent tag and the Asset Groups tag at the top-most Can you elaborate on how you are defining your asset groups for this to work? We create the Business Units tag with sub tags for the business Your email address will not be published. If you have an asset group called West Coast in your account, then From our Asset tagging regular expression library, input the following into the Regular Expression textbox: Also, check the Re-evaluate rule on save and Ignore Case checkboxes. or business unit the tag will be removed. Assets in a business unit are automatically A common use case for performing host discovery is to focus scans against certain operating systems. The parent tag should autopopulate with our Operating Systems tag. me. Which asset tagging rule engine, supports the use of regular expressions? Note: You must scan the asset at least once for it to be visible in AssetView. 3. Your email address will not be published. c) You cannot exclude QID/Vulnerabilities from vulnerability scans. AM API: Removal of Restrictions on External Id for AWS Connectors/qps/rest/2.0/create/am/awsassetdataconnector/qps/rest/2.0/update/am/awsassetdataconnector/qps/rest/2.0/update/am/awsassetdataconnector/id/qps/rest/3.0/create/am/awsassetdataconnector/qps/rest/3.0/update/am/awsassetdataconnector/qps/rest/3.0/update/am/awsassetdataconnector/idWe will now support creation and updation of AWS connectors using V2 or V3 APIs for AssetView with all external ID formats. a) Threat b) Solution c) Results d) Compliance e) Impact, What is the 6-step lifecycle of Qualys Vulnerability Management? In this field, you can see the custom attributes that are entered for an asset. In other words, I want this to happen automatically across ranges and not have to keep updating asset groups manually. the tag for that asset group. Click on Tags, and then click the Create tag button. Targeted complete scans against tags which represent hosts of interest. Upload, livestream, and create your own videos, all in HD. A new tag name cannot contain more than I've started to do some testing for something similar. By dynamically tagging hosts by their operating system, one can split up scanning into the following: Frequent light scans that update QualysGuard with the current mapping of your network via dynamic asset tags. Hence, if you have use specific scanners against specific asset groups, I recommend the following: Very good article. a) No Dynamic Rule b) IP Address in Range(s) c) Vuln (QID) Exists d) Asset Name Contains, Which of the following components are included in the raw scan results, assuming you do not apply a Search List to your Option Profile? 1) Go to Tags and select Create Tag. tag for that asset group. Click Continue. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. a) Option Profiles b) Remediation Policies c) Report Templates d) Authentication Records, A search list contains a list of a) Asset Groups b) Applications c) QIDs d) Host Assets, Which of the following types of items can be found in the Qualys KnowledgeBase? To produce a scan report that includes the results from a specific scan that occurred at a specific point in time, you should select the _______________ option in the Report Template. We will need operating system detection. you'll have a tag called West Coast. These sub-tags will be dynamic tags based on the fingerprinted operating system. a tag rule we'll automatically add the tag to the asset. This is because the a) Updates to the KnowledgeBase b) Scans c) Asset Searches d) Maps e) Reports, Scan this QR code to download the app now. assigned the tag for that BU. Asset Name Contains- Asset Tagging Rule Engines that support regular expression are: Asset Name Contains, Operating System Regular Expression, Software Installed AGENT (Qualys Host ID)- a unique identifier, Users must enable. - For the existing assets to be tagged without waiting for next scan, What is the 6-step lifecycle of Qualys Vulnerability Management? It's easy. )*$ HP iLO . I would not try to combine the two in one tag. Qualys, Inc. 919 E Hillsdale Blvd 4th Floor Foster City, CA 94404 1 (650) 801 6100 Verity Confidential Table of Contents Vulnerability Management and Policy Compliance API.5 Why is it beneficial to set the Business Impact of an Asset Group? AZURE, GCP) and EC2 connectors (AWS). Creation wizard and Asset search: You must provide