I tried to keep calm and have patience as Allah told us to always be patient. Even those unemployed animals get their feed right. Please, anyone help. Will we be held accountable for them? Allah is the Source of all things. So that duaa actually lightened and eased things up for you. And in the last my friend i pray for you, Ill Request my ALLAH to make happy and to make your heart shine and happy again, I know its difficult for you to be in this place, but my friend i do have difficulties that might shocked you more.. this does not mean i will not obey ALLAH, i know how you feel, i remember I was too hopeless and says to ALLAH that why are you doing this to me. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. All my friends did so well and at that time, my teachers taunted me because in their opinion I was not smart enough to take so many subjects. why do you need to give exams? You can also boost your confidence and self esteem by writing 3 things down that you feel grateful for the day. Will I be punished? Your email really touched me sister. i used to recite the quran daily, i had soft heart to help others. Allah loves you and has made you. Trust Allah swt completely. I try my best to be a good muslim, i pray, i read the qoran, i help kids with the qoran. What does 'They're at four. You could overcome your frustration if you connected with these sisters. Pray to Allah to give you joy in doing good. Since its says thst Allah wont give us the burden which we cannot bare? (Who makes tawakkal to Allah) Ali 'Imran(159), Indeed, Allah loves the good-doers. I'm just going to deal with it. So thanks to Allah, I am here, alive speaking to you. But most of the time, Allah desserts me. It is so horrible, it makes every problem I've had in the past look pathetic. idk what to do. Your email address will not be published. Answer. your mothers depression due to bullying when you were a child. can you imagine? Now answering your question, i know you have some hardship my dear friend Satan is enemy of human because he has ego, he do not want to Sajda human, this is why he disobey ALLAH, because he was jealous of human he feel ego. In fact, you can read more about the life of the prophets in general. did you, me and all other human kind wanted to be in this world ? even when they treated me badly I kept to myself and just stopped hanging out with these people and cut them off because they caused me alot of heartache and problems but they keep on pushing my boutons for no reason. So who an I to feel so entitled? I hope you know that you are never alone. We are not tested with tests that we are bound to pass, we are tested with tests that we have a great potential to fail. What are the advantages of running a power tool on 240 V vs 120 V? A boy can regenerate, so demons eat him for years. And it was the 2nd one that really is the last straw. The second one could be true but, its still weird. Actually, no, Allah did answer it and there was a benefit in your duaa. Back then, I thought that was the only option left but not anymore. He said, Alright, follow me to the basement. I know I wasnt wrong to believe in allah and connect my hopes but now I find myself just questioning my believes. But due to your duaa Allah would lift the hardship of you being afflicted with cancer. I worry daily i'm not a good enough believer and muslim. Their life is full of hardship! Help us get to 900 supporters this month. It was this illness that caused my mental ones, that I will agree with you on. Yet nothings happening. Thank you, and may Allah bless you with joy and peace as well. I cant pray properly or do dhikr properly. instead i watch movies (moral less) due to my hatred. O Allah take my soul without me feeling any pain [AMAZING!]. Thats trait of kuffar. if that was not then why was that neglected and not once, multiple times. :'(. I got into university and now I am living myself for the first time and I have depression now too because of how worthless I feel. By contrast, I ought to consider my steps carefully before drawing close to humankind. So you might say, Allah didnt answer my call and there was no benefit in my duaa. I am the unluckiest. Recite Darood on me as much as you can, i will address you all my own, and you will got more income, and your problems will be solved, But Please make sure all of your doing is pure for ALLAH and His Beloved Prophet Sallalaho alaihi wasallim, Ill pray for you, and IN SHA ALLAH by my ALLAHs will you will be happy. Try to cover most of the materials in the morning if possible. You say: When I do bad things I feel better. I've gotten this far, haven't I? Scan this QR code to download the app now. if u have time please contact me, i have some interesting experience and planning to start a small project, hope to get in touch with you She didn't understand. It's helped a bit. My prayer was invalid, but time ran out before