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skate uk levels bronze, silver gold

Gold, Silver and Bronze is an existing award scheme that works in any context (any context I can think of). Couples may have one lift, Level 9: 2 mins 30 requirements as for L8, Level Gold Bar 1: 2 min 30 program of senior championship standard, Level Gold Bar 2: 2 min 30 program of senior championship standard, Level Gold Star: 2 min 30 program of senior championship standard, Level 1: 1 min 30 including a midline or diagonal step sequence. Each grade has a set of skills to complete. Figure Skating, may purchase a Gold Medalist jacket, and most importantly they may put the accomplishment on a skating resume, college application or even a job application. This programme is focused on skaters under 5 years of age. Were here to make sure that everyone is safe when youre active with us. Begin at level 1 all the way through to level 8. This programme is tested under a progressive and continuous testing structure. In 1894 the National Skating Association decided to move their headquarters from Cambridge to London, from where they concentrated on figure skaters and rinkmen. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You can visit us at our new site in Bracknell,Berkshire. The maximum number of students to one coach is 12 although this is not always the case and some groups may be smaller. Designed for toddlers aged 2 to 5 years with parents in mind, this course enables a parent to join their toddler and help them with balance and coordination. Details can be At least 3 pass throughs. Push Left, push right, left cross edge, right cross edge, LFO 3 turn, right back cross edge, left back cross edge, Circle in elbow hold (tea pot hold), facing in and performed in both directions. Adult free skate and moves in the field tests are divided into eight levels: pre-bronze, bronze, silver, gold, intermediate, novice, junior Figure Skating archives. Forward block (full length of the rink) in shoulder hold using alternating left and right chasses, Forward line (full length of the rink) in shoulder hold using alternating left and right chasses and swings. 1 x Step sequence utilising the full ice surface including at least 5 one-footed turns with nothing repeated more than twice. Skater owned and run In a block of 6 lessons a skater will receive recognition for what they have achieved. Complying to the purpose of the organisation, the BIS levels are used by instructors to grade learners of ice skating in the UK. In November 2018, the National Ice Skating Association began rebranding as British Ice Skating.[2]. Forward outside 3 turns in both directions, Forward inside 3 turns in both directions, Forward outside 3 turn, backward crossover exercise, Forward inside 3 turn, forward outside swing round circle (both directions), Forwards and backwards crossovers in a figure of 8, Forward outside spiral on a curve (left and right), Spin on one foot (min 4 revs) optional entry and exit, Waltz Jump from 4-5 back crossovers (held landing for a count of 3), Spin on one foot (min 4 revs) entry from backwards crossovers, stepping into a forward outside edge, with a landing position exit, Backward spiral on a curve (left and right), Backwards crossovers around a circle into an extended landing position for the count of 3 (left and right), Teapot on either foot (forwards or backwards), Backwards outside one foot spin (min 1 rev), Single toe loop (with correct take off not a toe three jump), Spiral sequence: Forward outside spiral, forward outside three turn, two backwards crossovers, back inside spiral (spirals held for 3 seconds) clockwise and counter-clockwise, A simple step sequence: Must have three turns, Mohawks, Chasss, Crossrolls, Toe Steps; these can be done on any edge, forwards or backwards, Combination of skating movements: To include turns, jumps and spins in a short routine; with or without music (max 1 minute and 30 seconds), Forward open Chasss/crossed (closed) Chasss continuously on a circle (min 3) left and right, Left Forward Outside Mohawk, cross in front onto Left Back Inside and Step forwards to Right Forward Inside (3 times) left and right, Forward Outside three turns followed by a sustained outside edge with the free leg extended for a count of 3 (left and right), Forward progressive runs in a figure of 8, Backward progressive runs in a figure of 8, A 7-step dance sequence as follows: Right Forward Inside open Mohawk, Right Back Outside run, Right Back Outside cross in front Left Back Inside, Step forwards to Right forward Inside edge and repeat twice, Forward inside single twizzles, left and right. Copyright 2016 Skate Excellence | All Rights Reserved |. National Ice Centre skating lessons will help you learn how to spin and glide around the ice like a pro. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Upright spin (Upright position only) with a change of foot and a minimum of 6 revolutions or without a change of foot and a minimum of 4 revolutions. Level 3: as for L2, step sequence must be full length plus spin (3 revs), one twizzle (1 rotation). 