4.4 For students pursuing Masters programmes, the exit award must not include credits awarded for a dissertation or equivalent project. Regulations withdrawn due to increasingly bespoke requirements for remaining non-modular programmes. The provider has sufficient and appropriate facilities, learning resources and student support services to deliver a high-quality academic experience. The appeals procedure usually takes around 90 days from the date that you submit your appeal. The value of qualifications awarded to students at the point of qualification and over time is in line with sector-recognised standards. The School Education and Student Experience Committee will provide oversight of the arrangements for the management of taught programmes and the student experience, advising/recommending to the Head of School via the School Board, on matters including: 4.2.3. because of this. The mark for an individual module will be calculated according to the weightings for each element of summative assessment, specified in the module description, rounded and recorded as a whole number. In all cases, they should, as a minimum, hold a postgraduate Master's degree in a relevant field and/or have undertaken a minimum of 1 year (or part-time equivalent) supervised academic work in the same discipline. Progress will be supported and monitored to maximise the likelihood of students completing their research degree within the expected timescale and in accordance with this Policy and Procedure. 8.3 The scheduling of examinations, and the format of the examination paper rubrics will be in accordance with the guidelines specified in the examination procedure. 1.3 A research degree programme is centred on independent study and research, while including training to support the research student's academic work and their broader development as a professional researcher. Minutes will also be submitted to the Students Union which will produce semester-based reports on activity across the University. 3.1 The responsibilities of College Pro Vice-Chancellors and Heads of Schools are specified in Ordinance 9, Academic Bodies. Students who achieve a final mark of 58% or 59% will be awarded a degree classification of Second Class Honours, Division I (2:1) provided that: they have achieved a module mark of 60% or more in modules at Level 6 or Level 7 to the value of at least 120 credits. Admissions Policy for Undergraduate Dental Programmes, Admissions Policy for Undergraduate Medicine Programmes, Complaints and Appeals Procedure for Applicants, Criminal convictions policy procedure and guidance, Deposits for Postgraduate Taught Programmes, Determining Applicants Fitness to Practise and Eligibility to Pursue Regulated Programmes, Genetic and Genomic Counselling Postgraduate Taught Programme, Oversubscription Policy (School of Dentistry), Oversubscription Policy (School of Healthcare Sciences), Oversubscription Policy (School of Medicine), Oversubscription Policy (School of Optometry and Vision Sciences), Presenting Original Documentation at Enrolment, Recognition of Prior Learning and Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning Policy, Standard Period of Relevance for Previous Qualifications Policy, Institutional Expectations for Programme Structure, Design and Delivery, Accreditation by Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies, Reasonable Adjustment Policy and Procedure, Extenuating Circumstances Policy and Procedure, Examination and Assessment Policy and Procedures, Policy and Guidance on IT delivered assessments, Policy and guidance on structured clinical Assessments, Policy on the Submission & Presentation of Research Degree Theses, Policy on Late Submission of Research Degree Theses, Policy and Procedure for the Appointment of Research Degree Examining Boards (Viva), Policy and Procedure for the Conduct of Research Degree Examinations, Policy and Procedure for the Arrangement and Conduct of Research Degree Examinations (Viva) in Alternative Formats, Policy and Procedure on Bars on Access to Research Degree Theses, Policy and Procedure on the Final Deposit of Degree Theses, Procedures for the Application, Submission and Examination of PhD by Published Works, Procedures for the Application, Submission and Assessment of Higher Doctorates, Procedure for the Re-Registration of Former Research Degree Students for Examination, Student Support Intervention Policy and Procedure, Policy and Procedure on the Monitoring of Research Students, Unsatisfactory Progress or Engagement Policy and Procedure, Interruption of Study and Extension to Time Limit Policy and Procedure (Research Students), Policy on Maternity, Adoption, Paternity/Partner and Shared Parental Leave for Research Students, Policy on the Induction and Training of Research Students, Academic Misconduct Procedure (Taught Students), Academic Misconduct Procedure (Research Degrees), Policy on Research Student Responsibilities, Admissions, Recruitment and Widening Access, Examinations and Assessment Policy and Procedures. Discount marks for assessments that you have passed when calculating your classification. 