I could redo it. When this whole thing was starting out, I did see a counselor. The reward will match it.. And Dont forget Allah has promised ease after every hardship be that in this world or the hereafter its guaranteed so brothers and sisters seek Allah help through patience and prayer.. Dont be like the people of old who forgot Allah so Allah forgot them Asalaamu Alaikum may peace be upon u. Praise be to Allah. I feel like Allah swt is punishing me Honestly, this is going to sound so corny but I have no one to discuss this with but here goes. Once I arrived to his house, I knocked on the door and he opened up. Quran surah fussilat 41:15 Then write down all your strengths. Note: I am not propagating blasphemy or asking people to follow me. Family dysfunction has resulted in a scarcity of suitable marriage proposals, I delayed intimacy with my husband due to my in-laws but now regret it, His parents found him a new girl and Im left devastated, Used, manipulated, gaslighted, and then left by a man, Is it haram to be still in love with my ex husband, I chose my girl over Allah and am having a crisis of faith, Beaten and verbally abused all my life, now lost and hopeless, Father sexually abuses me, mother will not help. All the purposes I had have been taken away. You would want to know that wish. We Will test everyone of you, Then ALLAH Says in Quran Ameen. Being eaten by a wheel, preaching an entire life without followers. Many times he asked me for marriage, and I said I would talk to my parents about it. Have you not listen the story of Hazrat Ismail A.S? have you not listen to Fir-oon Wife? But even through these very hard times I kept on remembering Allah and seeking his guidance and always saying . When you do bad things you may feel good - this might be because you think that Allah hates you. Iblees Says : O ALLAH, I will advise these creatures and make promises 7 of them, all of these promises was to use Human and leave his astray and take him to way where he will find sorrow and pain, ALLAH Says: You are granted to live until hereafter, do what ever you can do if you think you can make this possible, to all who will follow you will be with you in HELL, and you can never use my creatures who put their trust on me. Please dont take me as an example. Just pray to Allah, pray long and hard. But now this heart has gone black and broken. He knows what toll all of this is taking upon me and how fragile and broken and vulnerable I am turning from inside, he knows I was never like that. You must be humble, as it is one of the greatest forms of worship. satan didnt obeyed was exiled from jannah, then how come or how did he betrayed ADAM to force to eat what was prohibited ? (Surat arRad 11). Beauty and ugliness are like sickness and health, wealth and poverty, and success and failure; Allah . K. But i am addicted to sins. Do them again and again and read the solutions carefully! But you just dont know. Al-Ma'idah(93), Surely, Allah loves the God-fearing. I can not even begin to comprehend and put myself in your shoes. Now my question remains here that why were we being created and then being put into test in this world ? I guess you can say it's something that's not usually an illness but has gotten so out of hand/developed to the point where it's an illness and there has been no single thing treatment that really worked. What is this brick with a round back and a stud on the side used for? class? Its mean that Allah leave me alone ? I never do that, but strangely my parents never notice it. It's not them. Cookie Notice I don't understand why is it that when I stand up for myself and confront the person for their rude behaviour, I get treated like dirt and I become the bad, selfish, arrogant person. ALLAH has control over each and every thing from micro to macro level in this universe, then why all this happens to mankind. Nice article. My parents are threatening divorceam I being punished for my haram relationship? For more information, please see our In no event shall AboutIslam, its counselors or employees are liable for any damages that may arise from your decision in the use of our services. Similarly,Allah sometimes give us chance to prove our loyalty with him, by holding things for a while. I have answer to this question also. now can you tell me was that a haram desire/wish to have baby boy as my first child ? entertainment, news presenter | 4.8K views, 31 likes, 13 loves, 80 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from GBN Grenada Broadcasting Network: GBN News 28th April 2023 Anchor: Kenroy Baptiste. Third is embracing the emptiness of the loved ones. Shaiton keeps on whispering for you to do bad things. In the last but not the least or cant ALLAH put Khair (betterment) for us in what we are requesting ? I'd really not. Sister, these traumas caused you to have a low self esteem. Daughters are Gifts from Allah. I