1 x Step sequence utilising the full ice surface and including at least 3 one-footed turns of 2 different types. Here you will learn and develop new and exciting skills. ]]> The skills within each grade are broken down into small segments called a competences. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Sign Up; Log In; Messenger; Facebook Lite; Watch; Places; Games; Marketplace; Meta Pay; Flying entrance is not permitted. Why did I not complete my grade in 6 weeks? These tests offer skaters attainable goals. Once a skater has completed this programme, they have the basic knowledge of FreeSkating and is able to progress up to the British Ice Skating National Test Structure. This programme is tested under a progressive and continuous testing structure. Lessons are available for everyone at any age or ability and run on a regular basis. 1 x Basic Position spin from Camel or Sit with a change of foot and minimum 3 rev. The Skate Boosting the cardiovascular system through ice skating - Ice skating may not appear the most obvious way of boosting your cardiovascular system, but an intensive session could really work out your heart and lungs, feeding muscles with oxygen more efficiently. You will receive one certificate per course; if you have passed more than one grade during the course you may purchase the additional certificates from reception or online at any time. Skate UK is delivered by BIS qualified coaches and provides you with a high standard award scheme. Step sequence: Three turns, Mowhawk, Cross rolls, Twizzles, Toe steps ect. in total. Formed in 1879, it is responsible for overseeing all disciplines of ice skating: figure skating (singles, pairs and ice dance); synchronised skating; and speed skating (including short track). The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Gold High monthly premium We use cookies to enhance your online experience. Lessons are run by our fully qualified instructors for Adults and Children over the age of 3. *PLEASE NOTE: Priority booking is for those currently booked into our learn to skate programme and looking to book into the next level. Music for free skating must not have vocals. Spirals: One skater forward spiral/ one skater backward spiral hand to hand hold, Elements these are elements of free skating such as jumps, spins and step sequences which are done in isolation. Skaters must show proof that they have completed the Skate UK Star programme before being allowed to apply for the judged levels. At least 2 consecutive sequences of; forward chasse, forward cross, FO 3 turn, backward chasse, backward cross, step to forward inside edge to repeat. View our recently updated FAQs to learn about the new measures we have in place for lessons. As a consequence of the segmentation, the NSA became NISA (National Ice Skating Association), the headquarters of which are now based in Nottingham. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. When your exam is submitted, the results are shown immediately on the screen. EITHER 1 x Jump sequence consisting of 1 x Double jump and 1 x Single Axel or 1 x Combination jump consisting of 1 x Single Axel and 1 x Double jump. Commence in shoulder hold down long axis. Email:info@ozonerink.co.ukPhone:01344 453005. Figure Skating database, accessible from yourMembers Onlyaccount (select"Account,""Member Profile." Level 4: as for L3 may have 2 spins, plus twizzle (1 clockwise, 1 anticlockwise, 1 rotation minimum). 1 x Simple step sequence with full ice coverage. Steps may be a combination of chasses, progressive runs and back crossovers. Forward two foot glide on a curve (left and right), Two foot turn on the spot (forwards to backwards, back to forwards), Forward stroking (showing correct use of blade), Moving two foot turn (forwards to backwards, back to forwards), Forward outside edges on a circle (left and right), Forward inside edges on a circle (left and right), Basic forward Slalom (basic outside / inside edges), Forward continuous Chasses around a circle (left and right), Backward outside edges on a circle (left and right), Backward inside edges on a circle (left and right), Backward continuous chasses around a circle (clockwise and counter-clockwise), Forward crossovers (clockwise and anti-clockwise), Forward outside three turns (left and right) from standstill, Forward inside three turn (left and right) from standstill, Backward outside edges step to forward outside edge on a circle, Backward crossovers (clockwise and anti-clockwise), Forward inside open Mowhawk (left and right), Backward crossovers to landing position glide, Continuous forward outside edges along a straight line (as per Level 1 - Field Moves), Continuous forward inside edges along a straight line (as per Level 1 - Field Moves), Continuously outside three turns around a circle (3 in a row); left and right, Continuous inside three turns around a circle (3 in a row); left and right. 4 jump elements (singles or doubles, minimum 1 and maximum 2 x jump combinations), 2 spins of a different nature - one spin combination and one spin with no change of position (both spins: min 6 revolutions with a change of foot OR min 4 revolutions without change of foot), 1 step sequence with at least 3 one foot turns of 2 different types, Basic Novice: 2 minute OR 2 minute 30 seconds programme consisting of max. Figure Skating member services. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Improve joint flexibility through ice skating - If your leg joints creak every time you rise from your bed in the morning, ice skating could offer a real solution. Why has my child not received a tick in a competency this week? A Combination Spin with a change of foot showing all 3 basic positions, with 8 revs in total and minimum 2 revs in each basic position. Coaches will have copies of the official tunes which must be used for tests. Change to elbow hold, backward right chasse, right cross, right chasse, right cross, step to right forward inside edge to repeat. Sometimes they need to recap on what has already be done in order to get stronger and sometimes they may need to move up a Grade to introduce or prepare them for a new skill. At least 3 pass throughs. WebSkate School - Learn 2 Skate. It helps build up strength and confidence. Questions can be emailed to U.S. At least one change of hold must be performed. (select 3 dances) The Bronze, Silver, and Gold tests MUST be taken in order. Courses last 6 weeks each and there is an assessment at the end of each course which you must pass to go on to the next level. Step may be a combination of chasses, progressive runs, and back cross overs. Two-foot spiralling curve in Kilian hold. The charge is $40 per test for current ISI Professional Members. Dances may be tested solo or with a partner, although if both partners are taking the test either two judges are required or the partners will need to repeat each dance so that one is being assessed on the first time and one the second. The Bronze, Silver, and Gold tests MUST be taken in order. Figure Skating member services. Level Gold Bar 1: 4 min program of senior championship standard, Level Gold Bar 2: 4 min program of senior championship standard, Level Gold Star: 4 min program of senior championship standard, For some sports, Northern Ireland belongs to all-Irish governing bodies; for these, see, This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 14:25. and are assessed by at least one BIS qualified judge. forward, backwards and in a circle. Forward inside single Twizzle (left and right) (Hockey skaters forward Drag; left and right), One foot spin (min 2 revs) (Hockey skaters 2 foot spin; min 4 revs), Forwards and backwards cross-overs in a figure of 8, Forwards outside spiral on a curve (left and right), Spin on one foot (min 4 revs) optional entry & exit, Waltz jump from 4-5 back crossovers (held landing for count of 3), Spin on one foot (min 4 revs) entry from backwards crossovers tepping into forward outside egde, landing position exit, Backward spiral on a curve (left and right), Backwards crossovers around a circle into an extended landing position for the count of 3 (left and right), Teapot on either foot (forwards or backwards), Backwards outside one foot spin (min 1 rev), Single toe-loop (with correct takeoff - not a toe three jump), Spiral sequence: Forward outside spiral, forward outside three turn, two backward crossovers, back inside spiral (spirals held for 3 seconds) clockwise and counter-clockwise, A simple step sequence: Must have three turns, Mowhawks, Chasses, Crossrolls, Toe Steps; these can be done on any edges, forwards or backwards, Combination of skating movements, turns, jumps and spins in a short routine; with or without music (max 1minute 30seconds), Forward open Chasses/crossed (closed) Chasses continuously on a circle (min 3) left and right. On Saturday 1 February 1879 a number of prominent men of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire met in the Guildhall, Cambridge, to set up the National Skating Association with the aim of regulating the sport of fen skating. 1 x Combination jump consisting of 2 x Single jumps. To be skated clockwise and anti-clockwise using a maximum of four to six strokes along the long sides. Fordward open Chasss/crossed (closed) Chasss continuously on a circle (min 3) left and right, Left Forward Outside Mohawk, cross in front onto Left Back Inside and Step forwards to Right Forward Inside (3 times) left and right, Two consecutive Left Forward Outside three turns followed bu a sustained outside edge with the free leg extended for a count of 3 (left and right), Forward spiral inside and outside edges (either foot), Forward progressive runs in a figure of 8, Backward open Chasss (3 on each foot) in a Serpentine sequence, Backward progressive runs in a figure of 8, A 7 step dance sequence as follows: Right Forward Inside open Mohawk, Right Back Outside run, Right Back Outside cross in front Left Back Inside, Step forwards to Right forward Inside edge and repeat twice, Forward inside single twizzles, left and right (min 4 in a row), Forward fun, forward slip Chasss (3 times) in a figure of 8, Forward inside double twizzles (left and right). Achieving Skate UK Star Gold means that the skater will have a 1.5 minute program which they skate to music and they will be eligible to compete as a beginner at Open Competitions and will be beginning to work towards their NISA Level 1. These levels go from 1 to 10 and are assessed by at least one NISA qualified judge.

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