1.7 The candidate is not approved for the award and no further submission is permitted. Characteristics are categories defined by the Equality Act 2010. If you click on the manage/submit an appeal tab on your SIMS account, The thesis shall be resubmitted no less than 12 weeks and no more than 1 year from the date of the examination. Some employ a split of 40% for the second year and 60% for the third. In your correspondence, you It intends to ensure that students' academic achievements are not affected by the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic since March 16, 2020. The Senate is our chief academic authority and is responsible, on behalf of the Council, for determining educational policy (Ordinance 5). the case, you may be given an opportunity to resit, with a view to improving your passed mark. 4.3 The requirement to hold a second viva for a resubmitted thesis may be waived by the examiners, but only where they are unanimously of the view that the resubmitted thesis meets the requirement of the intended award. The resit mark will be capped at 50% if a student successfully passes the module on second attempt. . in the case of a module where a qualifying mark is required for one or more assessment components, the qualifying mark(s) has been achieved. New specific Regulations added for the BSc in Dental Therapy and Hygiene and the DipHE in Dental Hygiene. According to the 19/20 Academic Appeals Procedure you cannot request for individual appeals to be The minimum pass mark for each module shall be 40%. CFQW/FHEQ level and guided learning hours. 4.1 A student who has achieved a minimum of credits specified in the following table is eligible for the award indicated, subject to their enrolment on a relevant programme of study. conceptual understanding that enables the critical evaluation of current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline, and of techniques and methodologies. The provider ensures that students who are awarded qualifications have the opportunity to achieve standards beyond the threshold level that are reasonably comparable with those achieved in other UK providers. 1.2 The Published Works route to a PhD award is open to those eligible candidates who, over a period of years, have been engaged in independent scholarship and research. with any of the specified grounds, we suggest that you speak to one of our advisers. The Money University results. oes dim yn gynwysedig yma yn gorchymyn am nwyddau neu wasanaeth In the case of full-time, one-year Master's programmes involving significant clinical or clinically-related engagement at the Master's (dissertation) Stage, the Academic Standards and Quality Committee may, on the recommendation of a Head of School, approve for identified programmes a due date for submission of the Dissertation of no more than 18 months from the start of the programme. The Academic Appeals process has been designed to allow student to challenge their marks under specified Im meant to graduate in August, will my appeal be processed by then? 2.1.It is expected that as members of the University community students will: Further details of expectations for student conduct are provided in the Student Conduct Procedure. Repeat Rules - Amendment to clause 3.6 ending the requirement for internal repeating students to retake all assessments on a module if they have already passed at a previous attempt. If your application for a review is rejected, and you feel that this is unreasonable given the detail, at least 60 of these credits were achieved at level 6. ensuring that students are informed of the requirements of their programme, including the required engagement points, any supplementary engagement points for example, as required by professional, statutory, and regulatory Bodies the academic requirements of the programme, and any relevant placement learning requirements; ensuring that points of engagement and any absences are recorded for all students studying in their School; instigating the relevant procedure if the points of engagement are not met if the reasons for student absence have not been notified; responding to concerns where students do not satisfy the academic requirement of their programme of study; notifying the Head of the partner school where a student is on a joint honours programme or jointly supervised research degree if there are any issues with a students attendance or engagement; liaising with any partner organisation if there are any issues with a students attendance or engagement. Like what percentage of the exam you need to do correctly in order to pass? 3.1 To be eligible to register for the PhD by Published Works, an applicant must satisfy one or more of the following criteria: 3.2 A candidate for PhD by Published Works cannot hold a concurrent registration on a PhD programme at Cardiff University or other awarding institution. No module will be greater than a 40 credit module or extend for more than 1 session, save in respect of projects and dissertations and of periods of professional/industrial training or study/work experience abroad. 12.5 The role and duties of external examiners, information relating to their induction, and reporting requirements are specified in the External Examiners Policy. 4.4.2. Cardiff University Students' Union said a number of science and humanities students had "growing concerns" about a decision to scale down exam marks. 