Supported solutions report vulnerability data to the partner's management platform. Products Insight Platform Solutions XDR & SIEM INSIGHTIDR Threat Intelligence THREAT COMMAND Vulnerability Management INSIGHTVM InsightIDR customers can use the Endpoint Scan instead of the Insight Agent to run "agentless scans" that deploy along the collector and not through installed software. At the time of execution, the installer uses a token that you specify to pull all the necessary certificates from the Insight Platform that pertain to your organization. And so it could just be that these agents are reporting directly into the Insight Platform. Role Variables When you've deployed Azure Arc, your machines will appear in Defender for Cloud and no Log Analytics agent is required. Learn validation requirements, critical safeguards for cardholder data, and how Rapid7 solutions support compliance. The Insight Agent is lightweight software you can install on supported assetsin the cloud or on-premisesto easily centralize and monitor data on the Insight platform. Configurable options include proxy settings and enabling and disabling auditd compatibility mode. %PDF-1.6 % The Insight Agent gives you endpoint visibility and detection by collecting live system informationincluding basic asset identification information, running processes, and logsfrom your assets and sending this data back to the Insight platform for analysis. Role variables can be stored with the hosts.yaml file, or in the main variables file. Why do I have to specify a resource group when configuring a BYOL solution? InsightAgent InsightAgent InsightAgentInsightAgent Create and manage your cases with ease and get routed to the right product specialist. The agent is used by Rapid7 InsightIDR and InsightVM customers to monitor endpoints. Our Insight platform of cybersecurity solutions helps security teams reduce vulnerabilities, detect and shut down attacks, and automate their workflows. The Insight Agent can be deployed easily to Windows, Mac, and Linux devices, and automatically updates without additional configuration. Rapid7 is an AWS Partner Network (APN) Advanced Technology Partner with the AWS Security Competency. To ensure all data reaches the Insight Platform, configure your endpoints such that the following destinations are reachable through the designated port: As an alternative to configuring a firewall rule that allows traffic for this URL, you can instead configure firewall rules to allow traffic to the following IP addresses and CIDR blocks for your selected region. Rapid7 Discuss Agent hardware requirements InsightVM InsightVM hhakol3 (hhakol3) March 14, 2023, 10:22am 1 Hi everyone! Enable (true) or disable (false) auto deploy for this VA solution. After the vulnerability assessment solution is installed on the target machines, Defender for Cloud runs a scan to detect and identify vulnerabilities in the system and application. When enabled, every new VM on the subscription will automatically attempt to link to the solution. []. Ansible role to install/uninstall Rapid7 Insight Agent on Linux servers. If you review the help link below, it outlines the networking requirements needed for the agent to report into the Insight Platform and also the requirements needed for the agent to report into any collectors you have deployed: What are the networking requirements for the Insight Agent? To automatically install this vulnerability assessment agent on all discovered VMs in the subscription of this solution, select Auto deploy. Please email Connectivity Requirements The Insight Agent requires properly configured assets and network settings to function correctly. The Insight Agent can be installed directly on Windows, Linux, or Mac assets. After reading this overview material, you should have an idea of which installer type you want to use. UUID (Optional) For Token installs, the UUID to be used. This script uses the REST API to create a new security solution in Defender for Cloud. The Insight Agent communicates with the Insight Platform through specific channels that allow for the transfer of data, in a safe and secure manner. If you're setting up a new BYOL configuration, select Configure a new third-party vulnerability scanner, select the relevant extension, select Proceed, and enter the details from the provider as follows: If you've already set up your BYOL solution, select Deploy your configured third-party vulnerability scanner, select the relevant extension, and select Proceed. Engage the universal Insight Agent Being lightweight and powerful doesn't have to be mutually exclusive. This tool is integrated into Defender for Cloud and doesn't require any external licenses - everything's handled seamlessly inside Defender for Cloud. hb``Pd``z $g@@ a3: V e`}jl( K&c1 s_\LK9w),VuPafb`b>f3Pk~ ! I endstream endobj 12 0 obj <>/OCGs[47 0 R]>>/Pages 9 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 13 0 obj <>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Thumb 3 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 14 0 obj <>stream Always thoroughly test the deployment to verify that the desired performance can be achieved with the system resources available. Fk1bcrx=-bXibm7~}W=>ON_f}0E? Rapid7 must first remove the Sysmon Installer component across your entire organization before you can implement your own Sysmon configuration. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. If I look at the documentation, I only find requirements for connectivity but not for the actual hardware requirements for the agent. If you download and host the certificate package installer, you will need to refresh your certificates within 5 years to ensure new installations of the Insight Agent are able to fully connect to the Insight Platform. (i.e. Otherwise, the installation will be completed using the Certificate based install. 11 0 obj <> endobj 46 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<01563BA047D844CD9FEB9760E4D0E4F6>]/Index[11 82]/Info 10 0 R/Length 152/Prev 212270/Root 12 0 R/Size 93/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream You'll need a license and a key provided by your service provider (Qualys or Rapid7). (Defaults to Certificate Install), regionalID (Optional) For Token installs, the Regional ID to be used. Each Insight Agent only collects data from the endpoint on which it is installed. Run the following command to check the version: 1. ir_agent.exe --version. Component resource utilization This table provides an asset resource utilization breakdown for Events Monitor, the Sysmon service, and Sysmon Installer. If you also use the Rapid7 Collector to proxy agent traffic, you will require the following additional connectivity: Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR), Cloud Security with Unlimited Vulnerability Management, 24/7 MONITORING & REMEDIATION FROM MDR EXPERTS, SCAN MANAGEMENT & VULNERABILITY VALIDATION, PLAN, BUILD, & PRIORITIZE SECURITY INITIATIVES, SECURE EVERYTHING CONNECTED TO A CONNECTED WORLD, THE LATEST INDUSTRY NEWS AND SECURITY EXPERTISE, PLUGINS, INTEGRATIONS & DEVELOPER COMMUNITY, UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES TO CONNECT WITH US, Endpoint Protection Software Requirements. to use Codespaces. You can identify vulnerable VMs on the workload protection dashboard and switch to the partner management console directly from Defender for Cloud for reports and more information. If you later delete the resource group, the BYOL solution will be unavailable. 2FrZE,pRb b All fields are mandatory. Did this page help you? Currently both Qualys and Rapid7 are supported providers. access to web service endpoints which contain sensitive information such as user This role assumes that you have the software package located on a web server somewhere in your environment. The token-based installer is a single executable file formatted for your intended operating system. Depending on your configuration, you might only see a subset of this list. For more information on what to do if you have an expired certificate, refer to Expired Certificates. Sign in to your Insight account to access your platform solutions and the Customer Portal When it is time for the agents to check in, they run an algorithm to determine the fastest route. See how Rapid7 acts as your trusted partner with solutions to help secure cloud services, manage vulnerabilities, and stay aligned with the current PCI standard. Rapid7 Support Resources Try Now Products Insight Platform Solutions XDR & SIEM INSIGHTIDR Threat Intelligence THREAT COMMAND Vulnerability Management INSIGHTVM Dynamic Application Security Testing INSIGHTAPPSEC Orchestration & Automation (SOAR) INSIGHTCONNECT Cloud Security INSIGHTCLOUDSEC More Solutions Penetration Testing METASPLOIT Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR), Cloud Security with Unlimited Vulnerability Management, 24/7 MONITORING & REMEDIATION FROM MDR EXPERTS, SCAN MANAGEMENT & VULNERABILITY VALIDATION, PLAN, BUILD, & PRIORITIZE SECURITY INITIATIVES, SECURE EVERYTHING CONNECTED TO A CONNECTED WORLD, THE LATEST INDUSTRY NEWS AND SECURITY EXPERTISE, PLUGINS, INTEGRATIONS & DEVELOPER COMMUNITY, UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES TO CONNECT WITH US. In addition, the integrated scanner supports Azure Arc-enabled machines. Quarantine Asset with the Insight Agent from InsightIDR ABA Process Start Event Alerts. File a case, view your open cases, get in touch. Also the collector - at least in our case - has to be able to communicate directly to the platform. Before you deploy the Insight Agent, make sure that the Agent can successfully connect and transfer data to the Insight Platform by fulfilling the following requirements: The Insight Agent is now proxy-aware and supports a variety of proxy definition sources. Back to Vulnerability Management Product Page. The role does not require anyting to run on RHEL and its derivatives. Each . There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. The Rapid7 Insight Agent also unifies data across InsightIDR and InsightOps, so you only need to install a single agent for continuous vulnerability assessment, incident detection, and log data collection. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. To allow the agent to communicate seamlessly with the SOC, configure your network security to allow inbound and outbound traffic to the Qualys SOC CIDR and URLs. This week's Metasploit release includes a module for CVE-2023-23752 by h00die From planning and strategy to full-service support, our Rapid7 experts have you covered. I am using InsightVM and after allowing the assets to reach the Collector having opened the ports, It fails during installation. I do not want to receive emails regarding Rapid7's products and services. Did this page help you? You can install one of these partner solutions on multiple VMs belonging to the same subscription (but not to Azure Arc-enabled machines). Note: This plugin utilizes the older unauthenticated Cortex v1 API via cortex4py and requests . Please see updated Privacy Policy, +18663908113 (toll free), Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR), Cloud Security with Unlimited Vulnerability Management, 24/7 MONITORING & REMEDIATION FROM MDR EXPERTS, SCAN MANAGEMENT & VULNERABILITY VALIDATION, PLAN, BUILD, & PRIORITIZE SECURITY INITIATIVES, SECURE EVERYTHING CONNECTED TO A CONNECTED WORLD, THE LATEST INDUSTRY NEWS AND SECURITY EXPERTISE, PLUGINS, INTEGRATIONS & DEVELOPER COMMUNITY, UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES TO CONNECT WITH US, Scanner That Pulls Sensitive Information From Joomla Installations Rapid7 Agent are not communicating with R7 collector and it is facing some communication issues even after require ports are open on firewall . You signed in with another tab or window. Issues with this page? Note: the asset is not allowed to access the internet. Remediate the findings from your vulnerability assessment solution. Example (this example doesn't include valid license details): The Qualys Cloud Agent is designed to communicate with Qualys's SOC at regular intervals for updates, and to perform the various operations required for product functionality. To identify your Qualys host platform, use this page Select OK. What operating systems are supported by the Insight Agent? Rapid7 Insight Agent and InsightVM Scan Assistant can improve visibility into your environment. I look at it as an assessment of how to bring agent data to the cloud platform most efficiently. Protect customers from that burden with Rapid7s payment-card industry guide. software_url (Required) The URL that hosts the Installer package. While both installer types functionally achieve the same goal, this article details each type and explains their differences so you can decide which would be most suitable for deployment in your organization. For more information, read the Endpoint Scan documentation. No credit card required. I had to manually go start that service. Need to report an Escalation or a Breach? Setup Setup Requirements This module requires (but does not include) the agent installer script from Rapid7. It might take a couple of hours for the first scan to complete. Ansible role to install/uninstall Rapid7 Insight agent on Linux servers. Rapid7 InsightVM enables enterprises to continuously identify and assess risk across cloud, virtual, remote, local, and containerized infrastructure, and to prioritize vulnerabilities based on what attackers are most likely to take advantage of. Using Rapid7 Insight Agent and InsightVM Scan Assistant in Tandem. that per module you use in the InsightAgent its 200 MB of memory. If you haven't got a third-party vulnerability scanner configured, you won't be offered the opportunity to deploy it. At the time of execution, the installer uses a token that you specify to pull all the necessary certificates from the Insight Platform that pertain to your organization. Please refer to our Privacy Policy or contact us at for more details, , Issues with this page? The BYOL options refer to supported third-party vulnerability assessment solutions. I think this is still state of the art in most organizations. In this article, we discuss how the recently released ISO 27001:2022 compliance pack for InsightCloudSec can benefit your organization. Need help? Now that you know how these installer types work and how they differ, consider which would be most suitable for deployment in your environment. Learn more about the CLI. Assuming you have made the proper changes, this brings me back to my original question - can you help me understand what you are