the cloud provider information in the Asset search We automatically tag assets that Agent | Internet To achieve the most accurate OS detection results, scans should be performed in __________ mode. one space. a) Scan Based Findings b) Dynamic Findings c) Static Findings d) Host Based Findings, Which Vulnerability Detail (found in a Scan Template) identifies the data or information collected and returned by the Qualys Scanner Appliance? You can use A new release of Qualys Cloud Platform Asset Management & Tagging 3.14 and CSAM 2.14.1 includes updated APIs which is targeted for release in FEBRUARY 2023. Only when the agent is available for the platform and your subscription, you can download the agent binary. Secure your systems and improve security for everyone. we automatically scan the assets in your scope that are tagged Pacific and all assets in your scope that are tagged with it's sub-tags like Thailand asset will happen only after that asset is scanned later. field Share what you know and build a reputation. a) The IP has been previously scanned. The rule We don't have a guide for writing the XML as the Asset Search UI creates the XML for you. I'm using the Open Ports rule in the Asset Tag Rule Engine. You will see a blue "Networks" tab within Vulnerability Management -> Assets; Capture Network UUID . hb```f`t``213 0P9 &bc2L84@>#so8@zBE z-lv0Y7$nbp0=ZO@B0ys1O`j?pAl .Lfu?5Locg~zx|\pddn"1.9:k]Ottvtth \93u,b. 0 A Manager can do this by going to Users > Setup > Security. Assign Business Criticality through tags to establish priorities, and automatically calculate the asset criticality score of an asset based on highest aggregated criticality. Asset Groups: Asset Groups should always begin with "AG:", followed by physical location, where on the network is it (internal/external), and a brief description of the group (i.e. This API notification provides an early preview into the coming API, allowing you to identify use cases that can leverage this updated API. 2.7K views 1 year ago The November 2020 Qualys Tech Series walks you through best practices for managing asset tags and dashboards in Global IT Asset Inventory. matches this pre-defined IP address range in the tag. Groups| Cloud Get additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject. Which asset tagging rule engines, support the use of regular expressions Computer Science Engineering & Technology Information Security Answer & Explanation Unlock full access to Course Hero Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library Get answer Our verified expert tutors typically answer within 15-30 minutes. - Then click the Search button. Tell me about tag rules. (choose all that apply) a) Scanner Appliance b) Domain/Netblock c) Report Template d) Search List e) Option Profile, Which item is not mandatory for launching a vulnerability scan? Also a Manager must enable Asset Tagging by opting in to the New Data Security Model. Go to the Tags tab and click a tag. provider:AWS and not The option to use tags is available only when the Asset Tagging feature has been added to your subscription by an account manager or support. Several types of controls require users to enter one or more regular expressions when setting the default expected value for a control. Just choose the Download option from the Tools menu. When asset data matches a tag rule we'll automatically add the tag to the asset. CA API: Launch On Demand Scan/qps/rest/1.0/ods/ca/agentasset/With this release, we have added API support for launching the on-demand scan on assets where Cloud Agent is installed. a) It's used to calculate Security Risk. The November 2020 Qualys Tech Series walks you through best practices for managing asset tags and dashboards in Global IT Asset Inventory. system. We automatically create tags for you. Each session includes a live Q\u0026A please post your questions during the session and we will do our best to answer them all. Cloud Platform instances. a) Most Prevalent Vulnerabilities Report b) Most Vulnerable Hosts Report c) Ignored Vulnerabilities Report d) Vulnerability Scorecard Report, Map results are an excellent source for (choose all that apply) a) Creating Search Lists b) Making Report Templates c) Adding Hosts to the Approved Hosts list d) Adding Hosts to Qualys Subscription e) Building Asset Groups f) Creating Option Profiles, What is required in order for Qualys to generate remediation tickets? We have removed the validation for External Id format check and the AWS connector can be created using alphanumeric external Id formats. %%EOF If there are tags you assign frequently, adding them to favorites can a) Scan Based Findings b) Host Based Findings c) Static Findings d) Dynamic Findings, As a Manager in Qualys, which activities can be scheduled? a) Scanner Appliance b) Target Hosts c) Authentication Record d) Option Profile, What does the S in the ASLN section of Map Results really mean? Required fields are marked *. 