1.3 The candidate is invited to revise and resubmit their thesis for the award. All results are provisional until they have been confirmed by an Examining Board. If you have evidence to suggest that you have experienced an irregularity in the conduct, guidance and/or In accordance with relevant legislation, the University will consider reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities, provided it does not impact on academic competency standards. 4.2 Interruption and Extension to Time Limit Policy and Procedure (Research Students). Scaling is not used to adjust individual student marks. Cardiff University Students Union, registered in Wales. PhD under 2+2 model, full-time: 3 years (PhD stage); PhD under 2+2 model, part-time: 5 years (PhD stage); Full-time Professional Doctorates: in accordance with programme information and within a maximum of 4 years; Part-time Professional Doctorates: in accordance with programme information and within a maximum of 7 years. may reject your circumstances but, the longer you wait to submit, the longer you will need to provide 6.2 An aegrotat research degree may be awarded in the following circumstances: 6.3 Thestudent must provide medical evidence of their condition and confirm in writing that they are willing to accept an aegrotat award before the assessment process begins. The candidate is allowed to resubmit their thesis/portfolio on one further occasion only. study. If a student is eligible for an award which is not classified it will be designated as Pass. If the amount of credit failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, students may be permitted to repeat study if they are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by their School (see 3.5 below). This provision serves to prevent double counting of achieved credit towards two separate degree awards. I cant get evidence right now can I appeal anyway? If you fail your final attempt at the module, you may be withdrawn 1.2 The programme information will include the following information: 1.3 Each programme will have a designated award, a students intended award, and may also specify exit award(s) which students may be eligible for following successful completion of a stage of a programme. We have dividedthe information and resources you need into the pages below. The Student Conduct Regulations have been approved by Senate. We've also included some information on the grading systems used in other countries, including ECTS credits and GPA scores. Applicants will be required to secure, and provide evidence of having secured, the required funding to be eligible for entry for onto these programmes. 3.1 A Programme Examining Board shall consider all final assessments of taught, clinical and research components at the end of the programme. Any corrections shall be completed within 1 week of the examination and are of the order that neither examiner would ordinarily check their satisfactory completion. It also specifies the requirement for students on taught programmes who are absent for 14 consecutive days or more to submit an application for an interruption of study in order that the University can support their absence and plan for their return to study. 3.11 An undergraduate student who has failed one or more modules on 3 occasions will be excluded from the programme. 3.10 A student will only be permitted to continue to pursue a programme providing it remains possible for them to complete the programme within the approved time-limit. In cases where coursework is submitted late, and where there are no extenuating circumstances: 8.1 All Examinations for modular programmes will be held during the designated examination periods or in the resit examination period. A full list of acceptable equivalent tests and qualifications, along with the scores applicants need to achieve, is published alongside Admissions policies on the University website. 6.8 The Head of School will appoint an independent reviewer who is appropriately specialist in the subject area to consider whether there is a sufficient quantity of material to represent the thesis, and to advise whether the submission should be accepted for examination. The purpose of the regulations and associated policies is to ensure that Cardiff University can discharge effectively its responsibilities to all students fairly and effectively and to ensure that the standards of awards are consistent with the relevant national qualification frameworks. Semester dates This tool is designed to support Pass mark for mathematics at cardiff university? Council is the governing body and, as such, the supreme authority of the University. 9.4 Heads of School will put in place procedures to ensure that marks and feedback are made available to students in a timely manner. be independent and support all elements of your argument. 