dont want to be thought by people like this (but now i have to live with it by hook or by cook). Googling Large Hadron Collider for the ridiculous machine & investment. Consisted exclusive just for You and Allah, nothing else, again, like it or not. What really matters is how YOU feel after being reminded of what happens whenever you call upon Allah and make dua. To make yourself familiar with our site and our model consider taking the, Really bad thoughts I feel like Allahs going to punish me for them [duplicate]. In one way a person needs to feel like they can see the end of that trial, within their own lifetime or within sight. Is "I didn't think it was serious" usually a good defence against "duty to rescue"? Because He is The Good there just only 2 world wars. When Iblees ( Devil / Satan ) Disagree to do Sajda do you know what was his words and what was my LORD words? However, you need to know that you are not alone sister; there are many other people in the world who feel the exact same way like you. On a more spiritual level, while it may feel like Allah subhanahu wa ta'alaa is punishing you, He is probably actually just testing you. I don't want that, so I've been praying through it. Allah doesnt exist and you starting to doubt his existence is a sign that you are exercising your critical thinking which is making you contrast mythology (Allah/Islam) and reality (this very world). Stop acting so innocent all the time. And when is him who says something whether its true or not (he lies mostly), my parents listen! I am sure there are Muslim counselors out there, please do a Google search or ask your mosque, inshallah. Its like we carry the small kid for one year. If you were in his shoes, it would be very different. I found you a beautiful and inspiring article from a brother. You need psychological treatment ASAP. considered a person may be ur waiting for have bad (haram)habits and as u know Allah promise that :I will give naik women to naik man and sins full mans to sins full women )and hes may be overcoming that habits thats why its taking long to meet u or some other reasons Allah better know,so start loving Allah all over again it may not hurry up every thing but will give u the strength to face with even more power. Also the society which i belong to tease people with more daughters and think of them as cowards. And this is the point of the misery and suffering and trials you face. But find a time slot where you can work a lot because I have given A Levels and trust me it is a lot of work. Verily! Are you ok? She only kept returning to my physical illness which was making me feel sick. I guess this question was a last attempt, I don't know why I even asked it. I love my Muslim boyfriend but he already has a wife. (40:60). These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. are you not aware that in JANNAH one year will be equal to thousands of years.. and lives in JANNAH is for forever. So even then it's not an absolute punishment, because you still have an opportunity to take it from being a punishment to being something else. He does nothing to you. The confusing thing about it is, it's an illness, but at the same time, it's not. Privacy Policy. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Sometimes like right now I am so depressed and just want to give up because my dreams are so high and I feel like a dwarf with short legs that can never reach up to grab them. It is in Allah's (SWT) control. So Allah gives them a taste of evil just a pinch, maybe they will return if not a little more maybe that will make them realise.. It's too much for me to take at this point. A magician. why ? If the goal is to turn this man on, touching his penis over or under his pants is the best way to find what you're looking for. Their is hadith e qudsi ( Saying of ALLAH ) ALLAH Says: O Son of Adam, If you love me, it is your right to me that i love you and my brother just open your eyes and see if the ALLAH the power the super power the all knowing is loving you what else can harm you? We life in the Matrix, like it or not. With no money Im afraid blah blah and then Im afraid blalala blah and you know the rest. I know it is easy to say and in practice it is the hardest thing. Care for your soul and stay to the path Allah has recommended us to follow. You might think that you don't have any control over yourself to be a good muslim. One is journaling. According to the mental Health Organization, https://aboutislam.net/counseling/ask-about-islam/allah-tests-loves/. the lower level of his house), We sat there and he said, for the past 6 months, I have been praying in the masjid almost every prayer. How to force Unity Editor/TestRunner to run at full speed when in background? and my other questions remain unanswered that the satan didnt obeyed the commandment of ALLAH first, but why it was said that now both of you (satan and