2) Enter the basic details and tag properties for your tag. 1. Asset Tags automatically created by Qualys are identified, and tips are provided for effective Asset Tag design. Lets create a top-level parent static tag named, Operating Systems. Whenever you add or edit a dynamic tag based on any rule, if the "re-evaluate CSAM APIs https://www.qualys.com/docs/qualys-gav-csam-api-v2-user-guide.pdfNew Field Added to Response of V2 APIs/rest/2.0/search/am/assetWith this release, a new field customAttributes is added to the response of the following public V2 APIs. https://www.qualys.com/docs/qualys-asset-management-tagging-api-v2-user-guide.pdf, https://www.qualys.com/docs/qualys-gav-csam-api-v2-user-guide.pdf, https://www.qualys.com/docs/release-notes/qualys-cloud-platform-3.14-api-release-notes.pdf, https://www.qualys.com/docs/release-notes/qualys-gav-csam-2.14.1-api-release-notes.pdf. You can mark a tag as a favorite when adding a new tag or when in your account. This makes it easy to manage tags outside of the Qualys Cloud What does the S in the ASLN section of Map Results really mean? to a scan or report. For more information, please see our Wasnt that a nice thought? The specific day will differ depending on the platform. We will create the sub-tags of our Operating Systems tag from the same Tags tab. Click the checkbox next to the tag and from the Quick Actions menu click Edit. query in the Tag Creation wizard is always run in the context of the selected ensure that you select "re-evaluate on save" check box. - A custom business unit name, when a custom BU is defined When you create a tag you can configure a tag rule for it. Run maps and/or OS scans across those ranges, tagging assets as you go. the list area. Multiple Remediation Policies are evaluated: Why is it benefcial to set the Business Impact o an, Which asset tagging rule engine, supports, Asset Groups and Asset Tags can be used to eectively customize or fne tune (choose all that, What scanning option allows Qualys to get a, Do not sell or share my personal information. Required fields are marked *. By default, the rst user added to a new Business Unit becomes a ____________ for that unit. The query used during tag creation may display a subset of the results - Basic Details - Asset Criticality Score - Tag Properties 3) Set up a dynamic tag type (optional). to get results for a specific cloud provider. endstream endobj startxref (choose all that apply) a) A Policy needs to be created b) A Map needs to be run c) A Remediation Report needs to be run d) Scan Results need to be processed by Qualys, By default, the first user added to a new Business Unit becomes a ____________ for that unit. By dynamically tagging hosts by their operating system, one can split up scanning into the following: We step through how to set up your QualysGuard to do exactly this below. Knowing is half the battle, so performing this network reconnaissance is essential to defending it. a) Business Impact b) Port Scanning c) OS Detection d) Host Discovery. a) Authoritative Option b) Share Enumeration c) Scan Dead Hosts d) Authentication, What is required in order for Qualys to generate remediation tickets? Sfiof ae tfk eajjawigc `kofdgis`s drk prkskgtjy uskm. All for the respective cloud providers. CA API: Download Installer Binary for Cloud Agent Linux on zSystems/qps/rest/1.0/download/ca/downloadbinary/With this release, you can download the installer binary for Cloud Agent Linux on zSystems using APIs. evaluation is not initiated for such assets. hbbd```b`A$c"H2 n>@" , "KyDri/OLO00#Z3$I0JQr4]j&6 i All individual IP addresses added by the user now gets converted as an IP address range, if the IPs are in sequence. Feel free to create other dynamic tags for other operating systems. Your email address will not be published. Say you want to find We will also cover the. You can filter the assets list to show only those You cannot delete the tags, if you remove the corresponding asset group Note this tag will not have a parent tag. Business We create the tag Asset Groups with sub tags for the asset groups Last updated on: January 27, 2023 A new release of Qualys Cloud Platform Asset Management & Tagging 3.14 and CSAM 2.14.1 includes updated APIs which is targeted for release in FEBRUARY 2023. To launch a successful map, you must provide the following information/components. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. a) Discover, Organize Assets, Assess, Report, Remediate, Verify b) Bandwidth, Delay, Reliability, Loading, MTU, Up Time c) Mapping, Scanning, Reporting, Remediation, Simplification, Authentication d) Learning, Listening, Permitting, Forwarding, Marking, Queuing, Which scorecard report provides the option to set a Business Risk Goal? (asset group) in the Vulnerability Management (VM) application,then and asset groups as branches. From the Quick Actions menu, click on New sub-tag. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. your assets by mimicking organizational relationships within your enterprise. For example, if you add DNS hostname qualys-test.com to My Asset Group Tags are applied to assets found by cloud agents (AWS, units in your account. (choose all that apply) a) Confirmed Vulnerabilities b) Remediation Tickets c) Potential Vulnerabilities d) Configuration data (Information Gathered) e) Asset Groups, Asset Groups and Asset Tags can be used to effectively customize or fine tune (choose all that apply) a) Vulnerability Scans b) Search Lists c) Reports d) Remediation Policies, In a new Option Profile, which authentication options are enabled by default? we'll add the My Asset Group tag to DNS hostnamequalys-test.com. A two-level check is performedat the platform level and at the subscription level while retrieving the agent binary information. Which of the following best describes a "Dynamic" Search List? is used to evaluate asset data returned by scans. Name this Windows servers. b) Place the QID in a search list, and exclude that search list from within the Option Profile. Mouseover the Operating Systems tag, and click on the dropdown arrow on the right. Asset Name Contains Vuln (QID) Exists IP Address in Range (s) X No Dynamic Rule Asset Groups and Asset Tags can be used to effectively customize or fine tune (choose all that apply) X Reports Search Lists Remediation Policies X Vulnerability Scans Share what you know and build a reputation. Which o the ollowing vulnerability scanning options requires the, Asset Search can be used to create (choose all that apply). ]fk _krviok Mktkotiag @amujk odg mktkot avkr, Sfiof part sodggigc aptiag tdrckts dhaut 4922 ]OR parts1, ]a pramuok d vujgkrdhijity rkpart oagtdigigc tfk, Sfiof apkrdtigc systk` is GA] suppart hy Tudjys Ojaum Dckgts1, Sfiof ae tfk eajjawigc odg hk uskm ta purck tfk Fast Hdskm Eigmigc ae d fast1, Sfiof ae tfk eajjawigc is gkvkr igojumkm ig, Sfiof ae tfk eajjawigc is tfk mkedujt trdonigc, Sfiof ae tfk eajjawigc drk hkgkeits ae sodggigc ig dutfkgtiodtkm `amk1 (ofaask 8), Sfiof ae tfk eajjawigc drk vdjim aptiags ear, Sfiof ae tfk eajjawigc is GA] d oa`pagkgt a, Sfiof ae tfk eajjawigc wijj fdvk tfk crkdtkst i`pdot ag, Sfdt is tfk `dxi`u` gu`hkr ae ]OR parts tfdt odg, Ig armkr ta suooksseujjy pkrear` dg dutfkg, @ujtipjk Xk`kmidtiag Rajioiks drk kvdjudtkm<, Do not sell or share my personal information. Which asset tagging rule engines, support the use of regular expressions? and our a) Windows b) All c) Unix d) None, To produce a scan report that includes all of the cumulative scan data in your subscription, you should select the _______________ option in the Scan Report Template. If you are unfamiliar with how QualysGuards asset tagging works, our tutorial is a great place to start. Secure your systems and improve security for everyone. Show aws.ec2.publicIpAddress is null. (choose all that apply) a) A Policy needs to be created b) A Remediation Report needs to be run c) Scan Results need to be processed by Qualys d) A Map needs to be run, Which three features of the Vulnerability Management application can be customized using a KnowledgeBase "Search List"? Similarly, use provider:Azure the rule you defined. When you save your tag, we apply it to all scanned hosts that match and Singapore. Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources, 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects, Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions. It seems to me that for this idea to work, I need to work from asset groups that contain netblocks instead of IP addresses generated from maps, otherwise there no way I could discover assets. I prefer a clean hierarchy of tags. For more reading on the trend towards continuous monitoring, see New Research Underscores the Importance of Regular Scanning to Expedite Compliance. those tagged with specific operating system tags. The specific day will differ depending on the platform. (choose 3) Which of the following is never included in the raw scan results? Today, QualysGuard's asset tagging can be leveraged to automate this very process. Which of the following is NOT a component of a vulnerability scan? - Go to the Assets tab, enter "tags" (no quotes) in the search a) Discover, Organize Assets, Assess, Report, Remediate, Verify b) Bandwidth, Delay, Reliability, Loading, MTU, Up Time c) Mapping, Scanning, Reporting, Remediation, Simplification, Authentication d) Learning, Listening, Permitting, Forwarding, Marking, Queuing Create tags to determine OS and report on the combination of the OS and the severity. Facing Assets. - Tag Type - Tag Rules - Test Rule Applicability on Selected Assets. Step-by-step explanation 1. 6998 0 obj <> endobj You can even have a scan run continuously to achieve near real time visibility see How to configure continuous scanning for more info. level and sub-tags like those for individual business units, cloud agents save time. 7580 0 obj <>stream This can be done a number of ways in QualysGuard, historically via maps or light scans followed by a manual workflow. I'm interested in dynamically tagging systems that are listenting on well known ports, like http, smtp, ldap, snmp, telnet, ssh, etc. assets with the tag "Windows All". (choose all that apply) a) Host IP b) Potential Vulnerabilities c) Option Profile Settings d) Information Gathered e) Vulnerabilities, Which of the following is NOT a component of a vulnerability scan? b) It's used to calculate the Business Risk c) It's used to calculate storage space d) It's used to calculate CVSS Score. AM API: Custom Asset Attributes/qps/rest/2.0/update/am/assetWith this release, a new field customAttributes is added to the response of the following public APIs. You can apply tags manually or configure rules for automatic classification of your assets in logical, hierarchical, business-contextual groups. For example the following query returns different results in the Tag An Asset Tag is created and tested from start to finish including steps to use a Rule Engine that supports regular expressions. QualysGuard is now set to automatically organize our hosts by operating system. Lets start by creating dynamic tags to filter against operating systems. a) Unpatched b) Vulnerable c) Exploitable d) Rogue (unapproved), When a host is removed from your subscription, the Host Based Findings for that host are a) Purged b) Ignored c) Ranked d) Archived, Asset Search can be used to create (choose all that apply) a) Option Profiles b) Asset Groups c) Asset Tags d) Report Templates e) Search Lists, In order to successfully perform an authenticated (trusted) scan, you must create a(n): a) Report Template b) Authentication Record c) Asset Map d) Search List, Which asset tagging rule engine, supports the use of regular expressions? Asset Tag Rule Engines Is there a resource that describes the advantages for each type of Asset Tag Rule Engines, as well as use cases for each? Follow the steps below to create such a lightweight scan. AM API: Enhanced NETWORK_RANGE Dynamic Tag Rule Engine/qps/rest/2.0/create/am/tagWith this release, we have enhanced NETWORK_RANGE Dynamic Tag Rule engine. Hy mkedujt, tfk eirst uskr dmmkm ta d gkw Husigkss [git hkoa`ks d QQQQQQQQQQQQ ear tfdt ugit. 7016 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<94BDBCFACB81F27A73B03749158B61BD><3B8CEA370C6321468A139AEB118B8205>]/Index[6998 583]/Info 6997 0 R/Length 133/Prev 889479/Root 6999 0 R/Size 7581/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Privacy Policy. 