12.3 External examiners will be appointed for Programme/Composite and Subject Boards which consider modules or units of study which contribute towards the final award. Advice and guidance is available in a code of practice on Academic Representation. The University recognises that students with disabilities may require adjustments to assessments in order to allow students to fully and fairly engage in University programmes. You should still be happy about getting this mark. The engagement points are as follows: Research students must complete enrolment and will be monitored in accordance with: 4.1Interruption of Study Procedure (Taught Programmes). Where information is provided to the University in relation to (or potentially in relation to) a safeguarding matter, the University will discharge its duties to record and report as appropriate any concerns to applicable parties within the University, and to relevant external organisations such as the Police (including the Counter Terrorism Agency), Childrens Services, or Social Services. Merit: you'll be awarded a Merit if you achieve a grade average between 60-69%. 5.1 The date of entry to the programme applied for is confirmed in the formal offer. how the module will be assessed, including the weighting for each element of assessment. programme-level learning outcomes; aligned with the learning outcomes of core and required modules; reference to the QAA subject benchmark statement; reference to professional body accreditation; the structure of the programme, e.g. In relation to Research, Innovation and Enterprise, the PGR Strategy Group will report to the relevant entities, as informed by the outcomes of a current scoping of the governance structure for research, innovation and enterprise, as agreed by UEB. 9.2 The overall time limit for each research degree programme is the maximum period of study defined above, plus two years. 16.1 The Academic Registrar shall inform students in writing of any re-registration Fees payable by candidates required to be re-assessed in one or more module(s) or unit(s) of study. successful appeal. 3.1.If a student has concerns about the conduct of another student, it should be reported to the University via the Student Complaints Procedure and it may be referred for an independent investigation. Applicants who require a visa to study in the UK must present an acceptable English language qualification in order to meet UK Government Immigration rules. The role of an Examining Board is to: 11.2 Examining Boards will not change, amend, or estimate marks. Cardiff University General Enquiries (ASK Cardiff) +44 (0) 2920 874000 https://ask.cardiff.ac.uk/ Cardiff University Registry +44 (0)29 2087 6211 8.4 Expectations of student conduct in examination venues, and details of permitted dictionaries and calculators in examination venues are specified in the Examination Procedure. Official Results Transcripts are normally released in June/July, usually by Requests for assessments to be taken outside Cardiff - Sections relating to this procedure have been removed, as this is covered in the Examination and Assessment Policy and Procedures. These include UCAS in relation to the undergraduate applications, the Home Office where information declared may be used to falsely obtain a visa for entry into the UK, and the relevant UK police force in relation to matters of serious fraud and deception. 2.1 For the purpose of these Regulations, a work is regarded as published only if it is traceable through ordinary catalogues, abstracts or citation indices, and copies are available in the public domain. New specific Regulations added for the MA Social Work following withdrawal of the Regulations for Non-modular Postgraduate Programmes. 1.6 University officers may nominate alternates to act on their behalf. 4.2 The candidate will be registered for a period of 12 months from their enrolment date, and will be required to submit for the degree of PhD by Published Works no later than 12 months from their enrolment date. On April 17, Cardiff University announced its safety net policy for 2019/20. Policy and Procedure on the Deposit of Electronic Theses changed to Policy and Procedure on the Final Deposit of Degree Theses. The regulations will be kept under regular review to ensure they continue both to support internal processes to function efficiently and effectively, and to fully meet the requirements of the revised UK Quality Code for Higher Education. The University will take all reasonable steps to minimise disruption to students wherever reasonably possible, for example, by giving reasonable notice of changes to Regulations before they take effect, or by phasing in the changes, if appropriate. Students also need to sit the UCAT exam and score a high mark; Students need to write a Personal Statement. It also seeks to address any disruption caused by the two bouts of University College Union (UCU) strike action which . 5.2.3 The School Postgraduate Research Committee will provide oversight of the arrangements for the management of postgraduate research programmes and academic support for postgraduate research students, advising/recommending to the Head of School via the School Board, on matters including: 5.2.4 The School Postgraduate Research Committee will advise the PGR Strategy Group, via the College Dean (Postgraduate): 5.2.5 The composition of the School Postgraduate Research Committee is not be prescribed save that it shall include academic staff responsible for the supervision and monitoring of postgraduate research students and at least one student representative.
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