mankind) are enemies of each other ? So I'm just dealing with it. It's been nearly 6 months since I reverted alhamdulillah, and I'd be lying if I said the loneliness is overwhelming. All you need to do is to quit the distractions that are taking your mind and heart away from the remembrance of Allah, and just speak to Him. Even a Dog knows how to make his owner happy and how to love his owner and how to obey his owner, Why Human cant understand they are batter then dog, they must love, they must obey their Owner, their maker. I feel like Allah hates me. i am confused..what if you really need d request here on earthlike graduate searching for job..with old parents and cannot feed himselfseeing his old mum crying..cannot get married and has been praying and requesting job even on night of qadr..and his old mum has bin fasting and praying for him to get a job..but each time he sits for interview, he get rejected because of one little reason or the other.. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? I've been to several doctors and they haven't helped much. Then I was bullied for being that fool to become a Muslim. But I don't get why do I get treated so badly when I didn't do anything I don't get why bad things keep on happening to me. M teachers are contemptuous and impatient because I do not ask smart questions like my classmates and it is so hard for me to focus and study. Well, I'm at a point in my life where I have nothing to do about the pain I'm in. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Answer for first question: you asked why ALLAH created us, when he tell us to worship and he also didnt required us to worship because he do not rely on us or our prayers right? I also want to study hard, learn from the best minds in the world and broaden my mind so as to do something good for this world. As-Saf(4). Prophet Muhammad was an orphan. Don't let Shaiton get between you and Allah. What do we do about evil thoughts striking our heart? It's kind of personal, but all I will say is that "it" is an illness. But dont look at everything which is painful or difficult as a test, and dont look at happy, easy things in life as a blessing. Seems like you have a psychosomatic problem. I think it'll even make me have stronger iman. Browse other questions tagged, Like any library, Islam Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. If you can only fail, how come you have written us such an honest and touching email? As Muslims, our first and foremost inspiration is our Prophet Muhammad. The question is: what you can do about your situation? what if ALLAH has created you an animal? Some one says to Allah:O Allah I hate my life.. Thank him, trust him, ask him. Dear anonymous, Very heart lightening article and comments That is because we want to be educated and learn some skills to full fill the human body needs. It went away for good once, then it came back. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. just googling the parallel universe or String Theory to begin with. Don't let Shaiton get between you and Allah. Thank you for your reply. For this, read Quran, and stay connected to Allah. Dear Talha Habib, Really ALLAH Do not need this ALL ( but to see who really trust on him, and who do not ), Whenever you feel pain, remember me, this will reduce, Then Beloved Prophet Says So, get a notebook and write down all your success you had in your life. Yeah, now most people will understand that these unanswered prayers are just another psychologically Attitude problems rather than the divine faith problems. and yes it is related to my marriage and today I am 39 years old. my father is a retired teach and was very late married. Not only that, he lost his beloved wife and the person who raised him up in the same year. Because we dont get what we pray for or if our prayers are not being answered consistently, this seems like a facade of hope to close the conversation in quick time. I do not know how I am still alive, safe and unharmed and something in me made me come back home. Seeing them on a paper written helps you process them and find solutions. i have not prayed from last 3 months, not recited the quran even a single day in last few months. You will be fine, the Lord is listening my friend. i am gone and sometimes satan whispers in my ears that this may be all what ALLAH has written for me. Are you as excited as the sahabah when they heard the hadith? Clear?, good now lets keep that good deeds rolling on the streets. https://www.apa.org/pi/oema/resources/ethnicity-health/asian-american/bullying-and-victimization, https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-46425044. The peers at school bullied me. its 20s ( 2015 ) right? And the effects of it are disastrous, to the point where I simply refuse to be around people because of the embarrassing side effects. ###Loveing Allah is just cure of every wound It's an illness my family can't cure and one doctors can't cure. Just pray and dont attach yourself too hard to things because you will end up hurt if you attach yourself to things. Horrible! Islam Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Muslims, experts in Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam. So the first one falls out. Why refined oil is cheaper than cold press oil? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. He is your sustainer, no one else. Mashallah!Just one request to the admin @Majed Mahmoud..Kindly remove the curse word uttered by brother(mentioned in the article )who was led astray out of respect for this article.Thank You. My Istikhara result was ambiguousany thoughts? Though my parents and relatives are making dua for me 1000 times. Sister, the traumas you have been through are a lot to carry by yourself. All of a sudden, a few days passed by without the brother seen in the masjid. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. this life is not just a name of worship you make sins, you make sorrow, you hurt people after this all, ALLAH give you time to make Sorry. That job would have been my goal in life. What should I follow, if two altimeters show different altitudes? I feel like I'm being punished, I'm pretty sure I am. after reading this article and comments my emaan has become stronger. Yes, I see now that Allah cares about us. your colour and height. Yeah, you do not have any. It was a really bad time for me but Allah was there and everything turned out well in the end. I simply cannot take it anymore, I'm broken. Thus, the more one loves Allah The Almighty, the more he would hope for His reward and fear His wrath. Yeah, you do not have any. Jannah or Jahanam ? No, the prophet did not endure these moments less lightly just because he was a prophet. But Ill believe you for now. I tell him that I seek happiness for others and why the Raheem isnt showing any mercy but to no avail. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Isnt it a strength? The only statement of his existence is a book and that is all. I tried to keep calm and have patience as Allah told us to always be patient. So why all these hardships? Whenever you feel pain, try to remember my hardship, this will reduce. It can be anything small such as having a nice meal, having the sunshine, reading a good book. Your only true friend who died when you were only 10. The thing is you and I might want to support our families but again Allah gives and takes rizq and no one else can do it. If he doesn't do that then we might have to go to hell to be cleansed of our sins. People stop praying/never start for a lot of reasons. In fact Many Muslim suffer from low self esteem and negative thoughts about themselves due to racism and islamophobia. this one can be real pain though. Bro. Well, I would definitely start with caring. You may ask me question for my wish, why this wish has taken place in my heart. and being put as answerable for these why ? I cant say I have the answers but I found that pondering on these points have provided some relief to me: 1. I go home and cry alone in my room thinking of how stupid I am. I've been to doctors, done every imaginable thing, but here I am. Although if there were no hardship, we would not develop. Sometime suicide seems tempting and I have been tempted. but not all of us really fully accepted and marked these answers are nonsense. There are a lot of signs to know the love of Allah in Quran. I was a really happy person with not a care in the world when I got sick. I would rather do all of the above or even die than deal with this. When I read replies from brother to anonymous I cry even harder and make dua for both of them that those are who make me fall in love again to Allah. And He would instead give you a reward on the Day of Judgment. I know your heart is like broken and you fear that again this time ALLAH will not listen, my dear brother, prove ALLAH My Lord I am here for you, whatever your command is will be executed on me, please my lord look on me, i am suffering and help me, you are the most helping and all knowing. Would try to make u happy but remember. I don't want to say how. First things first, Allah is a God, so really its up to him how is the world he want it to be, even if he wants you to be the part of LGBTs. My Friend, this world is not for living, this world is for obeying and for letting your LORD know that you really love him, you really trust on him no matter what happens, Have you not listen to Hazrat BILAL (RA) They was used to put on fire, but after all of this Bilal never says ALLAH does this to me they said OHHAD ( ALLAH Is ONE ). A physical one and a mental one. We see the people around us not worshipping and not even damn about ALLAH, Prayer, Quran, Sunnah, etc But they are very well rewarded ?
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