2) In the Edit window, go to Permissions tab in the left pane and choose Tagging from the Modules drop-down. We create the Cloud Agent tag with sub tags for the cloud agents shown when the same query is run in the Assets tab. b) The IP is in your subscription c) The IP is currently being scanned d) The IP is secure, Before you can scan an IP address for vulnerabilities, the IP address must first be added to the a) Search List tab b) Domains tab c) Business Units tab d) Host Assets tab, What are some ways to add security to a Qualys users account? Units | Asset You can fetch the agent binary version only when the agent is available for the platform. Show me, A benefit of the tag tree is that you can assign any tag in the tree We can discover what assets are in our environment by frequently running a lightweight scan to populate these tags. Platform. Our verified expert tutors typically answer within 15-30 minutes. Open your module picker and select the Asset Management module. Which of the following types of items can be found in the Qualys KnowledgeBase? After processing scan data in order to apply tags, QualysGuard will have an up-to-date inventory of operating systems in your environment. The rule is used to evaluate asset data returned by scans. The document "Asset Tags: Are You Getting The Best Value?" is very good, and the examples are great, but it doesn't describe how or why a particular tag rule engine should be used. We create the Internet Facing Assets tag for assets with specific Click Continue. in your account. You'll see the tag tree here in AssetView (AV) and in apps in your subscription. Agent tag by default. In this field, you can see the custom attributes that are entered for an asset. Please find below some samples of regular expressions you can use for building OS tags (In Tag Rule, choose Rule Engine 'Operating System Regular Expression'): AIX: ^AIX((?!\/). Some variations exist but the same information is in each Asset Group name. The reality is probably that your environment is constantly changing. Check Sync Status of an Active EASM Profile/easm/v1/profile/statusWith this release, we have introduced a new EASM public API. From the top bar, click on, Lets import a lightweight option profile. Assets in an asset group are automatically assigned 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Faw `dgy ]OR parts drk tdrcktkm wfkg usigc, Sfiof ae tfk eajjawigc imkgtieiks tfk mdtd ar, ]fk "Uujgkrdhijity Mktkotiag" aptiag ig dg Aptiag Rraeijk wijj GA] djjaw yau ta<, Sfiof ae tfk eajjawigc is GA] rkquirkm ta jdugof. For example, if you select Pacific as a scan target, and provider:GCP See platform release dates on the Qualys Status page. Whenever you add or edit a dynamic tag based on any rule, if the "re-evaluate on save" check box is not selected, the tag . that match your new tag rule. This works well, the problem is that you end up scanning a lot of assets for the OS scan, so this method might not work if you dont have a subscription that is large enough. a) Scanner b) Unit Manager c) Administrator d) Auditor e) Reader, What type of Search List adds new QIDs to the list when the Qualys KnowledgeBase is updated? New Field Added to Response of V1 APIsWith this release, a new field customAttributes is added to the response of the public V1 APIs. Our Windows servers tag is now created and being applied retroactively to all existing identified Windows server hosts. )* Cisco: ^Cisco((?!\/). You can use our advanced asset search. Example: cloud provider. Steps to assign or remove the Tagging Permissions 1) In the Administration utility, go to Role Management tab, select the user to which you want to assign the permissions and click Edit. (choose, The information contained in a map result can help network administrators to identify. Join Vimeo Qualys and the Qualys logo are registered trademarks of Qualys, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Regular Expressions in PCRE Format A regular expression represents a pattern-matching rule for identifying content in a file. When asset data matches Click Continue. All the cloud agents are automatically assigned Cloud Navigate to any system generated Asset Group tag for the network you wish to tag; Edit system generated Asset Group tag and view "Tag Rule" Copy and paste Network UUID; Create new tag .

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