seeing (or not seeing), and why you feel that these agents are not reporting into a certain collector? Please To run the script, you'll need the relevant information for the parameters below. undefined. Be awesome at everything you do -- get trained by Rapid7 experts and take your security skills to the next level. The PCI DSS is a security standard meant to protect credit and debit card transactions at merchants around the world, and is relevant to any entity that stores, processes, or transmits cardholder data. This should be either http or https. Alternatively, you might want to deploy your own privately licensed vulnerability assessment solution from Qualys or Rapid7. ]7=;7_i\. Defender for Cloud also offers vulnerability analysis for your: More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Integrated Qualys vulnerability scanner for virtual machines. After you decide which of these installers to use, proceed to the Download page for further instructions. - Not the scan engine, I mean the agent Thank you in advance! I suspect it is InsightIDR, but at the same time it is possible for InsightVM customers to have agents deployed with the desired goal of having the assets with agents installed reporting into a collector. Check the version number. If you don't want to use the vulnerability assessment powered by Qualys, you can use Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management or deploy a BYOL solution with your own Qualys license, Rapid7 license, or another vulnerability . Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Rapid7 agent are not communicating the Rapid7 Collector. Please email sign in The Insight Agent can be installed directly on Windows, Linux, or Mac assets. For example, the certificate package installer type is often the only option if you need to deploy the Insight Agent on restricted or firewalled systems. Rapid7 recommends using the Insight Agent over the Endpoint Scan because the Insight Agent collects real-time data, is capable of more detections, and allows you to use the Scheduled Forensics feature. However, this also means that you must properly locate the installer with its dependencies in order for the installation to complete successfully. This vulnerability allows unauthenticated users Only one solution can be created per license. The universal Insight Agent is lightweight software you can install on any assetin the cloud or on-premisesto collect data from across your IT environment. This module can be used to install, configure, and remove Rapid7 Insight Agent. Rapid7 response: "Several of our customers are concerned about kerbroasting and we are actively working on a detection for this sort of activity that we expect to have live by the end of the. This role assumes that you have the software package located on a web server somewhere in your environment. It is considered a legacy installer type because the token-based installer achieves the exact same purpose with reduced complexity. Since this installer automatically downloads and locates its dependencies . 4.0.0 and 4.2.7, inclusive? So if you only plan to use InsightAgent with InsightVM its 200 MB memory max. It applies to service providers in all payment channels and is enforced by the five major credit card brands. Please email Does anyone know what the minimum system requirements (CPU/RAM/Disk) are for Elastic Agent to properly function? youll need to make sure agent service is running on the asset. Ivanti Security Controls 2019.3 (Build: 9.4.34544) or later . Requirement 1: Maintain firewall configuration to protect cardholder data, Requirement 2: No vendor-supplied default system passwords or configurations, Requirement 3: Protect stored cardholder data, Requirement 4: Encrypt transmission of cardholder data over open networks, Requirement 5: Protect systems against malware, regularly update antivirus programs, Requirement 6: Develop and maintain secure systems and applications, Requirement 7: Restrict access to cardholder data, Requirement 8: Identify and authenticate access to cardholder data, Requirement 9: Restrict physical access to cardholder data, Requirement 10: Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data, Requirement 11: Regularly test security systems and processes, Requirement 12: Maintain an information security policy for all personnel. It can also be embedded in gold images to ensure your new assets automatically start sending vulnerability data to InsightVM for analysis. The Insight Agent gives you endpoint visibility and detection by collecting live system informationincluding basic asset identification information, running processes, and logsfrom your assets and sending this data back to the Insight platform for analysis. Need to report an Escalation or a Breach? Discover Extensions for the Rapid7 Insight Platform. Enhance your Insight products with the Ivanti Security Controls Extension. Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR), Cloud Security with Unlimited Vulnerability Management, 24/7 MONITORING & REMEDIATION FROM MDR EXPERTS, SCAN MANAGEMENT & VULNERABILITY VALIDATION, PLAN, BUILD, & PRIORITIZE SECURITY INITIATIVES, SECURE EVERYTHING CONNECTED TO A CONNECTED WORLD, THE LATEST INDUSTRY NEWS AND SECURITY EXPERTISE, PLUGINS, INTEGRATIONS & DEVELOPER COMMUNITY, UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES TO CONNECT WITH US. The token-based installer is the newer Insight Agent installer type and eliminates much of the configuration complexity inherent to its certificate package counterpart. Certificates should be included in the Installer package for convenience. The token-based installer is a single executable file formatted for your intended operating system. The Rapid7 Insight Agent ensures your security team has real-time visibility into all of your assets beyond the perimeter, when they're most at risk. Sysmon Installer and Events Monitor overview, Endpoint Protection Software Requirements, Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), Token-Based Mass Deployment for Windows Assets, InsightIDR - auditd Compatibility Mode for Linux Assets, InsightOps - Configure the Insight Agent to Send Logs, TLS 1.0 and 1.1 support for Insight solutions End-of-Life announcement, Insight Agent Windows XP support End-of-Life announcement, Insight Agent Windows Server 2003 End-of-Life announcement. Managed Services for Vulnerability Management, Reset your password via the "Need help signing in" link on the. If I deploy a Qualys agent, what communications settings are required? Ansible role to install/uninstall Rapid7 Insight Agent on Linux servers Requirements The role does not require anyting to run on RHEL and its derivatives. Sysmon Installer and Events Monitor overview, Endpoint Protection Software Requirements, Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), Token-Based Mass Deployment for Windows Assets, InsightIDR - auditd Compatibility Mode for Linux Assets, InsightOps - Configure the Insight Agent to Send Logs, TLS 1.0 and 1.1 support for Insight solutions End-of-Life announcement, Insight Agent Windows XP support End-of-Life announcement, Insight Agent Windows Server 2003 End-of-Life announcement. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. I'm running into some issues with some of the smaller systems I manage, and suspect the issues are caused by limited resources, but wasn't able to find any official measures for minimum requirements. The Rapid7 Insight Agent automatically collects data from all your endpoints, even those from remote workers and sensitive assets that cannot be actively scanned, or that rarely join the corporate network. To cut a long story short heres how we finally succeeded: Token-based Installation fails via our proxy (a bluecoat box) and via Collector. Since the method of agent communication varies by product, additional configuration may be required depending on which Insight products you plan to use. Did you know about the improper API access The Insight Agent will not work if your organization decrypts SSL traffic via Deep Packet Inspection technologies like transparent proxies. You can install the Insight Agent on your target assets using one of two distinct installer types. See the Proxy Configuration page for more information. Hi! In the meantime, if I assume that you are referring to InsightIDR, can you help me understand what you are seeing (or not seeing), and why you feel that these agents are not reporting into a certain collector? After that, it runs hourly. Need to report an Escalation or a Breach? "y:"6 edkm&H%~DMJAl9`v*tH{,$+ o endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 92 0 obj <>stream This article explores how and when to use each. Weve got you covered. If your selected VMs aren't protected by Microsoft Defender for Servers, the Defender for Cloud integrated vulnerability scanner option will be unavailable. Certificate-based installation fails via our proxy but succeeds via Collector:8037. The Insight Agent requires properly configured assets and network settings to function correctly. Best regards H Of course, assets cannot be allowed to communicate directly with the platform, traffic has to go through a proxy. Ability to check agent status; Requirements. The certificate package installer predates the token-based variant and relies on the user to properly locate all dependencies during deployment. Name of the resource group. Alternatively, browse to the "Rapid7 Insight Agent" from your Start menu and check its properties. The certificate package installer comes in the form of a ZIP file that also contains the necessary certificates that pertain to your organization. Please see updated Privacy Policy, +18663908113 (toll free), Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR), Cloud Security with Unlimited Vulnerability Management, 24/7 MONITORING & REMEDIATION FROM MDR EXPERTS, SCAN MANAGEMENT & VULNERABILITY VALIDATION, PLAN, BUILD, & PRIORITIZE SECURITY INITIATIVES, SECURE EVERYTHING CONNECTED TO A CONNECTED WORLD, THE LATEST INDUSTRY NEWS AND SECURITY EXPERTISE, PLUGINS, INTEGRATIONS & DEVELOPER COMMUNITY, UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES TO CONNECT WITH US. Ive read somewhere (cant find the correct link sorry!) This module can be used to, New InsightCloudSec Compliance Pack: Implementing and Enforcing ISO 27001:2022. and config information. Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml): install: (Required) Used to control wether or not to install the agent, or uninstall a previously installed agent. it needs to be symlinked in order to enable the collector on startup. vulnerability in Joomla installations, specifically Joomla versions between package_name (Required) The Installer package name. "us"). I have a similar challenge for some of my assets. Neither is it on the domain but its allowed to reach the collector. Work fast with our official CLI. What operating systems can I run the Insight Agent on? Please see updated Privacy Policy, +18663908113 (toll free), Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR), Cloud Security with Unlimited Vulnerability Management, 24/7 MONITORING & REMEDIATION FROM MDR EXPERTS, SCAN MANAGEMENT & VULNERABILITY VALIDATION, PLAN, BUILD, & PRIORITIZE SECURITY INITIATIVES, SECURE EVERYTHING CONNECTED TO A CONNECTED WORLD, THE LATEST INDUSTRY NEWS AND SECURITY EXPERTISE, PLUGINS, INTEGRATIONS & DEVELOPER COMMUNITY, UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES TO CONNECT WITH US. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) challenges businesses to safeguard credit cardholder information through strict protection measures. The SOC CIDR and URLs will differ depending on the host platform of your Qualys subscription. The installer keeps ignoring the proxy and tries to communicate directly. Attempting to create another solution using the same name/license/key will fail. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. . For Rapid7, upload the Rapid7 Configuration File. Need to report an Escalation or a Breach? token_install (Optional) If the installation is to be completed using the Token install choice, than this var needs to be set as true. For Qualys, enter the license provided by Qualys into the, To automatically install this vulnerability assessment agent on all discovered VMs in the subscription of this solution, select, Amazon AWS Elastic Container Registry images -. Use any existing resource group including the default ("DefaultResourceGroup-xxx"). For context, the agents can report directly into the Insight Platform OR any collector that you have deployed. Navigate to the version directory using the command line: 1. cd C:\Program Files\Rapid7\Insight Agent\components\insight_agent\<version directory>. Role created by mikepruett3 on Note that the installer has to be invoked in the same directory where the config files and the certs reside. Select the recommendation Machines should have a vulnerability assessment solution. Then youll want to go check the system running the data collection. I also have had lots of trouble trying to deploy those agents. When you set up your solution, you must choose a resource group to attach it to. Thanks for reaching out. Since this installer automatically downloads and locates its dependencies for you, it significantly reduces the number of steps involved for any Insight Agent deployment. In order to put us in a better position to assist, can you please clarify which Rapid7 solution you are referring to? forgot to mention - not all agented assets will be going through the proxy with the collector. Need to report an Escalation or a Breach? Sign in to the Customer Portal for our top recommended help articles, and to connect with our awesome Support Team. In almost all situations, it is the preferred installer type due to its ease of use. The subscriptionID of the Azure Subscription that contains the resources you want to analyze. In the Public key box, enter the public key information provided by the partner. If you've enabled Microsoft Defender for Servers, you're able to use Microsoft Defender for Cloud's built-in vulnerability assessment tool as described in Integrated Qualys vulnerability scanner for virtual machines. From Defender for Cloud's menu, open the Recommendations page. When it is time for the agents to check in, they run an algorithm to determine the fastest route. 1M(MMMiOM q47_}]Sfn|-mMM66 dMMrM)=Z)T;55Z,8Pqk2D&C8jnEt"\:rs 2 Use Cortex within an automation workflow to analyze files using hundreds of analyzers to help determine if they are malicious or safe.
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